I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 75 Redeeming Fans?You are growth performance!

Chapter 75 Redeeming Fans?You are growth performance!
On the other side, the funeral home.

Su Wei carried Li Tiantian's repair tools.

At this point they came to a special storage room.

The police have made an appraisal to determine that this is an accidental death, and the relevant press conference is said to be held in the afternoon.


Lifting off the white cloth covering the corpse, Li Tiantian and Su Wei glanced at each other.

His face was full of surprise.

Even the nose can smell the smell of burnt meat.

"Why did it become so hacked? Are you sure it's that Brother Chunjiang Ku?"

Su Wei scratched his hair inhaling the smell of barbecue. Based on the appearance of this corpse, it may take a long time for his mother to come.

No wonder today the other party's parents named and said that the remains must be repaired.

Just ask if this thing is not repaired, it is estimated that the ancestors in the underground will not know it.

When I enter the house, I guess I will ask.

Who are you!
Go wrong!

"Compared with the photos, there are still some features, but it's just repaired..."

Although Li Tiantian was already mentally prepared before coming here.

But when she saw the corpse, she no longer knew how to describe it.

Maybe it's a barbecue that is black on the outside and red on the inside?
Fortunately, she printed the photos in advance.

Some features were found.

It was finally determined that this person was the right one.

"Tiantian, then it's all like this, can it be repaired?"

Su Wei is not a major in this field, so he really doesn't understand, and he has only been here for a relatively short time. It is really the first time he has seen such a burnt body.

"The top embalmers in China, as long as there is a photo, they can quickly restore the appearance of corpses that have been scorched by fire, corpses without heads, or corpses with crushed heads. I once saw a teacher burn four heads overnight. Only the bones of the body should be restored according to the photos, of course I can’t reach this level, but he still has flesh.”

Li Tiantian spread her hands.

At least it's not hell-level difficulty.

Using plasticine, gypsum, oil mud and other materials to suture, fill, and fix, basically the corpse can still be repaired and reshaped.

After all, she came from a professional academy of fine arts anyway.

Of course, not a sculpture major.

That profession is the real master of shaping.

"Skulls? Repairing four in one night? How long have you been repairing?"

Su Wei was too surprised to speak when he heard this.

As a funeral director, he certainly knew that someone could use a skull to restore it to its original appearance.

But repairing four in one night is too awesome.

"Two days at the earliest, at least 24 working hours."

Li Tiantian was thinking about it.

After all, it burned too hard.

At that time, after the shaping is over, I have to give makeup to the other party.

It's about the same as the original skin.

Two days is already the fastest.

In this way, she has to work twelve hours a day, which can almost kill her.

But the commission is still high.

Generally speaking, there are different levels of cosmetic restoration of remains.

Level 500, small repairs and plastic surgery in the lower limb area, simply speaking, there are some injuries to the lower limbs due to bumps, and the fee is [-] yuan per body.

Level 800, small repairs and plastic surgery of the remains of the upper limb area, [-] yuan per body.

Level 1000, small repairs and plastic surgery of the remains of the head area, [-] yuan per body.

Level [-], special body restoration, negotiable depending on the situation.

The minimum cost of restoration of this kind of remains is 2 to 95 yuan. If you want to restore more than [-]% of the original, the price can go up to [-] to [-] yuan.

The more you pursue the similarity before your death, the higher the price will be.

But the time is more urgent.

She also made an offer of 2 yuan.

She can get a 25% commission for the restoration of the body.

That is to say, 2 yuan of the 5000 yuan will eventually reach her.

Don't feel less.

The commission given by the boss is already a lot.

Normally, other funeral shops only give 10%-20% of this. Among them, the official funeral parlor body restorer can get a 5%-15% commission for repairing a body.

Anyone who is familiar with social routines knows that a job posting says a monthly salary of 2500-10000, so it is usually 2500.

The same goes for funeral homes.

Generally speaking, 10%-20% is given, and most of them can only get 10%.

For those who give 5%-15%, most of them can only get 5%.

When she joined the job before, she was still wondering, the boss didn't exploit him?
Normally, other shop owners would love to charge a little more.

Now she finally understands that the boss of the family is the boss of the underworld, and he is not interested in this worldly smell.

"Then let's get started."

Su Wei opened the box Li Tiantian needed.

First of all, the first step is to dispose of the clothes debris that has been fused with the charred meat.

