I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 73 Lord Yan demanded his life on the spot, everyone was stunned!

Chapter 73 Lord Yan demanded his life on the spot, everyone was stunned!

Ping An Shishipu Office.

At this time, a certain sports brand was discussing cooperation with Zhang Lingtian and the others.

"Mr. Zhang, let's sign the contract, and the money will be transferred to your Baishipu's account immediately."

I saw this polite-looking representative talking to him.

"No, Mr. Tian, ​​aren't you Hong Xingerke? Why is the official seal of Xingxing Consulting Co., Ltd.?"

Check the contract to be sure.

Suddenly, the little assistant noticed something was wrong.

"Assistant Jiang, Boss Zhang, our Xingxing Consulting Company is a subsidiary of Hong Xingerke. Please rest assured that we are mainly responsible for the sales."

Mr. Tian said.

"It's better to call and check."

It is true that a brand name is not necessarily a company name.

But a sporting goods company took over the chapter of a consulting firm.

He always felt that something was not quite right.

So it's better to check it out.

"Boss Zhang, you can verify that we will naturally cooperate, but what I want to say is that you don't have to be so cautious. Our Xingxing Consulting Company is a sales subsidiary under Hong Xingerke. The usual cooperation and other things are basically our official seal. Besides, we know that you must be very cautious about what happened to Master Li, and it is impossible to ask you to bring goods in reverse at this time, isn't it? "

Mr. Tian took a sip of tea and said in a very calm manner.

That expression seems to say, we are real.

You can check it as you like.

But we advise you not to do this, because you are tossing yourself.

After all, we are genuine.

"Hi, this is Hong Xing Erke customer service center, do you need any help?"

But the assistant Jiang Xiaohan still made a call.

Zhang Lingtian noticed that Mr. Tian, ​​who was drinking tea, suddenly became a little stiff.

As for the female secretary brought by the other party.

At the moment, he looked restless.

"What? Ping An Baishi Shop? Our company doesn't seem to have entrusted any Xingxing Consulting Company to bring us the goods! Wait, I'll ask the leader for instructions!"

The customer service on the other end of the phone was completely dumbfounded when he heard this.

At this time, he said to him in a flustered tone.

"Star Consulting Company? Hello, Assistant Jiang, we have asked the headquarters for instructions and there is no such company, can you help us stop these people, we let the nearest store manager and staff go to get to know them!!"

In less than 1 minute, the request for instructions was completed.

"They are too low-level to know our company at all. Since you don't want to cooperate, we will leave first!"

talking room.

This Mr. Tian ran away with his secretary.



The two just came out of the office.

Suddenly, I saw two policemen at the door.

Whether it was Mr. Tian or the little secretary, both of them were taken aback.


Chen Chuan and Bai Jin glanced at each other, what's going on.

"Let's go!!"

This President Tian also looks like a seasoned man.

Seeing each other from the two policemen doesn't seem to come because of their business.

Immediately, he hurriedly pulled the secretary and ran away.

At the same time, I cursed secretly in my heart, I'm really blind, I don't even want money! !
If he has this ability, those companies will have to line up to pay tribute to him.

"Officer Chen, why are you here?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect the other party to run so fast.

But he installed a camera.

If Hong Xingerke's people come over, then he will just show them the pictures taken in the camera.

As for who these two people are and which brand they are from, this is not something I worry about.

Anyway, as long as he didn't collect black money to bring goods back to others.

But what he is wondering now is why police officer Chen Chuan and the others are here again.

"Mr. Zhang, we came here this time mainly to ask you for some information. Do you think you have time?"

Officer Chen Chuan asked very politely at this moment.

"Xiaohan, make a cup of tea for the two police officers."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the little assistant.

Immediately afterwards, he took Chen Chuan and the two to the reception room.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you very much for your cooperation. Brother Jin Xiaoku's network ID name Chunjiang Ku died last night when he touched high voltage electricity while fishing. Do you know about this?"

Chen Chuan asked.

"Yeah, it's impossible not to know if it's all on the hot search."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

He knew that the two police comrades were probably here for Brother Chunjiang's affairs.

Maybe it was the phone call last night.

"We are very curious why you called the other party at eleven o'clock last night, that is, an hour before the death of Internet celebrity Cool Brother?"

