I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 35 Tax Evasion and False Accounts, Prison Tears 2 Lines!

Chapter 35 Tax Evasion and False Accounts, Tears in Prison!
"Brother Onion after being discharged from the hospital, the seventh lucky viewer is gone, and the eighth company seems to be gone now."

"Brother Onion, now you know how lucky you are?!"

"This defender of science lying in bed, how do you defend science?"

"Yes, principal, speak up! Didn't you say you believe in science, then give us a scientific explanation!"


Brother Onion's account was hacked.

Netizens asked him to give an explanation one by one.

It turned out that last time Brother Onion, even though Hades' knife was already on his neck, still shouted to believe in science, and finally won the title of Science Guardian.

But actually understand everything.

Because an unnamed account who just registered gave a reward of 20 to the account of Ping An Baishipu.

That day Huo Yanwang brought goods to sell urns, and another unnamed account that had just registered recently placed an order for five in one go.

Just ask you!
Who needs five urns at one go?
Even if it is a collection, normal people will buy at most one.

After all, it's scary to keep this thing at home.

So well.

Who else is this person besides Comrade Xiao Wang?
"Tear onion: The results of the expert investigation on this matter have come out. The death was caused by a medical accident. The main culprit was an accident caused by the hospital and the surgeon not following the regulations. As for the company, it is normal to be investigated for tax evasion. After all, the tax department is not In the end, I hope that everyone will look at this matter rationally, believe in science, and not comment on the rest.”

Soon Tear Onion's account posted a news.

"Little Wang: Good guy, I sacrificed a partner yesterday, and today I can't even hide from the company? Can't be provoked!!"

Tear Onion's account was released not long ago.

Another account named Xiao Xiaowang posted a news.

"Good guy! It has to be you!"

"You are the double-faced guardian of science!"

"The best spy in the scientific world, Comrade Xiao Wang!"

"Ah, isn't this tearing onions? Why did you change the trumpet?"

This account named Xiao Xiaowang was picked up directly.

Serious suspicion is to tear the onion.

"Upstairs, what do you mean by posting this? Brother Onion is a man who holds high the anti-feudal banner of the times! Don't frame the other party!!"

There are also water friends who are good at acting.

Immediately faced the question.

"How can you know it's me?"

In the high-end VIP ward.

The shredded shallots are incredible.

He obviously changed his trumpet.

How could it be discovered.

"Brother Onion, don't you think it's obvious that you are a little king?"

Yu Xiaoyun was speechless for a while.

"But the surname Wang is the most common surname in our country."

Tear the onion spread his hands helplessly.

"Brother Onion, I'm a bit puzzled. Since you believe it in your heart, why don't you say it out loud?"

Yu Xiaoyun couldn't understand this point.

A character like Brother Onion often makes complaints.

It’s so tiring to post all kinds of small accounts. Isn’t it good to use the large account directly?
"Is there an official announcement? You want me to arouse greater public opinion? Then go to a higher-end place for some tea??"

Tear Onion said angrily.

After all, this is an era of opposing feudal superstition and advocating science.

As a public figure, how could he hold high the anti-flag.

Chunjiang Xiangyun Co., Ltd.

Eleven thirty.


Investigated, questioned, signed, fingerprinted, terminated the labor contract, and received compensation.

At this time, Qu Jiangmei, who was holding a cardboard box with things in it, was like dreaming.

It was fine yesterday morning.

Could it be that Mr. Zhang really has the same magic spell as the Internet said?

Just a ridiculous excuse.

After thinking for a second, Qu Jiangmei laughed lightly.

After all, what does tax evasion have to do with others?

After all, he did not keep the bottom line.

But she is not afraid of unemployment.

Because of her excellent sales ability, she was contacted by headhunters earlier.

The new employer is called Tiandi Funeral Products Co., Ltd.

In fact, the other party is also a competitor with Xiangyun Co., Ltd.

Since this company has always been good to her, she hesitated for a long time.

Now the company is gone.

Then just pass.

It is said that they are also looking for cooperation with Mr. Zhang, and she is quite familiar with this area.

A car is coming.

"Welcome Ms. Qu Jiangmei to join us in Tiandi Funeral."

That is the car of Tiandi Funeral Supplies Co., Ltd.

They took Qu Jiangmei away.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss! Xiangyun Co., Ltd. has been seized!"


Jiang Xiaohan was eating lunch after a busy day, when suddenly a piece of news on her mobile phone caught her attention.

Open the tender body and tremble.

It turns out that Xiangyun Company is gone.

"Seized? Why?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned upon hearing this.

He also intends to cooperate with the other party for a long time.

Why is everything gone?
"Chun Jiang focus online, I am today's host, Da Qiao."

Jiang Xiaohan clicked on the video.

"Shen Feng, the chairman and legal person of Chunjiang Xiangyun Funeral Goods Co., Ltd., instigated false reporting of financial accounts, three sets of accounts, and tax evasion accounted for 41.35% of the tax payable. The latest news is that Xiangyun Company has filed for bankruptcy, and all relevant employees have terminated their labor contracts."

Camera switch.

Came to the factory office building of Xiangyun Co., Ltd.

Many employees are packing things inside.

Spring River Focus also interviewed these employees.

Basically, they all got the severance compensation smoothly.

"There are thousands of roads, honesty is the first, tax evasion and fraudulent accounting, prison tears two lines, and hope that the majority of entrepreneurs will learn from it."

The end of the news broadcast.

The host Da Qiao also sighed with emotion.

"This boss is too courageous!"

Jiang Xiaohan felt suffocated looking at those numbers.

Tax evasion accounts for 30% of the tax payable, and the amount of 100 million is suspected of a crime.

This person directly got 40% or more, and the amount involved was nearly [-] million.

Isn't this rushing to open VIP in prison for several years?

"So the society still has to be an honest business that pays taxes according to the law."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Although every time I pay taxes, I feel distressed.

However, as an operator, it is an obligation and responsibility to pay taxes according to law.

Tax evasion and tax evasion is absolutely not advisable, and if the punishment is light, the punishment will be severe and you will go to jail!

"Finance is also a high-risk industry. After all, even finance is involved, but maybe they are offending people?"

Jiang Xiaohan is an accountant.

Know the pros and cons of it.

Speaking of which, this industry is also a high-risk industry. After all, if you are not careful, you will be jailed.

Two in the afternoon.

The brand party of Tiandi Funeral Products Co., Ltd. came to Ping An Burial Shop.

It was a million-dollar Mercedes-Benz GLS.

"Boss Zhang, your name as the King of Hades is really impressive, and you sent away our friends and merchants in just one day of live broadcast."

It was a woman in her early 30s with wavy hair.

The other party was dressed more charmingly, with a mocking expression on his face.

At the same time, joy could not be hidden deep in the eyes.

After all, the old rival Xiangyun Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. was seized, the boss and finances were all taken away, assets were frozen, and even jailed.


(End of this chapter)

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