I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 85 Departing from the island, the whole country panics!

Chapter 85 Departing from the island, the whole country panics!
[Video of the salary asking scene was exposed. 】

Soon the surveillance video was exposed, which clearly recorded what happened.

And this video was also widely circulated on the Internet, and everyone regretted it for a while.

It's only 5000 yuan, what are you doing with this little salary.

Look at the fact that your only son is killed now, even if you have more money, what is the use?

In the hospital, Chen Qiang and the others were only stabbed, which basically did not endanger their lives.

At that time, the two rushed to the emergency room, saying that they had to use the best medicine and the most expensive equipment, no matter how much money they had to save their son.

The couple also have several million in savings, plus close to 2000 million in real estate and the like. Even if they pay tens of millions of dollars, they will save their son.

In the end, all he got was the doctor shaking his head. First, he was stabbed in the heart. Secondly, Xizhou City's medical level is relatively poor, and there is no ability to rescue patients of this level.

Unless you go to that kind of mega city and use the top medical skills to rescue, there is still hope, but the patient can't survive that time.

"Chen Qiang! It's all your fault! Why are you dragging people's money so well!!"

In the morgue, looking at the dead body of his son, Wei Lihe roared like a lion.

Emotions have completely collapsed!
Chen Qiang stared at his son who was full of cuts and trembled all over his body. His son was still on the phone with him just this morning! !
Only a few hours, heaven and man forever! ! !
"You give me back my son!!"

Wei Li tugged at Chen Qiang's collar! !


Chen Qiang clenched his fist and threw Wei Li violently! !

Doesn't he feel uncomfortable in his heart?He suffers as much!
He wanted his son to come back even more, but was he the only one who was wrong in this matter!
If his wife wasn't around to stimulate the other party, would the other party rush to his son immediately? !
"Chen Qiang! How dare you push me!!"

Wei Li is like a wild lioness.

In the mortuary, beside Chen Zhi's body, the two directly fought.

And if you look closely at Chen Zhi's slightly opened eyes, it seems a little bit like dying.

Because he never thought that his father would lie to him!

At that time, due to the consideration of rigor, after all, so many things happened before, even this Zhang Lingtian called the police, so he also called his father to inquire about the situation.

As a result, my father swears that there is no such thing. How could their family owe wages to the workers given their family circumstances?
So he was relieved at that time.

And he regards Zhang Lingtian as an anchor who has the ability to predict others, but because he wants to hype the topic, he talks nine truths and one falsehood.

And I am the so-called 'false'.

Because their family did not owe wages.

But he said he owed wages!
It's not fake what is it?
He confirmed it with his father.

Besides, based on the common sense of their family's family situation, it is indeed impossible to owe others a salary.

How much is a worker's salary?10 yuan!

Their family has several million in deposits and real estate. How could they not be able to come up with this little money?
This kind of statement is equivalent to saying that he, who has 100 pocket money a month, owes his classmates [-] yuan and has not paid it back. It is as outrageous.

But he never dreamed that his father lied to him!

The other party really owed their wages.

This is what he heard when he went downstairs, a total of fifteen thousand.

When he heard this, his mind went blank! !

Surprised that this living Hades is right!

Of course, at that time, it was impossible for him to go back and find Lord Yan to brush 666~
Things have priorities.

He intends to intercede and ask his parents to give him the money. After all, their family is not someone who cannot afford even [-] yuan.

Then go back and buy a wave of gifts for the living hell king, and by the way support the other party to buy some yellow paper and the like.

In the end, before he had time to intercede, this person rushed over and stabbed him with a knife! !

Let him cool down without even a chance to react.

How do you tell him to rest in peace?

It is impossible to rest in peace!
"Hey, so many things have happened, this rich second generation is in arrears with IQ, even without asking his father, he played games with a big heart!!"

"I also feel very sorry. The King of Hades called his name. If I had asked my father if he owed money, this kind of thing would have basically never happened. Moreover, the little brother who asked for salary also made it clear that he was only here to ask for money."

game group.

