I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 76 Hades is crazy, he paid attention to the Supreme Empire! ! (Wan Zi Da Zhang please subscr

Chapter 76 Hades is crazy, he paid attention to the Supreme Empire! ! (Wan Zi Da Zhang please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass!)

"It's all right?"

"Is Yama's curse not working?"

"Don't worry, it's not been 24 hours yet!"

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening, watching the man named by Hades deliver the takeaway, nothing happened.

Immediately, everyone felt an incredible look, after all, Lord Yan never broke his promise.

"Okay, brothers, the last takeaway order has been delivered! So to celebrate being named by the so-called King of Hades today, let's go eat something delicious!"

Yang Li, the man named by Hades, drove a small electric donkey to the barbecue stand, and then lit the barbecue.

"Brother is really going farther and farther on the road to death!"

"Now I know what you mean when you said that everyone is optimistic about it today. You are actually provoking Lord Yan to earn traffic, you are so awesome!!"

"Brother, you can't eat traffic. Those who used to eat traffic are basically cold now. Brother warns you that you don't have to believe it, but you can't be disrespectful."

"That's it! Last meal! Let's go on the road when we are full! A dump truck that drives tired at night, right? I'm already familiar with the routine!"

After eleven o'clock in the evening.

At the moment, there are more than 700 people in the live broadcast room.

Some of the brothers from the rider group even came in.

The comments in it were different, some watched a joke and waited for the other party to cool off, and some advised him not to eat the traffic of the king of Hades, because none of the people who eat the traffic of the other party will end well.

"I don't dare to provoke Lord Hades. After all, Hades is so majestic. If you pay attention to someone, you will die."

However, the takeaway guy still acted like he did his own thing, saying that he didn't dare to be rebellious all over his body.

He even said a few words to the camera while driving.

Soon he drove to the barbecue stand and ordered a takeaway.

Then happily drove to his rental house in Chunjiang.

"Brothers, this is the end of today's live broadcast, see you tomorrow!"

After returning to his rental house, Yang Li said to the netizens in the live broadcast room while eating barbecue.

"It's not normal! This is so abnormal, Yama's spell doesn't work?"

"Is there still tomorrow? Could it be that the electric water heater in the shower leaked and was electrocuted to death?"

"If you were electrocuted to death by the electric water heater, then it's not the car accident that Boss Zhang said today, it's a mistake, isn't it!"

Seeing Yang Lizai happily licking the skewers, the water friends in the live broadcast room exploded.

All kinds of remarks are frequent.

Some people directly said that the curse of Hades didn't work anymore?
Some people are even more worried that they will not see tomorrow. After all, they may be electrocuted to death by electric water heater leakage while taking a bath.

However, as soon as this remark came out, some people refuted it.

Because electrocution does not belong to the death method mentioned by the living Hades.

chat and chat.

Yang Li broadcasted it.

Eight hundred people watched my live broadcast and made a lot of money today.

Including various gifts, there are more than 100 rewards.

It's a joy to earn two wages a day with food delivery and live streaming rewards.

the other side.

At this point, Zhang Lingtian had already fallen asleep.

Because he has two funeral lists on his side.

One is a local funeral order that came after signing with Jixiang Funeral Goods Company that day.

The other one was Jin Xiaoku who died fishing last night.

And Jin Xiaoku needs a mysterious past, so he has to take care of personnel training to ensure that no mistakes can be made at the funeral.

After all, funerals are serious business.

the next morning.

Zhang Lingtian came to the restoration studio early to check the restoration progress.

Although he is not a professional in this field, he has been engaged in funeral work for so long and still knows what kind of effect the customer wants.

"Boss, it can be finished at twelve o'clock tonight at the latest."

Li Tiantian assured Zhang Lingtian that she knew that the family members were in a hurry.

So she worked very hard.

From two o'clock in the noon to ten o'clock in the evening, I worked for a total of eight hours.

She came here at seven o'clock this morning.

I believe that it is basically the same after working until about eleven o'clock tonight. Even if there is an accident, an hour of buffering is enough.

"That's right, if you finish at twelve o'clock tonight, I'll give you another five points of commission."

Zhang Lingtian was very satisfied with Li Tiantian's serious attitude towards work.

"thank you boss!!"

Hearing this, Li Tiantian's eyes lit up.

In other words, the boss directly increased her commission to 30.00%.

When the price of 2 yuan is quoted, she can get [-] oceans.

"Okay, then you guys are busy here first."

Zhang Lingtian left the body restoration studio.

"Awei! Work harder for my sister! My sister will add money to you!!"

Li Tian glanced at Su Wei with sweet eyes and the corners of Su Wei's mouth raised wickedly!

Restoring the body Su Wei belongs to work with Li Tiantian, so Li Tiantian will give Su Wei a small commission.

It is similar to the meaning that the teacher will give the apprentice a little money when he leads the apprentice.