Now they are going to characterize the case.

By accident or something else.

Judging from the available evidence, this should be an accident.

But Chen Chuan was very puzzled about this, why did Zhang Lingtian call Brother Chunjiang Ku.

As far as he knows, the two sides seem to have no intersection.

If the call is connected, they have reason to suspect whether the other party ordered something.

But the key is that the call didn't go through.

There are also those private letters between the two parties that are also worth studying.

"I want to remind him."

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of tea and replied.

"Reminder? To remind him not to go fishing?"

Chen Chuan asked.

"Thank you."

At the same time, Jiang Xiaohan brought two cups of tea.

Bai Jin and Chen Chuan thanked each other at the same time.


Zhang Lingtian said yes.

"Mr. Zhang, how did you know that Jin Xiaoku would be accidentally electrocuted to death while fishing?"

Bai Jin asked.

She thought it was an accident.

After all, late night fishing.

Touched a high voltage line and died.

But what Zhang Lingtian said during the day, such as persuading him not to go fishing.

And the content of Jin Xiaoku's private message, saying how he was doing, found a new fishing spot and invited Zhang Lingtian to go with him.

Then came Zhang Lingtian's phone call.

This made her feel very suspicious.

Don't blame her for conspiracy theories either.

There are also such high-IQ crimes.

Even the dead don't know how they died.

Of course, this was just a suspicion in her heart.

After all, he dare not speak nonsense without evidence, and was warned by Team Qin last time.

Be a cop!

There is no doubt!

If you're going to convict someone, show it with ample evidence.

Otherwise, stop talking nonsense.

Because I'm sorry for the police uniform!
"It's very simple, because I am the King of Hades."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

What to explain, he is completely broken now.

After all, I worked hard to clarify before, but the result became clearer and muddier.

Just don't bother to clarify.

Do the opposite.

When the heat is over, everyone will naturally forget about it.

As for whether he will be arrested?If these policemen really doubt themselves, then they will find evidence!


Bai Jin was stunned when he heard this!

She thought of a thousand answers, maybe Zhang Lingtian would find some reason to say that she has rich observation skills, etc., but who would have thought that it would be this!
The corner of Chen Chuan's mouth also twitched a little.

"Sister Xiaohan, what are you talking about?"


Seeing Jiang Xiaohan bringing tea out.

At this moment, Li Tiantian squinted closer and asked.

She was so curious, why the boss was approached by the police station, and was there any big melon that she didn't eat!
"It seems to be about that guy Chunjiang yesterday. They were asking why the boss knew that this guy Chunjiang died because he touched a high-tension line while fishing."

Jiang Xiaohan replied.

"It really is this! How did the boss answer!"

Su Wei's eyes lit up!
"Yes, yes, what did the boss say!"

If it was the previous office, they could still listen to some leaks.

Now after the renovation, the sound insulation is completely different, and they can't hear what is said inside.

Li Tiantian's interest in this matter is simply beyond the charts.

"The boss said directly, because I am the King of Hades."

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaohan imitated the boss and made a gesture of spreading his hands.



Su Wei and Li Tiantian glanced at each other.

"Boss, are you not even pretending now?"

Li Tiantian twitched the corner of her mouth and said to herself.

The boss has changed.

At least I hid myself before, but now I don't even pretend.

"Okay, then Officer Chen and Officer Bai, you two go slowly."

Just then the door of the reception room opened.

It was Zhang Lingtian who was seeing off the guests.


Bai Jin and Chen Chuan got into the police car, closed the door and hit it hard.

"Return me to Hades! What kind of nonsense is this!!"

Bai Jin clenched her fists tightly, she was really angry.

There is no Hades in this world!
The other party is obviously prevaricating them.

"Comrade Xiao Jin, she is already very cooperative with us. After all, there is no other place to drink a cup of tea."

Chen Chuan was quite open-minded.

After all, they don't have any evidence at hand now.

There is only one doubt.

"Captain Chen, how on earth did he know! This is too abnormal! He died the next day after he was reminded, and he is also in his so-called zero-day law."

Bai Jin was really puzzled by this.

But if you say that the other party is the Living Hades, she won't believe it.

There is no such thing in this world.

