I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 80 Please restrain yourself, the nightmare of all mankind! (For the 1D chapter, ask for a mo

Chapter 80 Please restrain yourself, the nightmare of all mankind! (For the [-]D chapter, ask for a monthly pass!)

After all, after being watched by the God of Death, I haven't woken up yet.

The home was even forcibly searched by the federal police.

And the information uploaded on the Internet is actually not fake news. If he is really convicted, he may indeed be imprisoned for more than 3000 years.

Of course, the laws of their Jiangjiang country allow elections in prisons.

So naturally he can still be elected.

But a big boss who has been sentenced for such a long time must have no rivals and be competitive.

Although they shouted to believe in science.

But knowing the boss is already a little bit convinced at this moment.

Because he found that all his bad luck seemed to come from that one attention.

Instead, let the other party pay attention to the sleeping old man and try.

His health is not as good as his own.

If it doesn't work, it will be gone.

In this way, he can quietly kill a big enemy.


When the assistant heard this, there was a doubt visible to the naked eye in his eyes.

The boss discovered the correct use of the Grim Reaper?

"Why, do you think there is a problem?"

The assistant's puzzled little eyes were caught by the boss, and he looked at him immediately.

"No, no problem, but how can we get Mr. Death to pay attention to the sleeping boss?"

The assistant nodded.

How can this be a problem.

After all, it's good for him if the boss wins, isn't it?

It's just how to make the god of death who is far away in the rabbit country pay attention to the sleeping boss?

This question is more difficult.

"Just listen to my arrangement on this issue."

The boss frowned as if he was thinking about something.

the other side.

It is eleven o'clock in the international forum at this time, the Big Bang Empire.

"Oh my god, Yamabe is really gone?"

"I can't believe this news is true. Could it be that the rabbit has really mastered the god of death?"

"I heard that this is the case. This god of death can really come along the network cable and take people's lives. Anyway, accidents happen to anyone who pays attention! America's understanding boss almost left after being followed! As a result, relying on tough medical treatment Xi Jinping survived, but now he is still alive because he has been investigated by the feds."

"It's so scary? If you pay attention, something will happen? Then ours is also paid attention to by him!!"

In the Great Empire, the water friends were very active early in the morning.

Especially around noon.

And at 07:30 in the morning, when they announced the news, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Many people have already fallen asleep.

So it's an afterthought at this moment! !
"Don't doubt, hurry up and pray to God to save the suffering. When I was studying, there was a classmate in the class who was the son of the richest man on the rabbit side. The other party was paid attention to, and then guess what?"

"Could it be dead?"


"Not dead, but almost dead."

"Not dead? Not dead, you told us so scary!"

"The one in front is an alumnus, right? I also know about this matter. It is true that he did not die, but it was because he bought off the god of death with money and eventually the other party unfollowed him. But even so, he almost died. The other party encountered something first. A major car accident in which the vehicle disintegrated was unscathed, and then he continued to insist that the god of death could bring him bad luck. In the end, he was hit on the head with a bottle while eating barbecue, and finally fell on his leg while going to the toilet. fracture."

"Hiss—God, come and save us, the mysterious East has already mastered Death, when will you come and save us believers."

As soon as these words came out, many netizens on the Daying side only felt that their Tianling cover was about to burst.

Not so scary.

"So he secretly opened a small account, and from time to time he offered some money to the god of death, and he is safe now, and he is also the only one who survived after paying attention."

The netizen from Daying Empire continued to add.

"How about we send money to each other too?"

"I think this is okay!!"

"I suggest that our country also open an account to get some gifts for Mr. Reaper, and bless our empress to live in peace, so that the country will be stable."

"Indeed, those guys are watching! No one can be intimidated right now!"

In the Great Empire.

Citizens are more divided in their beliefs.

Some people think that science is the truth, this is a materialistic world and there is no such thing as mysticism.

Some people think that although this is a materialistic world, there is still a God.

Some people are addicted to the church.

It is believed that there are various gods.

If their empress is really taken away by the god of death, then their country will be in chaos.

After all, it depends on the other party to settle down now.

"No need to swipe."

Suddenly, a netizen in the forum spoke lightly.


"The rabbit has a saying that it is better to believe what is there than to believe what is not. Since the other party has this magical ability, why don't we try it?"

"Quickly tell me, are you the spy who broke the hexagon next door!!"

Many people expressed their incomprehension to this netizen's speech.

Some netizens even suspected that the other party was a spy from the Hexagonal Kingdom who had been hostile to them.

"Time will tell you everything, just wait, the news will come out."

After the netizen said this sentence, he stopped talking immediately.


"What happened?"

"Sir, don't half-speak."

in the forum.

Everyone has a puzzled look on their faces.

After all, this is only halfway through and I won't say it.


spring river.

Zhang Lingtian got out of the car.

Then went upstairs.

"Did it fall again?"

In the elevator, Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin.

I found out that he has only 230 million fans left, which is equivalent to losing more than 100 million fans on this day.

In fact, it is also understandable, after all, not everyone is so courageous.

Since there is a risk of being noticed, it is normal to unfollow in advance.

But to his surprise, there are still more than 200 million water friends who continue to follow him.

It seems that these people are really not panicking.

That's all right.

If the fans are gone, then at that time, the scanning ability of the Chosen One will scan who is not.


There are still six people left.

Zhang Lingtian looked at his current number of accurate users.

If he uses the abilities of the Chosen One, it shouldn't take long to collect them and get the system rewards, but he still wants to take it easy.

Too dense is not good.

Because there is a serious public opinion panic on the Internet now, if I am really scared for a day, I will evolve from a living hell king to a butcher.

To be honest, he didn't want the title of Living Hades.

Just kidding, it would be terrifying if the whole network thought you were the King of Hades.

And if you, the King of Hades, are still the kind who are alone every day, it is simply a nightmare for all mankind, okay?

"National hero, ordinary citizen, Boss Zhang!"

"Want to ask Empress Daying when? I can't wait for Double Happiness!"

"+1, if the other party messes up, my dumpling restaurant won't charge you today! It's free!!"

"Boss Zhang, please help me follow a scumbag, I have already pushed the account to you, this scumbag lied to my little sister!!"

Zhang Lingtian opened the private message and found that it was off the charts again, and many people were asking when the person would be gone.

Even after years of baptism, it still can't change the fact that it is a bandit country.

The shining things on the other party were once the treasures of other countries.

Furthermore, there are many things in their country in the other country's national museum!

Bought in the past?

Grab it! !
So everyone is very happy with this.

Of course, Zhang Lingtian did not reply to these private messages, because it had already happened, just now.

It can only be said that the system is the real king of science and technology. If you know who is going to lose it, hurry up and pay attention first.

"Let me tell you quietly, Wuwu has already started delivering things."

Wash room after dinner.

Under Zhang Lingtian's account, some netizens have already started chatting.

Because apart from private messages.

Under the comments of the video, some netizens also asked when Double Happiness will come.

A comment followed.

"What the hell?"

"Brother, seriously?"

"Is it fake? Dude, it's not hype traffic!"

The water friends are incredible!

However he did not answer.

Curious netizens clicked on the other party's homepage, and this turned out to be Wuwu's merchant.

Seems to be doing flags or something.

All of a sudden, all kinds of gossip flew into the sky.

And now after finishing everything, Zhang Lingtian sat on the sofa.

Nothing to do today, except that there is a funeral tomorrow morning.

But the funeral is not troublesome, basically all the links have been arranged, basically just need to be there on time at ten o'clock tomorrow.

