I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 84 The money has been obtained, the boss will never be seen again!

Chapter 84 The money has been obtained, the boss will never be seen again!

And this person is too tasteless.

I just made a joke, but the other party paid him attention.

But on the other side, a man driving a black Audi was listening to a ditty.


Suddenly the phone rang, and I checked that the phone number was an unfamiliar one.


After thinking for two seconds, he finally answered the phone.

"Boss Chen, I'm Xiong Yang, will you give me my salary? Don't push me, I can do anything!!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little low, and the tone was even colder than ever before!
"Why is it you again? Didn't I say that I will pay you my salary in October when my funds are tight now? There is still more than one month left, what are you in a hurry for?"

Chen Qiang was a little annoyed when he heard this, so he stuck to him like ten thousand yuan like a dog skin plaster!
"You have blocked my phone number, do you think I can trust you? Also, you agreed to pay me salary in March and it was postponed until June, and now you are talking about October, so I ask who can believe it! Chen Boss, you are a businessman and you should know how important the word honesty is! I came here from my hometown today to ask for my salary, and I hope you can give it to me!"

Even though he was on the phone, he could still feel the suppressed anger in his tone.

He worked for the other party years ago. During the Chinese New Year, he went back first because the home was going to be renovated. The other party promised to pay him in March, but he said June and now he said October!
It's like playing him like a monkey!
He admitted that it was wrong for him to leave before finishing his work, but he made an agreement with this Chen Qiang, and even specially found a friend to come over to replace him.

As a result, all his friends got their wages, but he still didn't get them. The most important thing is that the other party blocked his call.

This made Xiong Yang so angry that he couldn't eat.

"Even if you come from abroad, it's useless. I've already said that there is no money to pay your wages. If you want to wait for money, you have to wait until October."

Chen Qiang's tone was full of impatience.

He's in the renovation business, so it's okay if every employee is as unruly as this Xiong Yang.

"Boss Chen, don't push me into a hurry or it will be hard for everyone. I know you have an only son. Believe it or not, I will kill him and make you die!"

Xiong Yang said viciously.

"Oh, it's useless for you to threaten me. I tell you that if you want money, you have to wait until October! Alright! Don't call me!"


Chen Qiang hung up the phone.

Block this strange number directly in the next second!

threaten him?
Hehe, he is afraid of being threatened by you, a wage earner?

The more he said this, the more he procrastinated. Anyway, he didn't say no to it, just a little longer.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on the phone."

Xizhou City.

A man clutched his phone tightly, trembling with anger!
"Damn it! If you don't get serious with you, you think I'm a sick cat, just pinch me! Grass!!"

The man was Xiong Yang, and he went straight to a hardware store.

"Boss, how much is this fruit knife?"

After entering, I found a fruit knife and picked the sharpest and most convenient one.

"Ten dollars."

The boss replied while watching the drama.


Xiong Yang threw ten yuan at the counter, and then put the fruit knife in the pocket of his overalls.

Because he was wearing the kind of pants with very deep pockets, it was basically impossible to tell that there was a knife in it.

Today, he came to Xizhou from across the province with only one purpose, and that was to get his [-] wages.

During the Chinese New Year, he believed that the other party was short of funds and could not afford so much money for the time being.

Damn it, it turned out that it was delayed from March to June and now it's going to be delayed to October. He couldn't believe it. There was a building owner in the city who still couldn't afford the [-] yuan! !
It was obvious that the other party was playing tricks on him! !
Anyway, he had had enough and didn't want to change his number to collect debts.

If the other party didn't pay him, he would stab his only son to death. We are all human, and he is miserable. Why do you have a happy family?
It turned out that Xiong Yang worked with Chen Qiang for half a year before.

Know the situation of his family.

Chen Qiang's home is on Daqi Road in Xizhou, where there are a row of decoration shops and his home also sells ceilings and lamps while undertaking decoration projects.

The house has four floors.

The first floor is the store, the second floor is the living room and where they lived, the third floor is where his son lives and a study room, and the fourth floor is the top floor with two rooms and an open-air garden terrace.

