I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 72 Isn't it a good clarification, why is this Hades vest put on again?

Chapter 72 Isn't it a good clarification, why is this Hades vest put on again?

"I wipe-"

Zhang Lingtian woke up in a daze.

When he saw the phone, his body trembled.

The time came to 08:30! !
Knew it.

You can't squint for 5 minutes after the alarm clock rings.

He set the alarm clock at eight o'clock, but he thought it was still 5 minutes early.

Woke up directly at 08:30.

It's terrifying.

Fortunately, he is the boss, so he can indulge once in a while.

get up.


Order a takeout to the storefront.

Pick up the car keys.

Zhang Lingtian drove off.

Ping An funeral shop.

"I'm O!!"

Three employees have come.

Su Wei opened the door.

Not to mention, after the construction team installed the entire door last night, the Baishipu seems to be inexplicably a little bit more expensive now.

It used to be a small facade.

Now the whole row on the first floor used to be Baishipu's storefront.

Suddenly, just after Su Wei pushed open the door.

Li Tiantian screamed.

"What's the matter with you?"

Su Wei looked at each other.

There was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaohan was also a little strange.

Why did he caress his chest all of a sudden, and then looked very surprised.

"I just read a piece of news that was the tenth most searched! Do you know what I found!!"

Li Tiantian's eyes were as wide as a bell.

"What happened? Isn't this just a routine speech?"

Su Wei also plays with scarves.

Naturally, I saw the hot search above.

[Top ↑. Autumn is coming, don't miss the good time]

[1. Both men and women have the best reproductive period, and do it and cherish it]

[2. No matter your occupation is high or low, as long as you work hard, there will be happiness. Young couples earn 9000 a day by setting up street stalls. 】


[9. Internet celebrity died after touching a high-voltage line while fishing late at night]

【10. Wonderful remarks at the regular press conference】

The most searched scarf.

It seems almost normal.

Thankfully though.

Their boss finally didn't make the top ten searches.

I don't know what's going on.

【49. Ping An Baishi Shop Pays Attention to Knowing the Boss】

This was a hot search that was already posted yesterday.

Now it has rushed up again.

"Yeah, isn't this hot search normal?"

Jiang Xiaohan also opened the scarf.

With Li Tiantian's expression on her face, she almost thought that the boss was on the trending list again.

The result is this?

But think carefully.

The boss has nothing to go on the hot search.

After all, everything has turned the page.

The official notification can be said to have high credibility in the hearts of the public.

That's why the matter calmed down so quickly.

"No, can't you just click in and see the content?"

Li Tiantian pointed to the phone and asked.

"What's the content, what a fuss, shit!!"

Suddenly, Su Wei, who was making a fuss about Li Tiantian, called "Quintessence of China".

"See it!!"

Li Tiantian stared at Su Wei.


Looking at what was said in the news, Su Wei gasped and nodded stiffly.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaohan was completely dumbfounded by these two people.

"Sister Xiaohan, click on it to see for yourself."

Li Tiantian reminded with a tingling forehead.


After clicking on it, Jiang Xiaohan had a surprised look on his face.

What the hell? ?

The boss who knew before actually had an accident!
"I cried to death, it's the 24 hours and zero days rule again!"

"Who mocked me for not cutting my whip that day? Tell me what to say about it!"

"Wow, I cried out, didn't I say that there would be no King of Hades, why did I put on the vest of King of Hades again!!"

"I suggest offering sacrifices to the old man that day. This kind of secret was actually snooped by the other party! If you want to say that the living hell king has not reached a secret cooperation with the official this time, I will shit on my head!!"

"Jiang Jiang: Do you think I believe what you said? There is no reason why the boss is sick!!"

"Zhanyou Bureau: Hahaha, I didn't expect it, I'm out of the rivers and lakes again! If I say no, I won't!!"

This hot search is below.

All of them were screaming and collapsing.

It was agreed that there would be no Hades!
Aren't you the King of Hades?

The reporter of Jiangjiang was stunned.

Otherwise, how to explain such a bizarre thing.

"Should we log out again and again?"

Li Tiantian asked tentatively.

"Then you plan to tell the boss that our hard-working employees don't use Douyin?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked.

"Yes! Our hard-working employees don't play Douyin! We must be positive!!"

Li Tiantian clenched her fists tightly.

It seems to be shouting that we young people have power!
"Are you treating the boss as an idiot? You canceled your account again, and you still use the old routine. Don't be careless when the boss just says 'pay attention to your health' or send a funeral advertisement to your private message!"

Su Wei said angrily.

Same routine.

