I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 52 [810], whether to undertake the funeral? !

Chapter 52 [810], whether to undertake the funeral? !
"Of course not, of course not."

Mu Meiling hastily denied it.

Even she can't admit it.

After all, her current image can represent the official TV station.

Faced with millions of viewers.

Responsibility is not so heavy.

But her strong desire to survive made her also unwilling to become a test subject.

After all, none of the people I paid attention to had a good end! !

"That's right, I have no grievances or grudges with you, and I can't harm you, right? The previous ones were really accidents. Your program team was too nervous, and even set up a dummy. The sacrificial partner is also a misrepresentation by netizens. , nothing at all!"

Zhang Lingtian has been speechless about the silicone doll next to him.

But after thinking about it, the power of spreading rumors is too great.

When he pays attention to this host, everything will become clear after everyone else is fine.

I believe that everyone at that time would not wear colored glasses of fear to him.

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, don't get me wrong, we are not a dummy stand-in, this is indeed Cai Cai, the latest intelligent AI host of our program group, and our program group also believes in you very much, otherwise we wouldn't be living in Hades Put double quotation marks around these three words."

Mu Meiling hurriedly explained to Zhang Lingtian.

The director behind was also tense.

This is a question of the position of the show.

If it is really admitted that it is a double arranged by the program group, in order to break the rule that the partner of Hades must die, then their program will become a feudal superstition.

Don't talk about him as a director, maybe the director will have to drink tea.

Fortunately, he was worthy of being the host of Spring River Focus, and his answering skills were top-notch.

"Okay, what's the matter, Miss Host?"

Zhang Lingtian did not intend to delve into this issue.

Because the result of paying attention for a while will help him prove everything.

Now he urgently needs such an opportunity.

So he wondered what was the matter with the moderator calling a timeout.

"It's Mr. Zhang. Just now, a netizen from my side asked a very important question. I believe that not only me but also my friends in front of the TV and the netizens in the live broadcast room are very interested."

Mu Meiling now took out a small note.

"Oh? Delaying time?"

"Hahaha, the desire to survive on the spot is really awesome! I guess it's time to delay and let my colleagues cancel the accounts for others! I don't know if the accounts of the director and host have been cancelled, who will follow in the end?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room seemed to have figured out what the hostess was thinking.


Think differently.

If they were in that position, who would want to be noticed by the Living Hades.

Even if he didn't die, he was scared enough like tearing an onion.

So the other party was 100% delaying the time, and took the opportunity to notify the colleagues in the background to help cancel the account.

Even squinting to the sidelines is not necessarily the case.

After all, there is a new AI host here.

"what is the problem?"

Zhang Lingtian asked with some doubts.

"It's about Li Bangbang, a scammer facing the north. Everyone knows that his account has been banned, right?"

Mu Meiling asked.

"Well, it has been banned since the incident happened."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Come on, let's search the international area on Mr. Zhang's mobile phone. Indeed, Li Bangbang, a north-facing scammer, has been banned."

Mu Meiling checked Li Bangbang's account number in the international area.

It was found that a red prohibition symbol appeared on the other party's account.

In other words, the uploaded videos can now be watched.

But this account cannot be sent, nor can any operation be performed.

"Come on, Mr. Zhang, I'll give you the mobile phone, then the most important question is, is this Li Bangbang dead or alive?"

After showing off, Mu Meiling handed the phone to Zhang Lingtian.

Then he asked.


"That's a good question!!"

Many water friends gave this question a big thumbs up.

The director backstage in the studio also nodded.

That's a good question.

It is indeed something that everyone wants to know.

Because apart from knowing that Xiao Hei has died, the other four people have no accurate news.

Of course, there are also some so-called Mianbei Internet celebrities who say that these four people are cold.

But there is no more official news.

"how do I……"

【Ding!Host Concerned ID Li Bangbang died due to organ separation. 】

[Will the host undertake the funeral? 】

Zhang Lingtian just wanted to say how do I know.

