I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 67 Stop Pretending, You Have Been Recruited! (Wan Zi Da Zhang please subscribe!)

Chapter 67 Stop Pretending, You Have Been Recruited! (Wan Zi Da Zhang please subscribe!)
Bai Jin opened her Douyin account and found that Zhang Lingtian was indeed following her.

At this time, she turned on the countdown on her phone. Didn't Chunjiang Focus TV station set it for more than a minute before?

She set the time this time to 2 minutes.

See what happens after 2 minutes.

Is this living King of Hades, who is very popular on the Internet now, really as miraculous as the rumors and TV shows show?

The hostess paid attention to the first one, but something happened to that one in less than 2 minutes.

The second guy named African Brother Zhengyi was even more exaggerated, he was stabbed in front of all the people watching the show in just a few tens of seconds! !

They also received the news of each other's death just now.

As for the fitness champion, he died last night.

Because of this incident, there was a major broadcast accident on the TV station.

Due to the lack of timely response to this accident, the live broadcast screen was not coded, and many people experienced the murder scene in person.

At the same time, it was accompanied by huge public opinion.

It is an attempt to impact the country's decades-long efforts to eradicate feudal superstition.

Just wait.

Time will tell.

"Fucking brothers!!!"

Suddenly a dormitory in the university.

A young man who was having dinner immediately jumped up! !

"What's the matter? You just had a convulsion after eating the dinner your father brought you?"

When the few people nearby heard this, they all cast a look of caring for the mentally handicapped.

"Do you know, this living king of Hades actually pays attention to the police, you know! And if you pay attention, you will pay attention to two!"

Thin young man points to the phone.

It's unbelievable!
"What the hell! The Living Hades paid attention to the police??"

"Oh my god, if something happens to this policeman, is the other party assaulting the police?!"

"My mother, isn't the King of Hades planning to pretend?!"

"The doomsday is coming, and the blood flows like a river??"

College students.

Surf the web a lot.

They are in awe of this living king and want to ask them to pay attention to their own school.

Because their school is a private school.

Very stupid.

Said that for the sake of food safety, students are not ordered to take away food.

But the school cafeteria is not necessarily safe to go there.

They all still ate worms, sticks, and black lacquer, and they didn't know if it was rat droppings.

It's disgusting.

The most important thing is to check bed every night.

Everyone is required to be present.

University! !

Also check bed!
If I didn't know, I thought it was high school.

And so on and so on.

Be sure to use the school's cooperative operator, and you can't choose yet.

Expensive and stuck.

The key is to have one mouthful per person.

It would be great if the living king could pay attention to the school.

After all, I often pay attention to large enterprises, because the leaders have accidents.

If you pay attention to the school, they are happy to hear about the accidents of unscrupulous leaders.

Of course, these are just some of the thoughts that come to mind.

They knew that it would be impossible for the Living Hades to pay attention to an unknown Sanben.

"Guys, look what I found today?"

In a group chat.

One said excitedly.



Others don't know why.

"The King of Hades paid attention to the two policemen!!"

The water friend continued.


"Focused on the two policemen?"

"I remember Hades was taken away, isn't this planning to die together?"

"Let's just ask, is it possible that others don't believe that King Hades has this ability, so you specifically ask the other party to pay attention?"

"Hiss——, if this is the case, these two policemen are too brave!"

"+1, what kind of new suicide method is this?"

The group members were shocked.

But because of the short time.

At this time, there are only a few groups and a few people talking about it.

It didn't rush to the hot search.

The police station at this time.

The countdown continues.

"Old Chen."

Suddenly at this moment, a man who looked about the same age as Chen Chuan walked over.

His voice was deep.

The face is also a little stiff.

"Captain Qin, what's the matter?"

Looking at his old friend and leader, Chen Chuan froze for a moment.

"Qin team."

Bai Jin also greeted him.

The police officer Chen Chuan next to her is her master, and the other party is also the deputy captain of the detachment.

And this Qin Yan is the captain of the detachment, and also serves as the deputy director.

