I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 39: Earn black-hearted money, the present world is not shabby!

Chapter 39: Earn black-hearted money, the present world is not shabby!

Of course, these are things to follow.

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian entered the outdoor area.

It is evening.

Sunset slants down.

[This pot of dinner is worth 100 million, everyone come and try it! 】

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian found a video marked with a red banner.

The scene seemed to be on a fishing boat.

It's like cooking dinner on the pier just back from sailing.

Zhang Lingtian stopped at this recommendation page.

"Brothers! Let's start!!!"

Because the recommendation page has six videos.

All are muted.

At this moment Zhang Lingtian pressed the unmute button.

In the next second, he heard a very thin man shouting at the top of his voice.

And the expression is very exaggerated.

"Knock the octopus first! Let it faint! Then pour it into the pot together, and then the seafood must not be salted, only soy sauce is enough, brothers!!!"

The anchor's ID is Dasha Seafood.

His expression is extremely exaggerated.

He slammed the octopus on the table next to it, and then threw it into the pot.

Immediately afterwards, another pot of seafood was brought.

Conch, crab, lobster, fish, scallops and so on are all stewed in one pot!
"Elder brother can't eat every day even by the sea, you have to pay attention to your body!"

"Why do you feel that this old man tastes like a whole egg? Have you changed your career to cooking?"

"Throw raw seafood directly into the pot, and stew it in a mess. I feel that this method will be unpalatable. Is there any brother who knows how to do it!"

The exaggerated expression and the way of stewing has attracted many comments from water friends.

[Activate scan. 】

[Scan object: ID Dasha Seafood. 】

[Dangerous signal: go out to sea, live fry seafood, the probability of next occurrence is 1.5%! 】

[Danger positioning: Occasionally, the chance of accidents at sea is low and almost close to the normal probability risk of life, but there is a 90% chance of poisoning if the body is overloaded by eating unhealthy seafood for a long time. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

Zhang Lingtian entered the live broadcast room, and the system began to scan.

For a while he felt much clearer.

Sure enough, the system needs to be tried.

The probability of so-called red flags.

It means that his current factors pose a danger to life.

The vernacular is how likely you are to die.

And risk positioning is the expansion of the above probability.

Like going out to sea.

The other party only goes to sea occasionally.

Therefore, the probability of life-threatening occurrence under normal circumstances is relatively small.

But why is it close to the normal probability risk of life.

He guessed that after all, going to sea, this normal probability must be a little less than the probability of danger for people on land.

its not right!
Suddenly Zhang Lingtian thought of a question.

In this scene, the dress is completely like an old fisherman, why do you occasionally go to sea?
And the second prompt of the system.

Fried seafood.

This is more explicit.

Long-term irregular eating of seafood leads to overloading of the body, and the chance of next poisoning is as high as 90%!

Fortunately, the chance of threatening life is only 1.5%, which is relatively low.

"Out of the pot! Brothers!!!"

Dasha in the video yelled hysterically.

Then catch an octopus and eat it!

"Such a big octopus gnaws directly? I want to ask how to sell the teeth, hahahahahaha!"

The legs are tough, and the netizens in the live broadcast room think that this is like eating a rubber band.

Some netizens were amused by the funny scene.

Had two bites of squid.

He picked up another scallop.

"Are there any fisherman friends by the sea in the live broadcast room? I want to ask if the scallops are really this big? I'm a little greedy!!"

This scallop was even bigger than an adult's palm.

The other party bit down.

That expression was one of ecstasy.

It was as if he had eaten some of the best delicacies in the world.

Many netizens were greedy to see it.

"Brothers! When you cook this big seafood at home, you don't need to put salt in the pot, just add soy sauce! If you like spicy food, add a little chili, the taste is simply heaven-defying!!!"

Dasha's skinny head.

Pompous expression.

A mouthful of buck teeth.

Suddenly shaking his fingers.