Generally, the standard in the industry is ten points of the commission. For example, if you get a commission of 1000 yuan, the master will usually give the apprentice 100 yuan for hard work, and if you get a commission of 1 yuan, you will give [-].

Of course, there are also those who are not given, mainly due to individual differences.


Su Wei was inexplicably silent when he heard this.

Why does it feel weird to feel like I'm being wrapped up.

But having said that, he became more active when he heard that he could increase the money.

Baishi shop, noon.

"Boss, one hundred students who fit the temperament have been recruited, and the clothes and the like have also arrived."

Jiang Xiaohan reported the progress.

"it is good."

Zhang Lingtian, who had just put down the phone, nodded. He had just confirmed with the Jin family about the funeral process and specific items.

To be honest, when you are free, you are really free, and when you are busy, you are really busy.

For example, today his phone calls basically never stopped.

And they are all arranging the process, preparing funeral supplies, and at the same time training the participants of the mysterious past ceremony.

Of course, he still doesn't have the training ability himself, so he has to contact relevant people to take charge.

The little assistant is too busy, so these things are up to him.

Isn't it so busy now that even at noon, I just took a few bites.

As for the Internet, he didn't even go online, mainly because he was busy and didn't have time to surf the Internet.

Anyone who is engaged in the funeral industry knows that the dead are the most important, and the most taboo is the omission, because it is an unlucky manifestation.

So at this moment, he didn't know that there was a new hot search on the Internet at this moment.

【50. The man who was sentenced by Hades】

On the hot search list for bibs, a man named Sentenced by the King of Hades quietly squeezed into the tail of the hot search list.

This buddy has been live broadcasting since he started delivering food in the morning.

Now the number of people online in this live broadcast room has reached more than 2000, and the number of people following him has also reached more than 5000.

"Thank you for your rewards, I can finally have a better meal at noon today, and add two chicken legs for myself!!"

Yang Li entered a self-service fast food restaurant, and directly ordered two chicken legs, hot dogs, preserved vegetables and braised pork, and so on.

All in all, a big bowl.

"Eat well brother, I have been preparing for 24 hours. I remember you followed you at 15:04 last night, and now it is 14:04."

"The meal with severed head is really something to eat well."

"Don't scare him, this meal won't taste good after a while."

The live broadcast room was very active, and many friends who joined in the fun were waiting for the King of Hades' verdict to come into effect. After all, provoking the King of Hades is an act of courting death.

At this time, there is only one hour before the zero-day law.

"Scare me? I'm not that timid! I have to eat what I should eat. If I'm full, I have to accept an interview with a reporter from Chunjiang Observer at 03:30 this afternoon!"

Yang Li looked relaxed.

The reason why he started the live broadcast is to let everyone see how the king of Hades killed him.

If you dare to let someone harm him, then be honest and ready to be exposed!

He was also contacted by police just this morning.

The police also gave him special education, hoping that he would obey the traffic rules, and also said that the police would also secretly send people to watch him.

Once there is an emergency, it will come out immediately.

So he is now in a stable group.

No, it’s been 24 hours and he’s still fine. It’s not like the internet celebrity who was fishing at night touched the high-voltage electricity and died immediately.

It is said that the death looks miserable, and the electricity is as hot as that burnt barbecue.

"Interview at 03:30? I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for anyone from the Spring River Observation!"

"I think it's better for you, little brother, to eat here for an hour."

"It's safe to eat. This is a small stall on the street. If a driver rushes in after a while, it seems to be a car accident, right?"

"Indeed, the King of Hades wants you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!"

The comment section was buzzing.

"After the meal, two chicken legs, one hot dog, one pork with preserved vegetables, and one twice-cooked pork are really delicious. Send the food, and there is an order here to take away!"

At this time, Yang Li didn't panic at all, he patted his stomach when he was full, and didn't listen to the advice of the water friends, and went directly to deliver the food.




"Whose subordinate is this, why are they so brave?"

This behavior caused a burst of question marks from a water friend who was watching the live broadcast.

It's too fierce, is this rushing to reincarnate?

There's only half an hour left.

The other party ate this meal for half an hour.

Now there is only half an hour left, then you can avoid the zero-day law of Hades and slap Hades hard in the face!
It can even guide the police to investigate, after all, there are so many accidents in this world.

The mass does not exist! !
This is what many water lovers want to see.

After all, not everyone is a follower of Hades.

Only a few parts.

the other side.

Under Zhang Lingtian's account.

"Brother Tian, ​​hurry up and accept the person who wore the yellow robe yesterday, don't step on it! You don't know how arrogant he is now!!"

"Brother Yan Wang, when will you take away the one you mentioned yesterday? They broadcast live for a whole day and even provoked you!"

"+1, the atmosphere is here, why don't you hurry up and close it?"

There were private messages and messages, and everyone asked Zhang Lingtian when he planned to take him away.

