I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 68 I cried to death. He was obviously the king of Hades who played with us all night!

Chapter 68 Crying to death, he is clearly the living King of Hades and even performed with us all night!
The whole thing seems to have some big event to report.

Although it is already past ten o'clock.

But there are still many people in front of the TV.

And some old viewers who are used to watching the evening news thumped when they saw the host so heavy.

Could it be that something happened to Chunjiang recently?
After all, it is rare to see the host of the evening news on Spring River Satellite TV suddenly so serious.

"This is a police report that everyone has paid close attention to recently."

It turned out that what was going to be broadcast this time was a police report.

"A police report from the boss?"

Li Tiantian is currently swiping her phone in the living room.

Spring River Satellite TV was automatically playing on the TV.

In fact, she also watched the boss's live broadcast just now.

The Douyin account is '6aks'.

Don't ask what the point is.

It doesn't make any sense.

Mainly go with the flow.

After all, among the more than 230 million fans of the boss, most of the names are in this format.

Two words.


As for the belief that the boss said that he is an ordinary funeral person?
To be honest, she believed the boss before he played Douyin.

He is just an ordinary funeral man who can obviously rely on his appearance for a living but does nothing.

But then she didn't believe it.

After all, there are too many things one after another.

Of course, if the official can give a reasonable explanation now, then she is still willing to reluctantly believe it.

Why is it reluctant?
In fact, she is more inclined to the big brother who leaked the secret.

Maybe the boss is really likely to be recruited by the government.

Otherwise, in this situation, how could it be possible to come back safe and sound!

"The notification is as follows."

The host's voice sounded.

[On August 8th, the Spring River Public Security Command Center received a report that Spring River Focus Satellite TV was broadcasting the program "Chunjiang Focus: 'The Live Hades' Interview" which caused serious social impact and public panic.

After receiving the alarm, the command center ordered the two nearby police stations and special (patrol) police brigades of Spring River Focus Satellite TV to dispatch the police immediately.

According to the scene, it turned out that an accident occurred when the program group was testing Hades' ability in public. The screen name "Bodybuilding Champion Berta" backflipped and broke his neck, and the screen name "Brother Africa Zhengyi" (real name Qian) was stabbed during the live broadcast.

This incident was even publicized by various netizens in conjunction with Zhang Lingtian's previous incidents, and the so-called Hades' Curse was widely publicized, and Chunjiang police started investigations from this. "

The serious and serious broadcast of the alarm report is over.

【Police notification】

On the big screen next to the host on the TV screen, the police report with white characters on a blue background appeared just now.

"Handsome guy, the official announcement is out! It's still on the evening news, do you want to watch it? Add me on WeChat and I'll send you the link!"

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast is still going on.

Suddenly, a water friend sent a bold letter saying.

"On the evening news?"

Zhang Lingtian noticed this barrage.

As for the assistant Jiang Xiaohan who was outside the camera, her beautiful eyes froze slightly.

Is it finally out?

That being said, the next step is that the boss was officially clarified.


Hope this clarification can convince her.

In her heart, she really hoped that the boss was an ordinary person.

After everything is settled.

Ping An Baishipu has worked hard to cultivate the company's 240 million fan accounts.

Then select some good products for netizens.

The company is slowly growing bigger and stronger.

At that time, the boss lost this layer of Hades' haze, and many companies would definitely come to them.

Speaking of which, she was really haggard today.

Ten out of ten companies that approached her to work with her took cash.

Prepare to use her boss' ability to carry goods in reverse.

If the boss is black-hearted.

It's true that you can make a lot of money in this way.

It's a pity that their boss is not such a black-hearted person.

Although poor.

But being able to stick to herself, she still appreciates the boss very much.

"Big sister upstairs, your idea is a bit dangerous. You are a nympho who likes living Hades. Let me tell you that you dare to fall in love with him because of the attributes of Hades? There is a girl named Jian Sisi in front of you today. Just the rumor of a love affair disappeared the next day.”

