I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 71 By the fish pond in the middle of the night, the fisherman fell asleep

Chapter 71 By the fish pond in the middle of the night, the fisherman fell asleep

"I wipe?"

"It seems that this is indeed the case!!"

"You mean we were too happy?"

Many people's hearts trembled after hearing this.

If someone else said it, they would definitely ignore it.

But this is a prophet.

His previous guesses were basically correct.

This made it difficult for many people.

"Another one who is poisoned by feudal superstition!"

"In the past, I didn't quite understand the country's crackdown on feudal superstition. Now I understand that everyone is being fooled by magic sticks. My gods watch a live broadcast and open their mouths to live the law of the king of Hades. I get annoyed when I see it."

"I said, do you people take the official clarification as a joke? Official! Such a serious existence, since the other party has clarified, there must be no living Hades in this world! You know!!"

"That's right, Boss Zhang of the Ping An Bai Shi Shop himself denied that he was a king of hell. When he was interviewed, he said that he hoped that everyone would stop labeling him indiscriminately. Now he just wants to do the business of the Bai Shi Shop properly."

Of course, some people immediately refuted.

After all, the official notification has already come out.

This thing is going to turn the page.

And even Zhang Lingtian, the owner of the Ping An Baishi Shop, himself denied that he was the King of Hades.

It was just misunderstood before.

At this time, in the Kuge live broadcast room, netizens started arguing.

And Brother Ku himself turned on the desertion mode.

After all, Brother Tian of Ping An Shishipu is a big anchor with more than 300 million fans.

I only have a little over 100 million followers.

Just now he cooperated with the other party in acting, but he must seize this opportunity to get in touch with the other party more.

Let's play a PK together next time or something.

Not to mention that being promoted to 200 million fans is such an exaggeration.

He believed that Brother Tian, ​​a man who was often on the trending searches, would definitely increase his popularity.

At least 50 more!
After all, the other party is so hot.

"Brother Chunjiang Ku: Brother Tian, ​​how is my acting? Let's go fishing together next time, I found a very good fishing spot! It's so cool!!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the debates among the water friends.

Brother Ku sent a private message to Zhang Lingtian.

Immediately afterwards, the live broadcast continued.

Ping An funeral shop.

After Zhang Lingtian quit the Douyin live broadcast room, the engineering team encountered a small problem during the decoration.

about the spatial distribution.

He went over to deal with it.

As for the private message in Douyin.

He didn't have time to think about it right now.

Mainly too much.

Those who had 200 million followers before couldn't finish the little red dots.

Now 300 million, not to mention the little red dot.

Seriously, if one day he has the opportunity to go to Douyin's headquarters, he must strongly suggest a one-click read function to them.

Anyway, he thought to take some time tonight or tomorrow to clear all the private messages in Douyin.

It has to be emptied.

Otherwise, he would feel a little uncomfortable looking at these little red dots now.

It always seems like there is something left to order.

"It's 10:[-], let's get off work [-] minutes earlier today, everyone clean up and we'll go to the next restaurant, do you have anything to eat?"

I only saw Zhang Lingtian at this moment and asked.

"Boss, there is a new hot pot restaurant near our store. The taste is really amazing. Do you want to try it?!"

Li Tiantian asked.

"I'm OK."

Su Wei spoke.

After all, it's for food.

As long as you can have a bite to eat, don't worry so much.

"Then go and try."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

She basically has the same attitude as Su Wei.

Just eat what you have.

"Then Tiantian will lead the way tonight, let's go to the hot pot restaurant you mentioned and have a try."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian.


Li Tiantian was instantly full of energy.

At the same time, Sauce Country.

"Oh my God, what's wrong with me."

I understand that the boss is vomiting and diarrhea and has difficulty breathing.

The whole person looked haggard.

It was as if he was going to ascend to heaven in place.

"Understood, the diagnosis result is out, you are infected with a special virus."

A private team of doctors quickly made a diagnosis.

At this moment, the other party came to understand the boss with the report, and said with a slightly regretful expression.

"Special virus? How could I be infected with a special virus? My protection is very good!"

Knowing that the boss heard this, he was very depressed.

He is in good health.

Never had a virus.

However, last night he had a high fever all night, and then had difficulty breathing.

Even directly on the ventilator.

It was still very uncomfortable until [-] o'clock in the morning this morning.

It's never been like this before.