They also investigated some particularly bizarre cases before, but in the end they found that there were no ghosts at all, only people, and people pretending to be ghosts.

"I don't know. I guess he may have excellent observation skills."

Chen Chuan couldn't explain.

So he didn't bother to dig into the horns, after all, there was no evidence to prove that it was the extravagant work of peace.

All the evidence so far points to an accident.

Baishi shop.

"Boss, you admit yourself so much, are you not afraid that others will take you to slice and study? What will we do if you are taken away, we still want to increase our longevity!"

Li Tiantian originally thought that her boss was going to clarify.

At least find a reason to fool these cops.

For example, I know how to watch people, and my observation ability is very good. Most of the places where I like to fish in the wild have high-voltage lines, so I speculate that the other party may die or something.

Although the sense of logic is a bit poor.

But at least it can be fooled.

The result is so calm.

In case she is captured, she will find someone to add Yangshou to herself.

"What did you say to add???"

Looking away from the two policemen who just got into the car, Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian.

"Of course I add... Mmmmm!!"

"Boss! She's talking about increasing the workload!!!"

Li Tiantian just wanted to speak!
Su Wei locked his throat and covered the opponent's mouth.

If you want to increase your longevity, you have to work hard, and the boss will mention it when he is happy.

Now that there is no performance, you tell the boss to add Yangshou. I am afraid that you are not adding Yangshou, but you are looking for performance! !
"It's okay to increase the workload."

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of tea.


Suddenly at this moment.

There was a scolding voice coming from the gate of Ping An Shishi Shop!

There was a puzzled look in the eyes of the people who were chatting.

Many people on the street were also stunned.

Who the hell dares to make trouble in Ping An Shishi Shop.

Don't you know that the boss Zhang of this house has a title called Living Hades.

Especially his ability to cause accidents to whoever he pays attention to is simply terrifying!
"May I ask who you are?"

Li Tiantian, Su Wei, Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian all came to the door.

At this time, I saw a white wreath placed at the door of Ping An Shishi Shop.

A middle-aged woman in her 50s cursed in a crying voice!

And sat directly on the ground.

This confused them all.

Many passers-by also joined in, after all, for some people, it is their nature to watch the excitement.

"The surname is Zhang! Other people's funeral shops are waiting for business to come to their door. You know how to do business. You deliberately lured our children to the high-voltage electricity of the reservoir to increase your performance! And hype your fame! You Inhuman things!!!”

The middle-aged woman broke down and cursed while patting her thigh. Her name was Wei Fengmei and she was Jin Xiaoku's mother.

"What the hell? Is there something hidden about this?"

"It turns out that this is the mother of Brother Chunjiang Ku. Poor, the white-haired man gave away the black-haired man, but according to what he said, it was the owner Zhang of the Ping An Baishi Shop who led him to fish under the high-voltage electricity?"

"God, according to what he said, this is not a simple accident! This is a murder case!!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion around.

Some passers-by also took pictures with their mobile phones.

The little brother who I am like a blast happens to be delivering food on this street.

Immediately, the scene was filmed again.

"I'm like the wind: Brothers, big melon! Brother Chunjiang Ku's family members have come to make trouble at the funeral shop!!"

The takeaway boy quickly posted the scene he took to a group he was familiar with.

"Damn it? You're too courageous. How dare you blackmail him to the door of the funeral shop of the Living Hades!"

"Ah... I saw on the Internet that after a fishing friend was electrocuted to death by high-voltage electricity, the family members directly carried the body to the gate of the Electric Power Bureau to claim compensation. Did the family go to the wrong place? This is a matter of the King of Hades What are you doing!"

"Buffalo! Originally, the white-haired people sent the black-haired people, but now the young and the big are going to the underworld to report together."

After this video was released.

The group quickly became lively again.

"I'm like a blast: No, no, no, brothers, it seems that the family members are now accusing Zhang Lingtian of the Ping An Baishi Shop of deliberate murder! Deliberately tricking Brother Chunjiang to go fishing under the high-voltage electricity."

The takeaway guy quickly replied again.

To be honest, although he was also a part of the fun and even paid attention to this living Hades, he was quite happy to see this kind of thing.

There is nothing mysterious in this world, he is more inclined to high-level hype.

To be honest, I am also envious.