Because 'Chen Quanquan' is also a game anchor, everyone has been chatting, which is very regrettable.

To be honest, normal people would ask about this matter, especially if this Living Hades is a person with a dark history, and the people who pay attention are cold.

"Never surrender: Quanquan and I are friends, and he actually asked, but he didn't expect the other party's father to lie to him."

"Never Surrender: Picture 1.jpg"

"Never Surrender: Picture 2.jpg"


"Never Surrender: Picture 15.jpg"

The group friend with the title of administrator posted fifteen pictures, which were his chat records with the other party in the morning.

"What kind of father is this mother! Idiot!!!"

"I'm convinced, this guy died too unjustly!!"

Seeing these screenshots came out, the group of friends was so angry that they uttered their voices.

In the first screenshot, the administrator named 'Never Surrender' sent a message to Chen Zhi, whose vest was named Chen Quanquan.

The content is that this living Hades is evil, you still have the mind to play games, you are not afraid of turning around and saying things like true Karma.

As a result, Chen Quanquan replied that he was dying, and he also had a dog's head.

The next message was that he had confirmed it with his father a long time ago, and his father said that there was no such thing at all.

He even asked his father several times and he was very firm.


'"Fuck, that means, is this living Hades a liar?!"'

'" No, I didn't say that, and you'd better not take screenshots, or you'll offend the other party at the same time as being sprayed, anyway, that's it, he broadcasted his I play my game, come on, open it! !"'

After confirming that the other party had asked, the other party also talked about his family property.

The chances of being owed wages are slim to none.

Finally chatting.

They discussed the authenticity of Hades.

The slain Chen Quanquan also advises not to take screenshots.

It's good for everyone to know.

Otherwise cause trouble.

Anyway, there is no loss now.

Then it's game time.

And then there is the news of the 'Never Surrender' inquiry.


"What's going on? Why didn't you move all of a sudden?"

"Is it stuck?"

"Go to the bathroom??"


"Good luck brother. /Candle/Candle"

It was found that the other party was offline suddenly while typing.

Send a message and don't reply.

Just ask what the other person is doing.

Received bad news at 12:30 and left a message to the other party.

Fifteen chat screenshots show everything.

Because I am a friend who often plays games, and I have done it offline, so this information is basically very reliable.

In short.

After reading this information, the game group immediately boiled over.

From this chat record, we can see that this Chen Quanquan is not without IQ, mentally retarded, or arrogant. The other party always thinks that Hades is a capable person.

Originally, he also thought that his father would default on wages and agreed with what Yan Wang said, but he called to verify and found out that it was nothing.

Since then, Fang Cai's faith has been shaken.

After all, a strange anchor and your own father, who do you trust?
In the end, a nine-truth and one-false was used to make things reasonable.

It can be said that he was completely cheated to death by his good father! !
【48. Chat records in the game group】

Soon this content was also rushed into the hot search, and there is no doubt that the couple attracted a wave of criticism!

But they don't know.

Because the pain of losing a child is like a sharp knife cutting the heart, I don't even bother to read WeChat Moments on my mobile phone.

Chunjiang, Shunfeng Express.

"TM, what a good father!!!"

Su Wei and Li Tiantian are responsible for the delivery.

Because the boss is not around, he can naturally be lazy for a while, but Li Tiantian, who swiped his phone, saw the trending search for the scarf.

Suddenly I got a little angry! !
How can such a father lie to his son.

And with several million deposits, there is still a house in the property market for rent to others.

Can't get out [-]?
Anyway, after rushing to the hot search, this news ignited the anger of many people.

"Hahaha, for the sake of [-] children and grandchildren, Shu Chang!!"

"It can only be said that I was dumbfounded. Although I don't agree with this kind of behavior, I think it's really relieved to see it. After this time, I believe that those bosses should be more cautious when they default on wages."

"Quietly tell you, I have forwarded this news to the boss just now, and the boss owed me three months' wages has been credited to my card honestly, and he kindly asked me, Xiao Song, if you want to try some of his family's Specialty tea."