Fortunately, he has a personal team of doctors.

If it were someone else, they would probably go straight to heaven.

"This special virus can ignore general protection, and professional-grade medical protection is required."

said the doctor.

"Doctor Cliff, how long will it take for me to recover? Next, I have to meet my supporters, attend speeches, and regain the title of Big Boss!"

Understand that the boss lost in the last competition.

The whole person looked worried.

After all, a person who dozes off at any time wins the title of Big Boss, which is an insult to him and his friends who support him.

"It will take three days at the fastest."

The doctor named Cliff replied.

"What? Three days! Damn rabbit!!"

I understand that the boss is a little annoyed when he hears this.

He felt a little strange yesterday.

Why are there so many bunny people in my live broadcast room.

Now he will condemn! !
Regardless of whether the other party is the real murderer or not! !

Talking about understanding the boss, he arranged for his assistant to do what should be done.

Ten o'clock at night.

Zhang Lingtian returned home.

The newly opened hot pot restaurants are a bit small.

However, this store is relatively close to their Ping An Baishi shop, and the taste is not bad, so this point can be ignored.

【work group】

"Li Tiantian: I'm really full today, I'm home, good night boss~"

"Su Wei: I must work hard tomorrow. Speaking of which, the traffic of the boss is really big. I originally had dozens of people following me, but now I have thousands of people following me. There are still many people who ridicule me for being so hard-working. Hades pay attention."

Just after Li Tiantian finished posting the message, Su Wei's message was also sent to the group.

It turned out that they had enough to eat and drink, and they went home by car.

Su Wei was sighing at the moment.

My own boss really has a lot of traffic.

At the same time, he also complained about those brainless netizens.

"Li Tiantian: Me too, but I'm too lazy to reply, because time will tell them who is right and who is wrong."

Li Tiantian said that she had given up.

Those people can say whatever they like.

After the time has passed, these people will naturally know!

"Su Wei: +1"

Su Wei silently added one.

"Jiang Xiaohan: I'm home too."

While chatting, Jiang Xiaohan also sent a message.

"Zhang Lingtian: I'm home too, everyone should go to bed early, and we will have dinner together as soon as we sign a big order."

Zhang Lingtian is not a stingy person either.

I saw him talking in the group at the moment.

"Li Tiantian: Oye! Good!!"

"Su Wei: My best brother, I want to work in Baishipu for the rest of my life!"

"Jiang Xiaohan: Little girl holding a Sprite toast expression package.jpg."

The message in the group has been answered.

Zhang Lingtian went to take a bath.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, it was already 10:30.

He picked up the phone.

If he had time tonight, he ordered the little red dot of Douyin! !

After all, these private messages have to be cleaned up, right?

As soon as Zhang Lingtian said that, he turned on Douyin.

Now he has 320 million followers.

This is really a number that he really didn't even dare to think about before.

"Bai Youbai: Brother Tian, ​​with the popularity of the King of Hades, you don't hype it up, I admire you! I'm following you!"

"My sister is the queen: handsome boy, do you remember me? I was the first old fan to support you. I never reply to my sister's private messages or call me. Do you accept her or not? Give me an accurate answer!"

"God of Baibiao: Spicy chicken! You are a liar!!"

"Third brother with a flat head: Good guy, I even ran to Jiangdu to wash dishes, and you told me you were fake? Why did you lie to me!!"

Open the private message page.

The news was overwhelming.

The least is one.

There are dozens of them at most.

For example, this person called 'Sister is the Queen', the other party sent him more than forty messages.

He also left his phone number and sent him pictures.

So, sometimes it's troublesome to be handsome.

There is also a man named Pingtou Sange.

It seems that this one has a little impression on him.

It seemed to be the matter of Meizhao sisters before.

This guy said that he lived an hour's drive away from his funeral shop.

At that time, he left a message for sister Meizhao, and the other party also said that he would kill her.

Later, for some unknown reason, the account was canceled.

Then there was news that the other party seemed to have gone overseas.

He also sent dozens of messages to himself at the moment.

Tucao f*ck, I went abroad to wash dishes in order to hide from you, the king of Hades, and you told me that you were a fake, do you deserve the joy of my successful escape! !
Sauce country.

It was 10:30 in the morning.

A man is smoking a cigarette.

Wearing a bib.

"Damn it! Quit it! Fuck the fuck!!"

This is the third brother with a flat head.