And just like that, the two men in the funeral home's specialized restoration studio were working on the body.

the other side.

The live broadcast continues.

"Brother, you are afraid that you will also be paid attention to by the king of hell. What is fortune-telling, Lord Yan, this is clearly called a verdict."

"Didn't you watch the trending search? The Goddess of Fighting Magic is completely defeated, and the hospital is only a few hundred meters away, but this person has not been rescued!"

"That's right, that's right, the King of Hades and the sorcerer are not in the same position at all, okay?"

For others, this living hell king has newly added fortune-telling business.

Many people hastily corrected.

Besides, it's not called fortune-telling, it's clearly a verdict.

If you don't obey, you will disappear immediately, just like those who paid attention before.

"I'm like a blast: er..., Lord Hades is too narrow-minded, isn't the underlying meaning of your words just to offend me, you'd better be careful on the road, or you will be hit by a car?"

After I heard this, I asked back with a doubled yin and yang strangeness.

"Living Hades: You have penetrated the truth, yes, I am so narrow-minded!"

"Do you know that the King of Hades cannot be humiliated?"

"The last one who troubled me has already gone down, and you still dare to say that I am here to deceive, then you should go down together."

After my voice like the wind fell, there were melon-eating friends who looked like they were watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and they frantically sent barrage.

"You and I have no grievances. If you think so of my reminder, then I have nothing to say. It is recommended to buy a personal insurance for yourself. If something happens, the family can still have some protection."

I was sincerely reminding the other party, but this guy actually thought that he was deliberately finding fault.

Then feel free.

With such a high probability of danger, it is my last advice to ask the other party to buy a personal accident insurance for me.

Of course, you can listen to the other party casually.

I believe that people with brains will definitely listen, after all, there are so many lessons learned before.

"I'm like a blast: What, Master Yan said that he was too poor to start threatening people directly in the live broadcast room? He even asked me to buy personal accident insurance. When did Baishipu cooperate with the insurance company?"

When I heard this, I immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued it like a gust of wind.

What bullshit Hades.

If you can't say it, you shrink back.

"Today's live broadcast is mainly to introduce some products recently selected by our store, such as shrouds and funeral supplies from Jixiang Funeral Products Co., Ltd."

Zhang Lingtian has already reminded him, and there are so many lessons learned from the past, and the other party still doesn't believe it, so what can he do?
You can't kneel down and beg this brother to listen to you and not go out, can you?

So he didn't plan to remind again.

And I have something to do with myself.

"Familiar formula, familiar taste, Lord Yan really brought funeral objects again!!"

"When will you post the link, shoot! I'll shoot! You have to pay tribute to Lord Yama!"

"Brother, don't argue with Lord Hades. They have told you that there is no injustice and no enmity. It is already very good to remind you. In the end, you still kindly treat yourself as a donkey liver and lungs, so you can do it yourself."

"Crap, Lord Hades has already begun to harm fans, randomly pick one every day to increase performance!"

While everyone was lamenting that King Yan was back at his old job, some people were advising the delivery guy just now.

"I'm like a blast: yes, yes, I will stay at home for three days without going out, and I will buy a life insurance for myself, and then I will starve to death at home for these three days."

In the live broadcast room, I answered immediately like a blast.

"Bah! I deliver food to this street every day. I don't know who he is?"

in reality.

I looked at the door of Ping An Shishi Shop like a blast, and spit on the ground.

It used to be a small shop.

Isn't it just relying on the hype on the Internet to increase fame and make money?
Now it's on him.

Why, what happened next is really like what they said, after harming the anchor and harming the fans, such as picking a random fan every day for funeral activities?

What if he doesn't cooperate with you!

Find someone to assassinate him if you have the ability!
As long as he dared, he would expose the other party.

Anyway, I'm delivering food in Chunjiang City, so I don't worry about you!
Another group chat at the moment.

"Brother Yang, have you been named by Lord Yan? @我如爆风"

"I suggest you stay at home for three days and don't deliver food. The last time you didn't listen to advice, you went fishing that night, but you were directly burnt by electric shocks, and you died in a miserable state!!"

"It's not necessary, it's just hype! Didn't he undertake the funeral, maybe there may be a lack of manpower recently."

"Indeed, if there is a king of Hades in this world, then there are also gods, ghosts and Buddhas? So those who go to temples to pray every day will get rich?"