"Send it to someone else? I just took a photo of a kitchen knife, and then sent a message in Moments. Life is difficult and I want to have some fun. I don't know if the headlines can be posted. Guess what? The boss took the initiative to find me and settled the arrears for half a year What’s outrageous is that all the dogecoins that I borrowed from me before came to pay off the debt! I received two windfalls today, and the money seems to be picked up.”


The water friends under this hot search even posted their experiences today.

Most said that forwarding this message has an 80% probability of getting their salary back.

High-ranking users said that they don’t need to retweet, and they can get their salary back just by posting their Moments, and even those who owed money and didn’t pay back even took the initiative to pay off their debts.

He himself felt outrageous, as if he had picked up money.

After all, some Lao Lai who borrowed money just won’t pay you back, and if the amount is not too much, you can’t bother to toss about it, so you can only keep asking, and if you don’t come back after asking, you will be fed to the dog.

In the end, he offered it on his own initiative, how could he not be excited.

Of course, this is also given to some really rich people.

For example, it is impossible for those gambling dogs who were not gambling dogs before but were beaten by thunderstorms. Basically, they just want money without killing them so that they will not be afraid of you!

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss, have you seen the scarf?"

After Jiang Xiaohan finished the report, she made tea for Zhang Lingtian and sent it to the office, she asked.

"Scarf? What's wrong?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't look at it, he checked the strategy of the foot pot chicken on the Internet.

After all, Baishipu is the first group building, so the strategy must be done well. Although it is public money, it will easily affect the mood if it is cheated.

"Actually, today's 'I want to learn a foreign language' is quite sad. It's not that he doesn't believe you, the boss. The main reason is that he was cheated by his father. His father said that he didn't owe workers wages."

Jiang Xiaohan recounted the hot search just seen on the bib.

"Such a father is absolutely dead."

Zhang Lingtian sighed.

Then he opened the bib and looked at the general content, and found that the father was really cheating on his son.

If it weren't for the only son, he almost thought that this was the son of the old Wang next door.

After all, after confirming it three times, this side is still lying.

I hope this incident can serve as a warning to those bosses who are in arrears of wages.

Everyone is human.

Don't bully people too hard just because you are the boss or have a certain social status.

Because some things are fair in this world, that is, there is only one life.

"I believe it will be better next time when you remind the boss, and I wish the boss an early completion of the task!"

Jiang Xiaohan clenched her fists and looked encouraging.


Zhang Lingtian frowned slightly when he heard this, and many question marks appeared.

Was this poisoned by Li Tiantian?What gets the job done early?
"By the way, boss, I also made a copy of the strategy of going to the foot pot chicken, why don't I show it to you now?"

Seeing the boss's expression, Jiang Xiaohan immediately changed the topic, because she just saw that her boss seemed to be doing a strategy for chicken feet, and she happened to do it too.

"This is good, bring it here and show me."

Zhang Lingtian showed a very satisfied smile.

This little assistant is great!

"Yeah, boss, wait a minute, I'll bring the computer over here."

Jiang Xiaohan immediately went to get the computer and entered Zhang Lingtian's office.

"This strategy is really well done, I will give you a raise when the team builds back!"

Sure enough, he is a caring little assistant, Zhang Lingtian is very satisfied with this guide.

"Boss, this is what I should do. As for the salary increase, I don't want it... Actually... Actually, I still want to be more practical."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian with her beautiful eyes, looking forward to it.

"Practical? Is this salary not practical enough? Then what do you want?"

It was the first time Zhang Lingtian heard that giving someone a raise was not practical enough.

"Boss, I want to hear how much life I have left?"

Jiang Xiaohan glanced outside to confirm that no one was there, so he whispered.

Don't think she is usually quite serious.

But in her heart, she also really wanted to know how much life she had left, and of course it would be even better if she could also know the life span of her family.

For this reason, she said that she could not raise her wages.