A look of extreme enjoyment.

"Actually, as a person living by the sea, since your Excellency mentioned that you don't need to add salt, I want to say that many times it is delicious without any seasoning, but it will taste better with proper seasoning, not just salt. But for Chili, spicy taste is a kind of damage to fresh seafood, it will seriously damage the umami taste!"

"If you destroy the umami, you can add MSG to enhance the umami!"

"Why don't you put more gas on it?"

"You have to pay attention to your body, the way you eat it feels like something will go wrong with your body."

"Honestly, this way of eating feels so wild! Do people on the beach eat like this?"

"Which beach people eat like this? Don't you want your kidneys?!"

"That's right! If he eats like this, the gout stone will be as big as a pebble!"

"Well these days, it's not shabby for the sake of traffic and delivery."

behavior and discourse.

The water friends in the live broadcast room commented differently.

The water friends who live by the sea look contemptuous.

Because no one will eat like this for a real seasider.

The other party did this purely for the sake of a gimmick to attract people.

"Problem? Brothers, there will be no problems with the way of eating fresh seafood. If there is a problem, it is some abnormal seafood. Also, there are definitely big scallops. If you like it, please pay attention and love. Click the link at the bottom of the screen to have fresh seafood delivered to your home immediately tomorrow morning!"

While eating, this big fool started selling seafood.

[Douyin's little assistant reminds: The distinguished million-dollar anchor Ping'an Baishipu entered the live broadcast room. 】

Dasha is selling.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was in full swing.

Suddenly a red prompt appeared.

"Hiss——how did the Living Hades come to Dasha's live broadcast room!"

The water friends in the instant live broadcast room were surprised!
"If you do too many bad things, Lord Yama will knock on the door!"

Suddenly, a water friend in the live broadcast room said quietly.

"Doing too many things with a bad heart? What do you mean?"

"Yeah, my brother explained it!"

The others were also very curious, and immediately waited to eat melons one by one.

"Don't look at how stupid he is now, he is very smart when selling things, and he often mixes them with bad things!!"

"So he ate all the good ones, and shipped the rest?"

"Hahaha, are you going to kill me laughing upstairs!"

After some water friend's explanation.

Everyone finally understood.

It turned out that Dasha was a seafood seller.

This boat is nothing more than a filming scene!

"So it is."

Zhang Lingtian seemed to suddenly realize.

He now finally understands why the system described going to sea as a few times occasionally when comparing the two danger levels of going to sea and live broadcasting.

In terms of division of labor, this person is actually from the sales department.

Occasionally going out to sea a few times may be just to shoot a video to make everyone think that they are going out to sea.

"Wow! It's delicious!!"

Dasha eating scallops is intoxicated!
Suddenly he noticed a red prompt.

"Fuck! Fuck! God, brother Tian, ​​why are you here!!!"

next second!
Don't be stupid!
The tiger body shook.

The scallops in his hand were no longer fragrant.

The lips are more like a small motor, shaking sizzlingly.

After all, live Hades.

Anyone who pays attention, except Cong who has the ability to make money.

The rest are gone!

"Haha, Dasha, aren't you stupid?"

"Earn black-hearted money, the present world is not worthless!"

"Dasha, in your next life, I hope you don't treat netizens as fools."

"Shouldn't he be told to be more careful in his next life?"

"Rest in peace, may the black-hearted anchor Dasha go down to the [-]th level of hell/candle/candle."

The King of Hades entered the live broadcast room.

Looking at the shivering Dasha, many of the water friends who had been tricked felt inexplicably happy at this moment.

For a while, I also felt that the King of Hades was not so scary anymore, it was really the light of the righteous way that was shining on the earth.

"Wow! Brothers, you are trying to force me to death!"

Dasha watched the barrage collapse!
"Who told you to sell fakes!"

"Yes, who told you to sell stinky seafood."

All the water friends seemed not relieved.


(End of this chapter)

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