It doesn't matter if you use it once, it's justifiable to use it twice, use it three times to the limit of endurance, you use it four times to see if the boss will crack you!

"This..., what should I do then!!"

Li Tiantian scratched her hair.

Before, she asked those who paid attention to her to wait for time. Time is the best way to slap her face.

As a result, her face was directly swollen from the beating.

"No need, just wait for the boss to bring breakfast and work hard."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands.

Knew it.

She is still too young.

The boss is really pretending.

The excited appearance before made it impossible for people to think that it was fake.

But they can be regarded as the right and left hands of the boss, and the other party should not start killing.

Unless you do something too extreme to irritate the other party.

"That's right, let's work diligently. Speaking of which, the boss is not stingy. After the deal is negotiated, there are bonuses and even eating out. Compared with those capitalists, they live more like Hades!!"

Su Wei agreed.

Where is it not a part-time job!
As long as you don't make mistakes, you'll be fine.

Besides, the boss is not a stingy person.

Maybe he, the king of Hades, got to the world to complete some specific tasks.

Anyway, it is always right to cooperate with each other.

There is no need to pay attention repeatedly, cancel the account, and open a trumpet.

The main reason is that his mobile phone number is not enough.

"But, aren't you afraid? Who is this concerned about, and who has an accident!!"

Li Tiantian panicked.

"Before that, there were rumors that whoever was in the same frame as the boss had an accident, so why is Miss Xiaohan all right? And the two policemen that the boss paid attention to before are all right?"

Su Wei asked back.

"It's also..."

Li Tiandian nodded, she really didn't have an account anymore.

If you open another one, you have to register a mobile phone number!

Believe in yourself.

As long as you don't make mistakes, the boss will definitely not sacrifice to heaven.

Unless the funeral goods are short of money and can't pay wages.

As for you asking her if she wants to resign.

After all, how scary it is to deal with Lord Yan.

Dare not!
The boss made it easy.

Yangjian resigned.

Underworld entry.

She still wants to live a few more years!

"Let's clean up first."

Su Wei said.

Then pick up the broom.

Jiang Xiaohan went to make tea.

The boss has no particular hobbies.

I like to drink a little tea every day.

Normally, 08:30 will come by nine o'clock at the latest.

I didn't expect the boss to arrive at [-]:[-] today.

But no matter what the other party is busy with, it is always right to make his tea first.

"Sister Xiaohan, Ah Wei, you said that if we work hard, can we ask the boss what is our life expectancy?"

Li Tiantian is now going to wipe the boss's office desk and stool.

By the way, water the green plants.

There is a pot of asparagus in the boss's office.

Speaking of which, if it's done well, can you ask Fang Yangshou?

"I'll wipe it, you little brain!"

Su Wei froze for a moment!

Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei's expression in a daze.

Is it taboo to ask Yan Wang Yangshou?

She usually likes to watch dramas.

But I really don't know about these aspects.

"It's so clever! When we work hard, we can not only ask about our own longevity, but also ask about the longevity of our family members! What are we afraid of in this wave, the boss has to hug this thigh!!"

Su Wei suddenly felt that Li Tiantian's words directly opened up his situation!
"Then can we still have a longer life if we do it well?"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up.

"of course!"

Su Wei said yes.

After all, the boss is not the kind of stingy person.


Jiang Xiaohan remained silent.

It can only be said that these two brain holes are quite big.

"Ping An Shishi Shop, your takeaway!!"

Baishi shop.

The delivery man in a yellow robe entered the funeral shop with four breakfasts.

Then he slipped away.

After all, it's Yama shop.

Are you afraid!
"Is this what it is!"

Li Tiantian looked at the look of the delivery man fleeing in despair, and suddenly looked annoyed.

The boss is so scary?
Obviously handsome and cute!


Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan's phone rang.

"Hi, hello, this is Ping An Shishi Shop."

Jiang Xiaohan picked up the phone.

Do you want to cancel the ad?
After all, the boss's affairs were reversed again.

"Hey, it's Yan Wangzhu...oh, no, it's Assistant Jiang, right?"

asked on the phone.

"Well, I'm Jiang Xiaohan, what's the matter?"

Jiang Xiaohan heard that this didn't seem like canceling the previous cooperation. Could it be that the dead reverse delivery has revived again?

"That's right, our car is ready to arrive at your shop, and we want to discuss some cooperation with you."

That said.

"Cooperation? We don't accept cash, and we have to sign a contract. If you don't sign a contract and give cash, then forget it."

Jiang Xiaohan has already been tricked once.

It is definitely impossible to be tricked a second time.

"Don't worry, we must have signed the contract, and the fee is still punched."