He stayed on the fourth floor of the boss's house for one night when he was in a hurry to go back for some reason, so he basically knew the layout of their house.

I also know that he has only one son, and the only son will also participate in it when he usually visits the store.

If the other party really does not give money, then he will squat outside.

Anyway, when the other party's son always came out, he would go up and stab the other party!

You, Chen Qiang, made him suffer, and he, Xiong Yang, made you suffer twice as much! !

"Where is the boss?"

Sitting on the tricycle, the master who was waiting on the side of the road suddenly came and asked in spirit.

"Daqi Road, renovated by Zhiqiang."

Xiong Yang answered seven words lightly.

"No problem, sit down!"

They are a third-tier city and it's not too big, so these tricycle masters basically know the route.

Of course, they don't know the specific store, but when it comes to decoration, they generally know where it is located, whether it is the street, the end of the street, or the middle of the street.

After all, a street is quite big, and the decoration is usually in the area at the end of the street.

"call out--"

The tricycle set off, while Xiong Yang opened WeChat on his phone.

[Xizhou Decoration Xiaoyang: From CNM, if you can't get the money today, you will kill labor and management!idiot! ! ! 】

Xiong Yang posted a WeChat Moments, along with a picture of a knife.

This knife is exactly the fruit knife I bought for ten yuan earlier.

"Five-Star Chef: Brother, is he alive? Take me to fly!!"

"Decoration Xiao Wei: I'm sorry, bro, are you going to the knife boss? Get on the headlines, get on the headlines! /Funny"

"Everything is going well: Brother, you are not good at knives, no wonder your wages have not come back for such a long time, if I were you, go directly with a watermelon knife! / Smile"

"Let's reopen: Some idiots just don't cry when they don't see the coffin! It's been three months since I didn't get my wages from the construction site, and labor arbitration is useless. I'm so stupid, watching people run around and hug the little ones." Secret, I will get angry! Brother, go to find the way first, and I will kill you when you turn back!!/狗头」

After the video was sent out, there were more than a dozen messages in Xiong Yang's circle of friends soon.

There are some likes and comments from brothers, but most of them are just teasing.

After all, who is not annoyed that wages are in arrears for such a long time!

At the same time, who doesn't want to kill someone?
But these things are just thoughts. This is a society ruled by law. If you really kill people, not only will you not get the money back, but you will even have to go in.

They guessed that their friend was just joking and complaining in the circle of friends.

"Xizhou Decoration Xiaoyang: If you don't get the money, you will be in the headlines!!"

Xiong Yang replied.

However, the friends in the other party's circle of friends still did not doubt it.

On the other side of the live broadcast room, I wanted to learn a foreign language, which also caused a wave of waves.

"My friend, since you know that I don't have any interest in your family, do you think it's good for me to slander you?"

But Zhang Lingtian asked in a nonchalant manner.

"That's right, you've never met before, it's no good for this boss to slander you."

"Why don't you go home and ask your father if he owes others' wages. If he really owes others' wages, it's better to give it to the other party. And it seems that what Boss Zhang said is hardly deceitful."

"That's right, Boss Zhang can't take advantage of you, and your name is completely random in the live broadcast, why can't you just listen to the persuasion and see how the situation goes?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room also persuaded him one after another.

"Heh, randomness, it's all small-minded!!"

Chen Zhi sneered when he heard this, and then directly turned on the Tiger Fish live broadcast, ready to play a game.

As for whether to respond?

There is no need not to respond, if you dare to question the other party, you will be sprayed by those supporters of Hades.

The other party has almost become a fan circle.

In fact, he also respected this boss Zhang before, thinking that although the other party is not a living king, he is at least a person with the ability of metaphysics and five arts.

In the end, he didn't expect the other party to open his mouth and scold his father for arrears of wages.

Good guy.

It's off the charts!
Their Xizhou is three provinces away from Chunjiang.

Moreover, their home is also a decoration company and it is only a small company. You actually said that they are in arrears of wages. Does he not know if his father is in arrears of wages?
As for the fact that the two sides are strangers, what benefits can be gained by slandering, he no longer wants to respond.

Slandering him can get traffic.

What else can I do.