"+1, according to what you say, corrupt officials don't have to be afraid of investigation, just pray for safety every day."

This is a group of riders, and everyone likes me like the wind.

The other party's name is Yang Li.

However, the opinions of the group are contradictory.

Some people think that there is already a lesson from the past, and there is no need to challenge this kind of thing.

Of course, some people think this is all hype.

Who knows if those behind the network cable are really netizens who are holding each other and deliberately creating public opinion.

Maybe it's not necessarily some Internet trolls.

After all, the online world is true and false.

Anything can happen.

"I'm like a blast: why stop at home to deliver food! It's a foolish thing to do! Brothers, just wait and see the show!!"

I ignored Zhang Lingtian in the live broadcast room like a blast, but spoke directly in the group.


"What fun?"

"Brother Yang, are you crazy?"

People who support Hades or oppose Hades are a little confused when they hear this.

What does the other party mean?
Five p.m.

"Today's live broadcast is about to end here. If you have any doubts about the product, you can raise it at any time. I have set aside 10 minutes to answer everyone one by one."

At this time Zhang Lingtian is ready to broadcast.

10 minutes left for everyone.

Feel free to ask questions.

"The Civil Affairs Bureau owes me a wife: Brother Tian, ​​we don't have much doubts about the products, but there is always a place of doubt after watching the live broadcast."

A water friend called the Civil Affairs Bureau owed me a wife posted a super-large subtitle.

"The place of doubt? What doubt?"

Zhang Lingtian asked after hearing the words.

"The Civil Affairs Bureau owes me a wife: Brother Tian, ​​how do you know that I am about to have an accident? / Doubt"

"Haha: I also want to know about this question. Listening to Lord Yama, it seems that the other party is very dangerous."

"Fishing guy: +1, want to know."

"0sah: Solve it!!"

Two hours of live broadcast.

Everyone is always concerned about the little brother in the yellow robe just now.

"I can only tell you about this issue..., the secret must not be leaked."

Zhang Lingtian spoke differently.


"What do I think, that's it?"

"The heavenly secrets must not be leaked, the King of Hades is afraid of leaking the heavenly secrets."

"Don't say it, brother upstairs, it's really possible, after all, there is Jade Emperor on the head of Hades!"

"That's what you say, but this living Hades surnamed Zhang, isn't he and the Jade Emperor brothers of the same family?"

Everyone thought that Zhang Lingtian would say something.

In the end, I didn't expect it to be such a compelling sentence.

All of a sudden, they looked unhappy.

"Okay, do you have anything else to ask besides this?"

Zhang Lingtian wanted to skip this question.

After all, this thing is the data given by the system, so it's really hard for him to say.

"Yan Wangye, will he really die then?"

"Brother Yan Wang, do you mean that the other party will have a car accident within three days?"

"Brother Tian, ​​let me ask you weakly, are you going to take a knife on your fans now? / trembling"

However, everyone is still chasing this question.

"Why can't we get over this problem? First of all, I don't know if he will die, but as a delivery guy, safety is the first priority. You can also see the fans. I'm not taking the fans, I'm trying to save them. "

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands, this is indeed his salvation.



"You call daily increase in performance redemption?"

"Perhaps Yama thinks that people in the world are too tired to live, so it seems that turning the living into the dead can indeed be regarded as salvation?"

"Good guy, I'm thinking whether I should cancel the level. I'm a little shivering when it will be my turn! Although I'm tired, I still want to live! After all, I haven't even tasted the forbidden fruit!"

As soon as Zhang Lingtian said this, the screen was filled with question marks.

There are also those who want to cancel it.

"My mother is suffering from cancer, Lord Hades, can you draw my mother next to redeem her? We must do what you say!"

"My grandma is 99 this year, and I will register an account for her to follow you Tiange! I hope you can extend her life for a few more years and stay with us!"

"By the way, what will happen if I register an account with the scumbag's mobile phone number and ID number to follow Boss Zhang?"

Of course, the style of painting changed as soon as these words came out.

"First of all, I would like to declare that I am not that magical. Please don't deify me. Since I don't have any questions, I will download it first."

Zhang Ling has broadcast it all over the world.

Because it feels like something is going to happen if it goes on like this.

Although you can hate the police that they are the king of Hades, after all, they won't believe it.

But to netizens, he really can't admit it personally, because some people will really believe it.