He has been delivering food in this area for several years, and the Ping An Shishi Shop was such a small store before.

As a result, it has developed at a speed visible to the naked eye since the other party started the live broadcast.

Now the door of the entire Ping An Shishi Shop occupies several storefronts.

The key is that the interior is well decorated.

These people work one or two hours a day, and their income is as high as his for five or eight years!

"Murder? No way!"

"Don't say it, it's really possible, otherwise, how could the police go to other people's stores to look for him!"

"So the house of the fiery king of Hades is about to collapse recently? In fact, there is no deceitful god at all, and everything is caused by people?"

"Mother, no way, if this is really a deliberate murder of Boss Zhang, it's too awesome, no one can find any flaws!"

The group was shocked! !
Each one is incredible.

"Third brother with a flat head: I wipe it? I just got on the plane to Jiangjiang country! You tell me this is fake!!!"

Chunjiang International Airport.

The third brother Pingtou arrived early this morning, Rabbit Country time.

When I arrived, I shivered with fright when I saw all kinds of overwhelming news on the Internet.

Especially when he thought that he had scolded the King of Hades in Douyin's private message.

The most important thing is that the private message has been read! !
He was so scared that he immediately canceled his Douyin account after getting off the plane, and directly bought a ticket to Jiangjiang Country.

You can earn money if you lose your money, but if you lose your life, you really lose it.

As a result, the moment he sat on the plane just after checking the ticket, he was dumbfounded when he saw the information of the Chunjiang local group!

The police came to the door!
The family members went to the gate of Baishipu and yelled at Zhang Lingtian as a murderer!
Deliberately tricked Brother Chunjiang to go fishing under the high voltage electricity!
Isn't this fucking fake!
The co-author is not Hades at all, the other party is a murderer! !

"This flight is flying to the country of Jiangjiang. All passengers are requested to turn on the airplane mode on their mobile phones."

The hatch is closed.

The stewardess spoke bilingually.

The third brother knew he was late again!
It's impossible to get off the plane now.

Maybe someone else will have to arrest him for disturbing the law and order.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Sister, you can eat but not talk. Do you have any proof that I lied to your son to go fishing under the high-voltage electricity? If you don't have proof, I can call the police and arrest you."

Zhang Lingtian really didn't expect it.

I, who runs a funeral shop, will be blackmailed one day!

But now he is much calmer.

After all, what the other party said was completely nonsense.

Even if he is serious, he can even slander the other party backhand.

After all, this is completely blatantly defaming him.

"That's right, if you say that your son was killed by Boss Zhang, you have to provide evidence, otherwise it's slandering others, who is now considered a public figure anyway."

Someone in the crowd also spoke to the mouth.

"Does this need evidence? He called my son before he died! And my son sent him a private message asking him if his acting skills are good! Then he said he found a wild fishing place and asked him if he wanted it go together!"

Wei Fengmei accused him!
In an instant, there was a sigh in the crowd!
There is such a thing!
"This doesn't prove that Boss Zhang harmed your son!"

"That's right, someone called your son, and your son even sent him a private message asking if his acting skills are good, and he said that he found a wild fishing place and asked Boss Zhang if he wanted to go together. This proves that Boss Zhang doesn't know about your son. Where are you going, this has nothing to do with murder!"

"It's really strange that this extorted money has actually been robbed at the door of someone's funeral shop."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect the onlookers to be so awesome.

I haven't said it yet.

As far as you said, I refuted the other party's words.


What does this have to do with him?Especially when the phone isn't connected yet.

If you want to say that the phone is connected, and he said something that doesn't fit the scene, it's not too bad.

"It's him! My son told me! Originally, he thought he had met a big brother who could help him make a fortune. During the day, the two sides colluded to act in the live broadcast room to increase traffic. Who would have thought that this big brother would ask him to go fishing next to the reservoir at night. Wait for him! Let’s celebrate tonight! How could I have imagined that such a vicious person deliberately designed my son to fish under the wire, and was eventually electrocuted to death, and he reaped traffic!!”

Seeing this, Wei Fengmei suddenly became excited!

The voice was hysterical.

"This aunt? Are you saying that your son entrusted you with a dream?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

The other party is planning to use superstition to defeat superstition?
But it's not time to dream, is this a daydream?