It is estimated that the sorceress next door was pissed off, and it is not certain that Mr. Zhang Lingtian plans to expand his business through online fortune-telling.

If that's the case, then you guys can play this game, anyway, he's not interested, listening to you bragging here might as well make him play a game for fun.

"This 'I want to learn a foreign language' friend, are you listening?"

Zhang Lingtian asked again at this moment.

"The other party seems to be offline!"

"Boss Zhang, is my father really in arrears with wages?"

"I want to know how Boss Zhang knew that the other party's family was in arrears of wages?"

The water friends asked doubtfully.

Jiang Xiaohan also looked at Zhang Lingtian, she was also curious how her boss knew that his family was in arrears of wages.

"It's really offline, Xiaohan, go and get my mobile phone, I can only tell everyone that I don't know each other and I don't need to deceive you."

Zhang Lingtian sighed slightly.

The last time he tasted the sweetness, he found that he seemed to be able to get a system reward for saving one person, which was much easier than getting rewards for following 20 people, so he wanted to save the other person from the bottom of his heart.

And this is also very easy to operate, as long as the money is given, the workers will naturally not be cruel.

Again, what people want is wages, not your life.


"Indeed, if I were a rich second generation, I would have to ask my father if he owed any money. If not, I would tell Hades directly. If my father told me that he didn't owe any money, wouldn't it be a satisfactory solution?"

"Why does Boss Zhang need a mobile phone? Do you still have this little brother's phone?"

Everyone saw this scene with a puzzled look in their eyes.

"Boss, call."

Jiang Xiaohan took Zhang Lingtian's phone number, she didn't understand what the boss was going to do.

"Hello, 110, I want to call the police."

Zhang Lingtian directly called the police.




Seeing this scene, all the people who watched the live broadcast were dumbfounded. The boss actually called the police! !

Could it be that the water friend I wanted to learn a foreign language just now is really in danger?I believe Boss Zhang will not be ignorant of the legal responsibility for reporting false alarms!

Seriously, if other studios would doubt if it was a script.

But in this live broadcast room of the King of Hades, no one who has seen the other party's ability will doubt that this is a script.

The only thing is to worry about whether things are biased.

After all, even in the rigorous scientific era, there are always mistakes. For example, there is a chance of misdiagnosis when going to the hospital. This fortune-telling is definitely impossible to be right every time.

"Like the anchor, no matter whether you have it or not, it is always right to call the police."

Of course, some people think that Zhang Lingtian is very responsible for this.

Nothing is better, and something can save a life.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Lingtian, we will verify and locate this account information first, and then transfer the case to Xizhou."

After explaining some details, the command center replied.

Because it was a call to the police and Zhang Lingtian did not provide any evidence, they must check first.

Spring River Public Security.

"What? Mr. Zhang said that the family of this account owes wages? Maybe the employees who are owed wages will behave outrageously? There is no need to verify. This is a clue of a special talent. Go directly through the process and contact the comrades in the Internet Supervision Department for assistance, and Talk to the police in Western State."

This incident soon reached Qin Yan's ears.

With the previous experience and the fact that Zhang Lingtian is a special talent in their police force, he is suitable for special affairs.

"Okay! I'll contact you now!!"

Bai Jin nodded and immediately sought the assistance of comrades from the Internet Supervision Section. After finding out the specific location and contact information of the other party, he also contacted the Xizhou police to see if there was any suspicious person.

Xizhou, Daqi Road.

"Dad, you really don't owe anyone wages?"

After playing the game for a while, this "I want to learn a foreign language" netizen switched back.

It turned out that this Zhang Lingtian actually called the police. You must know that if you report a false alarm, you have to go in!

So he made a phone call to his father himself.

"Zhi'er, what are you talking about, how can I owe someone else's wages from where did you hear the news! Nothing!!"

Chen Qiang replied while driving the car.

"No, I'm just asking."

I asked my father three times in a row, but the other party said nothing, how could they owe others wages in the current situation of their family.

Think about it too.

After hanging up the phone and looking at Zhang Lingtian in the live broadcast room, he felt even more disgusted.

These big V anchors on the Internet really don't have a good thing, this forced acting is really like it.