"Yes, yes, you can't bear the king of Hades, just come to me if you are a nymphomaniac! He is too cruel and may send you to hell at any time!"

On the barrage at this time, the water friends are still in the water.

Some people also said that the girl from Aite who said to add her own number said that falling in love with Hades is a dangerous job.

Even the water friends who don't shake Bilian say they are coming at him.

"Cut~, the officials have clarified, what are you doing alive, you can't question the officials too!"

Obviously the girl didn't believe it.


Officials have clarified.

Who is more reliable than the official?

"Don't pay attention to them, some people deliberately make trouble in the live broadcast room, just like the person who said that he has realized everything, the anchor's words were obviously satirizing the other party's over-interpretation of his meaning, but he was very proud to say I got almost full marks in my reading comprehension.”

"That's right. When I saw this, I was also laughing. The anchor, you are really swearing without a word."

"Speaking of handsome guy Zhang, my Erha is about to die. I want to contact you to give him half a funeral. Can you give me a private WeChat number?"

There are now more than 40 people watching the live broadcast room.

The peak period came to 55.

In the past, Zhang Lingtian worked patiently for everyone in the live broadcast room for two hours, but now some netizens believe him.

I think that although it is unimaginable, it is indeed an accident.

After all, there is no such thing as a mysterious Hades in this world.

This is just a materialistic scientific world.

"Um, if you have a funeral, please call the number on the account directly. As for the link, I also found it, and it happens to be played here for everyone to watch together, and then we will completely turn this matter over."

Zhang Lingtian also broadcast the Spring River Evening News in his live broadcast room.

He intends to turn this matter over with all the netizens.

"So what is the specific situation of this incident? Is it really like the curse of Hades circulating on the Internet? After in-depth investigation by the police, it was found that this was actually a very rare accident."

The host of the evening news continued.

"this one?"

"What's the reason??"

"Yeah, without saying anything, you just opened your mouth to convince us that this was an accident?!"

Many water friends looked annoyed when they saw the police bulletin read by the host.

"Don't be impatient, everyone, just keep reading."

Zhang Lingtian's gaze was still on the host of the evening news.

"Yeah, everyone is impatient and can't eat hot tofu. This police report is obviously not finished. After all, there is no signature."

There are also water friends to supplement.

Normally it can't be that short.

And the bottom has not yet signed.

How could the police report not be signed.

So it must have been read.

"During the investigation, our police comrades personally recruited the 'Living Hades' Zhang Lingtian to assist in the investigation for a more comprehensive understanding of the current situation. At the same time, in the police station, based on the reality, the police personally conducted the follow-up test on the curse of the Hades that netizens said, and there were no accidents. .”

"And we can also see that when Mr. Zhang was invited to the police station today, there were many incredible rumors, saying that he was taken away by the mysterious department, that he was to be dissected and sliced ​​for research, and even some other things appeared in the outside world. World Dragon Group and the like, I have to say that the imagination of netizens is really too rich, it's just Chunjiang Police."

The host said with a smile.

Chunjiang Police Department is not some mysterious department.

"So it is."

"Now the cost of spreading rumors is really too low."

"I just watched the news. I have lived a long time and I have never heard of the inner world and the outer world. It is really a mouthful of rumors."

News broadcast.

Many people expressed their support.

"Then maybe some netizens suspected that since it wasn't a magic spell, how could it be such a coincidence that something happened after just paying attention to two of them. Is there something tricky about this?"

The host brought up another topic.

"Yeah, if it's not a magic spell, then why is it such a coincidence!"

"That's right, not only the focus of Chunjiang, but also the things that happened before!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room nodded one after another.

If it weren't for the manifestation of the spell.

It's impossible for massive accidents to happen.

So is this still an accident?
"Is it possible that the owner of the Ping An Shishi Shop bribed the host? Then he took the opportunity to hype himself? Some of the things that happened before were also done by the other party?"

"Fuck, brother, your reasoning is a bit awesome! But it is possible for you to say so!!"

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room.

