I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 40 The red sun rises in the east, and its avenue is full of rays of light!

Chapter 40 The red sun rises in the east, and its avenue is full of rays of light!

"Yan Wangye, you, don't listen to them! The smell of seafood is really a logistics problem! Those things are easy to break! If there is a delay on the road, it will be over! I swear!!!"

Dasha stood up straight away!
Raise three fingers and swear to God immediately!

Speech spewed out.

He guessed that the living Hades must be watching his every move.

How dare he hide it now!

"Then why other seafood is not so easy to spoil, it's easy here!"

"That's right! Are you fooling us like elementary school students!"

Water friends do not buy it.

"I admit that I also made mistakes, that is, I chose a logistics provider with a lower price when transporting to save costs and earn more, and the fresh-keeping work was not done properly! From now on I will definitely change! I will definitely change! If I don’t change my Die yourself!!"

Dasha stared at the screen tightly!

"That's true, but even if we forgive you, Lord Yama, we won't be able to forgive you."

"That's right, Lord Yan hasn't spoken yet."

The host was terrified.

Many water friends just feel that they deserve it.

Why did you go early!
"Wow, I won't sell it anymore! It's fine if I don't sell it! If any bad brothers contact me in the group, I will lose money immediately!!"

"And I donate all the money I earn to charity!!!"

Before the Living Hades could speak, Dasha panicked completely.

His face was like a bloodless white paper.

I think maybe my sincerity is not enough.

At the moment, I am adding chips crazily.


It was unprecedentedly quiet in the studio.

Even Shuiyou's barrage is gone.

"Donate! Donate immediately!!"

Dasha hurriedly opened the charity software.

Crazy to the point of tears.

"I have to say that live broadcasting is really making money. It's 400 million a year. Ordinary people don't know if they can earn 400 million after working part-time all their lives."

Water friends are watching.

It was found that the anchor donated 400 million.

But his account has only been open for a year.

I have to say it does make money.

Although black hearted.

"Ping'an Baishipu: What's the situation, why didn't you broadcast it when you came back from making a cup of tea?"

Zhang Lingtian just sat back in front of the computer.

I just felt thirsty and went to make a cup of tea.

Suddenly found that this anchor collapsed!

"The King of Hades made an excuse."

"Congratulations on saving your life."

"Today, Lord Yan will give you a chance to see if you dare to give everyone stinky seafood with second-best ones next time."

"It's a pity, it's not cold."

The water friends don't want the other party to really disappear.

After all, it's not bad to be so intimidating.

"Hoohoo, no, no, brothers, let's continue. Some people say that this green scallop cannot be eaten. I tell everyone that it is edible!!"

Dasha lost his soul back.

Continue playing now.

"Ping'an Baishipu: As a reminder, I actually think your way of stewing is not healthy, and eating such seafood may not be able to bear the body."

Looking through the barrage records, Zhang Lingtian probably knows what's going on.

It turned out that the anchor was shoddy, and cut corners to save costs.

As a result, during the few minutes when he was making tea, he used all sorts of brainstorming to scare himself.

Donated all the black-hearted money earned by bringing the goods this year to charity in one breath.

He also promised to refund all those who were cheated.

In this case, Zhang Lingtian would like to remind you by the way.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't worry, my body is fine..."


Suddenly the next second.

Dasha, who was eating seafood, only felt his stomach churning.

"Fuck! It's foaming!!!"

"The King of Hades told you not to eat it, but you still fucking eat it! Call 120 quickly!!"

"Save people! Save people!!!"

Immediately afterwards, the water friends saw that the big fool was foaming at the mouth!


Zhang Lingtian was also dumbfounded by this scene.

The 90% chance of the next poisoning is really high.

But he didn't expect the poison to come so quickly.

At this moment, he withdrew from the live broadcast room.

Then continue to hang out in the outdoor area.

After all, he hopes to find a few more accurate customers.