Suddenly there was a voice in his mind.

It was the news that Li Bangbang had died.

Organ separation?

Zhang Lingtian looked at the cause of death, and it seemed that the last bit of value had been squeezed out.

In fact, he also found some rumors on the Internet before.

It is probably because Li Bangbang was exposed as a defrauder in China before, and the company spent a lot of money to package him and let him go to the international area to continue deceiving the goods to Mianbei.

Facts have proved that this product is indeed a good material.

In a short period of time, three large groups with a total of more than 6000 people were established.

If nothing like this happened.

It is conservatively estimated that hundreds of people can be fooled.

Become one of the best industry champions in the group.

Unfortunately, bad luck.

Be exposed!

Just fooled six people.

At that time, the company spent nearly [-] million yuan to operate this account.

It should be fine to expose this account normally.

But it was a big mess.

Even the account was banned.

Group investment was in vain.

And he needs to take full responsibility.

Now it seems that these rumors are basically inseparable.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be so miserable that the organs are separated and the last bit of value is squeezed out.

But the funeral was facing north.

How did you tell him to get there?

And even if it's over, he held a funeral for this guy?

It is estimated that they will be sprayed to death by saliva when they return home.

[The funeral has been refused. 】


Suddenly another reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

After Xiao Hei, Li Bangbang was the second coolest.

So now it's eight.

There were five people in that account at the time.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that they are all dead on the Internet.

There are three left.

But I just don't know when these three will be cold.

After collecting ten of them, you should be able to get the system reward again.

what will it be.

Zhang Lingtian is still looking forward to the system rewards.

After all, every time there is a feeling of opening a blind box.

"Huh? Why did Mr. Zhang hesitate to speak? Is there any inconvenience?"

At this moment, Mu Meiling showed a puzzled expression.

The audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV are also wondering.

But they were not suspicious of Zhang Lingtian.

But wondering if the hostess hasn't done anything yet?
Now is a good time to contact colleagues and delete numbers! !

Isn't that what the topic is changed for?
"No, maybe he died? After all, none of us have a high chance of surviving in such a situation."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

is indeed dead.

But he certainly couldn't say it stupidly.

Because then he would truly call himself the Living Hades.

"Indeed, it's not easy to survive in such a situation. In this way, since you happen to be in the international zone, Mr. Zhang, and there are so many recommendations here, you can just click a follower! And our camera will also give you screen!"


The footage in the live broadcast room is divided into half.

One is the host screen, and the other is the international area screen of Zhang Lingtian's phone.

"I see!!"

"This host is so witty!"

"I understand now that she had planned it long ago!"

Operate this wave.

Everyone understood why she didn't contact her colleagues.

It turned out that this ingenious way directly diverted the attention of the living Hades.

And the camera has switched.

It's impossible for the King of Hades to search for the name Mu Meiling again, right?
Especially in the international zone!
"Sister Meiling is too witty!!"

Admiration is also capitalized on Xiao Wang's face!
Director Mo also nodded slightly.

If the other party had just contacted him and asked him to cancel his account, he would be a little embarrassed.

To log off or not to log off.

Log out?The stand of the show is unstable!
After all, you're shouting to believe in science while doing the opposite.

If you don't log out, your colleagues may be cold.

Now this method is really good.

The fire was directed to the international area.

"Then, for the sake of fairness, I'll just let the host lady choose, whichever one you click counts."

Zhang Lingtian said to him at this moment.

This is the best way to witness.

"Okay, then I'll slide."

While saying that, Mu Meiling slipped.

"Just this one!!"

As the host spoke, he clicked into a live video.

It was like a bodybuilding competition scene.

In front of the camera is a burly black man, shirtless, celebrating that he just won the championship.

"Hey guy, he's actually a bodybuilding champion!"

"With this figure, with such explosive muscles, the chance of accidents is extremely slim."

Seeing this, the water friends feel that this time the king of Hades may not be able to continue.


(End of this chapter)

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