I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 36 The first emperor collapsed in the middle of his business before he started his business,

Chapter 36 The first emperor collapsed in the middle of his business before he started his business, and the goods are cold!

"Boss, let me introduce you. This is the vice president of sales of Tiandi Funeral Goods Co., Ltd., Ye Mei."

Jiang Xiaohan reminded Zhang Lingtian.

"Vice President Ye, since I, the King of Hades, sent away my friends and merchants like a thunderbolt, does your company still dare to cooperate with me? Are you afraid of being sent away too?"

Zhang Lingtian could see that the other party was teasing him, and immediately asked back with a face full of jokes.

"Integrity management is the foundation of our enterprise, and paying taxes according to law is the obligation of each of our enterprises. If you don't evade taxes and be an honest business, you will not be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night! Are you right, Brother Zhang?"

A very rich-looking man got out of the Mercedes-Benz.

He opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

The scariest thing in this world is not ghosts, but human hearts.

Because Tianxiang was the one who reported tax evasion and tax evasion.

But isn't there a strange wind on the Internet right now?
It's not bad to take this opportunity to pin this matter on the head of the so-called Living Hades.

In this way, others will not suspect that they are in the hands of their competitors.

"Boss Zhang, this is Qian Hai, the chairman of our company."

Ye Mei introduced.

"Indeed, reasonable tax avoidance is the right way. Tax evasion is not only unacceptable, but also easy to put yourself in danger and passive."

Zhang Lingtian quite agrees with what Chairman Qian said.

"Heroes see the same thing, Brother Zhang, next we will hand over our company's products to you. In terms of sales, not only will we have a long-term cooperation, but our company will never treat you badly. After all, we can make money together."

Qian Hai patted Zhang Lingtian's shoulder.

That looks like a good brother.

Soon it will be two o'clock.

The live broadcast begins.

Today the main products are blue and white porcelain urns, jade urns and other high-end luxury funeral supplies.

Zhang Lingtian brought the goods, and his partner was his assistant Jiang Xiaohan.

"Hiss——, how dare this young lady partner with the Living Hades? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Yeah, even if you can earn this money, do you still have life money?"


Netizens saw another girl standing next to Zhang Lingtian.

All of a sudden, everyone looked very incredible.

"This is my little assistant!"

"That's right, this assistant has also appeared on the screen before, and the workers should not be sacrificed to heaven."

"I want to ask what my brother brought today? Could it be a vase?"

"The vase is good, at least it's pleasing to the eye. It's not like the urn before, which made my mother think I was brewing something. After all, I watched the urn live broadcast early in the morning."

Some old water friends who had followed Zhang Lingtian for a long time explained to him.

At the same time, some people are curious about what is brought in today.

Could it be a vase?
Because they saw a few vase-like things behind Zhang Lingtian.

"Since everyone is curious, then we won't keep it a secret. Today we are bringing a high-end luxury item for funerals, the blue and white porcelain urn. Please, Ms. Ye Mei from the brand, have a good chat with you."

Zhang Lingtian took out the urn and looked at Ye Mei.

"Pfft——, the urn!!"

"Is it another urn with goods? Lord Yan, is this a fight with the last Xiaojia?"

"Brother! He is the King of Hades, do you dare to use it without bringing funeral supplies?"

I saw another similar product of the urn.

Many water friends have black lines for a while.

Others expressed relief.

After all, he is the king of Hades!

That must not play with the underworld.

"Hello, everyone in the live broadcast room, our Tiandi brand focuses on high-end luxury. After all, only expensive ones are good, right? This blue and white porcelain urn comes from Jingde Town, and it was burnt by thirteen national treasure-level craftsmen. system……"

Ye Mei introduced in the live broadcast room.

"I'm not interested in what to introduce, I just want to praise you for being so brave!"

"Indeed! Your company is awesome!"

"That's right, Huo Yanwang has just sent a company away, and you dare to ask him to cooperate with you to bring goods!"

"This sexy sister, you'd better pay attention to yourself, don't use this blue and white porcelain urn for yourself."

And after she played.

The presentation of the urn was almost ignored by everyone.

Everyone called their company awesome!
After all, the last one who collaborated with the Living Hades was gone.


"So there is a good saying, don't do bad things and don't be afraid of ghosts calling the door. Friends and businessmen are gone because of tax evasion. Our company doesn't evade taxes and the king of hell can't catch it. Okay, let’s get back to the topic, our blue and white porcelain ashes The price of the altar is 59999 yuan, friends who like it hurry up and place an order."

Ye Mei held up the urn.

In the end, the price was reduced to 12999 yuan, but everyone was so excited that there was no desire to buy it.