There are many red dots in private messages.

Zhang Lingtian was lighting.

"Brother is awesome! No more!/Thumbs up"

Basically, the homogenization of these private messages is very high.

Either ask the guy when it was time, or praise him for doing a good job, and others are playing national heroes, and at the same time, they continue to pay him to pay attention to scumbags. Of course, Zhang Lingtian also received a Ugly The Ukrainian businessman sent him a thumbs up!
But Zhang Lingtian didn't reply.

It can only be said that some places are really well-informed, and this is almost catching up with the person who owns the system.

"Hello, Mr. Huo Yanwang, I follow you, can you give me a follow?"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian saw an unusual piece of news.


Zhang Lingtian frowned slightly after seeing the news.

There are quite a lot of people who make people pay attention to others, but almost none of them make people pay attention to themselves.

He opened it curiously and found that it was a girl's profile picture, the ID is a bit regrettable.

In Douyin, Zhang Lingtian saw a recently updated video released yesterday, a song called Jumping into the Sea.

"I have a habit of jumping into the sea every day"

"It feels weird but a little bit of a thrill"

"If you tell me I'm a bit of a pervert"

"Please don't blame me, I like you too"

"Ask you if I can find you again"

"You laughed at me for being too crazy"


Zhang Lingtian clicked on the video to play.

He didn't know why, but he felt that the song became more and more uncomfortable after the girl sent him a message.

Because of this weird song, there is a faint taste of committing suicide.

Zhang Lingtian quickly searched for the videos on her homepage, and the system must have someone present in order to scan out the information.

To put it simply, if the videos posted by this ID are full of flowers and plants, there is no way to detect them.

【Ding!Scanning begins! 】

[Scan object: ID is a bit regretful. 】

[Occupation: Junior clinical medical student of Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 】

[Danger signal: I am introverted, have mild depression, and my mentality is unbalanced due to a broken relationship. The probability of danger within three days is 75%. 】

[Danger positioning: There is a high probability of jumping into the river by the Chunjiang River Reservoir of the University of Chinese Medicine to commit suicide. 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: Although this user is a potential user, the risk is relatively high, and the host is advised to pay attention. 】

Finally swiping to the bottom, Zhang Lingtian finally found the video of this girl herself.

Although it was only a short second or two, it was enough.

In the video, I can see that this girl looks quite fresh and has a nice smile. I really don't see any depression at all.

Fortunately, the test results are still good, and the girl has not had any accidents yet.

Because it was nine o'clock last night when he saw that this message was sent to him, he was really afraid of meeting someone like Brother Chunjiang Ku before.

"Ping'an Baishipu: Hello, you can pay attention, but can you give me a reason?"

Zhang Lingtian directly replied a message to the other party.

He didn't refuse the other party, because he was worried that she would not reply to the message after the rejection.

Instead, give the other party a hope, that is, you can pay attention but can you give him a reason.

Actually he doesn't need a reason because he already has one, which is depression.

Generally speaking, depressed people are not sunny enough psychologically, often worry about what to worry about here, and the most important point is that they have no sense of security and are extremely sensitive psychologically.

Emotional frustration became the last straw that crushed her.

After sending the message, Zhang Lingtian made a phone call.

"Hello, I'm Qin Yan."

The phone was connected, and there was a thick voice on the other end.

"Hello Captain Qin, I'm Zhang Lingtian."

Zhang Lingtian opened his mouth, and the other party left him a contact information that day, which happened to be useful today.

"Mr. Zhang Lingtian? Congratulations on winning the grand prize and being able to go abroad for group tours. What's the matter with calling this time?"

Qin Yan on the other end of the phone congratulated Zhang Lingtian.

"Uh..., it's like this, if someone wants to commit suicide, can Captain Qin help to contact and find him?"

Zhang Lingtian fell silent.

How do you feel that you have won a prize? The whole country knows it.

Even Captain Qin congratulated him for being able to go out to team building, but now it's time to get down to business.

"Suicide? If we commit suicide, we can help to contact or even find the other party. Who is Mr. Zhang, and how did you know that the other party wanted to commit suicide?"

Qin Yan asked routinely, after all, they must ask for basic information.

There are also channels to know about the other party's suicide, such as posting a post asking about the method of suicide, or there are plans to commit suicide in the circle of friends, etc.

"A third-year clinical medical student at Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Douyin account ID is a bit regretful. Last night, she sent me a private message saying that she wanted me to pay attention to her. At the same time, she also sent a video update. It was a song A song called Jumping into the Sea."

Zhang Lingtian didn't scan out the specific name, but only knew this information.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Lingtian, please add my WeChat, and then send me the private message she sent you, and we will arrange someone to understand the situation immediately."

Qin Yan nodded.


Soon Zhang Lingtian added WeChat, and then sent the screenshot of the private message to the other party.

He breathed a sigh of relief after all this was done, and hoped everything would be in time.

"Captain Qin, it's not good for us to dispatch the police to the school to find someone just based on this private message. What if the girl just feels bored and sends a message to Zhang Lingtian?"

Hearing Team Qin explaining the task, Bai Jin raised a little objection.

The main reason is that she felt that just relying on such a sentence was a bit too hasty.

"But what if it's not? Are you responsible?"

Qin Yan asked back.


Bai Jin didn't know how to answer when he heard this.

"Old Chen, you go with me too."

Qin Yan said to Chen Chuan.

He is trustworthy in the other party's work, it doesn't look like some newcomers are careless.

When doing public security criminal investigation work, you must speak with facts, and you must not be careless.

Otherwise, it may lead to a big mistake.

In the end, she drove to Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with her master Chen Chuan.

It was exactly eight o'clock at night.

"Master, do you think Team Qin is making a fuss, and asking us to spend police force on traditional Chinese medicine with just one piece of information, isn't this a pure waste of public resources?"

Bai Jin was complaining while driving the car.

"I can understand your thoughts, but Captain Qin's question is correct. What if this is true? The other party called the police and our police did nothing, what would happen?"

They contacted the comrades in the Internet Supervision Section before, and basically transferred to the other party's information.

Ke Menghan, a third-year student majoring in clinical Chinese medicine.

They dialed the phone number that the other party left when they registered and found that it was turned off, and through a short video post that the other party suddenly posted recently, they found out that they really had the intention of committing suicide.

So they must get to school as soon as possible.

Contact their counselor and find her to find out.

At the same time, let the other party's parents know the recent situation of their daughter and take strict care of them.

Otherwise, it will be too late when something really happens.


Bai Jin fell silent.

Indeed, if something really happened, since someone had already reported the relevant situation and was in Chunjiang, then the police must bear the responsibility for their inaction.

"Sometimes, some people are not necessarily magic sticks. He must have his own uniqueness to achieve so many coincidences."

Chen Chuan said meaningfully.

In fact, he felt that this Zhang Lingtian was not only good at observation, he might even have some Feng Shui prediction skills.

That kind of thing is not superstition, and the Five Elements, Eight Diagrams, Zhouyi, Fengshui, etc. also have a certain scientific basis.

For example, there is a special Zhouyi College in the top 2 universities in the country, and some colleges for the major of architecture also offer the course of Feng Shui.

How should I put it, some ancient techniques that have been handed down from the country for thousands of years, plus observation and reasoning, may really be able to achieve the predicted effect.

It's just that few people know about it.

And this Zhang Lingtian is doing nonsense, maybe it is also possible.

In fact, my apprentice is a good seed, but it's a pity that because of family reasons, I hate those who practice feudal superstition and deceive people.

Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"What? Is classmate Ke Mengyi not in the dormitory? Then where did she go?"

The counselor called the phone but couldn't get through, and then found the other party's roommate.

The phone got through, but it turned out that this person was not in the dormitory.

"We don't know. She seems to say that she should go out and relax."

It is now 08:30.

Soon the counselor called the other party's roommate to the office.

"Teacher, what's wrong with Mengyi?"

When he came to the office and saw two policemen, Ke Mengyi's roommate was a little dazed.

"Did you tell us what happened to Mengyi recently? Last night, she sent a message to Zhang Lingtian from Ping'an Shishipu asking for attention, and also posted a song called Jumping into the Sea on her Douyin account." Song."

The counselor asked.

"Shouldn't it! She actually went to the living Hades to pay attention?"

My roommate, Mayfair, is a bit unbelievable.

They even talked about this Boss Zhang in the dormitory, whoever pays attention to him will die, and the king of Hades is alive! !

"Jumping into the sea? She also changed her name on WeChat, and even posted a sentence!!"

Another roommate, Zhizhi, quickly opened Ke Mengyi's circle of friends.

[Please don't take it for granted that I like you very much, and asked you if I could find you again, but you laughed at me for being too crazy. 】

Then show.

"This is the lyrics to the song Jumping into the Sea."

Bai Jin frowned!
This is a very dangerous signal!
"No way, she's broken in love, she shouldn't do stupid things!!"

Hearing this, the pupils of the roommates constricted.

Shocked, dazed, unbelievable.

"You mean she's broken in love?"

Bai Jin asked.

"Yeah, my boyfriend broke up with her, and I was very sad. We all tried to comfort her, but it didn't work. We even talked nonsense about suicide. We thought it was nonsense after the breakup. Seriously, I thought it would be fine after the time passed, who would have thought that she would come for real!!"

Roommate Mayfair recalled.

After hearing this, the counselor was also in a cold sweat.

The colleague who organized the classmate's search also quickly contacted the other's parents, and the two elders there were very anxious.

At the same time, they also told Bai Jin and the others the amazing news that Ke Mengyi had mild depression.

The three words depression are like thunder on the ground!
It exploded in an instant!
Everyone knows that patients with depression are often very fragile psychologically, and they may even be fine one second, but may have the idea of ​​committing suicide the next second.

And there is nothing greater than death in the heart, when a person's heart is dead, he doesn't want to live anymore.

And emotional frustration is likely to be the trigger.

The parents who were in other provinces said they would come over immediately.

They thought it was a trivial matter, and it would be better to change the environment and make more friends in college.

Who knew it would develop like this! !
But they don't know, some things they take for granted.

The interpersonal relationship of many female college students has always been in a state of tension, without real friends, and some even have a discordant relationship with roommates and are in a state of isolation and helplessness.

She has depression herself and goes through these things again. Maybe her depression will become more serious over the years.

Of course, it's not necessarily a problem with the roommates, for example, their dormitory is still very harmonious.

Everyone didn't even realize that the other party was a depressed patient, it was just that the other party was a little abnormal when they were broken up in the past few days, that's all.

She may regard her lover as an emotional dependence and pillar, but one day she is suddenly abandoned by him.

The pillars collapse, and the avalanche comes from it.

Soon the counselor quickly mobilized the whole class to go out to look for it, as well as the teachers from the Academic Affairs Office.

Chen Chuan and Bai Jin also joined them.

"Thank you for getting back to me, I don't think it's necessary."

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian sent a private message, it was the girl named a little regretful.

Seeing this private message, Zhang Lingtian frowned, perhaps most people thought she didn't want to.

But as the owner of the Baishi shop, Zhang Lingtian always had a premonition that something was wrong, as if the business was about to enter the door.

"Captain Qin, have you found him?"

Zhang Lingtian quickly called to inquire, he is not short of this business!
"The situation is not very good. This girl is broken-hearted and suffers from depression. I can't find anyone now, but the counselor, teacher and classmates have all gone to find her."

Qin Yan replied with a bit of helplessness in his tone.

A living life!
He can only hope that everyone can find each other as soon as possible.

"Captain Qin, hurry up to a reservoir upstream of the river in front of the University of Chinese Medicine to find someone, maybe you can make it in time!"

Zhang Lingtian remembered the previous system prompt, and quickly said to him.

"Reservoir? Okay, okay, I'll contact them right away!"

Qin Yan also knew that he had to race against time.

"Okay, we got it, Team Qin!!"

Chen Chuan and Bai Jin nodded.

"Teacher Bai, which direction is the mouth of the reservoir near here?"

Bai Jin asked.

"Reservoir? The reservoir is up there."

The counselor pointed in one direction up!
"Go! Run over!!"

Chen Chuan and Bai Jin ran over directly.

Bai Jin, the family's counselor, didn't keep up, but followed closely behind.

At the same time, they followed one or two roommates who were looking for them in the same direction.

At this time, Zhang Lingtian was scanning the other party's homepage. Every time he scanned, the system only had the previous information.

It seems that his guess is correct, the information can only be updated during the live broadcast, and the latest situation can be seen.

The next thing to do is to wait.

Zhang Lingtian wanted to pay attention to the other party.

Of course, it's not the kind that wants the other party to have an accident, but wants to grasp the other party's dynamics.

But after thinking about it, forget it, because the system will only broadcast the reminder when the other party is dead.

In this way, he would rather not want to hear the news, so let's just wait.

Embankment by the reservoir.

The girl with tear-stained eyes became calm.

She put her small bag, mobile phone, and necklace on the shore.

And the shoes I wear.

"Over there! There is a figure over there!!"


Bai Jin and the others came to the river embankment, and there was indeed a figure in the direction of the reservoir mouth.

But because the light over there was weak and the distance was far away, she wasn't sure if it was the target.

Especially college couples also like to be in this kind of place.

It's also possible in case another dislocation gets in the way.

"call out--"

Just when Bai Jin and Chen Chuan were walking towards the reservoir, there were only 900 meters left of the original 500 meters.

Bai Jin saw that figure jumping down! !

When Bai Jin saw this, he immediately exploded, and ran at a high speed.

Although Chen Chuan was also accelerating crazily.

After all, as long as jumping into the river by one second faster, there will be more hope of surviving.

However, he is old after all, not as good as a young man, and he was quickly distanced by Bai Jin.

"call out--"

After running for 500 meters, Bai Jin jumped down.

This is a reservoir, and it is still at night. Once it sinks, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu will not be able to catch any live ones.

Are you going to die?

It doesn't seem to be as suffocating as they say.

However, because I can't swim, I feel so powerless.

It was going to sink, but it couldn't sink.

Half floating, choking on water mouthful after mouthful.

I couldn't breathe, and the water kept going to my mouth.

One sinks and one floats.

I want to say something when I get out of the water.

But water poured in again, and the throat and lungs were so hot.

shout for help?
This is in front of the reservoir.

Darkness without lights.

It's useless to shout, and I can't shout.

Just endured the discomfort for a few seconds, Ke Mengyi wanted to lie flat but still struggled a few times because of the discomfort.

However, because she couldn't swim, a deep sense of powerlessness spread all over her body, as if watching a knife stab into her heart.

But she was helpless, she could only watch the blood flow and die slowly.

Consciousness was swallowed by the river, and the eyes that were trying to open were cloudy.

The river was really cool at night, and she gradually sank to the bottom.

Suddenly she felt a strong hand grab her.

Then he lost consciousness.

Wait until she opens her eyes again.