Once you believe it, and then all kinds of money that shouldn't be spent on him are thrown on him in order to pray for the safety of his family, then this is a big sin.

Even it is not impossible to evolve believers at that time.

So in public, especially in front of some trustworthy people, he absolutely cannot say such misleading words.

"Boss, is he really going to die?"

Zhang Ling was broadcasting all over the world, and Jiang Xiaohan asked curiously.

She was by her side the whole time, and she could clearly see the bullet screens of the water friends with her mobile phone.

To be honest, she still doesn't understand why the boss would call such a person by name.

Is it hype?But it's not like it!
"The possibility is relatively high, unless the fate is relatively hard."

Zhang Lingtian replied a few words.

88% probability.

He didn't know if the other party could bear it down.

"But boss, how do you know something will happen to him?"

Jiang Xiaohan was very puzzled.

Is it really the King of Hades who issued the verdict?

Let this third watch die?

"Don't you all call me Hades, so it makes sense that I can predict someone's life and death, right?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Don't talk nonsense in public.

But if you don't want to explain in private, you can still talk about it casually.


Jiang Xiaohan was silent for a while.

It is very reasonable, and this explanation makes people unable to find any refutation.

"By the way, how is the recruiting going? Have you arranged the clothing?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't want to continue on this matter.

Immediately asked Jiang Xiaohan.

This 99999 yuan is not easy to earn.

First of all, one hundred students who fit the image must be found.

The wages of college students can be as low as possible. Basically, 100 yuan includes food and lodging, and everyone is willing to come.

If you can't find it, you have to find someone else.

The wages are higher.

After recruiting people, you have to rent clothes.

One hundred sets.

And go to buy black umbrellas, headphones, sunglasses and other matching things.

This is not the most troublesome.

The most troublesome thing is to train everyone.

After all, if there is no training, it will be a mess.

So, this mysterious past is actually hard-earned money.

Nearly 10 yuan, if all student workers can be recruited, it is estimated that they can earn about [-] yuan.

After all, one day of training also requires money!
In this way, the wages alone cost 2 yuan.

If you can't recruit student workers, you will earn less.

But the minimum profit can be 2 close to [-] yuan.

"Now we have recruited 53 people who fit the image, and we should be able to recruit them before tomorrow and then start training. I also talked to me about the four-handed rose. 5 yuan can sing for one night."

Jiang Xiaohan reported the work situation.

"That's good, because time is running short and you can't go wrong."

Zhang Lingtian nodded slightly.

Every place has its own rules.

The night before Chunjiang's funeral, there was a funeral singing.

5 yuan for singing for one night is not too much.

The four-handed rose is indeed a hot topic in the industry, and the price is reasonable and not deceptive.

the other side.

The Chunjiang Public Security Press Conference is in full swing.

The main reason is that the impact of Zhang Lingtian's affairs is too great.

They must hold a press conference to calm the current public opinion.

After Brother Chunjiang's accident, their phone calls never stopped.

As long as you hang up the phone, the next call will come in immediately.

Therefore, at the request of superior leaders.

Hold a press conference to answer questions from reporters.

"Deputy Director Qin Yan, I'm a reporter from Chunjiang Watch. Regarding another special case that happened today, Chunjiang Internet celebrity Cool Brother died because of fishing in the middle of the night. Just the day before that, Zhang Lingtian, who is known as the king of hell, paid attention to the other party, and Warn the other party not to go fishing, now all kinds of opinions on the Internet say that this is a live manifestation of the king of Hades, and some say that this is a deliberate murder, what do you think the police now think?"

"Yeah, such an obvious thing, you police can't think it's an accident again!!"

The voice of the reporter who was observing by Chunjiang fell.

Immediately, other reporters followed suit.

It can be said that Chun Jiang was very sincere this time, and the press conference was held by the detachment leader and the deputy director of the branch.

Everyone's enthusiasm is also very high.

"About this matter, we ask the deputy captain, Comrade Chen Chuan, to answer."

Qin Yan turned his attention to Chen Chuan, after all, the other party was in charge of the case.

The reporters also turned their gazes.

"Hello everyone, I am Chen Chuan, who is in charge of this case, and I am also the deputy captain of the Chunjiang Public Security Detachment. According to our current investigation results, this is indeed one of Mr. Zhang Lingtian's massive accidents, and there is no real manifestation of the king of hell."