"Who said it's okay if you don't evade taxes?"

"That's right, as long as Hades speaks a spell, even if you have no problems, you can make some problems!"

"One thing to say, if you are upright and not afraid of the shadow slanting, why don't you ask Hades to pay attention to you, if you are fine after paying attention, then we will trust you! Then we will place an order!"

"Yeah, if it's okay after paying attention, I'll place an order too!"

Many netizens have provoked the conversation.

At the moment, there are several million people in the live broadcast room, and there are nearly tens of thousands of bullet screens.

But there are not many orders.

"Then tell him to pay attention."

A call came into Ye Mei's cell phone.

It's Qian Hai.

Now he has returned to the company.

They are preparing to receive Qu Jiangmei, the new member who will soon join their big family.

And he has been watching the live broadcast.

An hour and a half after the show started, I placed an order.

This sales volume is like seeing a ghost.

Since these netizens are not all looking forward to attention.

Then they will show it to each other, so that they have nothing to talk about, so as to achieve the purpose of placing an order.

"Okay! Since everyone is looking forward to it so much, our Tiandi Funeral Goods Company will let this living King of Yama pay attention! But I just want to tell everyone that you are not afraid of the shadow if you are upright! Our company will pay attention to Lord Yama first!!"

On the other hand, Ye Mei got the instruction.

Then take out the phone.

Give Ping An Baishipu a concern!

"I quietly watched the return pass!!"

"This group of nonsense is really bold, have they forgotten the lessons learned from the past?"

They flew out one by one.

Qian Hai, who was watching the live broadcast, let out a disdainful expression.

What a lesson from the past.

That's what he did according to looking for someone.

In fact, it has nothing to do with this half-dime surnamed Zhang.

Boy, hurry back to the gate.

He even borrowed a hot spot to fire you, but he behaved so poorly in the end!
"Boss Zhang, hurry back to the gate!!"

Ye Mei urged.

"Okay, everyone sees that I have returned to the customs, everyone is fine now, is there anything wrong?"

Zhang Lingtian turned on the phone.

In front of the camera, he clicked a back button.

"Awesome puls!!"

"Another merchant who doesn't know how to live or die has been added! Then I'll place an order and see you off!"

"The spell, the spell hasn't been said yet! If the spell is said and you're all right, I'll place an order right away!"

as predicted.

This is a little bit of attention.

More than ten orders were added at once.

And the popularity of the live broadcast room has also reached a new high.

"Good guy! You want someone to die!"

"Can this spell be recited once? The boss is going to jail!"

"Yes, yes, you have to be forgiving and forgiving."

Many netizens stopped after hearing the spell.

"They don't talk about it anymore, I am not afraid of the shadow slanting!"

"Yes, since you are upright and you are not afraid of the shadow slanting, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Some water friends also said, since the body is not afraid of the oblique shadow, how can it be jailed?

"Spell? What is the spell? Boss Zhang, do you have any other spells?"

Ye Mei asked curiously.

"It's an advertisement!"

"That's right, we'll place an order as soon as the advert comes out!!"

"I'm placing two orders! One blue and white porcelain urn and one white jade urn!"

Booing in the live broadcast room.

The atmosphere is at a new high.

"Okay! Then say it!!!"

Ye Mei became emotional and patted the table!

"Actually, that's a very common advertisement, it doesn't have that much effect, I don't know when it was misrepresented like this."

Zhang Lingtian was speechless about this.

"Boss Zhang! Tell me! We are not afraid of the oblique shadow when we are buried in the world! It is useless until the King of Hades comes!!"

Ye Mei urged.

In order to blow up the order!

This effect must be rushed.

So, Zhang Lingtian finally said that ad slogan.

Many netizens are still trustworthy.

Start ordering directly.

Suddenly the number of orders came to more than 50.

The sales volume is nearly one million.

"Mr. Qian, the formalities are done."

In the office of the chairman of the Tiandi Funeral Goods Company Building, Qu Jiangmei came in to report.

Now she has officially joined Tiandi Funeral Goods Co., Ltd.

"Come on, come on, come on, Jiang Mei, look at us, we still can't do it, it's far from what you were back then."

Qian Hai waved.

The other party's current position is the director of the sales department and assistant to the chairman.

Qian Hai was really worried about the sales volume today.

"The order quantity is indeed a little less."

Qu Jiangmei saw that it was only in the early 100 million.

"Our company's products are not inferior to Xiangyun's, right? The sales volume is half that of your previous one!"

Qian Hai frowned!
People have 200 million in two hours, and they are close to 100 million in two hours.

