I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 66 I just prepared the cash, you said Hades is gone? (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 66 I just prepared the cash, you said Hades is gone? (Please subscribe!)

This kind of thing can't be counted on him!

"Mr. Zhang, don't be nervous. We came here this time just to invite you to the bureau to have a cup of tea and chat."

At this moment, another car got off in the distance, a half-haired man in a police uniform.

Looks like four 50 years old.

Seeing a man in police uniform coming, Zhang Lingtian realized that there were actually two police cars parked around his parking space! !
There were other cars blocking him and he didn't even notice.

"Team Chen."

Seeing the man approaching, the square-faced policeman and the slightly younger policeman greeted each other.

"Just have a cup of tea and chat... that's all?!"

Zhang Lingtian specially emphasized the word "just".

To be so.

As for two police cars?
In the end Zhang Lingtian got into the police car.

After all, with this posture, if I don't cooperate, I will definitely not be able to go home safely.

Then cooperate.

There is nothing to be afraid of innocence.

Sitting in the back seat at the moment.

The driver was a policewoman.

This Captain Chen is sitting in the passenger seat.

As for the policeman with the square face and the slightly younger and thinner one, they were in another car.

"Mr. Zhang, the barrel one got thunderstorm this afternoon after you paid attention, you know?"

Team Chen chatted with Zhang Lingtian.

His name is Chen Chuan.

He is the deputy captain of the Chunjiang Public Security Detachment.

"Comrade policeman, don't you really suspect that the torrent of instant noodles is related to me? Do you believe the unbelievable words of the king of hell? We must strengthen our beliefs and not be shaken!!"

Zhang Lingtian said from the bottom of his heart.

As a policeman, you should be firmer.

How can you believe that! !

"I don't know if it has something to do with you, but if we don't strengthen our beliefs, we won't come to you."

Just at this time.

The policewoman who was driving said.

Her name is Bai Jin.

"Since you are firm in your beliefs, why are you still looking for me? I just clicked on it!"

Zhang Lingtian helplessly spread his hands.

"Not only Tong Yi, but Master Li and his family also had an accident? In addition, there are also people like Ji Yang, sister Mei Zhao, Walking Lily, Little Chef Tai Tai, Fei Long, and Jian Sisi. "

Bai Jin continued.

They have been eyeing this anchor named Zhang Lingtian for a long time.

There were hundreds of fans at the beginning.

less than a month.

Became an internet celebrity with more than 200 million followers.

And the pit fee for bringing goods is as high as hundreds of thousands.

It can be said to get rich overnight!

Zhang Lingtian's face was full of question marks when he heard this.

"What does this have to do with me? I just said a few words!!"

After a while.

Zhang Lingtian was completely confused.

This pot is much thicker than Hades's.

It is even possible to attach a striped shirt to the accompaniment of Tears behind bars!

But what does this have to do with him!

During the whole process, I was in Chunjiang!
He is the one who pushed Brother Jiyang down the stairs?

And the sister Meizhao is in Wunan City. She helped the other party cut the barbed wire and go to the train track to take pictures?

"So this requires Mr. Zhang to cooperate with our investigation."

Bai Jin opened his mouth and said.

This case is now suspected by their bureau to be a vicious case of intentional murder by the accomplices, and then some reporters and hosts were bribed to create public opinion and hype themselves, taking the opportunity to amass a vicious case.

Of course, they don't have this evidence now.

Otherwise, they would have arrested this person directly.

Instead of using the four words of cooperating with the investigation.

And their logic makes sense.

For example, the first one is to find someone to murder and create public opinion to gain fame, and the second one is to find some dangerous bloggers or persuade them to take pictures in dangerous places to increase the death rate.

On foot Lily's accident asked someone to do tricks in the other's car.

The little cook may have been lucky and died suddenly of concern.

Feilong is also suspected of murder.

Just keep him eating.

From here on, play hard to get and whitewash yourself.

I made a head start and did a live broadcast to get a good impression.

Bring the goods later.

Bring the urn with the goods for the first time.

This is not out yet.

Plan to create a topic of sacrificing companions to increase popularity again.

The accident of tearing shallots may also be a human operation.

It is not ruled out to find someone to report the company to improve its popularity.