He sighed slightly when he saw the barrage of these water friends.


There are still people who say this.


Jiang Xiaohan was a little silent.

The boss is a murderer who hired a murderer to hype himself up?

Isn't this bullshit!

And this reasoning is pure nonsense.

The people in the front country are easy to kill!

How to kill abroad?

"There is a possibility of a fart, are you out of your minds!"

"It is true that there is such a motive, but you come to see the crime process seamlessly?"

Immediately, some water friends confronted him.

It sounds like the motive and suspiciousness can indeed be deduced.

But if you look at it carefully, you will find it ridiculous.

Not to mention domestic.

Just ask who can handle such a big case, and directly extend their hands to Africa. If they can really plan a big transnational case, would the other party still need to be famous?
Besides, how do you explain that fitness champion?

There was no sign of the other party's death at all.

It doesn't sound good.

Conspiracy theories are simply less reliable than feudal superstitions.

"The police have also responded to the hype about buying the host. Come, let's take a look at the police's specific report."

As the host said, he turned a page.

"The police have found out that Mu Meiling has no relationship with the so-called 'Living Hades' Zhang Lingtian, either in private or online.

According to the other party's statement when he assisted in the investigation at the police station, the clicked content was completely random, and it was not communicated with Zhang Lingtian in advance, so the hype itself is even more false. "

The host said.

And there are other things in the notification.

Members of related programs such as Spring River Focus Program are unlucky.

Netizens believe that it is also one of the curses of the living Hades.

It was clearly explained above that the banning of Spring River Focus TV programs and the dismissal of the director were not the result of the so-called manifestation of the king of hell. The main reason was that the lack of response to emergencies led to major broadcast accidents.

As for the fitness champion Berta, the bulletin also said that he died due to a lack of backflip training and slipping socks.

Although Africa's righteous brother committed suicide, the results of the investigation showed that the 'Living Hades' had nothing to do with the murderer.

The main cause of death was money disputes.

[I also hope that the majority of netizens can still speak rationally in the face of massive accidents, do not spread rumors or create rumors, believe in science and stick to their beliefs.

Chunjiang Police, at 8:15 on August 22th. 】

This bulletin is very long.

But not long-winded.

And well-founded!
At the end, he even emphasized that he believes in science and sticks to his own beliefs.

"Everyone has also seen that although the fitness champion was strong and strong, he died accidentally due to lack of relevant training, and this African righteous brother was also assassinated because of financial disputes. Please don't spread rumors or believe rumors, let alone talk about living the king of Hades. Young people in the new era must also believe in science and firm faith when faced with massive accidents!"

This report is very detailed.

There are more than 1000 words.

Explain every place clearly.

Be it superstition or conspiracy theory.

It even marked the two people who had accidents abroad, which hospital they went to for medical treatment after the accident, and when they died.

Moreover, he felt that the mass accidents of the Chunjiang Public Security Bureau were used very well.

"Speaking of which, the incident with African Brother Zhengyi was indeed self-defeating. It can only be said that the hostess was so lucky that she just picked this video."

Suddenly, a water friend said.

"Oh, brother, tell me what's going on!"

"I don't know what's going on, I just heard that he was hanging. If he asked for money, he didn't want to kill him, but in the end, he was killed!"

"So you owe someone money?"

Another water friend who seemed to know something inside came out.

And Zhang Lingtian was also quite curious.

Because the system only reminded that the other party died because of money.

What exactly is the money dispute did not say.

"It seems that the anchor was given money to bring back a mobile phone, but the anchor did not bring it back, and the money was not returned, and he uttered wild words. As a result, the person who gave the money discovered it during a live broadcast, and went to kill him. gone."

"I just don't understand why you owe money and don't pay it back if you don't need money!"

"Maybe you haven't seen it too much. In reality, there are many people who have more than 300 yuan in their pockets. They owe two or three hundred yuan and don't pay it back. It's so amazing!"