However, they didn't know that Zhang Lingtian didn't have time to log into Douyin, let alone read private messages.

Because I'm already busy.

At the moment, he is counting the clothes with his assistant.

Also do a good job of categorizing.

Tomorrow, I will start dressing for mystical past ritual training.

In the evening, four-handed roses sang mourning.

In the morning of the day after tomorrow, hundreds of men in black went to the funeral.

The funeral is over, the funeral is over.

It can be said that the time is very tight.

"Brothers, it's 24:01 p.m., and it's been [-] hours and [-] minutes since I was noticed. Unfortunately, the so-called Hades curse didn't happen to me. I'll go to be observed by Chunjiang later. interview."

[-]:[-] pm.

Accompanied by voices of surprise and doubt, Yang Li announced the good news to everyone and drove to the interview location.

On the way, he was in a good mood, what a living Hades zero-day law.

This is not completely broken by itself!

All fakes are fake! !
Maybe this wave of my own will involve a huge serial murder case.

Of course these are not the most important.

He mainly wants to make money!
Earn money through live streaming.

Then bring the goods.

Speaking of which, he never had this opportunity before. Don't look at his appearance of being so angry with the King of Hades on the surface, in fact, he has already planted three sticks of incense for the so-called King of Hades in his heart.

Thank you Lord Yama, it was you who sacrificed yourself to make him a success.

"This is not normal, why?"

"That's right! Lord Yama's verdict has already been issued, why is this guy still alive and kicking!"

"To be honest, I don't understand what kind of operation Lord Yan is doing, and why it happened."

"Actually, I can't understand you even more. When did this Hades style become so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? If there really is a Hades official who still keeps the other party alive and kicking?"

"That's right, in fact, we need to show real people like this. According to the gossip from my friend in the police station, when the police went to inquire about the case of Brother Chunjiang, they asked him why he knew that Brother Chunjiang would go fishing for fishing. I died, guess what the other party said? This Zhang Lingtian directly said that I am the King of Hades, so I know this is not normal?"

Don't die too soon!

The comment area is confused!
At this time, those who supported the Hades faction were attacked like never before!
"Fuck, this is too disgusting, isn't he resisting the investigation?"

"Why resist the investigation, just ask if there is no evidence for this kind of thing, can the police casually frame someone?"

"I can't stand it anymore. I really think that I am lucky enough to pay attention to some anchors who are prone to accidents, and then I really regard myself as the king of Hades?"

"Pink turns black!!"

"Co-authoring is a big liar!"

With the passage of time, it even spread on the Internet that Zhang Lingtian admitted to the police that he was the Living King of Hades.

For a while, it attracted condemnation from many netizens, and it was also on the hot search list for bibs.

【11. In the interview of Chunjiang Watch, was he really sentenced by Hades? 】

【12. Ping An extravagance, the boss's house collapsed? 】

【13. Zhang Lingtian admits that he is the King of Hades】

[20. The zero-day law fails again, and the takeaway boy is alive and kicking]

【21. There is a long way to go to sweep away the trust of feudal fans】


The top trending search is an interview about Chunjiang Watch.

And there is a faint possibility of rushing to the top ten.

"My country's compulsory education taught me to believe in science and resist superstition, so I don't think there are any living Hades in this world."

Faced with the question of how the reporter survived for 24 hours in the hands of the Living Hades, Yang Li, the takeaway brother, expressed his thoughts.

"I don't dare to be No.1. I just did a very ordinary thing and broadcast what I saw and heard."

"About speeding and running red lights in the live broadcast room? I will pay attention to this, but everyone knows that we take out food, so we have to rush, so it is normal to speed up by running red lights under normal circumstances."

Although there are some plots that people don't dare to agree with in the interview.

But this Yang Li still used the gimmick of the man who was named by Hades and survived, and the traffic soared after the interview!

"Mother, it's gone up again!!"

Eleven o'clock.

Yang Li ordered a barbecued pig's trotter and a roasted brain flower, and while eating, he brushed his backstage.

Almost every refresh will increase a large number of fans.

It was still a few thousand in the morning, but now it has reached [-] to [-]!
"This is going to catch fire!!"

He searched excitedly.

"Du Niang: Spring River Housing Price"

"Du Niang: Will a man with a Rolex watch be considered successful by default?"

"Du Niang: Is [-] fans considered a big internet celebrity? How much money do you make a month?"

"Du Niang: The monthly income of millions of fans."

"Du Niang: What will happen to the unspoken rules for female fans?"

"Du Niang: Will driving an Audi make people look down upon you?"


That night, he didn't sleep until one o'clock.

And the other side.

At 12:30, Ping An Bai Shi Shop had just completed the handover with Jin Dacheng, the family member of the deceased.

"This repair is really great, thank you Boss Zhang and Ms. Tiantian for treating it with your heart!"

Jin Dacheng looked at his son's body, basically the same as before.

