I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 38 The terrified female anchor, crying and leaving her last words

Chapter 38 The terrified female anchor, crying and leaving her last words

Soon, the big female anchor stopped dancing.

Sitting in front of a computer screen.

And cried out straight away.

Not fake crying!

But actually shed tears.

"Brother Yan Wang, I'm only 25 years old this year, you, can you give me a little time to leave a last word? Please!!"

Miaomiao really didn't cry a lot and begged.

"Ping An Shishi Shop: ???"

Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.

What the hell?

He just came in to test new features of the system.

"Miao Miao Ni still dares to bargain with Lord Yan, it's cold."

"Yeah, the King of Hades wants you to die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!"

"That's right, that's right, if you have any last words, just say it right now, don't die suddenly and even have no chance to leave your last words."

"Hurry up, everyone is recording the screen for you!"

After the female anchor cried, the water friends who watched the live broadcast spoke one after another.

"But the makeup on my face is all gone, so please help me record it."

Miaomiao really got up and tidied up her makeup.

Then he straightened up and faced the camera.

It looked like he was about to confess his last words.

"Ping An Shishi Shop: I'm just strolling around..."

Seeing that the anchor was scared like this, Zhang Lingtian hurriedly explained.

He's really just hanging around.

"Brother Tian, ​​that's what you said to Brother Onion back then."

"That's right, if it wasn't for Brother Onion's money-making ability, he would have already used the urn you sold by now."

However, no one believed Zhang Lingtian's words.

After all, everyone remembered Brother Onion's live broadcast room.

He also said at the time that he was just coming in for a stroll.

After all, you have to entertain yourself, right?

The result was a backhanded attention.

In the end, I don't know what happened and canceled the follow.

They suspected that someone must have bribed King Yan with money.

There have been words in ancient times.

Money can turn the devil around.

That Lord Hades belongs to the manager of the underworld, the head of all ghosts.

So the money should work too.

After paying the money and making the offering, the attention was canceled.

But even so, Brother Onion still couldn't escape bad luck.

First there was a car accident.

The front of the car disintegrated.

The back is directly pressed into a sandwich biscuit.

The second barbecue stand was beaten.

Eight stitches in the head.

That night, it is said that he fell down again when he went to the toilet.

Comminuted fracture of the foot.

If you really believe that the other party is here to hang out in the live broadcast room, then you really lose!
And it was a complete loss!

"Mom and Dad, my daughter is not filial, because she has no money, she joined the industry of broadcasting after graduating from college. I thought I could earn more money to support your retirement, but my daughter didn't expect that she would die... woo woo woo..."

Meow Meow really doesn't talk much.

Tears the size of pearls flowed down again.

"Oh, what a pity! If you have such a good physical condition, you won't have to worry about being hungry at all if you give birth to a baby!"

"Don't worry about a baby? The twins are fine! Meow, we will miss you, you will always be my wife!!"

The water friends looked regretful.

Of course, the most painful thing is the big brother.

There is also a crazy water friend who has been looking for a hotel where Miao Miao will live broadcast, and he is devastated.

I saw that he deleted all the hotel information that he had collected with great difficulty.

People are gone.

What's the use of finding the address by yourself?

Are you going to fall in love in the morgue?

【Ding!Scan information update! 】

[Danger positioning: fans wait for the danger to disappear, and the normal life risk is 0.01%. 】

Suddenly at this very moment.

There was another voice in Zhang Lingtian's mind.

Can you still update the information?
Zhang Lingtian couldn't believe it.

But what is this regular danger?
Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

[Hint 4: The normal dangers of life represent the probability of dangers that a person encounters randomly in this life. Everyone has them. This is an extremely rare accident. 】

Systematic explanations came quickly.

It turned out to be the case.

Zhang Lingtian understood now.

When he saw similar probabilities before, he speculated that everyone might be in danger.

The result now appears to be the case.

But these probabilities are very rare probabilities.

There is no way to be located by the system.

It's like you are walking on the road normally today, and you don't want to die.

Suddenly a vase fell from the roof.

You hang up.

Or maybe you're walking down the street.

Suddenly a tree falls and you hang up.

Or you climbed the mountain and obviously took the path that everyone took.

Suddenly you slipped and accidentally fell down and hung up.

These are extremely rare accidents.

It happens to everyone.

Can be very rare and so on.

The same goes for lightning strikes.

"You guys think it's a pity, and I still think it's a pity. I haven't had a boyfriend! In the end, I died! Parents, I will send you the password of my bank card. There is not much money in the card. I hope you will You must live a good life in the future! As for the apartment I just bought in installments, you can sell it as soon as you see it, it is not considered a haunted house if I am not dead, and the price should not drop."

The anchor sniveled and burst into tears.

"Also, I am considered a work-related death. Boss, remember to pay our family a death benefit, ah, woo woo woo—"

As we talked, Miaomiao really didn't cry so much and became even more sad.

【Ding!The distinguished million-level anchor Ping'an Baishipu exited the live broadcast room. 】

Suddenly at this very moment.

A reminder sounded.

"Fuck? Lord Hades is gone??"

"Hiss——, the king of Hades actually softens his heart?"

Originally, Zhang Lingtian, who just wanted to test the system, heard that the female anchor directly left her last words, but her own explanation was useless.

Immediately backed out.

And after he withdrew, all the water friends felt incredible.

Actually left! !
This is so abnormal!
Will the King of Hades soften his heart?
"Lord Yan is gone? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it

Miaomiao really didn't care much and wiped away her tears.

The appearance of a survivor after a catastrophe.

And said that he would pay tribute to Lord Yama.

Thank him for his kindness.

Of course, this hook is a hook that seduces the soul.

"Hey, you are all too happy too early, have you forgotten the last time you tore the onion?"

"Yeah, Brother Onion also felt that the other party had left, but when this backhand came back, he paid attention."

"I think otherwise, Miao Miao, you should log out of your account before King Yan comes back, so you might still have a chance."





Almost full screen is all up for it.

"Then, then I will cancel the account."

Miaomiao really didn't hesitate for three seconds, and then hurriedly logged out of the account.

Although after such a long live broadcast, the account has accumulated [-] to [-] fans.

There are more than 1 yuan per month, and sometimes [-] to [-] yuan.

It's actually quite a pity to log out.

But compared to life, these are not important.

"Bye now!"


"Hope you're okay."

"Yeah, I don't want to hear the news about Lord Yan's seven kills."

Accompanied by account cancellation.

The live broadcast is also over.

【The page has expired...】

Zhang Lingtian is clicking to enter the homepage of the female anchor.

As a result, Zhang Lingtian was dumbfounded in the next second.

The female anchor actually voluntarily canceled her account.

As for this! !
Soon Zhang Lingtian came to the outdoor area again.

He wanted to see what dangers the district would locate.

After all, the new functions of the system need to be tested a lot.

If you can find a few accurate customers, then focus on them.

However, he did not expect that he had just arrived in the outdoor area.

Off Live Off Live Off.

Cancel account cancel account.

Everyone was terrified.

In the end, I had no choice but to go to the international area! !


 It was very congested to take a taxi home today, and I was so motion sick that I didn’t have any energy at all. There were only two chapters before the third watch was finished, so I’ll make up for it tomorrow, please ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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