The salary of 4500 is enough! !

Zhang Lingtian sat on the boss chair in the office.

Jiang Xiaohan was standing on his right, just bent over and used the computer to show the strategy made by the other party.

After Zhang Lingtian heard the other party's words, he turned his head slightly and looked up at Jiang Xiaohan, his eyes seemed to be looking up at the version of the mobile phone of the old man in the subway.jpg.

On the other side, Chunjiang Police Station.

A small conference room where a discussion is being held.

The subject of discussion is Zhang Lingtian.

Everyone was very interested in how Zhang Lingtian knew that Chen Qiang, Chen Zhi's father, owed money, and how he knew that the other party was going to kill someone, and even predicted that something would happen to the other party within three days.

So several hypotheses were proposed.

Including being suspected of buying murder to kill and so on.

However, after a series of discussions, it was found that the hype of buying a murderer and killing someone did not hold water at all.

Because after interrogation, this Xiong Yang didn't even know Zhang Lingtian.

They even speculated that the reason Zhang Lingtian knew was because Xiong Yang had contacted him.

But this too was denied.

Xiong Yang also said that he has never asked anyone for help.

Even killing is a moment of anger.

If the proprietress didn't provoke him, he wouldn't even use a knife.

It can be said to be completely accidental!

This brought the discussion to a stalemate.

"Since we can't discuss it, I don't think it's necessary to bother to discuss it hard. As the saying goes, how can people who don't farm the fields distinguish between rice and barnyard grass? All walks of life have their own wisdom, and Mr. Zhang must have something we haven't explored. Since the other party is now a special talent of our police, we only need to do things that are beneficial to the police and the public.”

Seeing that nothing was discussed, Qin Yan finally made a statement.

So this discussion will end here.

Although they didn't discuss the reason, they felt that the deputy director's words were correct.

How can people who have never planted rice seedlings distinguish between rice and barnyard grass? All walks of life have their own wisdom.

Mr. Zhang must have blind spots that they haven't explored.

And that's the key to his predictions.

Everyone has their own secrets. For example, a family of traditional Chinese medicine has their own special prescription inheritance, and this kind of funeral family may also have their inheritance?
As special talents, they don't need to delve into it, as long as the other party doesn't do anything that endangers the people of the country.


This thing continues to ferment.

"Little Wang: Are you dumbfounded? Pretending to be shit and still owe people wages! Next time you are named by Hades, you must be smarter, otherwise people will not be able to fish you if they want to!"

In the end, even the person who was speculated to be the trumpet onion also issued a scarf.

"Brother Onion is right, the person closest to you may be a trap!"

"It can be seen that this time the king of hell is really trying his best to find people, and he even called the police, but he was still stabbed."

"So I agree with Brother Cong's words, that is, you must ask what you should do after being named. Don't distrust the other party or you will die. Like the debtor's son in this case, if he could hide in the room and not come out. , basically nothing will happen after this limelight passes.”

"Little Wang: Heck, what are you guys talking about? What are you guys talking about? My surname is just Wang and don't label me indiscriminately./Dog head"

The following posts follow.

The number of likes also exceeded 30.

It caused this little Wang to personally clarify that he was not tearing shallots.

He is only surnamed Wang.

Please don't get me wrong.

On a sofa in a villa.

After Tear Onion sent the message, he switched to another account.

As for why this Little Wang didn't change his name, the main reason is that he was also entangled and afraid that he would change it, and only when he was on the hot search again, others said he changed it out of guilt.

So he didn't change it at all, anyway, he didn't admit it.

Nine o'clock at night.

This time is also nine o'clock in the morning of the second day of Jiangjiang Country.

"Hello, your account cannot be unblocked temporarily due to illegal speeches. You can continue to submit materials to appeal, Mr. Dong, and our company will arrange a special channel for you to solve it as soon as possible."

Understand that the boss is calling the customer service number.

Request to unblock the account that was banned for 999999 years, but the unblocking failed.

"You are violating my freedom of speech!!!"