Especially now that he is wearing a black suit and a red tie, he feels energetic and even a little more handsome than when he was alive.

Wei Fengmei even showed a long-lost smile.

Because she almost fainted when she saw her son for the first time.

It's really good that this is fixed now.

Sure enough, 2 yuan was not wasted.

"It's only natural to collect money to do things. Xiaoku's favorite band will arrive at six o'clock in the evening, so let's go back and rest first."

Enough torment.

It's early morning now, and it's time for them to go back and rest.

"Okay, that boss, go back and rest first."

The Passat started, and Jin Dacheng and Wei Fengmei saw it off.

"I'm so tired~"

After the handover, Li Tiantian, who had been tense all day, lay directly on the back seat of Zhang Lingtian's car.

"Sore legs! Don't press me!!"

There were only two people in the back seat, Su Wei and Li Tiantian, and now Li Tiantian lay directly on Ge You's lap.

"I'm still sore all over, give my sister a squeeze."

Not only did Li Tiantian not intend to get up, she even squirmed her head.

What can Su Wei do?
He could only look out of the window as the car window slowly went up, with unprecedented helplessness in his eyes.

"Here, Tiantian, here is 6000 yuan for your commission."

When they arrived at Li Tiantian's downstairs, Zhang Lingtian took out 6000 yuan from the car.

"thank you boss!!"

Li Tiantian, who was still lying on Su Wei's lap just now, was resurrected with full blood at this moment, and received 6000 yuan.

Not to mention, the 6000 yuan is really thick! !

"If your health is not good, you can come to Baishipu later tomorrow."

Zhang Lingtian said.

After all, the other party was also tired all day today.

"No, no, no! Boss, I am in good health! No way!!"

Li Tiantian answered immediately! !

She still wants to strive to be an excellent employee and ask her own longevity and the longevity of her family, how can she not!

"One, two, three, four...eight or ninety, pinch, this is for you, Ah Wei, if you press it well, it would be even better if you press it with a lighter hand."

After finishing speaking, Li Tiantian counted ten and one hundred and put them on Su Wei's lap, then opened the door and got out of the car.

Before leaving, he gave Su Wei a look, as if to say that his sister is generous.

After all, the rules in the industry are ten points of the commission. She should give 6000 yuan when she gets 600 yuan, but she gave [-] yuan, which is so generous!

This directly put Su Wei at a loss.

Generosity is indeed generosity, but why is this behavior so strange?
"Boss, miss Xiaohan, goodbye."

Li Tiantian ignored Su Wei's questioning eyes, but directly said goodbye to Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan who were in the co-pilot and driver's seats.

"Goodbye, you also go to bed early."

Jiang Xiaohan opened the car window, then waved his hand.

Zhang Lingtian started the vehicle.

In the back seat, Su Wei looked at Li Tiantian who was happily walking into the community, and silently rolled up the window.

After returning home.

Li Tiantian basically didn't look at her phone. She was so tired that she took a shower and fell asleep immediately.

The same goes for Su Wei, as Li Tiantian's helper, he didn't get any better.

"Boss, be careful."

Jiang Xiaohan was the last one to be sent home.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Zhang Lingtian nodded, and then drove home.

After Jiang Xiaohan went back, he threw the phone away, rushed into the bathroom, took a shower, dried his hair and fell asleep! !
Zhang Lingtian basically does the same when he gets home.

So basically no one in Baishipu today has time to watch the Internet.

Otherwise, they will find that Ping An Shishi Shop is on the hot search again! !
Zhang Lingtian's reputation has declined!
And a man named named by the King of Hades appeared on the hot search through hype, and was named No. 1 for breaking the feudal superstition of the King of Hades.

As for Zhang Lingtian's Chosen Son skill, it seems that it didn't trigger because he didn't log in to Douyin all day today.

The time came quickly the next morning.

At nine o'clock, the white matter shop goes to work.

All present.

finish breakfast.

Pull the clothing to a dedicated training venue.

There students who take part-time jobs have come.

Clothing distribution training begins.

It went on until five o'clock in the afternoon.

After doing all this is to pick up four hands of roses.

Arrive at [-]:[-] p.m. Dinner is provided by the funeral family.

It was eaten in a restaurant, and the mourning began at ten o'clock after eating!

It was 06:30 in the afternoon, and Zhang Lingtian and the others drove towards Ping'an Baishipu.

Now that the four-handed rose is here, the relatives and mourning are basically unnecessary for them.

Tomorrow morning, I will pay the four-handed rose.

Then there was the funeral, and the men in black saw him off.

This is the most critical link.

Because according to Jin Dacheng, some fans of his son will also come.

A solemn funeral is especially important.

On the way to Baishipu, there was a van Lala behind, which contained the costumes and props needed for tomorrow's ceremony.

Suddenly Li Tiantian called out to him with a surprised face!
"what happened?"