Show off with group friends before.

He is the man who successfully escaped the pursuit of the Living Hades.

When they saw him coming out, they called him awesome brother!

As a result, now he is in the group, he has become the object of ridicule, and he has become an idiot brother!

It just pissed him off!
Don't play like that.

He wants to go back!


tidy up.

Go to the airport and buy a ticket! !

Since it's fake, he naturally doesn't have any kind of hiding from Hades.

Or set foot on your own piece of familiar land.

spring river.

"Ping'an funeral shop: Hello, thank you for your support. If you have a funeral appointment, please contact me. I wish you all the best."

For the old fan who sent more than [-] messages, I still replied with a message.

After all, they have supported themselves for so long.

As for making phone calls and meeting offline for a six-figure month, forget it.

He's not that kind of person.

As for the private letter from the third brother Pingtou.

Zhang Lingtian was too lazy to return.

After all, it's none of his business.

You ran out by yourself.

Moreover, he has long emphasized that he is not some kind of king of Hades, but what can you do if you still flirt with him.


Brush and brush.

Eleven at night.

Zhang Lingtian was stunned when he saw a private message.

This was actually sent by the anchor named Brother Chun Jiangku today.

Tell me you're good at acting.

Also make an appointment with him.

Then found a good fishing spot.

I was a little confused about this Lingtian.

What kind of muscle is wrong with him!

"Ping'an Baishipu: What's a good show? What are you talking about? Didn't you tell you not to go fishing? Why did you discover a new fishing spot? Don't go for these three days!!"

Zhang Lingtian directly replied to the other party's private message.

99% mortality rate.

Pseudo-accurate customers.

And it's because fishing is dangerous.

You also found a new fishing spot, isn't that afraid of death!
However, after the message was sent, there was no reply to his message.

At this time, a car was driving on the Chunjiang Ring Road.

Then it stopped by a remote reservoir.

"Well, the place is nice."

This person is none other than the cool guy from today's live broadcast.

The other party has no special hobbies.

The only thing I love is fishing.

A true fisherman.

I saw him stop the car now.

The trunk opens.

That's all fishing gear.

Quiet fishing at night.

And there are not so many people during the day.

"It's really good, next time I will bring Brother Tian with me."

The cool guy thought to himself.

He had discovered this place before.

Originally, I felt lonely fishing alone at night.

It turns out that Brother Tian with 300 million fans is also a fisherman.

We can really come together next time.

He sure likes this place.

To avoid interruption.

He didn't even take out his mobile phone.

After all, the most annoying thing is to catch half of the fishing, and others call him.

As for private messages.

I have a lot of private messages every day.

There are nearly a thousand common.

Brother Tian has 300 million fans, and it is estimated that there will be more private messages.

Let's see if they reply tomorrow.

If he didn't reply, he planned to go to Baishipu to have a cup of tea with this brother Tian.

One day I will bring him here again to enhance our relationship.

As for what the other party said in today's live broadcast.

It is estimated that Brother Tian is performing in a live Hades vest.

11: 30.

Zhang Lingtian cleaned up more than half of the information.


I can't stand it anymore.

"Why haven't you returned yet?"

Zhang Lingtian returned to the interface again.

I clicked on the private message page of Brother Chunjiangku's account.

He sent three messages to the other party.

There was no reply.

He wouldn't really go fishing, would he?

Thinking of this Lingtian frowned.

But the system said within three days, so it shouldn't be possible for something to go wrong on the first day.

I guess it's because you haven't logged into Douyin?


Who is free to log in to Douyin all day long?

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the other party's homepage.

Found a WeChat account that can be added for cooperation.

Zhang Lingtian added this wechat out of the idea of ​​reminding the other party.

Still no one passed.

He looked at this wechat as a phone number, and with the idea of ​​giving it a try, he dialed the phone number.

"Beep beep...the phone is not connected."

It got through.

But no one picked up.


Zhang Lingtian also gave up struggling.

He guessed that he must have slept.

Indeed, he was asleep.

By the reservoir at night.

Brother Cool flicked the fishing line.

He had forgotten that there was a high-tension line above his head.

The moment the fishing line was thrown out.

Sparks immediately rose from the scene.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Ku fell straight to the ground.

The body is still smoking.

But because it is night.

It is also a relatively remote natural water reservoir.

No one came.

until seven o'clock the next morning.

"This buddy came fishing so early? Did he work all night last night?"