Knowing that the boss was angry, he really didn't expect that one day he would be banned, and his hair stood on end with anger! !

"Boss, now our supporters have taken to the streets! Protest against Twitter!!!"

The assistant forwarded a video of supporters who knew the boss taking to the streets to protest.

And the sign they are holding is the logo of Tuitui, and of course a big red 'X' is drawn on it.

In addition to that, they are also holding a sign for freedom of speech. Of course, the slogan saying that Sovereign Xi is dismissed from get out of class must also be inside!
"Very good! That's how it should be! How can an old man with loose pants be the big boss of our Jiangjiang country! It seems that the people of our Jiangjiang country are sensible!!!"

Understand that the boss clenched his fists and expressed his approval of everyone's behavior.

Nobody can stand in the way of him becoming the newest Big Boss! !
"Indeed, we believe that the people of Jiangjiang Country will definitely choose you to be the big boss this time!!"

The assistant also nodded.

"I want to give my supporters some encouragement!!"

Understand the boss staring at the screen.

"But boss...do you want to use my account?"

the assistant asked suspiciously.

"No! Douyin! This account is also allowed! Believe that the people of the rabbit country will stand with me!!"

Knowing the boss directly opened the international version of Douyin.

Although this software is not as good as TuiTui now, it is still popular all over the world. I believe that it won't take long for his supporters to know about it.

"it is good!"

The assistant went to do it immediately.

"I'm sorry, brothers understand that the boss is starting a live broadcast."

"What? Did Boss start a live broadcast? His Twitter account seems to have been blocked for 99 years."

"I don't know if Boss Zhang will go this time."

"Come on, the attention hasn't been cancelled, as long as it's not cancelled, the boss will definitely have to continue to be unlucky."

At nine o'clock in the evening, most people were still awake, and soon the news spread to all major group chats in China.

Ping An Shishi Shop working group.

"Li Tiantian: Boss!! @张玲天!"

"Li Tiantian: A straightforward smile.jpg"

I saw a message from Li Tiantian from the work group at this moment, and the other party also sent a dog head emoticon package.

"Zhang Lingtian: Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Lingtian, who was looking at the style of the shroud, asked suspiciously. This night, the other party suddenly Aite himself, which made him a little puzzled.

"Li Tiantian: No, no, the boss told you some news. I understand that the boss has started the live broadcast."

Li Tiantian sent a screenshot of the live video of the boss.

She felt that the boss would definitely like it.

"Zhang Lingtian: Oh, I'm looking at the style of the shroud."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

"Shroud style???"

Hearing this in front of the computer, Li Tiantian froze for a moment.

"I remember that the boss seems to want to expand the business."

The three of them planned to watch and understand the boss, so they opened a group chat.

Jiang Xiaohan replied.

The boss has always been obsessed with expanding his business and wants to own a factory that produces all items in the funeral industry.

"Su Wei: I don't think Li Tiantian's figure can fit in a one-size-fits-all, I guess I should wear a large size. / Smile"

Su Wei was very troublesome and joked in the group, after all, everyone is very familiar now.

"Li Tiantian: ????"

Li Tiantian also answered at the speed of light.


Watching the chat between the two in the group, Jiang Xiaohan silently opened another file.

That is their schedule, and it has been confirmed that it will be the No.18 chicken in the pot in September.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, Boss Li Tiantian will definitely not let you wear the shroud, the most is to save labor costs and ask you to appear as a shroud model."

Always being bullied, Su Wei seldom fought back.

"Su Wei, you guy, you haven't been pinched for two days, right? Is there any point in whether you can wear it or not? Tell me why I can't wear a free size and I have to wear a large size! Am I fat! No I'll explain for a while and take a taxi downstairs to you and come back after beating me up!!"

Li Tiantian questioned, getting angry!

If you don't give her a reasonable explanation, today's incident will be difficult!

Su Wei didn't expect the opponent's focus to be here, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Say it quickly!!"