"This brother is very close to the truth, but let me add that this African Brother Zhengyi and the murderer are in a master-student relationship. A few days ago, the apprentice entrusted his master Zhangyi to order an Apple mobile phone from China by mail, but the master did not honor his promise after receiving the money. And refused to repay the money, the reason was that the money was used as a part of the profit sharing, just the master and the apprentice, the master brought the apprentice to collect money, right? As a result, the conflict between the master and the apprentice occurred. The location of his apprentice, during the live broadcast, the other party was still clamoring to teach the apprentice, but he did not expect to be retaliated by Jing Ke assassinating Qin a few minutes later."

Just when the water friends were wondering why they took other people's money.

A more informed water friend spoke up.

"Tomorrow and the accident, no one knows which will come first. Everyone is carrying the same head on one shoulder, so who is more arrogant than the other?"

Now Zhang Lingtian finally knew the ins and outs of the African Brother Yiyi incident.

It turned out that the master brought the apprentice to share, but the apprentice was unwilling to give money.

Later, the apprentice asked the master to buy a mobile phone, and the master deducted the money privately, and even clamored in the live broadcast room to beat his apprentice.

At the same time, he really came to the place where the apprentice was.

As a result, he was preemptively killed by this apprentice.

So who is more arrogant than whom?
Because of this small amount of money, brother Zhengyi probably never thought of it in his dreams.

"Yeah, but this apprentice is too stupid, to kill someone just for a mobile phone, is it worth it?"

"It's not a question of whether a few thousand yuan is worth a breath of life. If you were cheated by others every day, you would probably suffer from depression and want to kill someone!"

"Hey, I guess the moment Brother Zhengyi lay on the ground, he probably already regretted it."

"So what does this have to do with Brother Tian? It's purely because the hostess is lucky!"


Hearing basically this incident is also considered clear.

It was indeed an accident.

And this is an economic dispute.

It has nothing to do with Zhang Lingtian from Ping An Bai Shi Shop.

It can only be said that the host just chose this person.

"It's getting late, my friends in the live broadcast room. I'm also preparing to download it here. Thank you for your trust and giving me the opportunity to clarify this matter and return to the public as an ordinary person."

Clarification is over.

Zhang Lingtian thanked the water friends in the live broadcast room.

The shackles of this living hell king are really too heavy.

Fortunately, it was successfully solved with the help of the official.

Now I have returned to the identity of an ordinary funeral person.

What a relief.

"Hahaha~, if you start a rumor and refute it, you will lose your leg, poor brother Tian."

"There is still a long way to go to popularize science, and there are still too many feudal and superstitious people in China!!"

"+1, when the anchor said that it's okay to pay attention to the police, it's okay to follow the fugitives, but in the end, people interpreted other meanings, which is really ridiculous."

"Speaking of brothers, if the anchor pays attention to the fugitive and the fugitive really has an accident, what will happen to him? Will he be recruited by the government like the old brother said before?"

"Official recruitment? You think too well. If you really have the ability that was rumored on the Internet before, if you pay attention to a criminal, one accident will happen. If you don't wait for the official recruitment, you will kill him first!"

"Indeed, those drug dealers and evil forces do not allow such people to exist, otherwise they will not be able to sleep well."

Although Zhang Lingtian has clarified himself.

But it does not prevent the water friends in the live broadcast room from pouring water.

"Haha, please rest assured, this kind of thing is impossible to happen. If you really pay attention to a fugitive, one fugitive will be involved in an accident, then why do I have to broadcast live, and go directly to be a bounty hunter."

Zhang Lingtian smiled and waved his hands.

How can I be so magical.

Those before were just accidents.

But speaking of it, you should use the system a little more cautiously next time.

Because originally these were accidents.

Then the system can see the death rate of others.

I paid too much attention to this kind of people with a relatively high mortality rate, which led to frequent accidents.

It ended up looking suspicious rather than accidental.

"Don't say it, it's not bad if you don't want to be recruited by the government to be a bounty hunter."