In the bureau, it belongs to the leadership second only to the director.

"It's okay for her to mess around. Why is this old comrade also messing around? How can you let an anchor with such a large amount of traffic now follow your private account? You forgot your other boss who is doing anti-fraud work !"

Qin Yan ignored Bai Jin and lectured Chen Chuan very solemnly.

There is a comrade.

Obviously doing anti-fraud work.

But in the end, he was blown into the sea.

I am no longer qualified to wear that police uniform!
"Captain Qin, didn't we receive a notice from the leader to dispel rumors about the influence of Chunjiang Focus on public opinion? We just wanted to let him pay attention to it for a while, and then cancel it after the timer expires."

Chen Chuan explained to him that he also knew that using a private account was not in compliance with the regulations.

But Chunjiang focused.

It took Zhang Lingtian more than a minute and more than 30 seconds to cause the two anchors who were concerned to broadcast an incident.

Since we want to refute the rumors.

Definitely let the other party try once based on reality.

Nothing happened.

Then it proves that he is not a living Hades, so that the rumor can be dispelled.

They can also evaluate these things.

Whether to continue the in-depth investigation.

After all, it is somewhat suspicious that so many accidents happened in succession.

But because there is no evidence, the investigation is extremely difficult.

That's why they asked this Zhang Lingtian to come over to assist in the investigation, because although there is logic and motivation to make a case, there is no substantive evidence.

See if you can find evidence from him.

Ended up drinking a few cups of tea.

The other party behaved normally.

Perhaps it is really a rare series of accidents.

In this way, they have to eliminate the superstitious public opinion that is overwhelming the public today.

At the same time, he clarified himself for Mr. Zhang Lingtian.

Everything is just an oolong.

"Qin team, I actually think that since we want to refute the rumors, this is a good way to prove it. It is natural for the other party to pay attention to us and we have nothing to do to refute the rumors."

Bai Jin also expressed his thoughts at this time.

"I know, but you can just find an account of an online fugitive? Why do you use your own private account? Look at your accounts now, the number of fans has skyrocketed!"

Some cyber fugitives have private accounts.

It's just that some don't use it or don't use it for a long time.

You can follow these accounts.

Why use your own private account?
What if this matter is hyped up again by someone with a heart, and the private account receives a tip?
Some people may say, hand it in.

Of course you can hand in 1 to [-].

How about millions?
What about tens of millions?

It's easy for people to fall for themselves!

As a member of law enforcement agencies.

In order to ensure their own purity.

Don't put yourself in such a dangerous environment.


Bai Jin looked at his account.

Indeed, after being followed by Zhang Lingtian, the number of fans increased tenfold.

"Mr. Zhang, please cancel the attention you just gave us. Let's find a fugitive."

Chen Chuan also found that his account was gaining popularity.

That's right, it's really inappropriate to use a private account, it's not considered.

He still loves his job.

I don't want to take off this suit.

There used to be a colleague from his family.

The opponent didn't keep it.

Finally, the clothes were taken off.

This is why the police now have a lot of publicity activities, but many police officers don't want to appear on the screen.

The online world is too confusing.

"Okay, then I can go back if I order a fugitive?"

Since the other party has said so, then he should cancel this attention.

Just order a fugitive.

He is indifferent.

It is also beneficial for the police to refute rumors, clarify, and issue reports.

Now to clarify myself.

It gets darker and darker.

People don't believe it at all.

"Mr. Zhang Lingtian may have caused some misunderstandings to you when our colleagues were working. You are a free man and can go home anytime. We invited you to the police station this time mainly to assist in the investigation of recent incidents that have seriously affected public opinion in society. That’s it, it’s not a subpoena, so we’re also very grateful for your cooperation in our work.”

Qin Yan looked at Zhang Lingtian and said.

They are not summons this time.

It was just an invitation to the other party to come to the police station to assist in the investigation.

Of course, it may be that some colleagues in the department are used to the style of acting, so some misunderstandings have occurred.

"So it is."

It took a long time to assist in the investigation.

