I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 51: The chapter begins, and a director is sacrificed at the beginning! ?

Chapter 51 The show begins, and a director is sacrificed at the beginning! ?


Feeling thirsty, the 25-year-old TV station employee who was drinking saliva to moisturize his throat sprayed the floor all over his face when he heard this!
"Cough! Cough cough cough—"

He coughed and looked towards the director.

A look of silence.

"Awesome! The director worships the sky!!"

"Dear Miss Meiling, listen to me, thank you!!/Put your hands together"

"Laughing! I heard a few short coughs just now. Did the director choke? / Smile"

"Don't mention it, if the director sacrificed to the sky, this show should be very popular. He also sacrificed his life for the ratings."

When the host's voice fell, the King of Hell took out his mobile phone neatly, and someone in the background coughed and coughed. The water friends only felt that this show was getting more and more interesting.

"No, Director Mo, why don't you have any expression?"

Suddenly, the 25-year-old staff member who had never even touched a girl's hand showed a puzzled expression.

Can't see it.

Director Mo is so indifferent to life and death!

The King of Hades wants to pay attention to him, but he is still so calm.

If I were to be someone else, I would have jumped up and frantically looking for my phone to cancel my account by now.

However, their Dao Mo was still sitting on the chair as firmly as Mount Tai.

It's like the person being followed is not him.

Who gave him such calm courage?

Mo Dao smiled contemptuously with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


The little employees are even more confused. Is this the legendary generosity to die calmly?
"Hey, what's going on?"


Zhang Lingtian searched for Mo Ming, the director of the Spring River column.

The moment he clicked in,

【This user page has expired...】

Looking at the big characters and the six-dot ellipsis above, Zhang Lingtian frowned.

The director actually canceled his account! !

"Director, when did you cancel your account?!"

The host Mei Ling was also full of question marks when she saw this scene.

what's the situation.

When did Director Mo cancel his account?
I remember that the other party was still playing Douyin this morning.

"Short videos affect work efficiency, so I canceled my account. Mr. Zhang is really sorry, why don't you just find someone else."

Director Mo spoke indifferently through the walkie-talkie.

A posture as steady as an old dog.

In fact, the heart is ecstatic!


Laozi has canceled the account! !

Deal with the living Hades.

How dare you fight without two brushes? !
"The director has canceled his account?"

"Director, do you know that you have such a strong desire to survive?!"

"I can't do it, director, you canceled the account, didn't you admit that the living hell king has special abilities? Otherwise, why did you cancel the account properly? This is a program to dispel rumors! You are going to hit the living hell king like this The double quotes are removed!"

"It's over, it's over, your TV station blatantly violates the main theme, and even promotes feudal superstition!"

"Upstairs, don't splash dirty water! The director blocked your logical loopholes. He said that Douyin affects work efficiency, so he canceled it! There is nothing wrong with it!"

"Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing! It affected my work efficiency, so I canceled my Douyin account. The reason is obviously fake, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with it! The director criticizes it!!"

Because the voice of the walkie-talkie was also played.

The barrage water friends in the live broadcast room directly called the director's desire to survive too strong.

Actually canceled the account early.

At the same time, I also admire this reason for finding it well!

But you can't lie!

After all, there is nothing wrong with people saying that.

"Mo guide..."

The 25-year-old staff member who has never touched a girl's hand is called Xiao Wang.

Although they all have the same last name.

But there is indeed a world of difference between people.

For example, another Xiao Wang's girlfriend is changed on a daily basis. This Xiao Wang is 25 years old and has never even touched a girl's hand.

I don't know what it feels like.

I saw him staring at Mo Ming incredulously.

The little eyes are full of worship and surprise.

Could this be the diamond that Director Mo said just now?

"Xiao Wang, we have to predict everything and plan for the worst. Didn't your Brother Mo tell you, how dare I take this porcelain job without this diamond?"

Looking at Xiao Wang's shocked and confused eyes, he felt inexplicably satisfied at this moment.

Invisibly pretending to be coercive.

Really comfortable.

I saw him talking to the mouth with an elder face at the moment.

When dealing with the Living Hades, don't be too cautious.

Although the account is a bit pity.

There are a full [-] fans.

And he also posted a lot of videos.

But these are nothing compared to my life.

"Cow batch!!!"

Xiao Wang shook his head and gave two thumbs up.

Looks like Mo Dao is awesome!

"Are you looking for someone else? Miss Meiling, you happen to be the host of the Spring River Focus interview. Is your Douyin your name, Mu Meiling?"

As Zhang Lingtian spoke, he was about to search for the Meiling host.

It seemed that he had learned that the host's full name was Mu Meiling.

asked immediately.


Seeing that the director canceled his account, Mu Meiling was stunned.

And when the living Hades wanted to retrieve her name, that moment.

Her heart constricted violently! !

How could the harm be transferred to her inexplicably!
"It's a good move to transfer damage!"

"It's over, it's over, even if there is a double in this wave, it's going to be a mess!"

Hearing that the Living Yama was going to search for Mu Meiling's account.

Immediately, the water friends mourned for a while.

"Dedicated to TV ratings, Mei Ling, I believe everyone will remember you."

Director Mo said to Mu Meiling through the headset cable.

Since the other party has chosen Mu Meiling now.

And now living in such an atheistic environment, as a public figure, especially a host who broadcasts a program, he has to believe in science even more.

You must never do anything that contradicts the main theme of society.

Her account has not had time to cancel.

So this time, there is a high probability that it will be noticed.

Quack, I believe the director and the entire audience in Chunjiang City will remember her!

Alive, this is the No.1 who lived under the attention of the living Hades.

There will definitely be various news interviews at that time!
People must also be set on fire! !
"Mr. Zhang!!"

Meiling's tender body trembled and stopped Zhang Lingtian.

At the same time, I almost had the urge to beat up the director.

Dog thief!

What a dog! !
He actually canceled his account in advance!
"what happened?"

Looking at the intricate expression on Mu Meiling's face, Zhang Lingtian suddenly became suspicious.

"What are you talking about? You want someone to die!"

"Poor hostess, the director sacrificed to the heavens, but how could she transfer the damage to herself?"

"Let me give you a suggestion. In fact, you can pay attention to the director. Anyway, he doesn't know..." [Ding!This user has been banned! 】

The water friends are so much fun, and when they are in the water, suddenly an old man is banned in seconds.

This wave they know.

It turns out that the director has been watching!

do not know why.

Mu Meiling's mind suddenly went blank for a second.

"Miss host, don't you really think that my attention will kill you? This is impossible!"

Zhang Lingtian said categorically.

(End of this chapter)

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