The other end of the phone promised.

at the same time.

Zhang Lingtian was driving over at this moment.

"It's weird, why is it so busy today!"

Facing the streets of his shop.

Zhang Lingtian felt unexpectedly blocked at this time!
Also don't know what happened.

Fortunately, the funeral form signed yesterday is not today's, otherwise it will be troublesome.

My own street was a little narrow, so I didn't move it for a long time.


Takeaway has arrived.

Have been received.

Fortunately, I ordered takeaway first.

According to the current situation, I can arrive at least at 09:30.

at last.

After more than ten minutes, he arrived at the door of the store.


After parking the car, the phone vibrated.

He glanced at it.

Discovery is a newsfeed.

When he saw the news feed above, Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

Knowing that something happened to the boss! !

Is this wrong?

Only 0.02% probability.

This photo is fake, right?
The news that Zhang Lingtian watched was accompanied by a picture.

Understand that the boss is lying on the hospital bed.

There are even ventilators.

The whole look haggard to the point of no good.


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian noticed another piece of news.

Chunjiang Internet celebrity fishing touched high-voltage lines and died.

After watching it, his heart sank.

Good guy!
It turns out that the Internet celebrity I reminded me yesterday is gone!

Didn't he say, don't go fishing, don't go fishing! !
Why the other party just didn't listen, and went fishing under the high-voltage line at night, isn't this rushing to reincarnate!
Zhang Lingtian was in a complicated mood.

He thought the other party was asleep last night, so he didn't reply to the message, but who would have thought that it would be cold!

"I have worked as an electrician for 30 years and I dare not stay under high-voltage lines. Brother, you understand high-voltage electricity. Go all the way! /Sweat"

"You don't understand, when a person dies, he cries for three days, but when a fish escapes, he is laughed for the rest of his life./狗头"

"Who would have thought that white letters on a blue background could lie to me? There is no love in this world."

"I also clarified that the king of hell is the king of hell. I just came to the live broadcast room yesterday and today I went straight to the west!"

"That's why some people always feel that they are an exception, and they don't listen to what others say. Now they have to bear the consequences."

"I thought the fishing line was so thin, it wasn't metal, and it would insulate, but it didn't insulate! /Shocked/Shocked."

"I'm luckier than him. When I was fishing a few months ago, the fishing rod also touched a high-voltage power line. The rod was cut off by the electricity, and the person fell to the ground. The hand holding the rod was directly familiar with the place where the fishing rod was in contact. You can smell it. When I arrived at Rouxiang, my first reaction at that time was that I was going to die, and then I quickly called for help, and then took the fishing rod away with the other hand. When my friend pulled me up, I knew that I was lucky, I survived I can only say that Brother Ku is going well, and all fishing friends will drop half-drift and bow at ninety degrees!"

About this news below.

A lot of water friends are commenting.


Zhang Lingtian sighed.

That's right, what's the effort!
It was just clarified the day before yesterday that another accident happened today, and two accidents happened at once, and now this public opinion that the imprint of the living Hades is about to be engraved in the bones of the public.

After glancing at the comments, Zhang Lingtian withdrew from the news.

To be honest, one netizen was right.

I always think that I am special, and I can't listen to what others say.

He just reminded the other party during the day yesterday, but you went fishing at night.

I didn't know that I thought it was suicide!
Now the Baishipu has to restore the feeling of going to court again.

The kind that everyone looked at him timidly.

In fact, he wanted to say that he was an ordinary person with a system!

The point is that this system is not very useful.

You can see a little value.

That's it.

Huh, that's not right!
Suddenly Zhang Lingtian thought of a question.

In the old days, when others were stunned, didn't I have a reminder? Why didn't I have any reminder when this guy named Cool died.

Zhang Lingtian had a puzzled look in his heart.

Could it be this?
Opening the system status bar, Zhang Lingtian found a small red dot on the small bell of his system.

Seems like a message was unread.

[Reminder: Brother Chunjiang Ku who you are following died at 23:44. He was electrocuted after touching a high voltage line while fishing. 】

[You can choose whether to undertake the funeral? 】

An extra reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

[The host chose to undertake the funeral, and the phone numbers of relatives have been issued. 】

Since it was in Chunjiang, Zhang Lingtian of course wanted to win the opportunity to undertake the funeral.


At the beginning, he thought that when the system said whether to undertake the funeral, after he clicked to undertake, the system would take care of everything for him.

Then let him have a worry-free funeral.

It turns out that you don't know until the end.

This system will only find the contact number of the other party's family members.

Whether he can qualify for the funeral is entirely up to him.

This system is really useless.

But having a system is better than not having one.