He can go back anytime.

I thought something was wrong with the situation downstairs in his house before.

"The main reason is that there have been too many accidents recently, and the public has been greatly panicked. Before that, we also approached the host and director of Spring River Focus to have a chat."

Qin Yan said with a smile.

"So they're all here. I'm really helpless about this. I didn't expect that the host would choose two in a row and both would have an accident. The probability of this is really lower than buying a lottery ticket. This police officer, then you guys Hurry up and find the fugitive, I also want to quickly eliminate the panic generated by the public and take off this hat on my head."

Compared with the white police officer before.

The police officer Qin's speech was much more to his liking.

Knowing that their purpose is to eliminate public panic.

When you come in, you should be crazy to pay attention!

Then let them send it out in the form of a police report!

This rumor rebuttal is simply cool.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you pay more attention to this Wei Li, this is her Douyin account."

Bai Jin printed out a document, pointed to the Douyin account on it and said.

Wei Li, defrauded 1200 million online and escaped so far.

He is a fugitive wanted by the public security department.

"No problem, just this one?"

After Zhang Lingtian searched, he clicked on this person's homepage.

I found out that the last video on this video account called 'AA-Li Zong' was three months ago.

It seems that she hasn't logged in for a long time, so she directly clicked a follow on her.

"Just this one is fine. I'll ask Lao Chen and the others to send you back. If you encounter any troubles in your life, you can contact us at any time, and we will send out relevant notifications as soon as possible."

Qin Yan nodded.

One rumor is enough.

"no problem."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Bai Jin, Lao Chen, come here."

Zhang Lingtian was in the reception room.

Qin Yan called the two out.


The two came outside.

"I shouldn't be in charge of your private accounts, but I hope you understand what I'm going to say, especially young people."

Qin Yan looked at Bai Jin.

"Qin team, I know."

Bai Jin took out her phone and set her account as a secret account.

This Zhang Lingtian's traffic is too much.

Her own private account, which was followed by more than 40 people before, suddenly rose to more than 1000 and is still rising.

as a law enforcement officer.

Another private number.

It's really not suitable to be involved with some public figures.

Chen Chuan also set up a private account.

After half an hour.

Jiang'an Huacheng District.

"Mr. Zhang, then we will send you here."

A police car stopped at the gate of the community.

It was Bai Jin and Chen Chuan who sent Zhang Lingtian back.

"Okay, Officer Chen and Officer Bai, you can go back first."

After getting out of the car, Zhang Lingtian was in a good mood at the moment.

After all, there are officials to help clarify.

There is no need for him to toss.

"Okay, I have something to contact, I have worked hard today."

Chen Chuan, the co-driver, waved his hand, and then the two drove away.

It is exactly 07:30.

It's been an hour since I was taken away.

"Team Chen, actually I think it's still tricky."

Bai Jin muttered.

She still thinks that this is where there is something tricky.

It's just that she has never seen such a perfect case.

Can't find any flaws at all.

"Comrade Bai Jin, you are a policeman. Although these things are a bit suspicious, as a policeman, we must speak with evidence. Team Qin has already criticized you just now. I hope you restrain yourself!"

Chen Chuan knew that Bai Jin hated those people who borrowed feudal superstitions to make money.

But evidence is the first priority.

And they invited each other to the police station, not summoned him.

To put it bluntly, although it is a citizen's duty to cooperate with the police investigation.

But some bad temper, he can not go with you at all!

what can you do

Bai Jin nodded.

"Hurry up and drive back to the bureau, the notification will be sent out later."

Chen Chuan said.

"it is good!"

Bai Jin nodded.


She stepped on the gas pedal.

the other side.

Zhang Lingtian walked into the community.

Also turned on the phone.


It was discovered that not only the little assistant had called him, but also Su Wei and Li Tiantian had called.

Of course, this little assistant played the most.

Just disappeared for more than an hour.

The other party actually made more than ten calls.

what happened to this?
As he spoke, he called the assistant.

At the moment, beside a black Passat.