"Bounty hunters are feasible. I remember that there was a coal mine rich man who married a star and ran away. How much money did he get if he found it? Why don't you try to pay attention to him. /狗头"

"My suggestion is to directly pay attention to the world's largest drug lord!"

"Hahaha, according to your suggestion, Brother Tian really has to be the King of Hades to have this fate."

At this moment, the water friends in the live broadcast room are joking.

"Boss, congratulations on clarifying yourself."

Jiang Xiaohan showed a smile.

The most influential has to be the official.

The report was well-founded, and she had completely trusted her boss.


Zhang Lingtian let out a deep breath.

【work group】

"Li Tiantian: Damn~, boss, we misunderstood you before, and almost thought you were really the King of Hades, but in the end, who would have thought that it was an accident. The huge amount of officials really reveals a lot of helplessness."

Li Tiantian also sent a message.

"Su Wei: Hahaha, Brother Tian, ​​we have actually been watching your live broadcast. It was a blessing in disguise that we were taken away by the police. Not only were we not dissected and sliced, but we also accidentally clarified ourselves. Your fan base, I believe we can do it safely. Bigger and stronger are just around the corner!"

Su Wei also said in the group.

"Zhang Lingtian: Didn't the two of you say that the Douyin account affects work enthusiasm, so you canceled the account?"

Zhang Lingtian saw the two send messages.

Actually registered a trumpet.

It was a vow before.

"Li Tiantian: Before that, I was not worried that you, the boss, are the king of Hades, and you directly lost our attention with one attention."

"Li Tiantian: The Little Girl Laughs.jpg Emoticon Package"

Li Tiantian explained.

Also sent an emoji.

If you know that this is a misunderstanding, then it will definitely not be the case.

"Jiang Xiaohan: So now you can rest assured to pay attention to the traffic flow of the boss? / Laughing"

Jiang Xiaohan also sent a message.

"Li Tiantian: Of course you can rest assured now, the boss is my account, I sent you a private message."

"Li Tiantian: Picture.jpg"

After all, Li Tiantian sent a screenshot.

It was an account called '6aks'.

"Su Wei: I want it too, I want it too!!"

Who doesn't want to take advantage of the boss's heat.

Especially after the other party clarified, the number of fans came to more than 250 million.

"It seems that my name should be changed!"

"Hahaha, me too, my mother even asked why my Douyin is a pair of characters."

"+1, they still guess what these symbols of mine mean, whether I'm in a relationship, but civil engineering has a girlfriend who moves bricks on the construction site every day! Who can fancy a construction site guy."

"Laughing to death, but big brother, such a handsome funeral guy 28, has not found a girlfriend, do you feel more balanced after hearing this?"

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room is still closed.

Although he just explained to everyone that he was going to broadcast it, but in fact, seeing the water friends chatting so lively, he still hasn't turned it off.

"Pfft, funeral man, die laughing!!"

"Originally, I wanted to unsubscribe, but now I said that I will continue to pay attention to it, and see when the funeral man can find a girlfriend."

Even at the end.

The number remains unabated.

He even gave Zhang Lingtian the nickname Funeral Man.

"Before you called me the King of Hades, but now you call me the funeral guy..."

Zhang Lingtian stared at the name for a moment.

But nothing.

He also knew that the netizens were joking.

Immediately, he also joked and complained.

At the same time, many articles were published on the Internet outside.

"Live Hades? Fake! It's just an accident, it's just a little too much."

"Believe in science and stick to your beliefs. There is no Hades in this world, it's just speculation by people with ulterior motives!"

"In the era when traffic is king, everyone is eating human blood steamed buns, and yet another ordinary person is shaped into a so-called living hell king, which is extremely ridiculous! 】

"This year's netizens are very imaginative. They even over-interpreted that they paid attention to the police at the police station, but the police didn't have any accidents because the King of Hades didn't want to start a war with the world. To reduce the social impact of this incident and secretly assist the official action, such naive words are laughable."

Many self-media, writers, etc. have judged this matter.

After all, there was an official clarification, and the matter was settled.

is fake.