It may not be true that the calls are all fake calls.

As for so many things that happened before, they were basically judged to be right. Why didn't he want to believe Zhang Lingtian.

He can only answer one sentence.

Do you trust your father or an anchor you have never met?

Also, he has never denied that Zhang Lingtian has real skills, but who can tell if a really smart person plays nine tricks with one hand and one fake with one hand?

Speaking of which, the other party hasn't been on the hot search list for a long time.

This time I built a yellow paper production line myself, maybe I want to take the opportunity to hype it up.

Thinking about it, everyone is layman, who doesn't love money?

"Where did this Xiong find his son's contact information? Who did he ask? Could it be from the Internet? Heh, the donkey is poor, and he said he will give it in October! The more trouble he gets, he can't guarantee it. I'll let you drag it until next year!"

After Chen Qiang hung up his son's phone, he muttered in the car and arrived home in two intersections.

At this time, a tricycle had stopped in front of Zhiqiang Decoration, and the store had already opened.

Sitting inside was a fat woman.

This is Chen Qiang's wife and the wife of the boss when he was working.

This woman is less reasonable than Chen Qiang, so he doesn't want to communicate with her.

And the money was also taken by Chen Qiang.

He went to Chen Qiang.

I saw him lighting a cigarette and smoking at the door of the store next door.

Chen Qiang's black Audi is not here.

So people can basically conclude that they are not in the store.

Wait for him to come back.

According to what he knew, the other party would come back at least several times a day.

third floor.

Chen Zhi was in a room near the street.

If he looked down he could see a man in a black shirt and overalls smoking a cigarette.

He didn't look down, however.

Instead, he played the game with headphones on.

As for Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast, he didn't turn it off either.

Of course, I didn't follow what those netizens said, just hang up and say that maybe I can get a wave of traffic or something.

Or back to that sentence.

He is a life-saving person.

Although Zhang Lingtian's tricks have been exposed, this person is more or less capable, so there is no need for him to make enemies with such a person.

Time to do some shit.

Even if you don't use the diaphragm to respond, it's enough to choke you.

So he chose to remain silent.

When you are tired from playing games, just take a look at the barrage of the water friends in the other party's live broadcast room!


"Boss Zhang, it seems that this brother is online again!"

"It was online in the morning, and I just went offline for a while, and I was still in the live broadcast room."

"Then why don't you talk? What is this rich second generation thinking? As for whether there is a wage arrears or not!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were very puzzled.

"This friend named 'I want to learn a foreign language', if you have anything to say, you can directly send it here or contact us by private message."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at the boss's expression and felt that this matter did not seem to be fake.

Immediately, he also said to the water friend.

"Brother, your young lady Meng, who is full of love, has also spoken! Respond!"

Another water friend continued to speak.

But the man didn't seem to respond.

"This 'I want to learn a foreign language' seems to be playing games live on Tigerfish."

"I watched the video the other party posted before, and it seems that they are indeed playing games."

"Is this brother so big-hearted? Lord Yan asked him to communicate with his father and pay workers wages, but he was unmoved and played games!"

Some water friends pulled out the vest 'Chen Quanquan' called 'I want to learn a foreign language' in the tiger fish live broadcast room.

It was found that the other party was playing a game live.

"My friend, don't say I'm alarmist. If your father doesn't pay back the employee's wages, you will have an accident within three days! It's a pity that it's too far away, otherwise I have to post a wave of advertisements to book funerals and enjoy [-]% off services. Door-to-door business is not for nothing, now you are so far away and you want me to serve you. "

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands in front of the live broadcast room, and he called the police and reminded him again.

Peat is still playing dead!

He didn't want to say anything more.

It can only be said that if he is a native of Chunjiang, he must make an appointment for a funeral service in advance.

After all, 99% probability.

Almost must die!

Then it's up to the police.

I hope he can hear the message from the system that the danger value has decreased next.

From pseudo-accurate to low-risk, maybe I can get rewarded by the system again.

In fact, he really hoped that this netizen could survive.

Otherwise, I won't waste the time of live streaming to talk about this.

However, Chen Zhizheng played the game happily.

For Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast, he has already covered it behind the page.


A black Audi SUV was parked at the door.

A man in a blue shirt, with a crew cut and a black leather bag in his hand opened the car door.

This is Chen Qiang.

The owner of Zhiqiang Decoration Shop.

"Boss Chen, you are finally back, let's have a cigarette."

Chen Qiang didn't notice a person squatting beside him.

Chen Qiang didn't look in that direction until the other party's voice sounded, and found that it was Xiong Yang.

The other party was smiling and handing him a cigarette.

Suddenly Chen Qiang frowned.

"How did you come?"

Chen Qiang asked coldly.

"Boss Chen's question is right, of course I'm here to ask for my salary!"

Seeing that the other party was still asking questions in a cold voice.

Xiong Yang was furious.

The salary owed to him is still high.

Is there still a king in this world!

But the main purpose of my coming here this time is to ask for money.

Although there were harsh words on the phone.

But in the real world, he still chooses to pass the cigarettes and beg the other party to pay his salary.


Chen Qiang refused the cigarette brought by the other party, and said without emotion.

"No? Boss Chen, I don't care about blocking my phone, but it's inappropriate for you to say no when I found this place!!"

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

I have done this for my own sake, and it would be too much for the other party to say no.

"What are you yelling at? I said that I have no money and I will give you the money in October. You wait another month."

Chen Qiang rolled his eyes and said coldly.

"No one will believe you in a store as big as [-]! Damn! I won't leave today if you don't give me the money! I'll tell you that my family urgently needs the money!!"

Xiong Yang also exploded!

Since he drove here across provinces to ask for his salary, he must take the money back!
"Why are you yelling early in the morning! Bad luck!!"

The woman inside came out.

Because it is fatter and the voice is particularly loud, it has the smell of a charter woman.

"I'm here to get the money!!!"

On weekdays, the proprietress is domineering and he doesn't get too entangled with the other party.

But at this time, Qian Xiongyang came to ask for it with confidence!

Because that was his salary.

"Didn't I tell you to go back first! No money! Wait a month!!"

The proprietress Wei Li scolded.


Actually ran to their shop early in the morning to ask for money.

Do you know that the most important thing when opening a store is the morning.

That bad luck is bad luck all day long.

"Nonsense! Treat me like a three-year-old child! You still haven't paid me the salary I was supposed to get in March, and now it's September! Can't such a big shop pay [-] yuan!"

Xiong Yang asked.

"No! No matter how noisy you are in October, I won't give it to you! Get lost!!"

Chen Qiang was furious.

After all, many people have come to ask for salary.

How this affects their business!
"Bring the money! I need money for something at home! If you don't see it, don't leave!!"

Xiong Yang is determined not to leave!

"Is your father dead or is your child dead! Hurry up, hurry up your mother! Get out! Don't affect our business!!"

Wei Li is not easy to mess with either.

She still doesn't believe that a wage earner can't handle you!


Chen Zhi, who was playing a game, was disturbed by the sound.

When I opened the curtains, I found my parents were arguing with a man in black.

"What the hell?"

It was quite noisy.

He planned to go down to find out the situation and see what was going on.

After all, how can one's parents have conflicts with others, quarrel fiercely, and still play games safely upstairs.

"Wei! Say it again!!"

Xiong Yang gritted his teeth in anger when he heard this! !
The whole person's head seemed to be smoking!

"What's the matter again, is your father dead? You need money so urgently! I told you clearly that we can afford you if we have [-] yuan, but I will give it to you next month. What can you do!!"

Wei Li is not afraid of you.

After all, she was engaged in renovation projects.

Although the store is not big.

But the connections in the third-tier city of Xizhou are much stronger than that of a wage earner from other provinces.

"Damn it! It's too much bullying!!!"

Xiong Yang's eyes are burning!
Drag him if you have money.

Do you think he is easy to bully?

"What's wrong with bullying you! You came here to ask for the money before the Chinese New Year, so hurry up! Otherwise, no one will collect your body if you die here!"

Chen Qiang threatened.

"Dad, Mom, what's the matter?"

Upstairs, Chen Zhi came down.