Only the sound of beep beep was heard.

The familiar teachers are struggling to save themselves.

In a daze, she also saw her classmates.

"woke up!"

"woke up!!"

All of them had unprecedented joy on their faces!
"Hurry up, stretcher!!"

The counselor yells! !
"Mengyi, isn't it lovelorn? Don't be afraid, tell us what's going on!!!"

The roommate also held her hand tightly.

Vaguely, she saw a wet sister.

"Mr. Zhang, we have rescued him, thank you."

Bai Jin called Zhang Lingtian himself.

If it wasn't for the other party, this girl might really be gone. Even if there was a mistake in any link during this period, this would be the end.

Because I almost missed it! !
"It's good to find it back."

Zhang Lingtian heaved a sigh of relief, he finally broke the curse of this Karma and rescued one of them.

But there is no reward in this system for saving someone?
Should not be!

He thought he would be rewarded by the system for saving lives.

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Zhang Lingtian."

After Bai Jin's voice fell, Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone.

Soon Bai Jin returned home.

Change clothes and take a bath to prevent colds.

【Ding! It's a bit of a pity for the ID, the probability of danger is reduced to 9%, the potential critical high-risk attribute is removed, and it is classified as a low-risk customer. The host has obtained the following rewards, please check. 】

At eleven o'clock in the evening, before going to bed, a voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

"Has the reward come?"

Zhang Lingtian quickly clicked to receive.

Curious, what rewards can I get for saving lives.

[The system rewards are as follows.

Reward 10000: [-] yuan in cash.

Reward 1: Real world scanning card (primary)*[-]]

Two reminders appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"I wipe! The real world scans the card!!"

Zhang Lingtian was so excited that a carp stood up!
Is the skill finally going to be applied in the real world?
[Real world scanning card (primary): This card is an extremely rare card with a scanning range of 100 meters. Three people with the highest risk value will be randomly recommended to the host in order to provide funeral services. When false accurate or accurate users appear, they will be automatically activated and paid attention to , each card can only be used once, and the host has the authority to close it. 】

Click to open the details of this card.

Zhang Lingtian was a little dumbfounded.

The cards are really powerful.

Capable of real-world scanning.

But it can only be used once, and only 100 meters...

What kind of person with the highest risk value can be scanned at 100 meters!

Three more!
Mostly tasteless.

But I have to say, this system really does not forget the original intention.

Real-world cards also find funeral business for him.

That's all, let's go to bed first.

[Props: Real World Scanning Card (Elementary)*1]

Seeing that there is a new line of prop options.

Immediately afterwards he fell asleep.

In a blink of an eye, the next morning came, and at 06:30 this morning, Brother Zhao just woke up.


Looking at the information on the phone revealed three question marks.

What the hell?
People are gone? ?

Brother Zhao frowned.

It seems that today's press conference is another day of embarrassment.


"Yan Wang is awesome!!"

"Upstairs corrected the wording, it is clearly Mr. Zhang, an ordinary citizen! What the king of Hades!!"

"Yes, yes, there is no such thing as Lord Hades, everyone, please don't mess with feudal superstitions!!"

"By the way, did everyone pay attention to Lord Yan's Chunjiang's melon last night? Does anyone have any gossip?"

The news of the Big Bang Empire made the Rabbit Country boil.

He called Lord Yan Niubi directly, and at the same time someone asked if anyone knew the melons that Lord Yan had in Chunjiang last night.

"What melon? Who is Lord Yan paying attention to again??"

"Chunjiang? Is he the one who plays football for the national football team? Is it possible that Lord Yan is a fan of the national football team? You should pay attention to the national football team!!"

"If Lord Yan pays attention to the national football team, I will be the first to give the opponent a rocket!!"

"Brother is talking about the Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

Someone asked if it was the national football team.

Because the national football team came to play against their Chunjiang team last night.

Their Spring River is a second-tier coastal city.

That team was a county-level amateur team in the lower part of the Chunjiang River. The defender was a fruit seller, the forward was a beef noodle restaurant, the goalkeeper was a physical education teacher, and the goal was a senior high school student.

The strange thing is that the national football team actually lost.

This news has exploded in the circle! !

A group of wine bags and rice bags.

Even amateur teams can't play.

Just go out and find someone else to compete! !

They should really pay attention to them!

Send this group of goods away!
"It's not a pot-footed melon, it's about a girl from Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine jumping into the river."

The netizen continued to speak.

"Girl jumping into the river? How does this matter have anything to do with the living Hades car?"

"Don't tell me that the king's house collapsed, and you went to harm other girls and cause them to jump into the river?"

"Brother upstairs, your idea is very bold and dangerous, but brother who understands the news, quickly tell me what's going on!"

Below this news.

The water friends chatted.

Because this matter involves privacy, it is not so widely spread.

In addition, the school also intends to protect Ke Mengyi and ban related news, so the scope of communication is even narrower.

Of course, the students are also very conscious. Knowing that this classmate is a depression patient may irritate the other party, so they keep silent about these things.

But after all, there is no airtight wall in this world. Although the student information is well protected, some netizens still dug up the whole incident.

"Hiss, is there such a thing??"

"Brother Yan Wang has really been recruited by the authorities!!"

"Nothing to say, I'm going to give Boss Zhang a rocket now!!"

"It really made me say that the king of Hades is not the butcher of the Ka people, but some people don't believe that the king of Hades killed himself in the end!!"

"I think it's quite right for you to say that. After all, whether it was Brother Chunjiangku or the takeaway boy, I was like a blast. If I had listened to the words of this King of Hades, how could I die? After all, I did it myself! "

"Brothers, I'm paying attention again. If Boss Zhang rolls my name next time, I will definitely obey the other party's words and never argue!!"

After some gossip, they finally knew what happened last night.

Boss Zhang of Ping An Shishi Shop rescued a girl who committed suicide.

It is said that the other party was because the girl sent him a private message asking for attention, and then Lord Yan called the police.

Then let the police look for it.

Sure enough, the other party committed suicide! !
As soon as he jumped into the water, the police arrived.

A policewoman sprinted [-] meters to catch her.

Even if there is any missing link in this process, this life cannot be saved.

Naturally, they would not believe Hades' so-called discovery of committing suicide.

Just based on a private message, you can conclude that the other party is going to commit suicide?

You can even know where the other party committed suicide.

Although this year's netizens are not very smart, they are not stupid either!

Obviously, he was recruited by the authorities.

Start doing something nice once in a while.

After all, you can't always be a person.

Furthermore, the authorities have stood up for Boss Zhang.

I really don't know what new tricks will come out for the chicken trip next month. I'm really looking forward to it.

Speaking of which some people log into international forums.

The netizens of the foot pot chicken really exploded.

Especially after hearing that the one who followed Mr. Yamabe with them is gone.

The immediate panic value exploded.

Of course, not everyone is like that.

I still don't believe it.

Think what all the fuss is about.

What can happen to an ordinary person who comes to their country.

This world is a world of science, and there can be no ghosts or ghosts.

The person who attacked Mr. Yamabe did this only because of himself and his family.

Other people remote control?

Simply ridiculous.

If someone in the world can remotely control others to kill wizards, that would not be the current world order.

At this moment, in the country of foot pot chicken, the rational faction mocks the traditional faction.

But the traditionalists scolded the rationalists for not growing their hair.

I think that these people don't know what fear is at all, and that there are people who are beyond others, and there are people who are beyond the sky, these words are never just words.



"Today I want to see how Brother Zhao makes it up!"