Li Tiantian, Su Wei, and Jiang Xiaohan were also stunned.

Why does this sound so full of slots! !

The onlookers present were caught in a brainstorm.

Assuming that Zhang Lingtian is the King of Hades, then the little ghost who was seduced by him can still report to the family?This is not logical!
Assuming that Zhang Lingtian is not the King of Hades, and all the previous accidents were murders carefully planned by him, then it proves that there are no ghosts in this world. Why is the dead Brother Chunjiang calling for grievances in a dream? !
"Yes! It's the sorceress who invited my child's soul!!"

Wei Fengmei said viciously!
"Witch? You can't be the one who invites the soul, you will go to jail for slandering others, Mistress Qian!"

When the other party mentioned this piece of Lingtian, he was suddenly relieved, because he found a familiar face in the crowd giving Wei Fengmei winks.

If there is no accident, this old acquaintance may have something to do with it.

"Her? You shitty witch! This is a liar!!"

"That's right, what kind of witch, she is a magic stick. When my father died, I invited their shop to hold the funeral. At that time, I brought my girlfriend back with me. She had to tell me a fortune telling me that our fate would never be the same. !Oh shit!!"

Mistress Qian came out.

Immediately someone yelled.

The other party also runs a funeral shop on this street.

It's just that this Qian Sanpo has another way of making money besides working as a funeral shop.

That's like jumping the gods to help people fortune-telling and the like.

However, with the crackdown on feudal superstition over the years, she has gradually lost her business.

But many neighbors on this street remember her black material.

"This this……"

Third Po Qian did not expect that Wei Fengmei would tell her so quickly.

At this moment, he was pointed out by thousands of people.

She was speechless for a moment.

"Third wife, tell me, hurry up and repeat Xiaoku's words!"

Seeing Mistress Qian come out.

Wei Fengmei seemed to have found her confidence.

She didn't know this at first, and thought that what happened to her son was an accident.

As a result, the third wife took the initiative to find her.

Saying this is strange.

And charged 5000 yuan to invite the soul of his son to come up, and finally learned all this.

"I really didn't expect you to use these despicable methods even when you were old. Just in time, the police also came over, so you can just say how you please God, and then go to the police station for tea!"

Colleagues are enemies.

There was a feud between their two stores before.

It's just that he didn't expect that this sixty-seventy-year-old would still want to play these tricks to slander him!

"The police are here! Tell me!"

"Yes, I have the ability to invite your soul again in front of the police!!"

Both Chen Chuan and Bai Jin haven't left yet.

Come here now.


How could Sanpo Qian have experienced this situation before?

Originally, she just wanted to earn some money and cause trouble for Zhang Lingtian by the way.

After all, after so many years of competition, the funeral objects of the other party have now expanded nearly ten times, and the business is also booming.

And she is still that small shop, and her business is getting less and less.

My heart is really unbalanced.


There were constant scolding in my ears, and the police came step by step.

The third wife of Qian suddenly got angry and spurted out a mouthful of old blood! !

Many people present were taken aback.


Bai Jin and Chen Chuan who were walking over were also stunned.

What's the situation?
"Call an ambulance!!"

Zhang Lingtian was also taken aback.

He really didn't expect that the third wife of Qian would vomit blood.

I usually deceive people a lot, so why is my mental capacity so poor?

However, Zhang Lingtian didn't know that the third wife Qian herself was obese, had high blood pressure, and also had stomach problems. She had just suffered from acute gastric mucosal lesions and burst cerebral blood vessels because of sudden excessive tension and anger.

The string broke, and the blood spurted out directly.

"Beep beep-"

The ambulance arrived in 5 minutes.

Mistress Qian is a bit fat.

It took some effort to lift him into the ambulance.

【Yaoshou!The King of Hades is killing him on the spot! ! 】

Some onlookers took some videos with their mobile phones before.

Now it's all on the Internet!

"God! Is it cold?"

"At this age, I still vomit blood. I guess I have a cold."

"Hiss——, living Hades is too ruthless, is it really necessary to have one every day?"

"It's not big brother, did you get the wrong partner, what is the king of hell, if this guy doesn't make trouble for the king of hell, how can he die if he doesn't cheat other people's money? You have to blame yourself!!"

