I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 54 is over, I can't explain it clearly

Chapter 54 is over, I can't explain it clearly
"Hiss——, Live Hades Online Instant Kill?!"

"It's so terrifying, this wave of Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, you are also the King of Hades!!"

"Oh my god, I suddenly found that the hostess is so witty! If you want to pay attention to yourself, she will be the one who falls down in this wave!"

"+1, miss, how much is your salary, hurry up and change jobs, this job is too scary and life-threatening at any time! It's not worth it!"

"Brother Yan Wang, why is your mouth full of nonsense! Didn't you say it's okay? In the end, you call it okay??"

"Brother, isn't the King of Hades just a ghost? You believe his nonsense, you're young!"

"Oh my god, are you reminding me? I just saw this when I was reading the backflip tutorial recommendation?!"

"I used to envy those who can do somersaults, but now it seems that they can't!"

The water friends who reacted exploded! !
The popularity of the live broadcast room has reached an unprecedented 500 million! !
And hit the hit list like never before!

The water friend in front of the screen swallowed unconsciously.

Many water friends who are recording screens have forwarded live Hades online ecstasy moments to group chats, spaces, and circles of friends.

Soon a video titled "Live Hades Online Seduces Souls, Staged Seven Kills Moment" went viral.

One by one, I only feel my scalp numb.

This figure, this explosive power.

Normally a backflip is normal.

How could it be possible to make a mistake! !

"It's so ironic, a body of muscles that have been trained through countless sweats, and just a fancy show of force turns into a body of dead flesh! Is there any medicine for regret in heaven?"

"It feels like the muscles in this body are so strong, it should be all right?"

"The whole body is convulsed by epilepsy, it's fine!"

"Indeed, with such a heavy body weight, if you smash it to the neck of the brain stem, no matter how strong it is, you will see God!"

"Welcome everyone to enjoy the latest performance of the Living Hades, Death at the Speed ​​of Light!"

"I remember a football star who fell to his death while doing a backflip to celebrate."

"Damn! This is dead, it feels like life is really fragile!"

Even at ten o'clock in the morning, all the major group chats became active.

Almost all of them are talking about the topic of living Hades.

As many as half of them go to work to catch fish.


Zhang Lingtian frowned slightly.

The muscle maniac bodybuilding champion just now was lying on the ground.

The head was still tilted in a strange way.

His whole body was convulsing like epilepsy.

The director team also made a replay very thoughtfully.

It turned out that after the bodybuilding champion won the championship trophy, he performed a backflip excitedly in front of everyone.

As a result, I don't know what happened.

It seemed that it was due to lack of strength or lack of control. The backflip did not turn over and landed on the head, and then fell down heavily, and the neck tilted visible to the naked eye.

Then he lay on the ground motionless!
Some people around thought that the other party was performing.

Also applauded excitedly.

No one reacted until three or four seconds later.

Surrounded up.

Then there are more and more people.

The medical staff also rushed over.

After all, it's the scene of a bodybuilding competition.

Many people have the habit of taking medicine.

Even sudden cardiac arrest due to intense training is not unheard of.

So medical teams are a necessity.

They are always ready to deal with the danger that arises.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

Compared with the explosions on the Internet, the program group is very quiet.

The studio was eerily silent.

Because their shock and fear are in their hearts.

At this moment, the host Mu Meiling mustered up the courage to look at Zhang Lingtian with a stiff face.

You just said it so sincerely!

In the blink of an eye, you gave us a 1-minute live broadcast of death at the speed of light?
She is really terrified right now.

She doesn't even believe this one who says it's not evil!
If the person who just paid attention to him is himself.

Then she must be afraid now!

Thinking of this, sweat broke out on her forehead inexplicably.

Kudos to your wit.


But she didn't know.

The director backstage had already wiped half a pack of paper towels.

He was thankful that he had the foresight to log off his account early.

Otherwise, the person lying down would be himself.

Right now, he has an inexplicable feeling of having survived a catastrophe.

"It's over, it's over, I can't explain it clearly."

Ping An funeral shop.

Jiang Xiaohan is docking projects.

I don't know if it's because the boss used it for the show.

Some merchants actually started contacting them again.

And to sign a delivery contract.

This made her a little overjoyed.

After all, the funeral is done, so they don't need to focus on performance, right?

And Li Tiantian and Su Wei came because there were no guests.

So I was fishing to watch the boss's live broadcast on Spring River Focus Satellite TV to dispel rumors!
However, this rumor was not refuted, and there was another one!
The two sighed.

How to explain it now!
Can't explain it at all!
At this moment, thousands of water friends are also waiting for Zhang Lingtian's explanation.

After all, didn't you say it's okay, this is another cold one, what do you say!
"I really didn't expect it, Miss Meiling is really lucky."

Zhang Lingtian looked incredible.

"I'm lucky??"

There were many puzzled looks in Mu Meiling's eyes.

"What the hell? You didn't even find a reason this time? Just say that the host is lucky?"

The water friends were also extremely confused when they heard this.

They also want to hear Hades' excuse that it was an accident.

That's it!

"Indeed, as soon as you pay attention, you notice an accident."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

He wasn't lying.

This hostess is really lucky!
As soon as you pay attention, you will pay attention to a precise user!
Also, now he finally knew why the cause of death was socks.

He was still thinking before, can these socks be dangerous?
What danger?
It can actually meet the standard of accurate customers.

Could it be that he was kidnapped?

Then stuffed into your mouth with your own socks?
In fact, it is possible to say so.

After all, Feifei is still a rather chaotic place.

Become a champion. Others think you are rich, and they may actually attack you.

It turned out to be this.

"Accident? Mr. Zhang, do you think this is another accident?"

Mu Meiling's beautiful eyes stared.

It's all in front of my eyes, you say this is an accident?
"It didn't take long for me to pay attention and something happened. You tell me it's an accident? You're lying to a child!!"

Xiao Wang expressed disbelief.

"Although it is possible, it is very small."

The director also nodded.

Not to say there is no such possibility.

Just saying it's unlikely to happen.

For example, he bought a lottery ticket at random and won the first prize directly.

That's not to say there's no such probability, it's just that it's close to none.

"Sure enough, this is the King of Hades we are familiar with. If you beat him to death, you won't admit it!!"

"My ears are callused, another accident!"

"Actually, I'm quite interested in how he plans to explain that it was an accident."

The water friends rolled their eyes when they heard this.

My ears are calloused.


But they also want to hear how this dead duck, the king of Hades, managed this accident!

(End of this chapter)

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