"I think Brother Zhao might be thinking about Boss Aitzhang crazily behind his back! The crisis was just resolved yesterday, but you came again today! Isn't this embarrassing someone for me!"

The press conference begins.

Sure enough, reporters from the three countries of Jiaopanji, Yingjiang, and Yingying Empire joined forces to besiege Yamabe and the queen.

"Isn't this a coincidence? If there really are Hades in this world, then our Mr. Zhang Lingtian will pay attention to the leaders of all your countries. Will this world be clean?"

"So, this is a coincidence, and please don't promote feudal superstition."

To sum it up is.

This is accidental.

This is a coincidence.

Please do not promote feudal superstition.

The reporters from the Three Kingdoms were so pissed off.

"Oh my God, get rid of this guy who's talking nonsense, they're insulting my IQ."

"After collecting the data, the god of death in Rabbit's own country killed more than a dozen people within a month. Now after paying attention to Yamabe and the empress, they disappeared immediately. You only know that the boss is dying. You tell me this is a coincidence? When we are fools Huh! Is there anyone in this world who looks more like Shinigami than this Lingtian? This is clearly Shinigami, right!!"

"Now this Grim Reaper is causing panic all over the world. We have to do something, otherwise the rabbit will let him wander around outside in the future. This is more terrifying than bombs! And it's impossible to defend against!"

"Condemn! Their actions must be condemned internationally! A joint conference is held to criticize! Let them lock up the god of death! They are destroyers of world peace and stability! We want the whole world to see their ugly face clearly !"

International Forum.

The moderator broadcast the press conference.

All of a sudden, netizens all over the world are in a hurry.

One of the most urgent is the foot pot chicken!
In the international forum, nine out of ten speeches were made by them, and there were even some netizens from Aite Rabbit Country.

"What god of death, what are you talking about? Mr. Zhang Lingtian is just an ordinary citizen."

"That's right, your data is fake, right? Boss Zhang killed more than a dozen people in a month. Those are all anchors who are engaged in dangerous occupations, so it must be more prone to accidents."

"What criticism? What destroyer of peace and stability? What want to let the world see the ugly face? What death? This high-quality netizen who is living a good life, I am not happy to say this, it will degrade your high-quality people Next time Boss Zhang passes by, the tsunami will definitely not happen, and the volcano will definitely not erupt, so don’t worry! This is a scientific society, we must believe in science!”

"Actually, I think the friend with the foot pot chicken is a little too nervous. According to the news we got, the one from the next country seems to be dying. Doesn't it seem to have nothing to do with the god of death?"

"Indeed, even the Rabbit official said it was an accident. The person in your country was sprayed because your protection awareness is relatively weak, and even the bodyguards may have been bribed. Not to mention, they have been hostile for so many years. That one is finally gone, I believe they will disintegrate and split in a short time! Hahaha!!"

Battlefield is online.

One by one in international forums have denied.


we are not!

What death!
We must believe in science in the new century! !
At the same time, it has attracted many international netizens with rational analysis, among which netizens from Hexagon countries are the most prominent.

The other side did not hide their joy at all.

After all, the old enemy!

Soon, it was accompanied by intense discussions on the international forum and the extraordinary performance of comrades from Zhanyou Bureau.

The press conference is over.

Although the reporters were very angry.

But helpless.

As for whether this is really a coincidence?Accident?
What a liar!
This damn rabbit is deliberately fooling!

He insisted that this is not a superstition! !
Afraid of being pressured by the international community!

The reporter of the foot pot chicken clenched his fists.

Today is the day they receive their awards.

After this month, I will go to their foot pot chicken!

Now that the other side's official has made a statement, although they are skeptical, it is certainly impossible for their official to stop it on the surface.

Otherwise it will become an international joke.

"Sweet Awei, you guys are so early!"

Ping An funeral shop.

The two went to work again at eight o'clock today.

Jiang Xiaohan is incredible!

"Watching the live broadcast, hahaha, super cool! Brother Zhao is simply my idol!"

Li Tiantian said with a smile.

"Battle Game? Tiantian, you joined?"

Jiang Xiaohan came over and accidentally saw Li Tiantian's computer with the Zhanyouji group.

"Not only me, but Awei also went in, but we all played trumpets."

Li Tiantian thinks this organization is quite fun.

And the latest battle report from the screenshots in the group.

Under the influence of the Zhanyou Bureau, many countries have also defected one after another.

On international forums, the netizens of the foot pot chicken are really jumping their feet in a hurry!

Everyone said to let the other party go and try to see if there will be an accident or something.

But who wants to use himself as an experimental subject.

What if it happens!
"After breakfast, we set off."

At the funeral shop, Zhang Lingtian came in with breakfast.

"Congratulations to the boss for improving his reputation! He is no longer the Hades king of random life!"

Zhang Lingtian entered the funeral shop.

Awei and Li Tiantian quickly stood up.

That smile is like that of a welcoming brother and a young lady.

The fact that the boss is turning around the reputation doesn't mean that he wants to work in the world for a long time?
As a member of Baishipu, as long as you work hard and work hard, there must be no problem with life expectancy, right?

It's even normal for the boss to give them a few years of life in the book of life and death when he is happy, right?

"I wonder if you are praising me or scolding me?"

Zhang Lingtian looked deep in thought.

What is an improvement in reputation?

It seems that he had a bad reputation before?

What else is the king of Hades who is no longer a random human life?Why does this sound so strange.

Did he kill Karma casually before?

"Uh... Boss, they are praising you for saving a girl last night."

Jiang Xiaohan opened his mouth to help out at this time.

"That's right! Boss, you have always had a good reputation. We are praising you for saving that junior girl from the University of Chinese Medicine last night!"

Li Tiantian nodded frantically.

Still want to ask Yang Shou?
I don't understand this, the boss's car won't be a funeral car anymore.

It is the Passat leading to the underworld.

"Brother Tian, ​​you don't know now, you are being praised on the Internet!!"

Su Wei also turned on the phone.

Showing the trending scarf.

【1. New development, new opportunity】

[2. Spokesperson of the Foreign Education Administration wonderful speech]

[3. There is no God of Death and Hades in this world, only Mr. Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen]

[4. Double killing is an accident, this is always a scientific world, please don't feudal superstition]

【5. Chunjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine】

【6. War Game Established】

[7. Netizens are in a hurry]


【10. The fans of Ping An Baishipu fell below 200 million】

This is unprecedented. Seven of the top ten are hot searches about Zhang Lingtian.

"I'm still a fan?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned, with an unbelievable look on his face.

what's the situation?
He didn't look at his phone after falling asleep last night.

When you see hot searches, then open the number of followers on your phone.

【Attention: 1891011】

Zhang Lingtian was a little dazed.

This is not right.

Although he knows that some netizens are afraid of death.

Therefore, after the appearance of Yan Wangtie and the death of the two selected sons of heaven, a large number of water friends will choose to run away.

But this obviously fell to the limit last night.

There are more than 230 million left before going to bed.

Why did it drop another 50 in one night!

The key is that he also saved a person.

Normally, saving a person should get the favor of many netizens.

Then it's normal for some water friends to follow and come back.

It ended up dropping so much.

"Boss, it seems your attention has been dropping."

Jiang Xiaohan refreshed it.

【Attention: 1880011】

It was found that more than 1 people were missing.


Zhang Lingtian was silent, how could he save fear even after saving someone?

"Boss, do you want to know what's going on?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian asked Zhang Lingtian.

"what happened?"

Zhang Lingtian was very curious.