Looking at Li Tiantian's appearance, Zhang Lingtian suddenly had a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Didn't you log in to Douyin or Bibo on your phone in the past two days?"

Li Tiantian asked.

"If you're so busy, who has time to log in to Bibo and Douyin?"

Zhang Lingtian replied.

"Why, is the boss rushing to the hot search again? That delivery guy died?"

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan's eyes showed some doubts.

Speaking of which, the boss had issued a verdict on the delivery boy before.

Then because of the funeral, I was busy.

So she didn't continue to pay attention to it later, and she didn't know how the other party was doing.

"Takeaway guy??"

Su Wei's mind was completely blank and he didn't know what they were talking about.

The main reason is that he didn't have time to log in to the bib to watch hot searches or pay attention to the things in the store these days. After all, he has been repairing Jin Xiaoku's body.

"That day when you were going to restore the body, the boss started a live broadcast and suddenly named a delivery boy named Ru Haifeng, saying that he might have a car accident."

Jiang Xiaohan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, explained to him.

"Hiss——, there's more to this!!"

Su Wei gasped when he heard this.

Is the boss so lacking in performance now? This cool guy just died and found a delivery boy!
"I am like a blast? It seems to be called this name, but his current name is the man named by Hades! He is not dead yet!"

Li Tiantian turned over and said.

Seriously, seeing each other for three days is like spring and autumn!

This is also the case with the Internet. After three days of not logging on to Internet social forums, the direction of the wind has completely changed.

"He didn't die!!"

Su Wei was the most shocked!
Could it be that the boss is too busy to arrange manpower to seduce the soul?
And Jiang Xiaohan also looked at Zhang Lingtian with some doubts.

Should not be ah.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't this delivery boy be gone?

How could he still be alive?

However, Zhang Lingtian did not comment on this while driving the car, as if he said it the day before yesterday, and it is now 06:30.

It has been more than 48 hours.

As long as the other party can survive three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, it is estimated that the other party's crisis will be resolved.

Those remarks on the Internet about being the living king of Hades will definitely disappear by themselves.

Rather than trying to clarify it, it is better that one person can survive.

Zhang Lingtian couldn't help feeling emotional.

They had no grievances and no enmity. Although the other party was a bit eccentric in the live broadcast room at the time, how can I put it, he was still grateful for the other party for surviving.

"Not only didn't he die, but now he is still criticizing the boss! At the same time, he was also on the hot search list!"

Li Tiantian turned the phone around to show everyone.

"What? He's still bashing the boss?"

Su Wei was shocked, the boss Yan or Yan Wang knew best.

Because you are busy and kind enough to let you go, why are you still criticizing me here?Tired of life! !

"I guess I'm glad I broke the so-called zero-day rule."

Zhang Lingtian sneered.

In fact, he had expected it.

After all, the system said within three days, and the previous so-called zero-day rule was also summed up by those netizens who made troubles.

In fact, there is no such thing as a zero-day rule.

So one day it will be broken.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to really kill people for the so-called zero-day rule.

At the same time, the system is not a killing system, the opponent is just a probability system.

The probability of being able to see people in danger is nothing more than that.

The reason why he played badly was actually because he didn't want this hat to keep pressing him down.

Take it off in this reverse way.

However, Zhang Lingtian still underestimated human nature.

The live broadcast room of the man named by Hades.

"Brothers, get off work early today! This is the last takeaway!!"

The live broadcast was on, and the man named by Hades was holding up the takeaway.

"Brother is working hard!"

"It feels like the takeaway boy is working hard."

"Respectable, the No. 1 anti-counterfeiting in the whole network!"

"It's been 51 hours. Those who praised the so-called Hades before, where are you now?"

"Hahaha, I guess they have turned their backs on themselves. Some people in our anti-Hare alliance group have begun to collect various evidences and submit them to the police. There are even doctors of psychology in it, and there are people in the circle of reasoning enthusiasts called Conan Rabbit , I believe it won’t take long for the Anti-Hades alliance that solved this big case to become famous all over the Internet!”

Things have been fermenting for so many days.

Now there are many people who oppose Zhang Lingtian on the Internet, the most famous of which is the Anti-Yan Wang Alliance.

This is an organization established at six o'clock yesterday evening.

It is now 06:30.

Only 24.5 hours have passed.

This anti-Hades Alliance has already appeared ④ group.

A group is full of 2000 people.

The four groups now have more than 7000 people.

"Brothers of the Alliance, it is our task to crack down on counterfeiting, but after the crackdown is successful, everyone should not pursue it too much, or even ridicule it. After all, people are not sages and sages, how can they be stupid, right? There are still a lot of Jiu Le Yu Yu in these years!"

In the past two days, Yang Li has truly experienced what it feels like to be on fire.

He now has more than 30 fans, and there are nearly [-] people in the live broadcast room.

There are thousands of dollars in income from live broadcast rewards every day.

There are even merchants who contact him and want to advertise him.

