I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 48 1 follower, the criminal reveals his true form!

Chapter 48 One concern, the criminal reveals his true form!
"That's right, didn't Bang Bang say that girls are not allowed in the boys' dormitory? Then why are there screams from women? Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Soon someone else stood up.

After all, there are more than 2000 fans.

Naturally, it is impossible for all of them to be fanatics.

Certainly there are intellectuals too.

"Suspicious ass, that screaming sound can be heard by everyone, it's like a line that is obviously intended to make people hot, you say that if you are really a fraudster, who will expose these things to everyone, I wish I could hide them!"

"Yeah, can't that thing be the sound you make when you watch TV?"

"I think these two people seem to be spies deliberately planted by Ping An Shishi Shop, let's kick them out."

The leading few managers are unswerving.

He even kicked them out directly.

Bangbang is a scammer who kidnaps and traffics people?

How can it be!


Also, what's wrong with Xiao Hei's fierce eyes?
Isn't this judging people by their cover!

It turns out that the second child on the right is called Xiao Hei.

"Why are you kicking people indiscriminately? The message from the police station also said that Bangbang and the others are fraudsters."

"Look, Xinhua News Agency has reposted it. Could it be that the official one is fake?"

The next morning.

Xinhua News Agency and other officials came on stage.

"But have you noticed that those people in the past seem to have stopped getting through the phone calls and not replying to private messages?"

And all kinds of doubts appeared one after another.

Many people in the group began to waver.

"Don't scare me, I just arrived at the border! Wait for them to pick me up!"

At this moment, a group of people have come to the border.

"Don't worry, I'll call and ask."

These managements are also overwhelmed.

After all, as things fermented, more and more evidence surfaced.

There are even screenshots.

face north.

Group dormitory.

Li Bangbang and the others celebrated the arrival of six goods last night and drank until late at night, and they still haven't woken up yet.


Suddenly a piercing sound sounded.

"Miss Wei, why are you here?!"

Everyone was awakened.

He rubbed his eyes in a daze.



next second.

Li Bangbang was slapped directly!
"Miss Wei? Here, what's the matter??"

Li Bangbang was stunned!

Seeing the bright red slap marks on the team leader's face, the others trembled in fear!
"I told you to keep a low profile and stay in the international area. Why are you hyping yourself up! Damn you!!!"

"Crack, snap, snap—"

This sister Wei slapped her three times in a row!

Break the feudal superstition No.1!
The second most searched scarf in Rabbit Country!
Almost number one in the hot search list!

Really promising!
She can't hold back even if she wants to!
"No, no, Sister Wei, I didn't hype myself up!"

Li Bangbang was full of question marks.

He has always adhered to the principle of muffled deception, and has never hyped himself.

"Look carefully! And you, your acting skills are too bad, drag it away!"

Sister Wei dropped her mobile phone on Li Bangbang's face.

And directly dragged Xiao Hei away.


Xiao Hei was bewildered.

"Miss Wei, Xiao Hei..."

Li Bangbang just wanted to plead for his teammates!

Everyone here knows what happens when they are dragged away.

"Take care of yourself, if the account I invested 800 million in is destroyed by you, you will be responsible for the consequences!!"

Sister Wei snorted coldly, and then asked her two subordinates to drag Xiao Hei away like a dead dog.

"Ahh! Grass mud horse! What the hell happened!!!"

Li Bangbang was completely angry.

As soon as he kicked on the bed frame, he had no idea what happened!
"These women are idiots! Crap!!"

Ten minutes later, he was like a torch lit, burning with rage.

He finally knew what was going on.

Because of the 24-hour regularity of Ping An Shishi Shop.

These girls spent money to send him on the hot search list.

He is even more dubbed as a warrior who broke feudalism.

The heat came directly to tens of millions.

Leads to official forwarding.

The border police station issued a warning!

And those people who were going to come here had already arrived at the border, but none of them came! ! !

And he also knew the reason why Xiao Hei was taken away.

Because the overwhelming number of netizens said that his eyes were fierce, he didn't look like a student at all, but like a murderer.

Nine in the morning.

Zhang Lingtian came to the office.

【Ding!The ID you follow, Li Bangbang, the second from the right, has died. The cause of death is affected by the live broadcast. 】

Suddenly there was a voice in his mind!

Zhang Lingtian frowned, then turned on the computer.

"Come here for the name!"

"Brother Tian is awesome!!"

"The cow exploded! One attention, the criminals will act directly!"

"Hahaha, these girls cracked down on fakes and collapsed their own house!"

"I am safe and extravagant, so the boss has no one to pay attention to in vain! This is not for you to see!"

Zhang Lingtian opened the private message of his account and found that a lot of people came here admiringly.

It turned out that I was not careful.

Fire again.