"No, the boss didn't pay attention to the two policemen?"

She was shocked when she saw the news that the boss followed the two policemen in a Chunjiang group just now.

She almost thought that the boss didn't plan to come out!

As a result, I clicked in and found that there was nothing.

It's just that there is an extra woman named Mr. AA Li.

But looking at this account, it seems that it has not been logged in for a long time.

Click on some videos.

You can also see someone calling her a liar.

"Hahaha, the Living Hades finally came to clean you up!"

"Fireworks, fireworks, I want to watch the fireworks! The King of Hades comes to kill the wicked!!"

"Damn liar, since the police can't catch you, let Lord Hades kill you!"

Because of Zhang Lingtian's attention.

One by one, it was as if they had found an outlet for their anger.

Cursed below.


Scrolling through the comments.

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan's cell phone rang.

It turned out to be a phone call from the boss!

"Hey! Boss! Are you okay!!!"

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes lit up and asked with a slightly excited expression.

She was really worried that the boss would be dissected or sliced.

She didn't think so at first.

But Li Tiantian's brain is a bit big.

Just chatting and talking about myself was led astray.

"Me? It's okay! What's wrong?"

Zhang Lingtian was puzzled by the question.

He called his little assistant and thought that the other party had some cooperation project to report to him, but the first question he asked directly confused him.

"Hey! Boss!!"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian felt a voice calling him in reality.

"Huh? Xiaohan, why are you here?"

Zhang Lingtian was walking while making a phone call, and was about to get some things in the car, but he didn't expect to see his little assistant.

Immediately, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Boss, you are fine, I almost thought you were sent to slice for research!"

Jiang Xiaohan looked up and down after seeing Zhang Lingtian.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

"What the hell? Slicing research??"

When Zhang Lingtian heard this, there was an unprecedented doubt in his eyes.

He almost thought that this was not his little assistant but Li Tiantian, an employee with a slightly abnormal brain circuit.

"Boss, you must not have read the news on the Internet. Now you have rushed to the hot search list, and you have just surpassed Baixiang to be in the second place."

Jiang Xiaohan said.

"I'm on the hot search? Who has an accident again? Master Li's boss is gone?"

In the police station, Zhang Lingtian didn't look at his phone.

When I went there, I was more serious, but when I came back, I was very happy and everyone was chatting in the car.

He didn't look at his phone either.

So I really don't know what happened.

"I think he's gone too, but it's a pity that he isn't. Turn on your phone and look at the scarf."

Jiang Xiaohan said and pointed to the scarf in his mobile phone.

"There are a lot of mosquitoes, let's go up and talk."

After Zhang Lingtian got the things, he closed the car door.

Feed mosquitoes here at night.

Let's talk about it when we go home.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded and followed Zhang Lingtian into the room.

I've been here before when they had dinner together.

So it's a no-brainer.

I have to say that there are indeed a lot of mosquitoes on the boss's side.

But the neighborhood is fine too.

If you go to a forest road in front, that is the real mosquito nest.

At this time, Zhang Ling only found out after entering the room.

It turned out that when I was taken away in the ground parking lot of the community, I didn't know who took the picture.

And this photo was quickly posted on the Internet.

It rushed to the top of the hot search list in just half an hour.

"Boss, our company's account has gained more than 230 followers, and now it has more than [-] million followers. Private messages have exploded directly. Why don't you open a live broadcast to chat with everyone to clear up misunderstandings?"

in the house.

Jiang Xiaohan asked.

She also asked in the elevator just now.

Now I probably know where the boss has been for more than an hour.

It turned out to be to assist the police in their investigation.

"Alright, let's start a live broadcast after eating, have you eaten yet?"

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

I haven't eaten yet.

I don't know if this little assistant has eaten.


"You haven't eaten yet, right? Then you can eat here. I'll take you back later."

Seeing his little assistant's eyes slightly dodge.

He knew it.

The other party must have not eaten yet.

Hearing that something happened to him, he might just take a taxi here.

I have to say that the little assistant I recruited for 4500 yuan is still very good.