And now everyone has set up an anti-Yan Wang alliance, and he has been promoted to the position of leader.

Seriously, it all feels like a dream.

Rolex is no longer a dream!
Buying in Chunjiang is no longer a dream.

As for Audi, which he had been thinking about before, he felt that it was a bit out of order.

BBA, Audi ranked last.

At worst, he would have to build a Mercedes-Benz!

Even driving a Porsche Maserati is not out of the question!

After all, the daily income is several thousand!

Bringing goods and advertising to merchants, the income of these are calculated in tens of thousands.

He has a plan now.

When I reach 50 fans, I won't deliver food.

Start bringing goods to make money directly! !

After all, he also knew that he couldn't be popular for too long.

But if you catch this trend, you can make enough money for a lifetime!

Enter the Passat.

"Anti-Hare alliance? Liar? Anti-counterfeiting? Anti-feudal No.1??"

Zhang Lingtian didn't have time to look at his phone because he was driving.

But listening to Li Tiantian thinking about all this, he frowned slightly.

In the past two days when I was disconnected from the Internet, I became a street mouse, and everyone shouted and beat me?

"Boss, why don't you start a live broadcast to explain?"

Jiang Xiaohan glanced at the scarf at this time, it can be said that it is simply unsightly.

Even now some people suspect that the boss is the murderer of the serial murder case, which is outrageous.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after the funeral is over, there is no time to do this now!"

After a while, I have to put the clothes in the funeral shop, and then go to prepare the flowers for tomorrow.

The homage must be fresh.

So you can only ask for it at night.

Then tomorrow, I have to get up early again to gather everyone.

The craziest thing is that besides Jin Xiaoku's order, another order has also started. Although it is not as cumbersome as Jin Xiaoku's place, it cannot be ignored.

Let the bullets fly for a while, and wait until tomorrow is over.

To be honest, he was so busy that he didn't even turn on Douyin recently.

The Chosen Ones of the system are all ruined.

such a pity.

This system does not need to store quotas.

It would be nice if you could save the places.

"But looking at him looking like a villain, it's really inexplicable!!!"

Su Wei clenched his fist.

If you are lucky enough to be alive, you will be alive, not to mention provoking their boss, and even stepping on their boss's feet, and even the other party is still shitting on the boss's head.

I can't stand it! !
"Isn't it? I was shocked when I opened the private message just now, and someone scolded us!!"

Li Tiantian opened Douyin's private message and found a lot of mad dogs.

These people are biting wildly at them.

He also said that he was an anti-Yan Wang alliance and wanted to blast their Baishipu account.

Anyway, there are many unsightly comments under the company's account.

"The boss may be out of respect for the deceased, and wait until these things are over."

In the eyes of the funeral people, the funeral matter is bigger than the sky, and the priority is the highest!

The car came to the gate of Ping An Shishi Shop.

Zhang Lingtian pulled up the handbrake, and Huo Lala followed behind.

There are only earphones and other things in the back of their car, and clothes, umbrellas, shoes, etc. are all on the back of the car.

"Here they come! They are coming!!"

However, just after Zhang Ling got out of the car.

I saw only this street, and several vans opened their doors.


Seeing several waves of reporters rushing over with their cameras in hand, Li Tiantian and the others were stunned.

What is this stuff? ?

How could there be so many reporters around their funeral shop.

After the spicy master parked the car, he wanted to open the door and get out of the car.

Seeing these reporters, he immediately closed the car door and looked dazed and panicked in the car.

They were all stupefied!
"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang Lingtian! We are reporters from Chunjiang Watch! Now there are false rumors about you on the Internet. Do you have any explanation for this?"

"Mr. Zhang Lingtian, hello, we are reporters from Chunjiang City! Why have you disappeared from the Internet these two days! Is it because the zero-day rule has been broken? How did you see the evaluation of you by the anchor 'The man named by Hades'. "

"The anti-Yan Wang alliance was established yesterday, and the 'man named by Hades' became the leader of the alliance. It is rumored that the members in it are now collecting relevant evidence and intending to hand it over to the police. What they are accusing is that you are the mastermind behind the serial murders. You What do you think about this? Have you ever thought that you will have such a day?"

Shots came one by one.

Four or five reporters and cameras directly blocked Zhang Lingtian beside the car.

To be honest, if it was before, they definitely would not have dared to block Hades like this.

After all, what happened in Chunjiang Focus is still vivid in his memory.

But after two days of fermentation.

Everyone's belief in Hades has dropped to the lowest level.

Many people even think that the other party is an Internet celebrity who shows off his mystery to make money.

So these reporters don't panic now.

Especially when the other party didn't come out to clarify for two whole days.

I am more convinced of everyone's guess.

Just ask.

If it were you, would it be possible not to come out and clarify something like this?
Obviously not possible!
You can't wait to come out and clarify sooner!

"Hello, please step aside, I don't have time for an interview right now."

