I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 53 Him?Black and white impermanence 2 ponies are afraid that they won't be able to hook

Chapter 53 Him?Black and white impermanence, the two ponies are afraid that they won't be able to hook up!
After all, this can happen!

The Heavenly King Laozi is here, Zhang Lingtian is also Chang Wei!

Natural power?

Bullshit! !
"Look, everyone, we have selected a bodybuilding champion, whose English name is Berta, so let's ask our Mr. Zhang Lingtian to give him a follow!!"

The host Mu Meiling said to Zhang Lingtian.

The camera also showed Zhang Lingtian's mobile phone interface.

"So strong! This one is unlikely to have an accident, right?"

Backstage Xiao Wang looked at the bodybuilding champion named Berta.

"Well! Look at his profile. He is not a bodybuilding celebrity. He once won the 75kg champion of the International Bodybuilding Federation Youth Group. He is also a celebrity in the fitness and bodybuilding industry all over the world. Even if his fate is black and white, he can't go away! "

The director nodded.

This is the Douyin account introduction of bodybuilding champion Berta.

Now the live broadcast is the picture of him winning another international championship in the bodybuilding competition.

"It's okay to pay attention."

Before Zhang Lingtian waited for the system to scan, he directly followed the other party.

Black person!

A whole body of tendon meat!

Just ask what accidents can happen with your physical condition.

Spring River focus, allies!

"Following has been clicked, and it's time to refute the rumors!"

Mu Meiling was a little surprised to see Zhang Lingtian's decisive attention.

Could it be a coincidence before?
Otherwise why is he so active?
And the sincere expression just now didn't look like acting at all.

No matter the misunderstanding, they are originally a show that breaks feudal superstition.

Mu Meiling was muttering in her heart.

Because Zhang Lingtian was too calm.

As if he was really wronged.

So she also believed in the other party a little bit.

Then take this opportunity of the live broadcast to let everyone see clearly this ordinary funeral man, that is a very normal occupation, and there is no king of Hades.

It's just that if you do this, the approaching science column group will probably go crazy.

After all, with this material, they can shoot at least twenty episodes.

"The program team is unfair! This physique is like an orangutan, how can black and white be hooked?!"

"Yes, I chose a black man, and he is also a bodybuilding champion. How can Hades accept such a hard life! Not to mention his two working ponies!"

"The main reason is that the king of Hades is in the country, and he is in charge of the life and death books in the country, so he can't control Feifei!"

"That's right, you have to choose a domestic one to have reference value!"

The number of people in the live room is increasing.

When everyone saw that the host actually chose a black man who was also a bodybuilding champion, they thought that the program group was completely helping the king of Hades.

"Black people are human too! Think about it, everyone, if I'm really the king of Hades who ecstasies the soul like everyone said, then this person will definitely not survive, right?"

Zhang Lingtian put down his phone after paying attention and explained calmly.

"Okay! Negroes are people too! What about the spell!"

"That's right! You must also cast the spell! Otherwise, it doesn't have any meaning!"

OK, they hate racism the most!
Then black people are people too!
But Hades doesn't speak spells, the Fat Dragon last time was a classic example! !

So the mantra must be said!
"I forgot to tell everyone, my international version of Douyin was set up to follow and automatically leave messages."

Zhang Lingtian opened the page and displayed the automatic reply.

The main reason is that he has been quite busy these days, and he couldn't find a place to turn off the automatic advertisement. He had to ask the customer service to solve it. He thought it was troublesome and he planned not to use the international version of Douyin again, so he didn't change it.

Who would have thought that it would be used again today.

Anyway, the black man didn't know what it meant.

After all, it is in Feifei!

There are a few who know Chinese.

And the people of Rabbit Country who have nothing to do to pay attention to a non-non-female bodybuilding blogger.

After the show, he continued to put down his phone, and then Zhang Lingtian slowly picked up the green tea made by the program group, not to mention, it was so refreshing.

At this moment, a system scanning prompt slowly appeared in his mind.

Sometimes the system scans faster.

Sometimes it is slower.

Anyway, about 1 minute.

In fact, the response speed is also acceptable.

Just look at the danger index of this black bodybuilding champion!

This kind of person should take medicine, right?

But medicine shouldn't die so quickly.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't die within 24 hours of his attention, it doesn't matter to him.

"What? Automatic message?"

"It's so terrifying——Brother Yan Wang, are you planning to kill people in the international area?"