"call out--"

Suddenly, in the next second, Xiong Yang suddenly strode towards Chen Zhifei!


Chen Zhishi's face was dumbfounded! !

"Chen! I told you that I will kill your son if I don't get the money today! Cao Nima!!!"

Xiong Yang took out the fruit knife he had prepared a long time ago and stabbed it directly at Chen Zhi's chest! !

The bewildered Chen Zhi never thought that such a thing would happen, his instinctive desire to survive made him run desperately!

But how could he beat Xiong Yang, who was a worker, in a gaming nerd who was at home all day, and was stabbed several times in just one second.


"Xiong Yang, how dare you!!!"

Wei Li and Chen Qiang saw Xiong Yang who suddenly rushed towards their son, and the two of them hadn't figured out what the other was thinking at the time.

As a result, he never expected that the other party would actually take out a knife.

How dare he! !

An outsider!

Wage earners! !

How dare he! ! !
This is the same question mark in the hearts of the couple.

Eager to save their children, the two rushed forward.

Not even a weapon!

As a result, one of them was also stabbed!

Now they panic.

Please spare your son.

Give money!

[-] will be given immediately!
Return the interest of 1 yuan!

At the same time, I promised not to call the police, and the matter passed like this! !
"Did you know how to give money at this time? I gave you a chance! But you ignored it! It's useless for me to tell you! I don't want any extra money!!!"

I saw the couple throwing over a wad of money!
Regardless of the injuries on his body, with an anxious expression on his face, Xiong Yang picked up the [-] that belonged to him.

The remaining 1 yuan was thrown back!

"Brother Xiong, we are wrong about this matter, please, please let my son go, he is not moving now!!"

Chen Qiang has long since lost his previous arrogance.

At this moment, he begged.

He thought about rushing over with a stool.

But he was also afraid that the other party would act impulsively and injure his son again.

So do everything you can to stabilize the other party's emotions.

After all, he is the only son.

My wife is old and fat.

It is definitely impossible to practice the trumpet.

Other people outside also came in to persuade.


At this moment, the sound of a police car suddenly sounded.

"The police came very quickly, but don't worry, I'm just here to fulfill my promise."

Xiong Yang smiled.

Then he took two steps back!
"Call 120 quickly!!!"

Willie is hysterical! !
And Xiong Yang casually took a photo.

[Xizhou Decoration Xiaoyang: The money is in hand, the boss is gone, see you tomorrow on the headlines. /bare teeth]

[Picture [-], the scene is full of blood.jpg]

[Picture [-], [-] cash covered in blood.jpg]

The other party sent a circle of friends.

There are also two photos attached.



"Friend 2: Damn, brother, you are serious!"

"Student 2: I'm fucking! Don't be impulsive, old classmate!"

"Friend 3: Omg!!"

"Relative: You child is stupid! How can you do such a thing! Does the murderer know!!"



The circle of friends completely exploded.

Xiong Yang received the first 99+ circle of friends information in his life.

It also received the most comments in the circle of friends in my life.

It's a pity he didn't get a chance to watch it.

The police are here.

The only thing he did was to take the fifteen thousand dollars to his family.

Because it is his money.

Before he was put in silver handcuffs and put on the police car, he saw Chen Qiang and his wife who were as anxious as ants in a hot pot.

I saw the ambulance coming at a gallop.

Of course, he also saw his own destiny.

He didn't want to.

He also handed cigarettes when he came.

Buying a knife was just to frighten Chen Qiang and his wife.

After all, they are local aborigines.

It's powerful here.

As a result, who would have thought that these people not only owed money and refused to pay, but even deceived others too much.

Ping An funeral shop.

at noon.

"Boss, the sales volume is good this morning. A total of 45 yuan of yellow paper has been sold."

At twelve o'clock, Zhang Lingtian and the others ended their morning live broadcast.

It's now down.

Thanks to the vast number of netizens and several mysterious buyers, they sold 45 yuan of yellow paper this time.

I originally thought that selling 10,000+ would be very good, after all, it is produced by my own family.

As a result, I did not expect that it exceeded expectations by many times. It seems that the road of self-production and self-marketing is feasible.