Zhang Lingtian does not want to be interviewed now.

And he also hates interviews surrounded by reporters and microphones.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you afraid of? Why don't you give us an explanation?"

"Yeah, the public needs an explanation!"

The reporters seemed to have no intention of letting Zhang Lingtian go.

"We still have to move things, please make way for us!!"

Jiang Xiaohan said to these reporters.

"Please make way, don't surround our boss!!"

Su Wei also pulled his throat.

Seriously, if he wasn't afraid of causing bad influence, he would have gone straight over and ripped these people away right now!
"Mr. Zhang, this man who is being followed by Hades is still broadcasting live. Is it really as he said?"

One of the reporters held up his phone.

What was played inside was Yang Li's live broadcast.

"Friends who just came in, you were a little ignorant at first, I can understand, but after watching a live broadcast in my live broadcast room, I believe you should be clear, there must be no king of Hades, otherwise I would not be able to survive after so long, The law of sooner or later, the law of zero days, and the judgment of the king of hell are all things to scare people, and their ultimate purpose is to hype."

"Okay, I'm really ready to end the live broadcast here today. Now this takeaway order has arrived at the customer. I hope everyone can stay awake and don't be fooled by the so-called living king. You might as well give him a reward and a tribute." Give me this money, right, at least I can increase your IQ and happiness, right?"

This Yang Li delivered food while starting the broadcast.

"Mr. Zhang, is that so? Everything is a hype?"

The reporter asked again.

However, Zhang Lingtian looked directly at the live broadcast played by the other party.

Then he frowned slightly.

【Scan Update】

[Scan object: ID me like a blast. 】

[Danger signal: 99% chance of death within one day]

[Danger positioning: death due to car. 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】


Zhang Lingtian sighed.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhang? The truth is indeed as he said, right?"

The reporter saw Zhang Lingtian sighed and his eyes lit up.

"I'm still driving while live streaming, so he can think whatever he wants. If you want to make an appointment for funeral services, please contact us at Ping'an Funeral Store. However, if you don't listen to this, I advise you not to give a discount!"

Zhang Lingtian didn't intend to explain anymore, but said directly to the reporter.

Scanning information can be updated while watching a live broadcast.

Before, the opponent had only an 88% chance of dying.

Now it has directly increased to 99%.

Become a pseudo-accurate customer.

What else could he say about that.

I wish him well!
I hope that the anti-Hell Alliance will not disappear as soon as the leader is established!

"Mr. Zhang, are you giving up on explaining?"

The reporters asked questions one after another.

But Zhang Lingtian was really not interested in explaining.

He pushed these reporters away, and then went to move things.

These reporters couldn't find anything to interview, so they went back to the car.

"Happy! The King of Hades has been exposed, and the eyes of the fakers are wide open!!"

"This world needs serious people like the 'man named by Hades'. Ping An is extravagant and Ling Tian is interviewed to be autistic!"

"What is the reason, the King of Hades is so angry that he doesn't want to discount it!!"

"How tall you stand by deceiving your superiors, how badly you will be thrown!"

When Zhang Lingtian and the others were moving things.

A piece of news is sent out.

Internet tonight.

Always in a state of explosion.

After all, the so-called Hades, who has been popular for so long, can finally take off the so-called mask of the other party today!
The time came quickly the next morning.

And these news were forwarded to the group of the Anti-Yan Wang Alliance.

It also led to bursts of climax.

"@The man named by Hades, Brother Yang, you have ushered in a new era, and this leader is well-deserved!"

"Hahaha, yes, this so-called King of Hades has shut himself up!"

"Die, I just like the way he stares at you but can't help it!"

"Congratulations to the lord, the fans have broken through 40 today, approaching 50!!"

In the group, you talk to me.

"[-] advertisements is fine."

"Bring the goods, okay, okay, the pit fee is [-]? And commission? Yes, yes!"

However, they didn't know that Yang Li was currently answering the phone call from the brand.

More and more people began to ask him to bring goods, and even inserting advertisements can get valuable compensation.

This wave is really going to develop! !

"Brothers, the broadcast has started, and today is another day of food delivery! I also read some news about the Internet, in fact, it's all a joke, so don't push so hard, otherwise we will drive people to death later, it won't be good That's great, especially when there are still a few die-hard believers, it would be terrible if this belief collapsed."

Yang Li looked magnanimous in the live broadcast room.

"Bon voyage, lord!!"

"Hey, there are too few people like you, Brother Yang, who think about others!"

"I said you didn't notice that the curse appeared again yesterday?"

"What spell? Could it be an advertisement? Come on, it's been three days since nothing happened, so what's the use of advertisements, the other party is just talking!"

While the other party's words gained a lot of popularity from passers-by, some different voices appeared in the live broadcast room.

That's the ad.

Some people thought that was the beginning of Hades' spell, but someone immediately refuted it.