But don't be so excited.

Nothing will happen to him.

Next month's salary and year-end bonus will definitely be paid on time.

"Then I will have the honor to taste your craft again, boss, and arrange a live broadcast room for you, boss."

Jiang Xiaohan smiled slightly.

Although the boss is single.

But the cooking is still great.

After the voice fell, she came to Zhang Lingtian's study.

The boss's house has three bedrooms and one living room, and he can't use three rooms for one person, so he converted one of the smaller rooms into a study.

It was just right for the live broadcast to be there.

After half an hour.

"Xiaohan, I'll take care of that place later. There's nothing to eat in the refrigerator, so I simply made two dishes. Hurry up and eat."

Zhang Lingtian greeted his little assistant.

The other party actually helped him mop the floor.

It made him a little embarrassed.

After all, tonight's recipe is really not good.

Nor did he expect a visitor.

One can solve it however one wants.

"good to eat!!"

Don't look at just a simple stir-fried pork, an egg soup.

Jiang Xiaohan felt that it was really delicious! !
There is gusto.

However this night.

Some people can't eat.

For example, Huang Wen from Tongyi!
The other party's red wine and candlelight dinner last night can be said to be as romantic as possible.

However, tonight the other party was staring at the night scene outside the glass, with unprecedented murderous intent in his eyes! !

"Damn white statue!!!"

Suddenly, Huang Wen's muscles tensed up, and he smashed the red wine glass in his hand to the ground!

The female secretary who just came in was so frightened that she held her chest tightly and let out a cry.

"Have you found out, is there a white image behind the scenes!"

Huang Wen asked with condensed eyes.

Now that the two of them are fighting, Baixiang's products are sold out.

So who else is involved in this matter besides Bai Xiang?

Fighting geese all day long was blinded by geese pecking!
What a shame!

The point is that the crisis is not over yet.

Today is just the beginning.

Tomorrow is estimated to fall even harder!
In the end, I am afraid that I will become a brother and sister with Master Li!

Not necessarily even worse.

After all, at the very beginning, they beat him to death and refused to admit it.

As a result, it was just said in the morning.

It exploded in the afternoon.

It's exactly as these netizens said.

This Bai Xiang looks pretty, and he is just an honest person, but he did not expect to be the one who plays the most shady.

Master Li headquarters.


Compared to Huang Wen's anger, everyone in Master Li was very happy.

Because I didn't expect it to be really useful, I paid attention to it and immediately had an accident.

"Mr. Zhou, that's right, this guy called Zhang Lingtian is really interesting."

The executive named Lao Wu was also very happy.

Of course, their company lost a lot of money today.

But seeing that so-called friend merchant not only working as a prostitute but also setting up a chastity arch, they really couldn't hold back their breath!

"Hey, old Wu, we can't promote this kind of feudal superstition."

Zhou Wei raised his cup with a smile on his face.

Is this metaphysics?
this is not!
After all, other reporters have already gone to interview.

So it wasn't Zhang Lingtian's reason that caused this interview to happen, and it also affected Tong Yi.

But do you say this focus is useless?

He also seems to be useful.

Because right after the attention he happened.

Everything is so bizarre and coincidental.

"That's right, that's right, we can't promote superstitions positively, it's his own doing."

Some other executives who qualified for the bureau also nodded.

Make you laugh.

Can't get up now!
"Oh, it's a pity that Zhang Lingtian was taken away, otherwise he could have been invited to our company as a special talent."

A female executive with short hair in her forties spoke.

"Take it away? What's going on?"

When Zhou Wei heard this, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

The company's affairs kept him busy today, and he didn't have time to pay attention to some information on the Internet.

"It is said that he was approached by the police, and some people say that he was found by the mysterious department. I don't know the specifics. Anyway, his life or death is uncertain."

The short-haired female executive spread her hands.

"Live or die?"

Zhou Wei frowned when he heard this.

Could it be that he was targeted by a certain department for some reason?

Of course he has no access to such things.

But since there are rumors.