With regard to today's yellow paper of 45 yuan, after excluding labor, costs and venue fees, he has a full 10 yuan in hand.

Don't underestimate the 10 yuan.

If it is 300 a day, it is [-] million a month.

Of course, it is impossible to bring all the goods in a month.

But even if they carry the goods for ten days, they will have a profit of 100 million yuan every day.

Although the money obtained by cooperating with others before is completely incomparable.

But it's its own factory.

Great upside potential.

"Netizens are still very good! It seems that we have another bonus!"

Li Tiantian was gearing up with excitement.

"Not only will there be bonuses but also big meals. You two afternoons will be responsible for sending out these goods!"

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

Out of 10 yuan, [-] yuan was given to the three of them as a bonus.

I have 20 working capital on hand, and adding the 29 into the account is basically equivalent to having [-] funds.

With money in your pocket, no worries in your heart.

Before, I was always worried that the sales channel would not be able to get out and the factory would not be able to maintain it, so I kept 20 and planned to burn it for a month or two.

Now it seems that I am worrying too much.

To save more money, he took a fancy to a clothing factory to make shrouds, which is actually not bad. The factory probably needs two or three million yuan to operate like this.

It's a pity that there are not enough manpower.

Otherwise, he would like to hold another live broadcast in the afternoon, chatting and bringing goods without asking for so many sales, anyway, as much as he can get.


Su Wei and Li Tiantian are very motivated!

As for the little assistant, he was sorting out data and bookkeeping, and soon it was time for lunch.

Eat and eat.


Suddenly there was a sound in Zhang Lingtian's mind, and he was choked!
【Ding!The system prompts you that the user ID I want to learn a foreign language you follow has been assassinated to death. 】

It turned out that the person I followed died, why is he still dead?

He was a little disappointed. After all, he had called the police and made it so clear, but the other party was still dead!
[Will the host undertake the funeral? 】

The system prompt sounded again.


Zhang Lingtian couldn't handle the funeral.

[The host has refused to undertake the funeral. 】


The exact number has become 15.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Xiaohan noticed that Zhang Lingtian was strange, frowned even more, and asked immediately as if something had happened.

"It's nothing, you eat here first."

Zhang Lingtian entered the office from the tea room with his lunch box.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is??"

Su Wei also had a dazed look on his face, as if the weather had turned from sunny to cloudy all of a sudden.

"Tell me, is it possible that something happened to the little brother the boss paid attention to today?"

Li Tiantian suddenly had a big brain hole. Although the official name is Mr. Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen, their boss is still the king of Hades!

"Shouldn't you be happy to die? After all, performance +1."

Su Wei was a little puzzled, after all, the boss is the king of Hades.

"Maybe it's because some people deserve to die. I feel like the boss has been trying to save this person today. Have you ever seen a movie about Jianglong Luohan Jigong who was demoted to the earth? The mission of the other party is to save others, such as the ninth beggar. The proprietress who sells tofu in the ninth world, you have to complete the task before you can go back."

Li Tiantian analyzed seriously and talked about hypotheses.


Su Wei was silent. Although it was a bit outrageous, it seemed that there was a bit of reason in the outrageousness.


Jiang Xiaohan didn't know why, but she thought it was quite reasonable. Maybe the boss hadn't completed a special task, so that's why he had this expression.

"Fuck! Really!!!"

Suddenly Li Tiantian swiped her scarf, and everyone gathered around in an instant.


"Why is it so fast within three days, the system can't have an accurate time?"

Zhang Lingtian asked very incomprehensibly, within three days of the agreement, he died within a few hours after he finished speaking.

Just tell me when to die or not!

[Reminder: Within three days is only an approximate time frame, and there will be time nodes along with the system upgrade. "View details"]

Zhang Lingtian just wanted to complain, because even he, the funeral director, felt that there were a lot of dead people, but he didn't expect the system to pop up a reminder.

Click on Details.

He probably knew what was going on.

In short, the scanning range of the system can only be within three days.

To put it in plain language, it can only predict the probability of danger occurring within three days, but it is not clear what time within three days.

But with the system upgrade, there will be time nodes.