At this time another car came.

Maybe a fisherman too.

The other party was surprised when he saw Brother Ku's car parked here.

After all, those who can do it overnight are fierce people.

If they are fishing for a night, the wife can directly break the fishing rod.

"How's the situation buddy?"

The car stopped.

Two fishing guys got off.

The other party asked about the harvest with a smile on his face.


In the next second, the ground was scorched black.

The two were taken aback.

"Don't go there! He touched high voltage!!"

There is a high-voltage electric frame like the Eiffel Tower in the rear.

There are thick lines all over the top.

A bald man with glasses shouted at him.

"Beep beep-"

Call the police.

Call an ambulance.

Report to the fire brigade.

Ten minutes later, the police, ambulance and fire brigade arrived.

The police take notes.

The fire brigade tested for electrical current.

Dispose of the fishing line after making sure there is no power.

Then let the paramedics come over to check the injury.

When the paramedics come.

Looking at the scorched black guy, Ku Ge shook his head.

This is estimated to have been electrocuted overnight.

It's not just that people are black.

His fishing gear was also blackened by the electricity.

Even the entire lawn is radioactively scorched.

"already dead."

The paramedic shook his head.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Sauce country.

Knowing that the boss had the virus was reported by newspapers and media.

And the above also pointed directly at a person named Ping An Bai Shi Shop.

The sauce friend also exploded abnormally!
They took screenshots of what they said during the day yesterday!
It must be the ghost of the other party, who used magic to harm their boss.

on the plane.

The third brother with a flat head who was looking forward to the motherland watched today's news.


My mind is full of question marks.

What the hell?
Understand that the boss is now down after being paid attention to?

Even on a ventilator?
Did something go wrong?
Isn't this Ping An Bai Shi Shop the Living Hades?
Didn't the official clarify that the other party is not a living Hades.

Damn, is this a lie?
If the other party paid attention to ordinary people, they would have ascended to heaven long ago!
After all, who can compare to understand the medical condition of the boss.

As a result, the other party's doctor speculated that it would take at least three days to recover, and the key point is that he is still using a ventilator.


Daily Scrum.

There are people from various places such as cattle, horses, chickens, eagles, sausages, donkey sticks, etc.

"Hi, may I ask if you know anything about the Ping An Baishipu and the King of Hades recently?"

The question was asked by a reporter from the foot basin chicken country.

"Live Hades? I really don't know much about this, but as far as I know, we don't have any live Hades."

Spokesperson Shuang Yingying replied.

"It's like this. Our Boss Tang was infected with the virus yesterday evening in Jiang Country time, and just yesterday at [-] o'clock in the evening in your Rabbit Country, he was once paid attention to by a person named Ping'an Baishipu. It is said that This person is a representative of witchcraft in your country. The reason for concern is to take our Boss’s life. In fact, he almost did it. Do you think your rabbit country is despicable for using this method? And should you apologize to Boss? ?”

The reporter from Bald Eagle Sauce also stood up.

asked the question.

At the same time, various lenses focus.

The daily meeting is a window for communication among members of the world.

Everyone wants to know how Shuang Yingying answered this question.

"First of all, we express our regret that our boss has contracted the virus."

"As for the fact that Ping An Baishipu is a representative of witchcraft, the boss almost died because of the other party's attention. Internally, if this is what the ordinary people in the country think, then we should strengthen the popularization of science and culture among the people, and if this is what the boss himself thinks, then we express regret."

Shuang Yingying replied.

"Clap clap-"

Suddenly bursts of applause sounded.

This answer is really good.

"This...thank you for your answer."

The reporter from Jiang Country didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

All I can say is thank you.

Sit down timidly.

And at the same time.

Early in the morning, the hot searches for these two things began to ferment.

[45. Internet celebrity died after touching a high-voltage line while fishing late at night]

【46. Wonderful remarks at the regular press conference】

Because things just came out.

So at this time only these two are on the hot search.

Then with more and more clicks.

The hidden information behind these two pieces of information directly ignited the Internet!
At this moment, Zhang Lingtian just woke up.

Completely unaware of the impending superstorm.


 Get a little more today, and strive for more tomorrow.


Then push a friend's new book, the old author with tens of millions of characters, "Let You Be a Soldier, Are You My Boss?" ", you can read it to see if you like it, if you like it, you can bookmark and follow up~
(End of this chapter)

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