Speaking of which, Chunjiang's funeral industry is under a lot of competitive pressure.

Just their street.

Several funeral shops opened.

In addition to privately run shops, there are also official ones in the city.

The resistance to going to other cities is also here.

It can only be on one-third of an acre of land.

If Feilong hadn't been held in the village last time, he probably wouldn't have been able to go.

Because this kind of thing is relatively relaxed in the village.


Zhang Ling got out of the car.

Then close the door.

"Morning boss!!"

The three people greeted each other when they entered the door.

All of them are very friendly.

Moreover, Zhang Lingtian found that they had mopped the floor, wiped his office clean, watered the flowers, and even made tea.

The key is not to pretend!

As the shopkeeper of the funeral shop, he could still tell if a person pretended to be real.

"Is the sun coming out from the west?"

Zhang Lingtian asked curiously, something is wrong with the script.

"Boss! We will work hard from now on! Let's strive for Baishipu to be listed as soon as possible!!!"

Su Wei and Li Tiantian chanted slogans.

As for Jiang Xiaohan, he didn't participate.

She is now replying to messages on the computer.

Except for Su Wei, Li Tiantian, Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian all had a computer.

Li Tiantian was used for editing and publicity.

Jiang Xiaohan's work is for office work, contacting customers, and making financial statements.

"The next sentence is that we have canceled the account?"

Zhang Lingtian, who was just a little suspicious, suddenly realized when he heard this, it was too familiar.

After all, after each clarification, the three of them canceled their accounts.

"Of course I didn't log out, boss, we really want to do a good job this time from the bottom of our hearts!"

Su Wei patted his chest and said.

Li Tiantian is also very determined.

"Oh? Aren't you afraid of me living Hades?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little surprised to find out that they really didn't log out. Isn't the little employee he hired afraid of him?

There are all kinds of rumors on the Internet.

He frowned.

It was the same with my own employee before, looking at him as if the chains of Master Qi Ba were hanging around his neck.


Now there is no fear.

Not normal.

"Don't be afraid, boss, can you tell us how much life I, Li Tiantian, have left?"

Li Tiantian came over and asked.


These words directly silenced Zhang Lingtian.

The co-authors are not afraid of themselves, are they planning to ask Yangshou here?
Are you planning to add some longevity yuan?
Had breakfast.

Zhang Lingtian sat in front of the office.

"Boss, according to the contract, you have to start a live broadcast in the afternoon and bring the goods for two hours."

Jiang Xiaohan reminded Zhang Lingtian.

It is to bring auspicious funeral goods.

"No problem, but they didn't cancel the contract?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little surprised.

He thought Qu Jiangmei was going to withdraw from the contract!
Yet he didn't know.

Qu Jiangmei has been wandering back and forth for a long time.

Pick up the phone and put it down again! !
She hates it so much!
I hate myself for being so anxious.

After the official clarification, they immediately wanted to grab the top traffic and cooperate with the other party.

Something went wrong!

Know the boss and win the bid!

The fan the other party was following died from high voltage electricity last night.

Another zero day! !
She was thinking, if she cancels the contract, will she offend the other party?
Tangled ah.

On the other side, Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Beep beep-"

A police car pulled up to the door.

Neighbors stuck their heads out.

Everyone was curious about what happened.

Li Tiantian and the others also felt a little puzzled.

Why did this police car come to their funeral shop?

"I'm like a blast: Shocking news! A police car parked at the gate of Baishipu! Is the King of Hades going to get involved?!/Picture/Picture"

A takeaway brother happened to be here to deliver food.

The other party took a photo.

Then it was sent directly to the rider group.

"What? The police car is here? There are so many things that happened before, but no police car would dare to come to the door!"

"What kind of agreement might have been reached in the police station before, I guess it might be that Huo Hades broke the rules."

"What are you superstitious about? It's no wonder the police didn't look for him. The other party just said in Chunjiang Kuge's live broadcast room yesterday that he should not go fishing. Last night he was caught fishing and died of high voltage! Do you think it's strange or not? Well, it’s not necessarily true that this is intentional homicide!”

"Strange is rare, brother, but you can't talk nonsense! What evidence do you have to prove that the other party is a murder hype? You never know if you are suspected!"

There are takeaway boys from all walks of life, and the group suddenly became lively.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Two people got out of the police car.

They are Chen Chuan and Bai Jin.

Li Tiantian stepped forward to greet and asked.

"We want to find Mr. Zhang Lingtian, where is he now?"

Chen Chuan asked.

When they checked the call records of the dead Jin Xiaoku, they found that Zhang Lingtian had called him last night!


(End of this chapter)

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