Anyway, it is to constantly improve their popularity.

Keep going out of circles.

Especially the TV station is the most suspicious.

How could there be an accident when two of them were chosen by chance?
Is there such a coincidence in this world?

The only possibility for the other party is to bribe the host.

Unfortunately, there is currently no evidence for this.

Anyway, the summary is to continuously strengthen the character design, strengthen the so-called magic spell, and finally take the opportunity to make money.

Just like now.

The process of human design and magic spell has been continuously strengthened.

It has become a business that pays attention to who has an accident.

Even more speculation has been made, and the goods are reversed.

Just like Master Li's instant noodles.

The mysterious person is said to be the opponent of Master Li's Instant Noodles who gave money to Zhang Lingtian to bring back the goods, which made this so-called Living Hades pay attention.

Then something happened to Master Li.

Bucket of instant noodles.

It was also because something happened after paying attention.

After that, will it have to develop into someone who will not pay tribute to this living Hades.

Then who will have an accident?
Also, can this also play a guiding role?

It is to let some other merchants follow suit and give cash to this so-called living Hades.

And things like cash are more difficult to regulate.

As for what if it doesn't work?
This is not!

Didn't this living king leave a way out for himself?

Stressed all the way in front of the camera.

I'm not the King of Hades!

I'm not that amazing!
Don't come! !
So it really doesn't work in the later stage, is this justified?
Further back.

Fraud of one or two billion or one billion or even higher.

Get enough and run!
Is it possible that a huge economic fraud and illegal fund-raising case will appear out of thin air in Chunjiang?


When Zhang Lingtian heard this, he was stunned and reached the limit!

Are they so skeptical?
Then I can't make it through today's wave? ?
However, he didn't know what was going on in Bai Jin's mind at this moment.

If you know the other party's logic.

He's afraid he really has to go!

The kind that can't stay for a day.

the other side.

"Wasn't that Zhang Lingtian, the boss of Ping An Shishi Shop just now?"


In the car, a man and a woman are resting.

Immediately afterwards, he witnessed this extremely unimaginable scene!
"Oh my god, live, live Hades was actually taken away! Did you take a picture just now!!!"

The girl straightened her messy hair and asked excitedly.

She has to send it to the sister group as soon as possible!
"Yeah, I took a few pictures."

The young man nodded.

The impact of this scene was too great.

It's a desperate candid shot.

Two were in black, and one was in a police uniform.

At first glance, it is very high-level.


He even suspected that Lord Yan was being targeted by a mysterious national team.

Didn’t I read the novels before that there were dragon groups and the like?

Each of them is a special person.

And this world is actually two worlds, inside and outside.

Of course, there are also non-fiction versions, which belong to the normal world version.

The world they live in is a normal world, and this Living Hades has such a strange ability.

Maybe it was taken away and sliced ​​for research.

But no matter what.

The candid shots just now were all desperate! !
Now he feels his back is cool.

"Hurry up, send it to me!!"

The girl urged.


Soon this photo was sent to this girl.

"The most beautiful flower: Sisters, a shocking event happened just now!!"

in the car.

The car's fingertips tapped the screen rapidly.

"Best Spears in Lun Lun: What the hell?"

"Peng Yuyan's wife: What's the big deal? You met my husband?"

"First Lady Yangyang: What's wrong? You can't have a boyfriend? Poor baby! So it's still necessary to get married before marriage."

That's a small group.

One by one doubtful inquiry.

There was even a sister who seemed to be experienced and sighed.

of course.

Well known.

The more so it looks seasoned.

Often more single.

After all, single dogs in this world teach people how to fall in love, that's one thing.

"The most beautiful flower: what! It's about the living hell king of Ping An Shishi Shop!"

The girl continued.




"Could it be that you are being followed! Oh my god!!!"

The group exploded.

Whether it's Peng Yuyan's wife, Yangyang's first lady, or whoever.

At this moment, question marks are issued one by one.

To be watched by the Living Hades would be a big deal.

Even if it is cancelled.

They all have to peel off a layer of skin.

It was dangerous to the extreme.

"Peng Yuyan's wife: Sister, tell me, what kind of urn do you like?"

"Yangyang First Lady: Living Hades Limited Edition?"