"I'm thinking, if this living hell king pays attention to someone in the domestic area and gives such an automatic reply, how many people will be scared to death?"

Seeing that Zhang Lingtian actually opened an automatic private message to follow and leave a message, all the water friends in the live broadcast room shouted and killed!

"Haha, it seems that everyone is very interested in Mr. Zhang, the living king of hell. In fact, what Mr. Zhang said just now is very correct. Since the real living king of hell should not be distinguished by race, besides, didn't Taitai have a little chef before?" Did Niang die suddenly too? So as long as he is the Living Hades, it doesn’t matter. And today we mainly dispel two rumors, the first is the zero-day rumor, and the second is the sooner or later rumor.”

The show is on fire.

Now it has reached more than 300 million popularity!
It was even reposted by Spring City Satellite TV!

Just ride the wind!
Let's end this farce originating in Chunjiang! !

"Destroy the zero-day rumors? That is to say, your program team will follow up for 24 hours?"

"What does the rumor mean sooner or later? Why can't I understand it?"

"Are you talking about the prophet??"

All the water friends asked curiously when they heard this. .

"Yes, the program team will follow up for 24 hours to see if there will be any accidents with the bodybuilding champion. As for the morning and evening routine, it is the curse of getting faster and faster that everyone said before.

50 seconds have now passed!Are you looking forward to it? ! ! ! "

Host Mei Ling shouted passionately.

Immediately afterwards, a big countdown appeared in the studio.

It turned out to be before that.

A netizen who is regarded as a prophet summed up a law of the morning and evening of Hades, also known as the law of getting faster and faster.

How many seconds did the other party calculate the time accurately.

The influence on the network is also relatively large.

"No! Isn't Fat Dragon 39 seconds counting down to 39 seconds?"

"Why doesn't Jian Sisi count? And my Cong brother? Where's Li Bangbang!!"

The water friends confronted each other and asked.

"Feilong can only be counted in the zero-day rule because he played with the king of Hades. Jian Sisi is a partner offering sacrifices to the sky and also belongs to the zero-day rule. As for Li Bangbang, everyone knows that Yan Wang deliberately released the zero-day rule, so his fate is all The worst thing among people, as for Brother Onion, who has money and can make ghosts tease him, this is a bug."

Soon enthusiastic netizens responded.

"Science is the most effective antidote to superstition, and there are 49 seconds left! Let's count down together and witness the flag of science flying..."

The countdown continues, Studio.

Mu Meiling raised a smile of excitement, excitement, and anticipation just like welcoming the scene of eating dumplings at the Spring Festival Gala!
Then, she froze when she looked sideways in the next second.


A sound of shit came from the headsets of the two at the same time.


Mu Meiling swallowed in fear!



"This shit???"


And the live room.

The screen is almost full of question marks.

"He, he, he!!!"

In front of the TV!

Many viewers in Chunjiang City who watched Chunjiang Focus pointed their fingers at the TV.

Shaking hands and staring around.

The whole look is unbelievable to the extreme.

"No, nothing will happen, right?"

The large electronic screen is behind Zhang Lingtian.

Seeing that the host suddenly seemed to press the still button, the director's shit came from the headset.

Of course, the most important thing is the row of newly scanned data that appeared in front of him.

I saw his face was stiff and complicated.

Even with a bit of a bitter smile.

[Scan object: ID bodybuilding champion Berta. 】

[Danger signal: live broadcast, the next danger probability is 100%. 】

[Danger positioning: Excellent physical fitness, extreme joy brings sorrow, because the probability of danger from socks is extremely high. 】

[Customer Attributes: Accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: Please pay attention to the host as soon as possible. 】

【Ding!The host has paid attention. 】


 At 01:56 in the morning, I made everyone wait for a long time. Today is really unexpected. I always feel that I am not satisfied with the writing, and then I deleted a lot, about three or four thousand words. I am still revising and revising at the time of the previous update, mainly because I don’t want to It's a shame for me to post unsatisfactory chapters, and it's irresponsible to everyone.

Don't stay up, let's add so much, today is really an accident, tomorrow we will update normally, sleep first, afraid of sudden death, this is the first time it is so late.

Oh, by the way, those who say that I am a studio, please forgive me. The real studio updates at the same speed as me. I guess I was fired by the boss or hung on a telephone pole to feed mosquitoes!
Finally, the big guys ask for a ticket, I want a ticket, I want motivation, woo woo~ give me some~~o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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