"Tiantian, hurry up and say it."

Jiang Xiaohan also felt strange.

According to the normal brain circuit, the boss should really increase his fans, but this is a lot of fans.

"Because there are rumors on the Internet that the number of fans may be one of the requirements for the boss's assessment in the human world. The boss is in a hurry when the number of fans drops, so he tries to save people and try to win the favor of netizens, and continue to increase the number of fans. The majority of netizens who know the routine come back. To operate, many people who did not unfollow also unfollowed, trying to shape a good Hades through their subtle influence."

This is what Li Tiantian saw after joining Zhanyouju.

Then go back to the root.

Finally came to the Tianya Forum.

This word comes from a prophet.

Of course, this is just the other party's guess.

Didn't become Hades Ten Posts!
But since what happened last time, this prophet has completely exploded.

That post has tens of millions of views.

Coupled with various rumors, it is normal to lose 60 or [-] fans in one night.


After Zhang Lingtian heard this, he was no longer silent, but full of black lines.

Can this still be understood?
Think broadly.

He really never thought of it! !

I believe this must have been started by another netizen with a perfect score in reading comprehension.

Forget it.

Let's go back to the office and have breakfast.

Zhang Lingtian entered the office with the steamed stuffed bun soymilk.

"Aren't they afraid that the boss's fans will be lost, and they will kill them?"

Jiang Xiaohan was also enlightened by this reverse thinking, and asked Li Tiantian in a low voice.

"That's definitely not possible. Now it is said that the boss's fans should be maintained at around 180 million! It can neither make him lose hope of completing the task, nor prevent him from being bad!"

Li Tiantian saw the boss enter the office, and continued in a low voice.

Her trumpet also got mixed into the core group of Zhanyou Bureau.

Not to mention, the situation in this war is really fierce.

Preparations just started yesterday.

Today there are tens of thousands of members.

Zhanyou Bureau has developed to [-] groups!


Jiang Xiaohan had to admire the brains of these netizens.

However, although it is a bit of a small calculation, it seems that it is really good if it continues to develop like this.

At least to have a positive image is not.

You don't know, people now call her Jiang Xiaohan is the assistant of Yan Wang, little Meng Po...

Soon, breakfast is over.

They set off to the funeral site.

At the same time, the information on the Internet is still fermenting.

Hot searches for scarves.

Eight of the ten articles were about Zhang Lingtian.

I have to say, this is really a man who is in charge of the hot search list.

[10. After two and a half years, Kun Kun has lost a lot of weight]

【11. Yue Yue participated in the new drama directed by the director】

[12. Big melon in the entertainment industry, a certain star with the surname L was blasted and cheated on several people]

As for those who used to occupy the front ranks, even the top-ranking Kun Kun could only weep in the tenth place in a bad mood when he met Boss Zhang.

a little.

"Boss, what time are we going to receive the award in the afternoon?"

Just after finishing the funeral and leaving the venue, Li Tiantian stretched her muscles and asked.

Although tired, she still looks forward to receiving the award.

"Let's go in the evening, and have a dinner together in the evening."

Now all the orders on hand have basically been settled. According to the contract, goods will be delivered to Jixiang Funeral Shop in the afternoon, and basically work until five o'clock before you can rest.

Leave work early then.

Come over for dinner.

"it is good!!"

"Ok, Ok!!"

Li Tiantian and Su Wei were very excited.

01: 30.

Ping An funeral shop.

They had lunch.

Immediately afterwards, preparations were made for bringing the goods in the afternoon.

"Huh? Mr. Qu, why did you drive here alone?"

Two o'clock.

It should have been the agreed delivery time.

Suddenly they found that Qu Jiangmei came here by herself in a car.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the other party come here in an RV, and the last time he followed a cargo, right?

"Boss Zhang, I think our contract may have to be terminated."

After getting out of the car, Qu Jiangmei had a wry smile on her face.

"Did something happen?"

There was a puzzled look in Zhang Lingtian's eyes.

Forced to terminate?

The contract was just signed two days ago.

"Could it be that the company was investigated??"

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan seemed to think of something.

Although the boss did save a person, the King of Hades on him has never changed.

Especially companies that are in contact with and cooperate with each other.

It feels like something is more or less out of the question.

"Well, our company has been investigated by the tax authorities."

Qu Jiangmei covered her face and smiled wryly.

In fact, something happened yesterday, but the boss insisted that there is no problem with the taxation. As a result, the taxation came to the door this morning and found out four sets of account books! !
Four sets of ledgers!
You can believe it! !
She knew that the chairman of the company was very ambitious.

I have always wanted to be a listed company in the funeral industry.

But she never thought that this company would actually inflate profits, inflated deposits, inflated sales, used badges in violation of regulations, made fake badges, etc.!
"Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect such an outrageous thing to happen.

"No, no, Mr. Zhang Lingtian, this is our liquidated damages plus earnest money totaling 60 yuan, please accept it."

At that time, the contract stated that any party breached the contract from the first live broadcast, and the 600 million stipulated in the contract would be fully compensated.

But if the first live broadcast didn't start, if Party A wants to cancel the contract, it only needs to pay [-]% liquidated damages.

That is 6 yuan.

But this time they brought 60.

Without him.

The boss hopes to seek some good luck for himself and avoid some bad luck.

In this way, Qu Jiangmei left after giving 60 yuan.

The Ping An Shishi Shop was busy just now, but now it has calmed down quietly.

Suddenly a little uncomfortable.

"Just do what you should do."

Zhang Lingtian returned to the office.

have to.

Now the partner is gone.

You said that you have a problem with your account, why would you ask him to cooperate? This is another hot spot for hype.

[49. Auspicious Funeral Goods Co., Ltd., the latest cooperation of Ping An Baishipu, was investigated, and four sets of ledgers were discovered! 】

【50. The saddest sales director】

as predicted.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, this matter was on the hot search again.

"Wow, what a tragedy! It's the third company!!"

"Sister, why don't you go to Ping An Shishi Shop to join the job!!"

"Would you like to fall in love with the 28-year-old Boss Zhang by the way?"

"Don't tell me, my sister looks really temperamental. Maybe Boss Zhang is not married, but he likes sister-brother love. Besides, it's just right for a third-year female junior to hold a golden brick!!"

The scarf at the moment.

Everyone chatted.

Some people even said that they wanted to match Boss Zhang.

"Cough cough cough-"

Qu Jiangmei was unemployed again.

At home.

Take a glass of water now.

Brushing the scarf.

I was a little surprised to see myself on the hot search.

But when she clicked on the hot search and saw the posts posted by netizens, she almost choked to death! !
Although she is busy with her career, she has been single.

But match her to fall in love with Zhang Lingtian.

This is crazy! !

The last little girl who followed her, Jian Sisi, died of accidental liposuction just a day after she was rumored to be in love with Boss Zhang.

Although liposuction itself is prone to danger.

But before the other party had liposuction so many times without any danger, why did it happen this time?
Don't you think it's strange?

Besides, she had never changed jobs before meeting the Living Hades.

But since working with this Zhang Lingtian, the unit where I work has frequent thunderstorms.

How dare you say it's none of his business?
To borrow a sentence from Principal Onion's trumpet.

Today is another day of belief.

She swore that she would never cooperate with the Living Hades again next time.

If you cooperate again, you will be a dog! !
[Beep. 】

Suddenly the phone vibrated.

Qu Jiangmei took a look and found that it was Zhipin.com.

"Personnel: Hello, Mr. Qu, I am the HR director of Fushou Group. We would like to invite you to join the company as the vice president of the sales department. What do you think? The annual salary can be discussed in detail."