"Speaking of which, I really want to know if the uncle who yelled at me is married to the girl from before?"

"Old neighbor, married! The children are all grown up now! The family of four is very happy, but at the beginning, because of the other party's words, it caused a lot of resistance."

"Let me tell you, does this live King of Hades count as an on-site ecstasy?"

All the group chats in Chunjiang, bibs, etc. are in a state of rage at the moment, especially the group chats in Chunjiang.

Among them, many netizens wondered whether this was considered a person on the scene.

"Not one more."

Tie Cong was discharged from the hospital, looking at the message records forwarded on the phone, he couldn't help sighing.

"This old woman is also to blame for herself. Why do you want to provoke Zhang Lingtian? Brother Cong, what would happen if such a King of Hades was sent to a country where he lived a good life?"

Principal Onion is currently pinching his feet with his friends.

Lie down in the rest room after kneading.

The friend had a whim.

"Hey, don't tell me, I really want to know!!"

Suddenly Brother Onion's eyes lit up.

"Come on, why does this family go to a country with a good life?"

The friend spread his hands.

The idea is good, but how could people pass by!

"Team building! You can go to the company's team building!"

He can't do anything else.

But it is still possible to subsidize this Lord Hades to build a team in a country with a good life for a few days.

I saw that he contacted the family business at this moment.

They've also spent there before.

An activity is absolutely possible.

Invoice winning.

Then sponsor them as a lucky customer to travel to countries where life is good!
There is no sense of disobedience at all! !

The friend next to him saw the head full of ellipses.

Sure enough, money can do whatever it wants.

As soon as an idea comes out, it can be promoted immediately.

It's just that Zhang Lingtian from Ping'an Baishipu will really go to this place for group building?
Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss, have some tea and some tea."

Jiang Xiaohan made a pot of tea.

The scene at the door just now really shocked her.

"Boss, is Mrs. Qian really dead now?"

Li Tiantian asked tremblingly.

"how could I know."

Zhang Lingtian really didn't know about this wave.

Because the third wife Qian was completely unexpected.

And the system didn't even record the other party.

"That Jin Xiaoku's mother didn't know where she went, she must have been fooled by this sorceress."

Since the sorceress fell, the woman has disappeared.

There is also a large wreath at their door.

Zhang Wei just dragged it into the house.

He guessed that maybe the other party was really fooled, so they came here to slander their boss and blackmail people!

News from the hospital.

The third wife Qian died after rescue failed.

Suddenly, Zhang Lingtian was on the hot search again.

two o'clock.

A man hurriedly pulled a woman over.

"Mr. Zhang is my mother-in-law, she was cheated by the third wife Qian!!"

The man is Jin Dacheng, and Wei Fengmei's husband is also Jin Xiaoku's father.

The pain of losing his son made him have no time to think about other things, and he never thought that his wife would contact a witch.

And there was such a mess.

When he found out, he immediately brought someone over to apologize!

The police told him that it was an accident, and showed him the record of private messages and Zhang Lingtian's speech.

This Boss Zhang is not harming his son, the other party is clearly trying to persuade his son not to go fishing.

In the end, my son was also stubborn, so he left his phone at home at night and went fishing secretly!
This fishing was hooked up to a high voltage line.

"At that time, she said that my son was wronged, and charged me 5000 yuan, and then invited the soul... Finally, she asked me to come to the gate of Baishipu to seek justice."

Wei Fengmei recounted everything that happened before, and everyone in Ping'an Baishipu suddenly realized after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that she would lie to you at this time."

For a while, Jiang Xiaohan couldn't feel any pity for this woman named Qian Sanpo.

She thought it was a pity before, but now this person deserves it!
"Boss Zhang, my son told you to do the funeral before he was alive, so I will leave it to you to do the funeral, so you can rest assured that my son will leave."

Jin Dacheng respected his son's thoughts during his lifetime.

Besides, even if the other party didn't tell me, he might still look for this Boss Zhang.

After all, he is a sensible person.

It's just that my son couldn't grasp it.

"Boss Zhang, please accept our order."

Wei Fengmei is very sincere.

She is very grateful to Boss Zhang for being magnanimous and not fussy, otherwise she would be detained, and she would not even be able to send her son on his last journey.


(End of this chapter)

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