Chen Chuan answered frankly to the reporters in front of the camera.

"Another surprise!"

"What a fool!"

"Is this the attitude of your police?!"

"The co-authors have paid so much money from the taxpayers, and it's over with just one accident?"

Hearing that it was an accident again, the reporters exploded, and directly questioned Chen Chuan and asked them back!
"Don't get excited, everyone. According to the current investigation results, it is indeed an accident. Of course, if you have any information about the murder, please report it to the Chunjiang Police. We will spare no effort to investigate! We will definitely give the public a satisfactory answer!!"

Although it was expected to be sprayed, this scene was still a bit unexpected.

He can only appease everyone's emotions first, because the current investigation is indeed an accident.

"You are the police, and we are supervisors. You asked us to find evidence for you, so what are you doing?"

"Yeah, I just finished talking the day before yesterday and died the next day. Who would believe it if you said it was an accident! Do you think everyone is a child?!"

"Then you Chunjiang police will explain to everyone that since it's not the living Hades appearing, why did he tell Brother Chunjiang Ku not to go fishing, because there will be accidents?"

The reporters who held the press conference were all elite reporters from various TV stations.

Each question is also very acute.

After all, if the police can be collapsed, then this is another big news.

"Actually, how should I put it, this is equivalent to magic. Everyone looks amazing, but it's not magical at all."

Chen Chuan had already prepared for this problem, so now he is more than capable.


"Then let's listen to Officer Chen's explanation!"

The reporters aimed their cameras one by one.

They wanted to know how the police were going to answer this question this time.

"First of all, at the beginning of the live broadcast room, I don't know if anyone noticed Mr. Zhang Lingtian asked if he likes fishing? Believe it!"

Officer Chen asked.

Don't make a sound below, because there is indeed such a thing.

"I guess Mr. Zhang may have studied psychology and has strong observation skills. He discovered something from the anchor Chunjiang Kuge's answer to himself, so he persuaded him and put himself in another place. Everyone knows that many people who like fishing are I couldn't help myself from liking to go fishing, and many even wanted to find wild fishing spots, and most of the wild fishing spots in Chunjiang were dangerous, so Mr. Zhang gave a prophetic persuasion."

Chen Chuan analyzed Zhang Lingtian, and this was the most reasonable answer he thought.

"Then how did he know that Brother Ku likes fishing? And how did he know that Brother Ku likes wild fishing and added a time range!"

Another reporter asked sharp questions.

"This is actually very easy to explain. Brother Chunjiangku posted a video of wild fishing before, so Mr. Zhang Lingtian probably knew from here that he likes fishing and wild fishing. As for why he added a three-day time frame, it makes people feel uncomfortable. I think of a kind of insurance, this kind of insurance also pays for suicide after two years, but many people have no desire to commit suicide after two years, so it may not necessarily be the same reason here.”

It's an old police officer.

Even Qin Yan nodded slightly at Chen Chuan's answer.


The reporters were at a loss for words.

"Officer Chen, there was a murder case at the gate of the Baishipu in Chunjiang today. Some people said it was a fight between the witch and the king of Hades. Do you have anything to say?"

Another reporter stood up.

"There must be no fighting methods. We once again emphasize that there is no such thing as a feudal superstitious king of Hades in this world. The media should also report with the idea that science should be the mainstay of superstition. After we found out that the third wife Qian was mainly Suffering from basic diseases and because of nervousness and emotional agitation, he died of gastric mucosal bleeding and blood vessel burst."

Chen Chuan corrected the reporter's statement.

What living Hades.

something that doesn't exist.

"So it was another accident?"

Disbelief was written all over the reporter's face.

"That's right, it was still an accident."

Officer Chen nodded.

"Deputy Director Qin Yan, can you believe that so many accidents happened to one person?"

Some reporters also asked Qin Yan directly, and in an instant, many cameras were aimed at him.

"Although it's outrageous, the world is so big. Maybe some people have so many accidents in their bodies?"

Qin Yan spoke slowly.


This group of reporters was a little confused, and asked an accident when they co-authored the press conference?
"Then this afternoon, Zhang Lingtian, who is known as the Living Hades, once again prophesied a takeaway boy. May I ask Officer Qin and Officer Chen, do you know about this matter?"

Everyone was not reconciled and raised a new question.

"What? Is there a new prophecy? We really don't know about this."