After all, who wouldn't want this skill to be applied in the real world.

"Beep beep-"

The pier is only a few hundred meters away from the hospital.

The ambulance came rushing.

"Big Brother, we will carry you off the boat."

The two assistants raised one side.

"First, register first, cancel account..."

Dasha is in pain.

But he was even more worried that Hades would give him attention after he fainted.

The King of Hades pays attention, but everyone who is targeted is dead.

Those who were not targeted were miserable but at least they were still alive.

Soon the Dasha Seafood account disappeared.

"On the third day of survival in the wild, we slept in this cave tonight! It's cool! It's really cool, brothers!!"

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian entered another live broadcast room.

Accompanied by his bright red entry prompt.

The live ID is called Xiaolong Adventure.

The other party's originally calm face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yan Wang, is this wave going to kill people outdoors?"

"Random killing? How to say?"

"Just now, Dasha next door has been taken away by an ambulance, foaming at the mouth when he left, it was miserable!"

"Fuck? No way?!"

All the water friends in the live broadcast went straight to the sky with a chill.

"The latest news, Dasha's 82 fan accounts have been cancelled."

"Speaking of which, Miaomiao over at Wenyu is really not old enough to log out of her account."

"You guys are wrong! The King of Hades is not killing people outdoors, he is killing people in Douyin!!"

The water friends chatted in the live broadcast room.

"Ping An Shishi Shop: Uh, I'll just take a stroll, don't worry everyone..."

【Scanning! 】

[Test object: ID Xiaolong Adventure. 】

[Danger signal: outdoor live broadcast, the probability of next occurrence of danger is 0.5%! 】

The system is checking.

Zhang Lingtian wanted to send a message to everyone to let them take it easy.


Suddenly the screen flashes in the next second.

[The anchor has gone offline. 】

[The page has expired. 】


【Danger positioning: ...】

【Ding!Positioning failed. 】

[Failure reason: The user has logged out of the account. 】

Zhang Lingtian just edited the message and hasn't sent it yet.

The system beep sounded.

Shows detection failed.

It turned out that the outdoor adventure blogger canceled his account without saying a word.

【Ding!Scan failed! 】

[Testing object: ID face covering. 】

[Failure reason: The user has logged out of the account. 】


【Ding!Scan failed! 】

[Test object: None. 】

Clicked into more than a dozen live broadcast interfaces in a row.

However, at the beginning, I could still hear these anchors say a few words.

The later the accounts of these anchors are canceled, the faster they will be.

The system has not even started to detect.

The number is gone.

Zhang Lingtian sighed inwardly.

Three people become tigers.

What kind of king of Hades is he?

If you don't kill yourself, you won't die at all.

No matter how the blame is placed on his head.

That's it.

Zhang Lingtian clicked into the international area.

I'm just relatively popular in a small circle, and there must be few people in the international district who know him.

I heard that the foreign population is small.

People often die.

Hope to make up ten numbers sooner.

The content of the international area is still very rich.

Zhang Lingtian brushed.

Suddenly, I saw a young man in green clothes with a guitar in his hand.

The appearance is basically similar to that of the rabbits.

Just darker.

And the other party seemed to be singing in Chinese.

Under the trend of curiosity, Zhang Lingtian clicked in.

"The road is in bloom!"

As soon as he entered, Zhang Lingtian heard a very loud sound.

It was like a dormitory.

The young man with the guitar seems to be the lead singer.

Followed by a group of people the same age as myself, they should be accompanying singers.

"The red sun rises in the east, and its avenue is full of rays of light!"

"How lucky I was to be born in you, with blood flowing through my veins!"

as predicted.

After a monologue, start to join in the accompaniment.

Not to mention, the singing is still very nice.


 I wrote more than 6000 words early today, which is enough for three chapters, but I was not satisfied with the follow-up content, and I was entangled all night and deleted it.I think I need to clear my head, so I will go to bed early and arrange the plot of Li Bangbang well tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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