I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 49 TV station, what a strong desire to survive

Chapter 49 TV station, what a strong desire to survive

not dead.

But it was miserable.

Because they couldn't squeeze money out, they suffered unprecedented inhuman torture both psychologically and physically.

This is something completely beyond imagination in the peaceful and stable rabbit country.

The two of them regretted so much that their intestines were green.

Li Bangbang is not such a sunny and handsome boy.

Those people are demons! !
Butcher like never before!
I really regret why I believed the other party's words.

Come face north.

And foolishly gave them their passports and ID cards.

He even listened to their words and sneaked here by the trail.

To put it bluntly, no one knows about the death of people who have passed this way, and they are not protected by law.

I thought I would rather die than follow.

But these five people directly brought them to the blood.

It was a black pocket knife.

A woman who has been tortured beyond human appearance.

It is estimated that most people can feel their scalp numb when looking at the screen.

But they came to the scene in person.

"Thanks to the motherland, don't come to face north, this is hell!"

In front of the TV camera, the six women who were deceived were all rescued.

In the camera, they are distracted and their bodies are as weak as walking dead.

When a reporter asked.

What do they want to say to everyone in front of the camera.

These people expressed their gratitude to Zhang Yanwang!

If it wasn't for his attention, they might never want to come back in this life, and deeply blamed themselves for their previous stupid behavior.

At the end, he even shouted, "Don't go there!"
There is no paradise, let alone simplicity, there are only blood and inhuman torture, just like hell! !

Life is like nothing!

"I knew today why I had to do it before."

"It's so miserable. These women must have been ravaged to the point where they couldn't be ravaged anymore. I watched First Blood 4 before. It was the most ruthless movie I have ever seen. It was written about the face of the country. I didn't expect the reality to be worse than this." ruthless!"

"Six people who took the words of Hades' advice to you as a deaf ear have already died. You guys are lucky enough to save your life with the blessing of domestic public opinion. Next time, I will see if you dare to be more stupid!"

The news was also broadcast on the live broadcast platform.

Seeing this, everyone just felt that they deserved it.

After all, people advise you not to listen.

You have to go.

Now you know what hell cave is over there, right?
Some people don't listen to persuasion, and they will know it after suffering it once.


After suffering, the physical and spiritual trauma will be with you for a lifetime.

But they were lucky.

Because earlier, this Li Bangbang also deceived some people in the domestic area.

There was an old man who said he was going to face north.

Li Bangbang warmly invites you.

As a result, this person's Douyin has never been updated again.

To be precise, the account has never been logged in again.

as a man.

If they are disobedient over there, they will most likely become organ containers.

Not like a woman.

Their own conditions are a little more normal, and they can still be squeezed because of some value.

After all, Hades is still awesome.

a concern.

Just one day.

This guy just went straight from infinity high to bottom.

It is said that his life and death are now unknown.

The only one who is clear is the one named Xiao Hei.

It was revealed that Li Bangbang sacrificed to heaven before Li Bangbang clarified.

Actually, everyone knows it.

After all, when the clarification was made, everyone else was present, except this Xiao Hei.

What did you say you were sick!

Who will believe it!
In particular, everyone saw the slap print on Li Bangbang's face.

Obviously beaten.

Therefore, it is said that people are doing what the sky is watching, and those who commit serious crimes will always be watched by the King of Hades.

I believe he must be very desperate after the clarification failed.

Especially account bans.

It is rumored that this account cost a lot of money.

"Okay, Chunjiang Focus, focus on Chunjiang's return to the scene, thanks to the front-line reporters for bringing us the latest interview, I also want to ask Mr. Zhang, did you suddenly uncover a fraud syndicate and save the data that was about to go astray?" Bairen, do you have anything to say in front of the TV?"

The news screen turns off and the lights come on.

This is a talk show.

Zhang Lingtian was invited to be a guest on stage.

At that time, the news was that a hostess would interview him.

Just like a normal interview column.

He thought about it.

Now people misunderstand him more and more.

There are even rumors that any product produced by Hades must be a mourning product.

So I agreed to the invitation of this city's TV station's Spring River focus program.

Let everyone take a look at the real Ping An Baishi Shop as the family.

He is a normal person like everyone else, an ordinary funeral practitioner.

It's not a living Hades.

Although I have a system.

But this is a very ordinary normal world.

Besides, my own system is also a very serious system.

If you want to say that you can cultivate immortals or something, then there may be things like gods and ghosts.

To take a step back, if there is one, he must have seen more of this nonsense than other people.

The point is that he hasn't seen it yet!
So, this is a scientific world.


When the news broadcast was over, the studio lights were turned on, and Zhang Lingtian looked at the silicone doll sitting next to him and fell into deep thought.

Didn't you say yes, it's a normal talk show!

He was a guest, and a hostess interviewed him.

But what kind of host is this damn?
The TV station takes the lead in superstition!

Everyone said that Jian Sisi was an accident! !

"I just want to ask, is this a serious show? Didn't we say that there will be interviews with hosts??"

To calm down, Zhang Lingtian asked with twitching corners of his mouth.

If he had known this posture, he would not have come.

The main reason is that he was invited to the studio just now while it was dark.

Then the news about Li Bangbang and the others was broadcast on the big screen.

Also those who were rescued.

There was another small round table on both sides. He only knew that there was someone sitting next to him, and he didn't speak when the other party didn't speak.

Who would have thought...

"What a strong desire to survive."

"I laughed so hard, I made a silicone doll!"

"Good guy! Today's preview was released, and I was still thinking that Chunjiang Focus's head is so strong, and he dared to invite the living Hades on the show and interview him. Which hostess wanted to commit suicide? It turned out to be this."

This program is called [Chunjiang Focus: 'The Living Hades' Interview].

In addition to TV broadcasts, the program will also be broadcast live online.

At this moment, the lights were turned on, and all the online netizens burst out laughing.

They all called the director awesome.

Now it depends on how they explain it to the Living Hades.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be the hostess' bad luck.

I'm afraid that the entire program group will be in trouble.

"Mr. Zhang, our Chunjiang focus talk show is a key program of the city's TV station. It's official. I'm Caicai, the latest AI host of the program group. Today I will cooperate with you."

At this moment, the silicone doll next to it made a sound.


Zhang Lingtian's head was full of black lines.

Smart AI anchor?

The key is where is the intelligent AI in this thing?
Those who didn't know thought it was pornography!
"Mo Dao, what if the Living Hades gets angry with you like this?"


The little staff shivered.

Although I didn't say whether it was an interview with a real person.

But at the moment, the whole adult silicone doll is next to someone, which is somewhat like the old birthday star hanging himself for a long time.

He's 25 years old and hasn't even touched a girl's hand yet.

I don't want to die so early.


(End of this chapter)

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