That's not necessarily true if it really exists.

After all, there was a supernatural research institute earlier.

Just Zhang Lingtian is actually considered supernatural.

"Hahaha, Mr. Lan, your news is lagging behind. He is back and just now the Douyin account has reserved a live broadcast."

Old Wu smiled.

He has been paying attention to Zhang Lingtian for a long time.

Regardless of his age.

More than 50 years old.

But he is also a full-fledged old netizen, a player who surfs the Internet and brushes videos.

"I'm back, it may indeed be that my news is lagging behind, haha."

The short-haired woman smiled.

"Mr. Zhou, since the other party is going to broadcast live, shall we see what the other party has to say?"

Old Wu asked.

"Well... that's fine, just use the big screen to open it."

To be honest, Zhou Wei was not interested in Zhang Lingtian at all.

Now he has a strong interest in this young man.

If the other party is willing.

He even planned to invite him to their company as a special talent.

Beware of other people's petty tricks.

Of course, you can also play small tricks on other people at critical times.

This time, Bucket One played tricks on them secretly, which really hurt their vitality.


This time, Master Li's executive dinner.

People no longer play elegant music.

But waiting for a live broadcast.

【Reservation for the live broadcast of Ping An Shishi Shop...】

[9w people have already made an appointment]


Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast appointment was only opened for half an hour.

More than 9 people made an appointment.

"It's finally going to start!!"

"Is he really living Hades this time? Didn't he mean he was taken away?"

"Brother, I private messaged you a picture. Is this picture real or fake? Why did you pay attention to the two police officers?"

"Hey, I added a follower, who is this?"

Douyin is 5 minutes before the start of the broadcast, and the barrage function can be enabled on the live reservation interface.

At this moment, the water friends are posting bullet screens one after another.

Police station on the other side.

"Jinjin, aren't you sending that Zhang Lingtian back? How did it happen?!"

Next to Bai Jin's position in the police station is a female colleague named Feifei.

At this moment, the other party looked at Bai Jin with an incredulous look in his eyes.

Obviously a big beauty.

Bags are everywhere now.

"Don't talk about it, it's all that broken car that broke down in a small forest. Lao Chen and I fed the mosquitoes for a long time before we came back."

Bai Jin was very depressed.

At that time, after observing the rearview mirror to ensure safety, the two stopped on the side of the road, and then got out of the car to check.

However, several large bags appeared on his body just after getting out of the car.

on the legs.

On hand.

There were even mosquitoes coming towards her face.

And she has that rather special physique.

After being bitten by mosquitoes, the bag is very big.

Just half a minute is unbearable.

Just hide in the car.

As a result, the car was also humming.

It turned out that as they opened the car door, mosquitoes also got in.

Out is neither out nor out.

Can only be taken in the car.


Hearing this, Feifei was silent for a while.

"Stop talking, I have to get out the police report first."

Bai Jin simply applied a little essential oil.

Then went to work.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast has already started.

Because of the previous heat.

At this time, there are three 10,000+ people in the live broadcast room.

Some water friends are swiping gifts one after another, and the popularity at the moment is as high as more than 5000 million.

"Everyone, don't get excited. It's just because there have been a lot of things recently, so I cooperated with the police comrades to go to the police station to assist in the investigation. That's all. There is no pot security and no dragon team."

Zhang Lingtian said to him with a smile in the live broadcast room.

I have to say that everyone's imagination is really too rich.

"It feels like this is not the previous live broadcast environment."

"Brother Tian, ​​blink your eyes if you are kidnapped, we all understand."

However, many people still don't believe what Zhang Lingtian said.

Some people even changed the environment of his live broadcast room.

It is also suspected that he was kidnapped.

"What kidnapping, this is my home..."

Zhang Lingtian was speechless.

It's really a pity that everyone's imagination doesn't write novels.

"Brother Tian! Brother Tian! Did you see the picture I posted! Today you seem to be paying attention to two police officers!!"

A person swiped a rocket in the live broadcast room, accompanied by a huge barrage.