"It is still necessary to have a partner in the live broadcast, so that the product can be better displayed, and it will be better if there is even some gossip!"

Qu Jiangmei expressed her opinion.

"Professional! Unique! The follow-up cooperation will let you and Ye Mei go together!"

Qian Hai also agrees with this view.

"Good money boss!"

From today on, this is her new home and new battlefield.

Live up to your age!

Come on!

Qu Jiangmei's eyes were firm.

"Boom boom boom——"

Suddenly at this moment, there was a sound outside the door.

"Hello, we are from Chunjiang Taxation."

It turned out that the tax bureau came to the door.

Then came the businessmen.

However, the live broadcast continues.

"Look, the spell is also said, nothing happens!"

Ye Mei has worked extremely hard as a brand in the live broadcast room today.

Suddenly half an hour later she got a call.


Then the phone fell to the ground.

It turned out that something happened to the company!


I don't know if it was hype.

Tiandi Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. was investigated, involving false publicity, tax evasion, and unqualified fire protection. The news that the company's legal person and chairman Qian Hai was criminally detained came out.

There was an uproar on the Internet all of a sudden.

Many brands who were planning to cooperate with Zhang Lingtian and the others retreated.

However, there are also merchants who want to take advantage of this wave of traffic.

"Do you dare to let Hades pay attention!"

"Yan Wang said that spell and we will place an order immediately!!"

The popularity of the live broadcast room exploded.

The highest reaches ten million.

Many water friends who made troubles booed one after another.

"My friends, our company only wants to sell products in a down-to-earth manner, and don't waste traffic, so let's forget about paying attention."

However, these merchants are clever and absolutely do not let the King of Hades pay attention.

And I will definitely not listen to netizens fooling Zhang Lingtian into saying that spell.

Logically speaking, the company will not go bankrupt under caution, and the boss will not go to jail.

In the end, the boss did keep it, but something happened to the company.

Or the warehouse catches fire.

Or the fire is not up to standard.

However, after cooperating with Huo Yanwang to live broadcast and bring goods, bad luck followed one after another.

this day.

Jian Sisi's funeral was held in the funeral home.

At the funeral, Jian Sisi's parents cried into tears.

They did not choose a mysterious funeral, nor did they choose other high-end services.

The only one who invited Jian Sisi's favorite star.

Of course it's not a big star, it's the kind of idol who has more characteristics but is not very popular.

The other party personally came over and dressed in black to see her off, which could be regarded as fulfilling Jian Sisi's wish during her lifetime.

Of course, hiring people is naturally the job of their funeral company.

There are still channels.

Just pay enough!
It doesn't sound good.

They are the funeral industry.

As long as you have money, Jiu Niu can pull the coffin for you!

The funeral ended in the evening.

"I'm so tired. I've been dealing with funeral supplies these days. I can finally change my taste tomorrow. Xiaohan, whose turn is it?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

Bring goods every day these days.

I started to work on Jian Sisi's funeral last night.

He can be said to be dizzy.

I can't remember the work schedule for the week.

I had to ask the little assistant.

After all, these things are the responsibility of my little assistant.

"Boss, which one do you want to hear first, good news or bad news?"

Jiang Xiaohan sighed and looked at his boss.

"Good news, could it be that the money in arrears has arrived?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

Some companies, such as Tiandi Funeral Co., Ltd., have not yet called him for the delivery fee.

Although some of them went bankrupt and liquidated, they still had to pay for the pit fee!

"The good news is that you won't have to be so tired in the future."

Jiang Xiaohan shrugged at Zhang Lingtian.

"Ah? What the hell? Why don't you be so tired? Did you give me a vacation?"

Zhang Lingtian was confused when he heard this.

"Boss, it's not that I'm giving you a holiday. It's that the brands you're working with are going to jail, closing down, and having accidents one after another. Now no company dares to cooperate with us."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands and said.

She really wanted to say, since you want to make money, boss, can you suppress the magic power of you, the king of Hades.

It just happened one after another.

Who dares to cooperate with you again!

The head iron is not such an iron method!
"No way? A company is gone??"

Zhang Lingtian had a look of disbelief!
The first emperor died before he started his business. If the live broadcasting business fails, wouldn’t the millions he invested be in vain?
【Ding!The funeral is complete, please receive the reward. 】

At this moment, a voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

It turned out that Jian Sisi's funeral was completed.

System rewards have been issued.

 There are two updates today, and the number of words has been increased at 01:06. Today, a total of 6100+ updates have been updated. Everyone, please vote and follow up!Lost ranking!I promise everyone three more tomorrow! !Three more! ! !Three more! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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