Li Tiantian questioned!
"Okay, okay, then you have to listen to the truth or the lie."

Su Wei asked back unhurriedly.

"Of course it's the truth, why listen to lies."

Li Tiantian just wanted to hear the truth.

"To be honest, your figure must be inferior to Miss Xiaohan's, right?"

Su Wei continued to ask back.

When he first came here, he didn't think Senior Jiang Xiaohan was amazing.

Because the other party was dressed very plainly, but he was stunned by today's live broadcast.

Sister Xiaohan can be called a top-notch beauty after makeup. If she is perfect, she can hit [-]:[-]!
"Why are you talking about me???"

Jiang Xiaohan felt that she was also shot while lying down.

The two chatted as long as they talked, and even got involved with her.

"I know I don't need you to say this, but the question now is why I can't wear one size fits all!!"

Li Tiantian is 110 [-] catties tall, is she fat?

She doesn't feel fat at all! !
"You can wear it, but don't you feel cramped with one-size-fits-all clothes?"

Su Wei spread his hands and said helplessly.


Li Tiantian was full of question marks when she heard this.

What's the rush? ?
"People praise you for having big breasts."

Jiang Xiaohan said quietly.


Li Tiantian said shit when she heard this!
"Okay, Su Wei, I really didn't see it, you are getting more and more rascal now! How dare you molested your sweet sister!!"

With Li Tiantian's tone, if he was here, he felt like he could fight five hundred rounds.

"I'm not flirting, just be honest!!"

Su Wei answered from the bottom of his heart.

The hustle and bustle of the world made Jiang Xiaohan silently turn on the mute.

In a blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock.

Zhang Lingtian was about to click on the live broadcast of Knowing the Boss, but he found that the live broadcast of Knowing the Boss was gone! !

And at the same moment.

The Rabbit Country is in shock! !

Sauce country.

"What are you doing!!"

Knowing that the boss saw a group of people coming to his ward, he frowned and was a little annoyed!

"Mr. Understand, you have now been formally detained. This is the arrest warrant, please sign."

I saw these policemen in black uniforms holding out arrest warrants.


Knowing the boss looked at this arrest warrant in disbelief.

As for the opponent's supporters, they even thought that this was someone else's p-picture to spread rumors that they knew the boss! !

However, with the official media reports, this fact has been hammered, and the boss must be detained!
The most searched scarf.

[Top ↑ Concentrate on a bright future together]

【1. Struggle is the most beautiful youth】

[2. Understand that the boss was detained]

【3. Xizhou asking for salary】


[9. She bought a courtyard house through hard work in the seven years of Beidiao]

【10. Chat records in the game group】

At this moment, Knowing the Boss is like a dark horse rushing straight up and directly killing the salary-seeking brother, rushing to the second place on the hot search list.

And the popularity continued to soar, and those chats also rushed to the tenth position.

Some people feel pity and some think this is retribution. In short, there are many opinions.


Before going to bed, Zhang Lingtian was surprised to find that the boss was arrested! !

Read the analysis of relevant lawyers.

If the other party pleads guilty, he will probably be sentenced to 189 years in prison.

If the other party does not plead guilty, he may be sentenced to a maximum of 3018 years.

The key is that there are still people on the Internet who blame him for this matter!

I thought that the accident happened because I understood the boss after I paid attention to it.

He felt outrageous!

Haven't they heard Mr. Zhao's classic quote?

This side's approval rating soared, and the other side was detained. Is this something that Zhang Lingtian can control?
He still thought that he really had this ability, but unfortunately it didn't exist.

As for whether to explain.

forget it.

People who knew the boss were detained by Xing Xing to explain what this thing was for, and those who didn't know thought he was just joking around.

Anyway, after a long time, everyone will forget.

Soon, the night was getting dark.

The time came to the second day.

On this day, the matter of knowing the boss was also fired to more than 2000 million people, occupying the No.2 hot search list for a whole day.

Of course, some people mentioned Zhang Lingtian during this period.

