I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 50 Good job!Good life!It is indeed the focus of Chunjiang! (Ask for tickets and follow up!)

Chapter 50 Good job!Good life!It is indeed the focus of Chunjiang! (Ask for tickets and follow up!)
"Don't worry, our host Mei Ling will be on stage soon."

The director said now with a smile.

"Sister Meiling, are you going to play???"

The pupils of the small staff constricted when they heard this.

The anchor Jian Sisi who was in the same scene with him before did not live a day!
The partner Jitian is also the label of this living Hades.

Although we must believe in science and deny superstition.

But there is a saying that it is better to believe what you have than to believe what you have nothing.

It's really cool that this thing happened to you.

"Don't worry, we have all done the investigation, as long as we don't become the partner of the Living Hades, then nothing will happen."

A hostess with a good figure and a good face said to her.

She is also afraid of the living Hades.

But they are also hungry for this heat!
No, after the start of the live broadcast preview today, the popularity of Chunjiang Focus live broadcast exceeded 50 for the first time, and it is still rising in a straight line.

At the same time, the TV ratings also soared.

"Young man, without this diamond, brother Mo, how dare I buy porcelain?!"

The director's name is Mo Ming.

He watched all the videos of Huo Yanwang since he released Douyin, and spent a lot of time collecting all the videos of Huo Yanwang's live broadcast and delivery.

Finally, a rule was drawn.

That is, except for the little assistant who beats the worker to save the gold medal, the person in charge of the brand will not have any accidents.

Just like Qu Jiangmei and Ye Mei before.

There are also other businesses that have accidents later.

There is no problem with a brand director.

That is to say, as long as a third person joins the interview, nothing will happen.

Mo Dao is full of confidence in this wave.

"smart robot?"

"Good guy, I don't even want to expose you guys! All I care about is which brother's wife was sacrificed to heaven?"

"Good job! Good job! You are indeed the focus of Chun Jiang!"

In the live broadcast room, water friends were amazed.


in front of the TV.

The people who were watching the Spring River Focus talk show fell silent.


Zhang Lingtian was also speechless.

But the show is on.

You can't just leave like this.

And he plans to use this platform to clarify himself.

"Mr. Zhang, and we have also collected messages from some netizens. Apart from the question Caicai just asked, everyone also wants to know how you know that Li Bangbang is a fraudster, and you follow him so accurately. ?”

At this moment, the host Mei Ling came out.

The so-called intelligent machine host is just a stand-in.

The main interview session tonight has to be her.

"Let's merge it together. I suggest that those who have been deceived should read more books and watch more news. It can save lives at critical times."

Zhang Lingtian said.

After all, he dared to go north.

I also believe that there is a lot of money to be made there.

The brain is just out of the factory and has never been used?

"Indeed, facing north is the Golden Triangle area. I didn't expect so many people to be deceived just by changing the name. Then how did you pay attention to this Li Bangbang accurately? According to what we know so far, you only pay attention to the entire international area. It can't be an accident, can it be an accident?"

There's a stand-in sitting on that chair.

The real host is standing.

But she will.

After all, I don't want to die yet.

"High EQ: Facing North, Low EQ: Golden Triangle."

"A bunch of idiots, the country's anti-fraud propaganda in recent years is really in vain."

"Yes, if you read the news a little bit, you will know that this place is not inhabited by people. All kinds of warlords ruled it. If a woman who runs to this kind of place can come out alive, the ancestral grave will be smoked!"

"Green smoke? Brother! The ancestral graves of these women are probably sparks and lightning all the way. Think about it, people have become like that after only a few days.

If it wasn't for the fact that the living hell king was forced to go on the hot search to attract attention, and finally officially appeared on the stage, these people would have been tortured to death or even squeezed to the last bit of value. Otherwise, how do you think there are so many successful cases of organ transplantation? ! "

Because it's live.

The barrage continued.

The water friends really feel that these women are lucky, and they just saved their lives impartially.

It taught a big lesson, but it is not dead, but it is already incomplete.

In other words, it belongs to the type that life is worse than death.

After all, who told them to use their brains to live Hades!

Seriously, though, it's just too much of a coincidence.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were arranging all this.

From being scolded by the king of Hades to 24 hours later, Li Bangbang, an online celebrity in Beijing, was completely collapsed by his pig teammates.

Inexplicably, there is a kind of desolation of Xiao He who succeeds and loses Xiao He.

There are big guys to analyze.

This is 100% the handwriting of the Living Hades.

But they are also very curious now, how the Living Hades will answer this tricky question.

After all, it's all obvious.

It can't be an accident.

"Actually, I initially paid attention to him because I thought he could sing well as a foreigner."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

"Oh, it means that this Li Bangbang didn't die originally, but because his fans insulted you a lot, and even he himself mocked you, so there is a way to kill him?"

The host Mei Ling asked very quickly.

Some discerning people have already seen it.

This hostess is pretty good.

He actually learned to dig a hole for the living Hades.

How should he answer?
"Death by what? I mean the attention was a complete accident."

Zhang Lingtian shrugged.

God King Tang has seen too much.

Opening your mouth and shutting your mouth is the way to death.

It was a complete accident that he paid attention to the other party, really! !
"Good guy, it's another accident! You'll kill the accident!"

"You old man is very bad, I believe you are crazy!"

"Chang Wei, you are born with supernatural power!"

However, no one believed what he said.

After all, there are many accidents in the world, but they can't all be concentrated on you.

"Accident? Mr. Zhang first stated that I believed you, but netizens and audience friends in front of the TV didn't believe it. After all, this accident was too forced. You just paid attention to such a person , the other party is a member of the fraud gang, which is too coincidental."

Mei Ling felt that she had learned for nothing.

I have never seen a person's acting skills be so good!
Just like the real thing!Very sincere!

"The fact is such a coincidence. I went to the international area to have a look that night after I was rejected in the outdoor area. As soon as I followed this person named Li Bangbang, the landlord called me. This is the call record between me and the landlord that night. , a total of two or three hours."

Zhang Lingtian really wanted to quell this erroneous public opinion.

Because he was afraid that if he continued to expand like this, he would really be targeted by the relevant departments.

So at this moment, I dug out the call records very sincerely and without routine.

"It's really been a three-hour call, that's fine, but the words are unfounded, Mr. Zhang, do you dare to do a test with our program team?"

The host Meiling continued to follow the procedure.

Whether accidental testing will bring the truest answer.

"Test? What test?"

When Zhang Lingtian heard this, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Didn't you say it was all an accident? Then you should pay attention to a person in front of the audience in front of the TVs in the city and all the netizens in the live broadcast room to see if there will be an accident with the other person. If nothing happens, it is a misunderstanding. What do you think?"

The host Mei Ling asked.

"Follow one person? That's fine, how about I follow the director of your program group!"

After speaking, Zhang Lingtian took out his mobile phone.


 Ask for tickets and follow up, everyone, don’t be stingy with the tickets in your hands, there are really few recommended monthly tickets today! o(╥﹏╥)o! !
(End of this chapter)

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