"Qu Jiangmei: What you said is true?"

Qu Jiangmei's eyes lit up.

Fushou Group is the largest funeral goods company in China.

It is also a listed company.

The other party actually invited me to be the vice president in the past!
Qu Jiangmei felt like she was dreaming.

"Personnel: Of course, I look forward to working with Mr. Qu as soon as possible. /Shake hands"

The personnel of Fushou Group also sent a handshake emoji.

"Qu Jiangmei: Hey, that's not right, why is your company's certification as the Funeral Goods Co., Ltd.?"

Suddenly Qu Jiangmei was puzzled.

This Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. is a competitor of Fushou Group.

Now the funeral industry is in a situation of one superpower and many strong ones.

And this Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. belongs to the head of Duoqiang, and it is a large company with hundreds of millions.

Soon, Qu Jiangmei also received an invitation from Maotai Company.

Ask her to go in and be an employee.

It turned out to be someone from another company.

Some even asked her to work for Master Kong.

What's even more outrageous is that the supermarket downstairs actually paid her to work as an employee in the supermarket opposite.

20 for one order.

until it goes out of business.

Now Qu Jiangmei knew it.

Arrived at three companies in a row.

People now call her a corporate black hole.

Wherever I went, the company went bankrupt.

This made her really dumbfounded.

He co-authored the King of Hades to whitewash himself and became the new King of Hades?
How can she do this!

Ping An funeral shop.

Nothing to do.

Zhang Lingtian continued to use Douyin.

[Douyin international version system prompt: You have a private message for the TOP10 list. 】

Every one in the country downloaded it when they saw him.

Zhang Lingtian came to the international version to find happiness.

As a result, I saw a red prompt as soon as I arrived at the international version.

Private message for the TOP10 list?
Zhang Lingtian clicked in curiously.

The so-called private messages on the TOP10 list are actually private messages sent by the top ten tippers.

Then there will be a special prompt.

Also in the domestic version.

There will be special reminders for the messages sent by the top ten brothers on the list.

It has to be said that capital will indeed play.

Let you give more rewards for the right to speak in the vast crowd.

However, there are not many people in the international version who give rewards.

With a few hundred dollars, you can be the big brother on the list.

Let's see what this big brother has to say for now.

"Mr. Nathan: Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am a native of Jiangjiang, and now your reputation in our country is very affected. Everyone says that you framed the boss, you know, for this kind of feudal superstition I am heartbroken."

Look at this message.

I feel that I can feel the heartache and suffocation of the other party through the screen.

"Ping'an Baishipu: Thank you very much for your understanding, and thank you for your 1000 yuan reward."

Zhang Lingtian thanked him.

I didn't expect the other party to come here and tell me this.

It surprised him a little.

It seems that there are rational people everywhere.

A polite thank you is appropriate.

"Mr. Nathan: Mr. Zhang is great, you replied, I think you urgently need to prove yourself in our country and reject those malicious slanders!!"

After Zhang Lingtian replied, he immediately spoke to him.

It was three o'clock in the morning.

The assistant who knew the boss rubbed his dark circles.

He gets orders from his boss.

Start plan C first, and pretend to be a fan of the Ping An funeral shop to avenge his grievances.

Then guide the other party to pay attention to the sleeping boss! !
"Ping An Shishi Shop: Then how should I prove myself?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that the opposite party was still awake.

The time over there should be more than three o'clock in the morning.

"Mr. Nathan: In order to wash away these malicious slanders, I suggest that you directly pay attention to our Jiangjiang State Sleeping Boss! The other party's security measures are in place, and basically there will be no accidents! Coupled with the curse that everyone is now rumoring, As soon as 24 hours pass, those rumors will be self-defeating!"

This Mr. Nathan gave a way.

"Ping An Beishi Shop: Well, I'll think about it."

Although this is indeed a good way, he has to think about it.

Shouldn't it be a little restrained, and don't fire yourself to the forefront.

To be honest, he wanted to feel famous like this before.

But now he doesn't want to.

"Mr. Nathan: Alright, Mr. Zhang, the boss will meet with you when you go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening in your country time. You can come over and pay attention to the other party and say a little bit of Hades' curse."

The chat ends here.

The assistant was also lying on the bed.

Just pay attention.

In this world, they know the boss! !

I have to say, knowing the boss is really witty! !

"Hello, is Mr. Zhang Lingtian in?"

At this moment, a couple walked into Ping An Bai Shi Shop.

"Hello, who are you?"

Seeing someone entering the funeral shop, Li Tiantian immediately went to greet him.

But it turned out to be a couple.

This surprised her a little.

Almost everyone in the Baishi shop comes alone.

Very few people come together as a couple.

And he still has something in his hand.

"Oh, we came here to thank Mr. Zhang Lingtian. If it wasn't for him, then our daughter would be gone."

It turned out that these were Ke Mengyi's parents.

When the two heard the news of their daughter jumping into the river, they almost fainted on the spot.

Especially this mom.

I came here after taking quick-acting heart-rescuing pills along the way!

To be honest, thanks to Mr. Zhang Lingtian, otherwise when the police and classmates found him, he would have floated up from the river.

"Boss, someone is looking for you!!"

Li Tiantian acts as a megaphone.

Jiang Xiaohan brought them to the reception room and made a cup of tea.

The other party chatted for a long time.

Words are full of thanks.

Because that is their only daughter.

They really don't know what to do if the other person dies.

Ask the police station at the moment.

I'm having a simple meeting.

At the meeting, Bai Jinyin made a self-criticism.

Because of hesitation and doubt, I almost missed the job.

But in the end, Comrade Bai Jin was praised by the bureau for saving a life despite the danger.

"Jinjin, why do you think Zhang Lingtian is so accurate?"

Little will come out.

The policewoman Feifei was a little curious at this time.

The other party is too accurate.

Of course, feudal superstition is definitely unbelievable as a policeman.

But she was also very curious, the other party must have some special ability to guess so accurately.

"I think the master's words are very reasonable. People who do white things may be naturally sensitive to certain aspects. For example, if a person wants to commit suicide, as for why the other party knows the school and the college grade of the other party, it may be possible from the learning video shared by the other party. Read it."

Bai Jin carefully checked the opponent's Douyin according to what the master said.

It was found that there were indeed some clues.

Basically, professional people can guess what major the other party is studying and what age they are in.

"What about the reservoir??"

Feifei thinks that this is the most amazing thing about this time.

The opponent actually locked the position precisely.

"Perhaps empathy? For example, if you are a depressed patient and you want to commit suicide, where would you be if you don't get disturbed by others? Maybe a dark and calm reservoir is the best choice!"

Bai Jin thought of such an answer.

And she also felt that this answer was the most suitable.

"So it is indeed possible."

Hearing this, Feifei nodded.

Indeed, if you really want to die and don't let others know, it is best to find a secluded place.

The best choice is to be next to the dark reservoir.

"I will make materials for special talents first."

Bai Jin opened the folder.

"Jinjin, you said that if the owner of the funeral shop invites you to come to our police station as a special talent, will the other party agree?"

It turned out that in addition to this matter, the content of the meeting just now also talked about special talents.

Their current police station also has a quota for special talents.

After discussion, they decided to give this spot to Zhang Lingtian.

Qin Yan, as the deputy director in charge of this area, also passed the proposal.

I think that the other party is indeed the kind of person who doesn't show his mountains and dews.

And amazingly observant.

The knowledge base is amazing.