I understood that the boss was the one who was directly detained by the other party, but Ping An Baishipu did not answer.

Such topics were also denied at the press conference.

But the netizens on the foot pot chicken side are very excited.

The time came three days later.

On this day, many netizens fell like a thunderbolt.

Because Ping'an Shishipu announced that it has booked air ticket No. 18 to travel here, as for any visas and the like, it has been completed.

In this world, things like visas are basically not blocked unless there are special reasons, such as being a criminal or a member of a cult.

There are frequent exchanges between people in the country.

Especially now that it's official.

Mr. Zhang Lingtian is an ordinary citizen, and they welcome each other to travel to Jiaopenji.

Other countries around the world are also staring at this trip.

It is even less likely that the foot pot chicken will get stuck with each other.

So in the next few days, the foot pot chicken lived in the haze of Hades.

As for Chen Qiang and the others.

After dealing with his son's matter, he found that all the abuse was directed at them.

In the end, he didn't care about running a business.

Although the store was open, almost no one came to the door, and it was on the verge of closure.

What is called the current world report was really staged.

Also benefiting from the impact of this incident, many workers who were owed wages also received their wages.

After all, there are lessons learned.

The time has come to September NO.16.

[Thank you for your support, NO.18 Ping An Bai Shi Shop group building, if there is a funeral service in the future, you are welcome to make an appointment in advance. 】

On this day, Ping An Baishipu took a video, the content of which was probably that they were going to the foot pot chicken group building.

There will be no way to accept orders in the next month, so please understand.

"This statistic is really bullshit!!"

The video released at nine o'clock in the morning had tens of millions of views in just over an hour, Li Tiantian exclaimed.

"The data is very strong, but it's a pity that it doesn't increase fans."

Jiang Xiaohan has been monitoring the background data, and saw her spread her hands slightly.

Now the boss has just over 190 million fans. Although it is much more than the previous 180 million, compared to the number of views, the number of boss fans is really pitifully small.

"The comments are all up, but why are the people who follow this up so fast."

Su Wei saw that there were many comments on Baishipu's new video, tens of thousands of comments in an hour, but few people paid attention to it.

"Congratulations to Baishipu for going on a trip!"

"I envy those who can build a team!"


Scrolling down these comments are almost congratulating them for going out to build a team.

"Although I have done a few good things, I feel that the image of the boss has not been completely reversed, and the reputation is still not good enough. Sister Xiaohan, you have to ask the boss to give you some strong medicine."

Li Tiantian thought for a while, then looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

"How many doses of strong medicine??"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohan's eyes were full of question marks.

"Yes! Let the boss use ghost messengers to burn down the shrine they worship, and then there will be a tsunami, yes, and a volcanic eruption! I don't believe that these medicines will not change the image of the boss when they come to China? It's me , I directly shouted the national hero!!"

Li Tiantian said impassionedly.


Su Wei was shocked, this idea is very dangerous.

And if they do, can they come back? ?

"Tiantian, you are too outrageous."

Jiang Xiaohan was incredible.

Although she also hates that shrine, but if it really burns down, it will probably explode there!
And what tsunami and volcanic eruption is even more outrageous.

"It's not outrageous, Miss Xiaohan, if the boss wants to change his image, he feels that this is really feasible! If you don't ask for opinions, I will go to give opinions. When the time comes, I will be an excellent employee, so don't be greedy."

Li Tiantian thought this was a really good idea.

"Then you go, I will deal with the trivial matters of these few days first."

Jiang Xiaohan was busy with her own affairs. After all, she had to hand over some things that should be handed over after going out for a month, especially the yellow paper factory.

"Moving bricks and bricks."

Su Wei is in charge of delivering the goods, and the boss has bought a lot of yellow paper with the goods these few days, so he has to contact Shun Mang to come and take them away.


Li Tiantian was stunned as she watched them leave one by one.

But she looked at Zhang Lingtian in the office and finally had no choice but to say, although the image can be reversed, what if it is too difficult and needs to pay a price?
Forget it, the boss has his own blessing.