"Yes! I saw it too! It seems that the King of Hades has paid attention to the two policemen!"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly unfollow after following this, and these two people seem to have evaporated from the world!"

"It's so scary, my brother must be scared to cancel his account in the police station, right? You've been yelling all day not to be superstitious, now your face hurts!"

"Awesome! Lord Yama is mighty!!!"

When someone said that law enforcement officers were also scared to log off their accounts.

One by one called mighty.

"It seems that I haven't logged out. People who follow can see it. I followed both of them before, but I can't see their works anymore."

"I also paid attention. The account is still there. It may be that a private account has been set. I don't know why it has become like this. Is setting a private account a means to avoid the curse of Hades?"

"I also want to know why."

At this time, a few water friends who discovered Zhang Lingtian's attention to the two police officers earlier appeared in the live broadcast room.

"The curse or something is exaggerated. The main reason is that the two police officers want me to pay attention to them to see if something will happen, so as to write a case report to eliminate public opinion. Later, they were criticized by the leadership of the bureau. They cannot use their private accounts to involve the public. So I unfollowed it.”

Zhang Lingtian told the water friends truthfully.

After all, there is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

Officials have written notices to clarify for him.

"I see."

"Public officials drifted away, mainly due to the fact that a certain anti-fraud colleague fell in the face of huge rewards, so now I am more cautious."

"Scary, then I want to ask the two police officers if something happened?"

"Front row! I want to know too!"

"Suddenly realize that your thoughts are dangerous, but I also want to silently +1."

The live broadcast room is very lively.

After all, hundreds of thousands of people watch it online!

Zhang Lingtian was only in a small circle before.

Now it can be said that it is basically out of the circle.

Of course, it is basically impossible for everyone to know this.

"Well, what are you thinking? If something happens, I can come back? It must be nothing! So I hope everyone believes in science, and don't talk about the living King of Hades all day long. How amazing he is, in fact, It’s all people with a heart who are deliberately hyping up bad money for the sake of traffic!”

Zhang Lingtian was really speechless for some people who hyped just bad money.

Sometimes it's obvious that the heat has dropped.

Inexplicably gave it up again.

"No problem?"

"It didn't happen? Could it be that the law of morning and evening has passed 24 hours?"

"I'm really crying to death. The king of Hades, who has been sealed forever by TV stations, actually said that he wants me to believe in science."

Friends of the water, you say what you say.

Anyway, I don't believe it!
"Yes, you really have to believe in science. After all, if I'm really so amazing, why would it be okay to pay attention to the police in the police station? Right? Although I have emphasized it many times, I still want to say something to everyone today. , I, Zhang Lingtian, are just a very ordinary funeral person, and I don’t have any morning or evening rules or zero-day rules. These are all added to me by people with intentions to hype the topic, and everyone can see the official rumors tonight.”

Zhang Lingtian continued to try to convince everyone.

Even moved out of the official.

you think.

The official is very reliable.

Then the other party refuted the rumors for him, this matter must be true.

"Hahaha! Brothers, focus on the key points! Lord Yan's words are to be tested! I have completely realized it!!"

Suddenly, another enlarged barrage appeared in the barrage area.




"Brother, what do you mean by that?"

"Focus? Brother, what did you realize! Tell me!"

"I knew this matter must not be that simple! The class representative hasten to give you dry goods!"

This person brushed a rocket.

The screen is enlarged.

Everyone didn't believe in Zhang Lingtian at first, but now they were completely attracted by his words.

have guessed.

Could it be that there is another meaning hidden in the words of the Living Hades?

Zhang Lingtian himself was dumbfounded.

What to focus on?
What did he realize?

What I say is normal.

"Yan Wang said just now, 'If the police have an accident, I can come back', 'I'm really so amazing, why do you pay attention to the police in the police station, they are fine' These two sentences are right, the answer is here, I think it's smart People don’t need me to understand too much.”

The water friend spoke up.

He looked like he had discovered a mystery.

The words were actually a bit unfathomable.

"What the hell?"