Even this group of people shouted that it was produced by Hades, and it must be a mourning product.

This Li Bangbang clamored that he would not be unlucky before.

Bad luck now!
Mess with Hades.

Deserved! !


Zhang Lingtian felt that the hat was getting tighter and tighter.

In fact, he didn't even know that this person was a fraudster at the beginning.

I just swiped it, and I simply think that this foreigner can sing well.

Then paid attention to it.

Who would have thought that he would pay attention to a fraudster with a big waist.

So sometimes some things are really self-defeating.

"Although I broke the boss's zero-day rule, I also exposed myself, hahaha!"


No business.

They are fishing.

Li Tiantian was very happy at this moment.

Because some brain-dead house collapsed.

And very thorough.

"Actually, I think our boss's wave is a high-end operation."

At this time, Jiang Xiaohan glanced at the office and said in a low voice.

"High-end operation? How to say?"

Both of them brought their heads together.

Everyone is very curious.

"Do you think that people who are normally followed by their bosses will not live to be 24 years old?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked.


Li Tiantian and Su Wei nodded.

Is such that.

It is a consensus that people who are followed by their bosses will not survive 24 hours.

Otherwise there would not be a zero-day rule.

"What happens after 24 hours?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked again.

"Break feudal superstition!!"

Su Wei seemed to understand something!
"So, will Li Bangbang's fan circle be publicized? Even buy trending searches? Immediately afterwards, bang——thunderstorm!!"

Jiang Xiaohan made an explosive movement! !
"Fuck! It's wonderful!!!"

Li Tiantian looked at the boss and couldn't help clapping her hands! !
I just let you live past 24 hours on purpose.

Then let your stupid fans destroy you with your own eyes.

And let yourself watch the tall buildings you built collapse!

Killing and punishing the heart is nothing more than that! !

"Clap clap-"

Li Tiantian applauded louder and louder as she spoke.


Zhang Lingtian in the office was attracted by the applause.

There was a suspicious look in his eyes.

What are you doing, girl? ?
Applause here early in the morning.

Those who didn't know thought he understood the applause here.

After all, the applause is so exaggerated!
"Brother Tian! Awesome! Now I finally know why I am a wage earner and you are the boss!!!"

Watching Zhang Lingtian come out.

Su Wei shook his head.

The whole look is full of admiration.

Anyway, the other party has to die in the end.

Letting him die within 24 hours is too cheap for the opponent.

Let him be killed by the fan group he worked so hard to manage, and watch the high wall collapse with his own eyes, this is the most relieved.

"What are you smoking this early in the morning?"

Zhang Lingtian was confused.

"Brother Tian, ​​you don't need to say anything, we all understand!"

Su Wei nodded as if I understood.

How could the Living Hades make himself angry!
Last night, they were the emperor, not the eunuchs.

"Hey! This Li Bangbang started a live broadcast?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian was surprised.

Then quickly clicked in.

"I really didn't expect that one day I would be bombarded by the Internet. In fact, I am just an ordinary student."

In the live broadcast room, Li Bangbang made a live broadcast to clarify.

Sincere and innocent.

【Ding!Activate system scan! 】

[Scan object: ID Li Bangbang. 】

[Danger signal: live broadcast, the probability of next danger is 85%! 】

[Danger positioning: The probability of danger occurring during the live broadcast is low, only 0.1%, and the probability of danger occurring due to the factors caused by the live broadcast is as high as 80%. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

But the system scan will not lie.

He is in danger.

Sure enough, no one believed his feeble explanation.

Especially since he still can't invite his roommate, Xiao Hei.

Li Bangbang finally turned off the live broadcast.

"Bang, you said we won't really offend dirty things!"

In the dormitory, it was unprecedentedly quiet.

If he can't explain clearly, he will usher in a tragic end!

Including but not limited to organ separation!

The remaining three were already a little shaken at this time.

After all, they were praised as industry champions yesterday.

And this bright future!
But since that person paid attention, everything has changed.

Especially after 24 hours.

All take a nosedive! !
"How can there be a live Hades! Only pigs! Grass!!!"

Li Bangbang kicked over the table directly! !
Eyes wide open!

In the afternoon, some Internet celebrities broke the news about living in Mianbei.

Xiao Hei had already been dealt with.

In the evening, Li Bangbang's phone number was empty.

Account banned.

People seem to evaporate from the world.

Fan group management also quit the group.

At this moment, many official accounts on the entire network have entered the stage one after another.

A complete scammer.

The next morning, through a special channel, everyone finally received the news of Li Juanlan and Shen Yu, the first group of people who passed by.


 This story has written nine chapters. I originally wanted to write it in a more detailed way, but I found that this way is not pleasing. Since you don’t like this, then the next story should be written according to the original way, everyone. Big guys, it's a new week, ask for a ticket here! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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