Chen Chuan said he was not sure.

"Yes, the other party said in the live broadcast room that the delivery boy would die in a car accident, and hoped that he would stay at home for three days. What if the other party had an accident this time?"

The reporter continued to add and ask.

"We often see delivery guys running red lights, speeding, and racing on the streets in order to deliver food. This is indeed a big hidden danger. Don't worry, we will talk to this guy in private and protect him. I believe that as long as he obeys the traffic rules The chances of accidents will be greatly reduced.”

Chen Chuan was prepared for the previous question, but he was really confused about this.

But out of professionalism, I still answered a better answer.

"Then what do the police think about the curse of who the living hell king pays attention to and who dies?"

Here comes the question again.

"First of all, we want to declare that whoever doesn't pay attention will die. For example, the other party followed three employees of our company and nothing happened. The other party followed and understood the boss and he didn't die. So please don't make false rumors that three people become tigers. I believe that As long as this Mr. Zhang Lingtian is willing to pay attention to others, then this so-called curse will be solved naturally."

The press conference lasted an hour.

It ended peacefully.

There was no imagined scene where the police were dug by reporters and eventually led astray.

Of course, it's not that they didn't dig a hole.

But the police cleverly avoided it.

As for those answers, they can basically deal with these reporters.

"Old man, you have worked hard today."

Qin Yan patted Chen Chuan on the shoulder.

"Old squad leader, I feel that these reporters always want to do something."

On the surface, he was called Captain Qin, but in private, Chen Chuan was called the old squad leader Qin Yan.

Because they were comrades-in-arms before, their relationship is also very good.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil, let's continue."

Qin Yan said with a smile.

If they really have evidence, then provide it.

Then the police must do what they say, and directly investigate to the end!

To be honest, many people in the bureau also have doubts about this Zhang Lingtian. The key point is that even they and the police can't find any evidence.

Maybe it was really like what Chen Chuan said before.

Zhang Lingtian from this Baishi shop should have studied psychology and has outstanding observation skills, so he can perceive some subtle details and judge people based on this.

This is not superstition.

It was also revealed on some programs before.

Ask a professional-level psychologist to go up.

Basically, I can guess exactly what ordinary people do.

And their secret is to judge through people's words and subtle expressions.

Some of the funeral shoppers know how to watch people, and some even know how to tell fortunes. The so-called fortune-telling is actually just observing people.

It's like magic.

The other party just has some details that others don't know.

And in this way, a seemingly mysterious method of blinding one's eyes was produced.

It was nine o'clock at night.

Zhang Lingtian went to the restoration studio.

Back home at ten o'clock.

The little assistant went to contact people.

And at this time, a man called named by Hades quietly went online.

"Everyone, today is the first day I was named by Hades, and I'm still delivering food on the street at night!"

The takeaway brother Yang Li started broadcasting.

He was going to use this gust of wind to completely blow himself up.

Then he also lived a life like Zhang Lingtian, the so-called living Hades, live broadcasting and bringing goods.

Needless to say, that kind of life is really beautiful.

Different wind and rain.

The money goes straight into the pocket.

"Damn it, it's awesome, Lord Yan told you not to come out, but you still come out!"

"Brother, are you rushing to reincarnate?"

"Okay, I've already opened Makabaca, let's go to the bloody scene! No matter if it's a head explosion or something, I can take it!!"

"Am I watching a live horror movie at night?"

This takeaway boy started broadcasting.

In the name of the man named by Hades, he attracted many people at once.

It only started broadcasting for half an hour, and more than 100 people have already watched it.

One must know that Yang Li is a pure rookie with only a dozen or so fans.

"11:30, brothers, this is the last takeaway order, we will go home after delivering this order!!"

Yang Li held up a piece of barbecue that he had just received.

Then he shouted at the crowd in the live broadcast room.

There are 500 online viewers and 1510 fans.

Yang Li tasted the sweetness.

Some people even tipped him dozens of dollars.

I'm so happy I can't speak.

When he goes back later, he will also make some barbecue for himself.

Have a great time celebrating tonight.


 The new chapter is here, and it will be updated on Saturday and Sunday this week, please give me a monthly pass! !Ask for votes! !Ask for a monthly pass! !Ask for a recommendation ticket! !
Then I recommend a book "Craftsman: I Continue to Learn for the Sacred", if you like it, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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