"Okay, it's 48:[-] in the evening. Although everyone is still very interested in chatting, I still want to interrupt everyone very sorry, because I have to download the broadcast."

Zhang Lingtian said to the more than 30 water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Don't worry, brother, let's talk again!"

"Yeah, you funeral guy and you don't have a girlfriend, why are you downcasting so early!"

"Okay, good night handsome guy! Remember to add me on WeChat! I sent you a private message! I don't dislike you as a funeral guy~"


"Today's evening news is about to end here, so let's now broadcast the last new content we just got, a fugitive who is arrogant and defiant, the other party thinks the police can't find her and even posts a video to show off, and a tragedy happened. "

in the live room.

The evening news continued.

"Babies, I heard that the whole world is looking for me. The stupid police even let a charlatan and king of hell on the Internet pay attention to me in order to find me. Hahaha, I am here~, you come and arrest me~"


The noisy live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

And Zhang Lingtian, who was about to download the broadcast, was also taken aback for a moment.

"This is a video at eight o'clock tonight. Wei, who defrauded 1200 million yuan and fled in fear of crime for nearly a hundred days, recorded a video to provoke the police. However, he did not expect that the background of the hotel happened to be recognized by netizens. The police who were chasing outside cooperated with the local police. Hotel arrests."

The host introduced.

"Is this Wei Li whom the Undertaker is paying attention to tonight?"

"No way, didn't you say it's okay, this is caught?"


The barrage that had just calmed down suddenly spewed out! !

Zhang Lingtian himself was stunned, he might not really catch it.

Is it such a coincidence?
"However, I didn't expect that the suspect refused to open the door because of the arrival of the police, and even climbed out of the window in an attempt to escape, but accidentally fell to his death..."




"It's not that I was arrested, it's that I'm dead!!"

"I really cried to death, obviously he is the living King of Hades, and he played with us all night!"

"Mom, I'm leaving first!!"

"Account has been canceled! See you guys by fate!!"

quiet! !

Unprecedented silence! !
Then a gushing explosion broke out! !


After reading the news.

A large number of water friends escaped from the live broadcast room!
Zhang Lingtian was in a mess.

As for the friend named Shun voyage, he directly canceled his account.

Undertaker! !

Oh my goodness.

He sat in front of the computer with lingering fear.

so close! !

Jiang Xiaohan also looked at his boss in shock.

So I was deceived again? ?
"1sjaj: Lord Hades, have you really been recruited by the government?"

"1sja: Lord Yama is mighty! Please pay more attention to fugitives!!"

"1isa: It's amazing, it's still more official, and you know how to make good use of Hades! This is not a scammer who defrauded 1000 and [-] million yuan himself!"

Dare to speak at this time.

Only water friends with strange vests are left.

"Guys, I want to say that I'm really not the King of Hades. I was caught off guard by this accident. Should I try not to pay attention to you again? If something goes wrong with this, I'll just admit it to myself!"

Zhang Lingtian collapsed a bit.

playing with him! !

Just clarified!
As a result, the news was released.

As he said that, he turned off the screen of the evening news, and then turned on Douyin to search for the target. He couldn't let the hard-won clarification tonight be in vain.

Strike while the iron is hot and clarify yourself!
"Sister Zhou! Wow! Lord Yan is merciful!!"

"Don't, don't, this is our Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Lord Yan, I love his videos so much, please don't let him cancel his account!!"

Zhang Lingtian is searching for the target.

Seeing that he stayed longer under someone's video, everyone was so excited that they exploded.

"Okay, okay, I'm not in the domestic area, I'm going to the international area!!"

Zhang Lingtian clicked into the international area.

Today, he intends to pay attention in the international zone, to prove that he is not some kind of king of Hades, and he must take off this hat.

[The small speaker reminds you: the boss of Jiang Jiang Guodun has settled in Douyin~]

However, as soon as he clicked into the international area, a bright red reminder floated past.


 I got stuck today, and I wrote a little less, only 7200+, and I will make up for it tomorrow Saturday.

(End of this chapter)

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