There are even harmful friends who directly ask the other party what kind of urn they like.

Do you want to live the urn brought by Hades?
Xiangyun is going out of stock now.

Tiandi was also fired at a very high price.

Anyway, what used to sell for [-] can sell for [-] now.

It used to sell for [-] yuan, but now it can't be bought for [-] yuan.

"The most beautiful flower: Hurry up and get out of here! What I want to say is that the living Hades was taken away by a mysterious person!!"

"The most beautiful flower: Picture.jpg"

"The most beautiful flower: Picture.jpg"

And this girl quickly sent the photo to the group.


And a certain dormitory in a certain university in Chunjiang.

A national quintessence.

Some sent pictures to their friends.

Some people directly sent the picture to their bib account.

And added topics related to the living Hades.

It was six fifty in the evening.

Today's Internet is extraordinarily lively.

And some instant noodles can be seen everywhere in the trash can.

There is Tong Yi, and there is Master Li.

After all, the video is really disgusting.

Many people can't accept it.

【2. Bai Xiang so you are a spy】

[4. Master Li lost 80 billion today]

[6. Holders of Tongyi Instant Noodles sold off one after another, and the stock price plummeted]

【7. What was revealed in this year's 815 Gala? 】

【10. The Curse of Living Hades】

【25. Baixiang daily limit】

As for the scarf.

Bai Xiang was inexplicably on the top of the hot search.

"Baixiang instant noodles: What are you talking about? We don't know anything. Could it be that the legendary person came from the sky in a pot at home? /Shocked/Shocked"

Bai Xiangguan slightly issued a scarf.

The whole look of innocence and bewilderment.

No matter how good it is, I was ranked second on the hot search list.

Said they were spies.

Who did this rape?

"Good guy, you look pretty in white, but I never thought you were the biggest spy! /Doghead"

"Bai Xiang, what did you do, you are not honest at all! Hurry up and tell me! /Funny"

"This trick is really too high. Backstab the two masters and let them fight among themselves to reap the benefits! Sun Tzu has learned the art of war well! /狗头/狗头"

"What kind of backstab! It's obviously Master Li fighting with the barrel. What does this have to do with Baixiang! They are a company that can do their best with peace of mind. Although they are not well-known, they still have the taste of childhood."

"Look! There are honest people here!!"

However, under this scarf.

Everyone followed the comments one by one and joked.

Of course, honest netizens also appeared.

have to say.

Baixiang is indeed not well-known.

The taste is not as good as the other two.

But diligent.

There are not so many marketing methods.

Moreover, the company has created jobs for many disabled people.

It's not bad.

"Thanks to Huo Yanwang's attention, these two companies were exposed and made public. Otherwise, I would still be eating Laotan sauerkraut beef noodles, the kind that is fermented in time and has beriberi cigarette butts."

"Fuck! Please stop talking about it upstairs. It took me so long not to think about this thing. Once you say it, I want to vomit again!"

"I'm already throwing up! /vomiting"

"Who do you think Lord Yan will pay attention to next?"

"National football?"



"Mom! Hou Guifen, you are a ruthless person!"

"Would you like to leave a message under Huo Yan Wang's account?"

on the neckerchief.

The water friends chatted and chatted.

Guess who the living Hades will pay attention to next.

And when the word national football appears.

Emotions were instantly mobilized.

Some people even wanted to leave messages under Zhang Lingtian's Douyin account.

Because he doesn't have a bib account.

Suddenly, a scarf with Chunjiang University as the location was issued, and it came into the public's sight.

"The best Lun Lun: It is said that this is the living Hades, seems to have been taken away? Does anyone know what's going on? Picture/picture/picture/"

In an instant, the data exploded.

"This? Is this so exaggerated??"

The women's dormitory of Chunjiang University.

A girl in pajamas flicked her phone in disbelief.

Every second it is refreshed, the reading data increases by tens of thousands.

Just 1 minutes.

Million reads! !
And it was retweeted like crazy.

Directly reached tens of thousands!
At the same time, likes are also skyrocketing.

"Hello, Miss, where did this happen? I'm a reporter from Duck Video."

"Hello beauty, I'm from the city TV station, can I interview you? When did this happen?"