Maybe it can bring them some ideas and progress in solving the case.

"I don't know, I think I should agree."

Bai Jin also expressed that he was not sure.

After all, you can't figure out the other party's temper.

But this time Qin team went to invite with his master, and this card is unique.

After all, how could the special talents before be like this.

Let's see tomorrow morning.

"Clean up, everyone, get off work half an hour earlier!"

After chatting for a while, Ke Menghan's parents left.

Zhang Lingtian explained to him.

"Set off!!"

The shop door was locked and the Passat started.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhang Lingtian for getting the trip to Jiaopenji. There are only three employees in total, right? Then we will report this information. During the period of going to Jiaopenji, all your accommodation expenses, transportation expenses, and food expenses, as long as you can get a receipt The expenses are all reimbursed by the shopping mall, so please play to your heart's content!"


The merchant also made a special award-winning background.

They got the grand prize.

The first prize is 10 yuan in cash.

The second prize is [-] yuan in cash.

The third prize is Wanda's [-] yuan voucher.

However, because the award receiving time is not fixed, it will not appear that everyone will stand in the award receiving seats.

But because of Zhang Lingtian's enthusiasm, there were still many people watching.

There were even reporters.

"Thanks to the organizer, we will definitely come here to eat more in the future."

The four of them were all on the award receiving seats, and they held the big sign together.

Ping An funeral shop.


After receiving the award, I ate a meal of Wanda's special award, which is a free surprise when I go to any restaurant to eat.

seven o 'clock.

The Passat drives the streets.

"Boss, then I'll go back first, I'll make a video tonight!!"

After receiving the award and eating, Li Tiantian felt in a good mood.

Going back and holding the material is just a cut.

09: 30.

【work group】

"Li Tiantian: Boss, what do you think of this? @张玲天"

"Li Tiantian: Video.MP4"

Li Tiantian posted the video she had edited.

"Su Wei: This is good! Yes, wow, sweet!"

Seeing this video, Su Wei thought it was really good.

The beginning of the video is the entrance of Ping An Baishi Shop, followed by receiving awards and having a big meal, thanking the merchants for advertising and so on.

"Jiang Xiaohan: I think it's okay, and my level has improved."

Jiang Xiaohan read it carefully twice.

I feel really good.

Level up.

"Li Tiantian: Hehe, you actually discovered it, Miss Xiaohan. That's right, I'm the one who secretly worked hard and amazed everyone!!"

"Li Tiantian: A straightforward smile.jpg"

After all, Li Tiantian also posted a Shiba Inu dog head emoji with teeth showing.

Before, she could only know how to edit videos, but she has worked hard to become an excellent employee during this time.

Waiting for the boss now.

"Zhang Lingtian: It feels okay, so I'll send it directly."

Zhang Lingtian came back after washing and looked at the video and thought it was good.

[Thanks to Wanda for the trip to the special prize chicken pot. If you need it, you are welcome to contact Ping An Burial Shop. This Burial Shop provides one-stop funeral services, and you can enjoy a 5% discount if you make an appointment through this video. 】

Zhang Lingtian edited a topic and sent it out.

Jiang Xiaohan, Su Wei, and Li Tiantian were staring at the data.

"Fucking boss! Breaking [-] in one second!!!"

However, this video has just been released.

Looking at the number of viewers, it directly exceeded [-]! !

"1 minute, 100 million!!!"

This data is like flying.

"No, why is it so strange, the number of views and shares of this video is close to three to one, but why are there not many people commenting?"

Jiang Xiaohan felt a little unbelievable.

"no one there??"

"Strange, the heat of Hades passed so quickly? No one came out to support the video??"

In the comment area, there are only a few hundred comments.

After half an hour.

The playback volume has reached 500 million, and the share has reached more than 100 million.

But there are only 3 likes and [-] comments.

Finally, Li Tiantian figured out the reason in the inner core group of Zhanyou Bureau.

Now choose fans to follow! !
Just watch for safety, there is no need to leave footprints.

In case the king of hell finds you pleasing to the eye one day, it will be a lot of fun to treat you as the chosen son of the day.


Zhang Lingtian glanced at it.


Suddenly, a text message came from the phone.

"Mr. Zhang, the live broadcast of Sleeping Boss has started, come quickly!!!"

It is a foreign number.

Could it be that Mr. Nathan?
Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

At this point he opened the international version.

"Mr. Nathan: Mr. Zhang, you are finally online. This is the live broadcast room of Sleeping Boss. Go in and have a look!!"

Douyin is very popular all over the world.

In the international area at this time, Sleeping Boss also moved in.

In fact, the main reason is that his team found out that the boss has also settled in Douyin. As a competitor, it is naturally impossible to let go of this opportunity.

"Ping'an Memorial Shop:..."

Zhang Lingtian sent a row of ellipses.

"Come in now!!!"

Lying on the hospital bed with a dark face, the boss looked at the big projection screen! !

He wants to watch the sleeping old man end! !
How can he be better if he is half alive! !

As long as he is paid attention to, he will definitely be gone! !

"Go in!!"

The assistant also looks like he is about to score a goal! !

Expect what you want to happen.

[Douyin international version reminds you: Ping An Baishipu, a blogger with millions of fans, enters the live broadcast room]

Lying in bed.

Look at that link.

Zhang Lingtian hesitated for a while.

In the end, An couldn't bear the curiosity and clicked in to see what the sleeping boss was broadcasting live.

"Oye, let's go in!!!"

Knowing the boss directly yelled out! !
The golden hair on the top of the head stood straight up! !

She doesn't look like she's seriously ill at all! !

The assistant is like winning the game.

hysteria! !
My hard work was not in vain.


"No way!!!"

At this time, in front of some computers and mobile phones, there is a sound of shit!

"Brothers, something serious happened, Yan Wang came to the live broadcast room where the boss slept at night!!"

After all, sleep with the boss.

There are also some domestic netizens joining in the fun.

As a result, he suddenly saw the vest of Ping An Shishi Shop.

Suddenly startled.

"Something happened, something happened, tomorrow will definitely be another disaster day for the spokesperson! Did you know that Ping An Shishi Shop has come to the live broadcast room of the sleeping boss!"

"I saw it, I saw it, my mother, this big brother is really not restrained at all!!"

"Poor Brother Zhao!"

Some niche groups that were discovered first immediately exploded.

"What the hell???"

Brother Zhao had just finished washing and was lying beautifully on the bed, but his friend sent him a screenshot directly, which scared him into a carp! !


He sucked in a breath of cold air, and the corners of his mouth still pulled out a little.

If something happens to this one, it will be a big deal! ! !

I'm afraid that tomorrow it will not be their foreign agency's business, but the National Defense Agency! ! !

 Updated, [-] words!

Last night I wrote until three o'clock in the morning but I was not satisfied with the plot and didn't post it before I wrote the plot I wanted. I have been fishing until this point today, and finally wrote a satisfactory plot, so let's post it.

In fact, in this plot, there is a secret hidden in my heart. When I was in college, I often wrote novels by voice next to a reservoir at the end of the river embankment in front of the school, because it was quiet and no one would disturb me, and it would not be embarrassing, but it was that night. , the only night I was lazy and didn't go, but the next morning I heard that a girl jumped into the river there because of a broken relationship and depression. Whenever I think about it, I regret it in my heart. If I went that day, maybe Saving this life... But there is no if, now I write her in the book, I hope she is alive, the funeral anchor also has warmth, he doesn't have to be Karma, he can save people.

Finally, in the last few hours at the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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