"Hiss——, wait, I seem to have an idea!!"

"I got it! I got it too! Unlike showing off your muscles on the Spring River Focus live broadcast before, showing off your muscles at the police station is simply courting death!"

"That's right, that's why the Living Hades will definitely not let the two policemen have an accident. After all, he still wants to carry out unfinished tasks in the world! My brother awakened the dreamer!"

"Indeed, let's think about it differently. As a person with special abilities, will you have conflicts with the police? Once conflicts occur, you can continue to do your own things in this world? After all, they are law enforcement agencies in the world! "


Brush and pull! !
It was just the next moment when the other party said this.

The barrage soared.

There are thousands of them at once.

The water friends finally understood Zhang Lingtian's words.

"You misinterpreted it a bit seriously!"

Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.

Can you explain that?

He didn't mean that at all.

"Brother Tian, ​​I know there are some things you can't say, after all, you have been recruited by the government now."

at this time.

The water friend spoke again.

"Are you recruited?"

"What's the situation? My Lord Yama was recruited?"

"Brother, don't reduce the dimensionality to hit me, hurry up and give me some hints!!"

As soon as the words came out.

The barrage exploded again.

"I was recruited? Brother, tell me honestly, did you do better in reading comprehension when you were studying..."

Zhang Lingtian himself didn't even know who recruited him!
It was really confusing to hear that.

"My Chinese reading comprehension was basically full marks before. Brother Tian, ​​don't hide it. If you weren't recruited, why would the official give you a notice to clarify?"

The water friend continued.

"Almost full marks, no wonder."

Zhang Lingtian said meaningfully.

After all, reading comprehension is a legend that even the writer himself doesn't know what he wants to express.

It seems to be normal to get almost full marks.

It's just that he wants to say that this announcement is not just for him to clarify.

Instead, he explained the whole ins and outs, and at the same time included his clarification.

"Also, if you weren't recruited by the government, why would you pay attention to a fugitive who defrauded 1200 million yuan?"

The water friend said again.

"My mind instantly cleared up!"

"I can only say one thing, brother is awesome!"

"My mother asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees!!"

"Living Hades: I just want to complete my mission in the world in a low-key manner, why are you digging again! Why is it so difficult to be an ordinary person!"

"Brother, you know too much and run away quickly, or I feel that you are a bit dangerous!"

Friends of the water love this old man one after another.

Worship of worship.

Advise those who run away to run away!


They really didn't expect this level of meaning before.

"Brothers, please cancel your account first if you leak the heavenly secret. See you in Japan on the predestined trumpet."

Speaking of which, the big brother directly canceled his account.

"Fuck, it's gone!"

"It's really canceled! Awesome!"

Everyone was shocked by the decisiveness of this big brother.

"Actually, I want to say that this brother's misunderstanding is too deep, and I have not been recruited by any official at all. Didn't I just tell everyone that the police can't use private accounts to get involved in the case, so they just found me a cyber escape. .”

Zhang Lingtian explained.

I hope that after the official clarification for myself this time, there will no longer be so many people who will log out of their accounts when they see him.

These people are really too pompous.

"Just found someone to escape?"

"Actually, it's reasonable to say that. After all, the police station has the most information on fugitives."

"So that means the escaped person is fine?"

The water friends are sending barrage at this time.

"Of course nothing happened. It is also the evidence for the clarification of the official notification. There is no Hades curse to pay attention to who has the accident. It is all fake! Fake!!"

Zhang Lingtian said to the mouth.

How can there be any Hades curse! !

all fake.

The live broadcast lasted two hours.

He is so earnest.

"Although there were a lot of accidents before, it seems that what you said makes sense."

"+1, if you really pay attention to who has an accident, then why don't these three have an accident, right?"

"Okay, handsome man, I believe you!"

Finally saw the effect.

It was exactly ten o'clock.

Evening news hour.

"The evening news below will broadcast the content for everyone."

The host's expression suddenly became serious.


 It feels like my brain is being sucked out!The [-]D chapter has been delivered! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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