"Hahaha, it seems that our live broadcast room still has slipped through the net. In fact, the other party's so-called advertisement is just a great way of delaying. If you delay step by step, something will happen. It's a pity that he can't figure it out."

When Yang Li saw this barrage, he immediately laughed and said.

"Anchor, are you chatting while driving? It feels so dangerous!"

Someone found that the picture of the man who was being watched by Hades kept moving, as if he was driving a car.

"How do you feel that this brother came to my live broadcast room on the first day, and there is no danger in driving a live broadcast. I have passed the most dangerous Hades verdict. There is no way that the Lord Hades can't accept it."

Yang Li even picked up his phone and spun it around.

"Fuck! Red light!!!"

"Brother, you are a red light, you are running all over the place, and you are running a red light with your mobile phone live!!"

It doesn't matter if the picture doesn't turn.

After a turn, many water friends were shocked.

The other party was driving a small tram and actually started a live broadcast, and what was even more bizarre was running a red light!This is fatal!

"Don't worry, brothers, I still cherish my life, but we have been delivering food for a long time and have developed the skills of listening to all directions and seeing all directions, which can completely guarantee safety!!"

How could he risk his life!

After all, it's going to be on fire!
It's a pity that he has already practiced this skill, and now he is as stable as an old dog!

the other side.

Jin Xiaoku's funeral has already begun.

At this moment in front of the other party's tombstone.

Men in black suits and holding black umbrellas stood upright.

And they all wear sunglasses and headphones.

The whole funeral was solemn and solemn.

Even relatives and friends were stunned.

They even wondered if this Xiaoku was electrocuted to death, but because he had an accident while performing a secret state mission, so he arranged such a death method.

It was declared to be electrocuted to death!Otherwise, why are there so many men in black!
As for the fans who came over, they were also shocked when they saw this scene!
In front of the tombstones in the entire funeral cemetery, everyone was inexplicably out of breath.

Many people also think that the other party has another identity.

Soon, these men in black were holding a flower one by one.

Then put it in front of the tombstone.

After finishing all this, everyone bowed deeply.

Then leave.

It can be said that the overall compulsion is very high.

reached an unprecedented level.

twelve o'clock.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you."

The funeral is over.

Jin Dacheng and Wei Fengmei thanked Zhang Lingtian.

It was a funeral that made them look good.

I even want to give myself a game.

After all, it is worthwhile to be able to have such a mysterious scenery when you die, and to be able to leave unlimited reverie.

"Then Mr. Jin, Mrs. Jin, our cooperation ends here."

Zhang Lingtian held Jin Dacheng's hand.

He is also very grateful to the other party for trusting them to be safe.

"Yeah, it's over this time, next time we'll find you, Mr. Zhang!!"

Wei Fengmei said.

She thought that if she died, she would ask the other party to do it.

"You bitch, what next time! It's in the future, decades later!!!"

When Jin Dacheng heard this, he almost didn't recite it.

At this time, although they were overwhelmed by the funeral.

Thinking that they will also look for Mr. Zhang when they go to heaven.

But isn't it too fast to use it directly next time!
At least decades later! !

He still wants to live longer.

"Haha, feel free to contact me if you need anything."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

Being affirmed by customers is their biggest motivation.

In this way, he walked in the direction of the car.

As for Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian, they are organizing part-timers together, and he will send money in a while.

【Ding!After the funeral task is completed, whether the host will receive the reward. 】

Zhang Lingtian just sat in the car.

At this moment, there was a voice in my mind.

"Oh? So fast! Get it!"

Zhang Lingtian muttered to himself, and then directly received the reward.

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the following rewards.

1. Unlock new functions of the system. (Go to Douyin for details)

2. Randomly follow two customers. (Followed, check the information for details)

3. The function evolution of the chosen son (for details, go to Douyin to experience)]

A reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Uh..., I thought I could reward you with double the funeral expenses!"

Although three functions are unlocked.

But Zhang Lingtian has to go over and send money to everyone now.

As for randomly paying attention to customers.

I don't know who to follow.

However, those who feel that the system actively pays attention to them basically have none.

Pretty miserable.

Zhang Lingtian's vehicle was driving.

"Fucking TM!!!"

Suddenly, a student from a certain university who was having lunch exclaimed! !

"What are you doing, what a fuss!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, everyone felt very puzzled!

"Is Hades crazy? He actually pays attention to the prime minister and the queen!!!"

I saw the young man growl.

"What the hell! Pay attention to the Prime Minister and Queen!!"

"No, Yan Wang's attention is only that delivery boy who calls me Ru Haifeng!"

Everyone hastily turned on their phones.

"International version, brothers!!!"


 1.2 words, which is equivalent to the usual six updates. It’s okay to have an update this weekend. Then, because I just finished writing and haven’t corrected the typos, I’m going to fix the typos and some unsmooth plots!Finally ask for a monthly pass!Recommended ticket!Reward!thank you all! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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