Just like the Chosen One of this scan.

If there is a time node, you will know which day the accident happened in the next three days, and what exactly happened.

For example, Chen Zhi was stabbed at 12:30 this morning, and died at [-]:[-] due to excessive blood loss.

It's a pity that the system has not been upgraded yet, maybe the other party will upgrade after surviving. It seems that the system must be continuously upgraded while making Baishipu bigger and stronger.

【4. Xizhou asking for salary】

The most searched scarf.

This matter was on the hot search.

"Damn it? Isn't this the 'I want to learn a foreign language' that Lord Yan paid attention to this morning?"

"That's right, even if Hades helped him, he still hasn't survived, Dad really owes the employees wages!!"

"I persuaded him at the time. It's best to ask his father clearly. What happened? If he had asked clearly, such a tragedy would definitely not have happened!"

Some water friends clicked in and were shocked.

It turns out that this is the little brother Zhang Lingtian mentioned before bringing the goods in the live broadcast room today! !


[2. The employee came to ask for salary, and the boss spoke ill at each other. Unexpectedly, the furious salary asker killed the boss' son. How do you view and evaluate this behavior?Is it desirable? 】

compared to the scarf.

This hot search was more topical, and the popularity quickly reached tens of millions.

"How do you think about it? In fact, both sides are very honest. The boss said he was delaying your salary, and he really delayed it. The worker said he would kill your son, and he really killed him!"

"My boss hasn't paid my salary before July this year. If I make a phone call, it will be tomorrow and tomorrow. There are so many tomorrows. Now some people are really cheap. If the Mercedes-Benz is driving, it will be in arrears of wages! If it weren't for me Dragging the family and the mouth, I really want to fuck him! Crap!"

"The fairest thing in this world is that everyone has only one life!"

"It can only be said that the couple were dumbfounded, they met a ruthless person!!"

"The boss has almost no cost in arrears of wages, but the cost of workers' wages is too high. I can only say that this elder brother is helping the workers in disguise. In the future, some bosses will have to consider the consequences of delaying wages."

"If you can get a normal salary every month, it's not because of the kindness of the bosses, but because we have been here. ——Salute to Brother Xiong."

"Suddenly understand why the boss wants to have so many sons. Look at the only son who was stabbed to death because he owed wages. The couple cried heartbreakingly. If they had more sons, it would definitely not be like this./Manual dog head

"What do you think? Thank you Yama for your attention? Otherwise, this matter wouldn't be so hot??"

In fact, netizens are extremely angry at this kind of people who owe money and don't pay back, and almost all public opinion is on the side of this little brother.

"Why did you hurt his son? I owe money! This son is so innocent!!"

Of course, there are also water friends who regret it.Think the son is not wrong at all.

And the old man owes you money, why are you stabbing the old man, the murderer's son!

"Don't say that the child is innocent, every penny his child enjoys is full of the blood of the employees!!"

However, some water friends responded immediately!
"The premise that misfortune does not harm the family is that fortune does not protect the family!"

"Brother is right!!"

And it got a lot of likes.


A community in Chunjiang.

Zhang Lingtian's cell phone rang.

It was actually Qin Yan who called.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry. When we passed by, we were already dead, just a little bit."

Qin Yan said to Zhang Lingtian that he was very sorry.

"I also watched the news."

It was because the opponent was too fast and the police couldn't keep up with normal times.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, today's incident will be counted as your achievements in providing clues, and we will report it for future reward declarations!"

Qin Yan assured Zhang Lingtian.

In fact, Zhang Lingtian didn't care about any rewards, he just wanted to upgrade the system and try to be more precise next time.

In the international forum, this incident once again ignited the chicken in the foot pot.

"Are you telling me that this is an ordinary citizen? The person who said it in the morning is gone at noon!"

"That's right, I don't believe that the other party is not a god of death and has no magic or witchcraft!!"

"I'll tell you a terrible news. He's going to travel in half a month... and I bought a ticket to Jiangjiang Country."

"Ahhh! You come back to me!!!"

It's a blast for the upcoming Zhang Lingtian foot pot chicken! !

 This one, I finished writing the whole case, endless chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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