And the background also received a lot of private messages.

Ask where this happened.

Can I be interviewed or something.

【50. The King of Hades Suspected to Be Taken Away】

In view of the recent popularity of this living Hades.

In a short period of time, he rushed to the end of the hot search list.


"Yan Wang was taken away?"

"What happened? What happened?"

The water friends were stunned for a while!
【3. The King of Hades Suspected to Be Taken Away】

Just 10 minutes later.

The heat soared.

Straight to thirty.

Then it soared again.

It's twenty.

In the end, it only took more than half an hour.

He climbed to the third place in the hot search list since it was sent out.

"I just prepared the cash, you said Hades is gone?"

"Looking at the black clothes, I feel like someone from Nabean, maybe there are no more."

"Look, you have to hype it up. Even the king of Hades says he is not the king of Hades. You have to hype it up. Are you being taken away now?"

"Horror, Lord Hades won't be sliced ​​and studied?"

"It's possible! After all, Bumpman can be tied up for research."

"Yan Wangye: Human beings are too scary, I want to go back to the underworld! Woooooo~"

This hot search out.

The water friends talked a lot.

Many people even think that the King of Hades may be more ominous than good.


Member of Ping An Shishi Shop.

Li Tiantian read the news, and suddenly her chest trembled! !

【work group】

"Li Tiantian: Boss, you were taken away? What happened? @张玲天"

Li Tiantian immediately opened the work group.

Want to ask yourself what happened to your boss.

"Su Wei: I don't know, is the boss there? @张玲天"

Su Wei also saw the news.

The two seemed a little confused.

In the end, the two unanimously decided to ask Jiang Xiaohan.

After all, the other party is the boss's assistant.

Definitely know something.

However, they didn't know that Jiang Xiaohan had already made several phone calls at this time.

But it didn't connect.

She went downstairs and took a taxi to the neighborhood where the boss lived.

I saw the owner's car parked there.

But the lights in the house are dark.

for a while.

She was a little overwhelmed!
the other side.

Police station.

"Is this all that happened?"

Bai Jin finished listening.


"Officer Bai, that's what happened, and I've said it twice!!"

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of tea from the police station.

The tea here is really dry mouth! !

"Mr. Zhang, don't be surprised. The main reason is that these accidents are too unexpected. It's really hard to believe."

Chen Chuan stood up.

Holding Zhang Lingtian's teacup, he went behind his back to pick up a cup of tea.

Said side by side.

Immediately afterwards, a cup of tea was handed to Zhang Lingtian.

"I also want to say that it was really a surprise. As far as the host, you know, I advised her to buy a lottery ticket as soon as I left."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Although they didn't say anything, the white police officer actually suspected that he bribed the host and hired people to kill people outside the country.

It sounds outrageous.

If I really have the money to hire people to kill people abroad to hype myself.

Then what else does he bring?

"Then, Mr. Zhang, can you show yourself? After the show, I will drive you back in person."

Chen Chuan asked.

He has been a criminal investigator for so many years.

Zhang Lingtian's eyes didn't look like he was lying.

"Okay, how can I show it? Pay attention to Officer Bai?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"Yes, you can follow me and try to see if your sooner or later law will happen to me."

Bai Jin nodded, she really didn't believe it.

"In this way, you can also pay attention to me. How about we wait for a cup of tea and go back when we have nothing to do?"

Chen Chuan spoke.

He also wanted to experience whether the Living Hades was as miraculous as in the legend.

"Okay, then I'll pay attention now!"

Zhang Lingtian did not hesitate.

After all, he just lacks a place to prove himself right now.

Otherwise, what would he have been misunderstood.

I saw him take out his mobile phone.

Why so many missed calls?
Seeing so many missed calls, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

But still ignore these.

Directly followed Bai Jin and Chen Chuan.

After all, if nothing happens after paying attention, he can leave!

 The 5000-word chapter was delivered. Today, a total of 11600 words have been updated, and 8400 words are still owed. I will make up for it a little bit in the next few days. If I really can’t write so much in order to maintain the quality, I can only make up a little bit like [-] a day.

It was blocked today, so Master Bran was changed to Master Li, hope everyone knows.

00:13: Modified a little plot
(End of this chapter)

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