After going through a few turmoil, why should she worry about a boss with 190 million fans who doesn't even have [-] fans.

She also went to look at the store silently.

After all, there are spot sales ahead.People still come to buy things during the day.

【7. Ping An Baishi Shop Team Building】

In the afternoon, after the video was sent out, it quickly became a trending search.

"Hahaha, Hades is finally going to harm others!!"

"Friends who are going to Jiaopenji on the 18th, are you nervous about flying with Lord Yama?"

"Everyone is very happy! It's right to be happy. Everyone log on to the international forum to see that people in other countries are very happy, just jumping around!"

"Speaking of what will happen to King Yan this time, is there a big prophet to predict it!"

"I think this matter has to be left to the end of the world. After all, the big prophet is called the King of Hades, and he can basically predict almost every time."


Compared with the message under the video of Zhang Lingtian's Pingan Baishipu account.

Everyone here seems to have released their nature.

They chatted openly one by one.

International Forum.

"he came!!"

"Two days countdown!!"

"Calling for the dead, is there anyone willing to spray the other party with a black SLR camouflage tool when he gets off the plane and out of the airport! It will be ten years at most, but you saved a country! You will be remembered by everyone! !"

"I'm willing to pay 1000 yuan! Don't talk about it, you can teach him a lesson after he gets off the plane!!"

"That's right! What bullshit Hades! Let him see the men of our Dasakura Kingdom!!"

The foot pot chicken area in the forum.

Everyone is discussing here.

Asked to behead Hades!

Let the other party see their big cherry country man!

Of course, this big cherry country is what they call themselves, because it is rich in cherry blossoms, and the foot pot chicken is the international common name.

Almost no one calls them that in the world, because they will be confused with the Great Empire.

The time came to the afternoon of NO.17.

"Everyone go back early today, I will drive to pick you up tomorrow morning."

Five p.m.

Zhang Lingtian left work an hour earlier.

"Brother Tian, ​​they also cover the parking fee at the airport??"

Su Wei thought they were going to the airport by themselves.

"I asked, and Wanda said that the parking fee at the airport is also included in it."

Jiang Xiaohan answered.

She even went to ask.

"That's great, we can take the boss's car together tomorrow."

Li Tiantian rubbed her hands expectantly.

Still get used to the boss's car.

"Yeah, everyone can have a simple breakfast at home, and there will be lunch on the plane."

Zhang Lingtian confessed.

They are twelve o'clock planes.

Depart for the airport at nine o'clock.

It takes about four to 10 minutes to go to the airport, and at least two hours of boarding time are required.

"it is good!!"

In this way, the funeral shop closed down.

Because the notice had already been sent, no one came.

It was nine o'clock the next morning.

There are overwhelming news on the Internet that Zhang Lingtian and the others are going to go out with chickens.

It was even mentioned in the press conference of the spokesperson.

"Is there anything you want to say? I hope Mr. Zhang and the others have a good time in Jiaopenji, and promote our country's traditional funeral culture more."

Brother Zhao answered the reporter's question with a smile.


The reporter who asked the question was dumbfounded when he heard this.


"Good guy, I've realized it too, it seems that this time I went out with Shang Fang's sword!"

"I want to ask Brother Zhao, how to spread more? Do you have a hundred shows every day? /Insidious/Insidious."

The nine o'clock press conference entered the final stage.

There were also many people watching the live broadcast.

One by one commented.

"Morning boss!!"

Passat driving.

departure airport.

Pick up tickets, check in, wait for the plane.

【Ding!The system prompts that the real world scanning card is being scanned. 】

Suddenly, a voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

Real world scan card? ?

Hearing this voice, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

This thing seems to be automatically activated when a pseudo-accurate customer or accurate customer is found!

Are there any customers of this type here? ?
Zhang Lingtian frowned.

But he didn't stop him either.

Just let the other party scan.

This is the airport, he will see what he can scan out.

【Ding!Accurate customer scanning is completed. 】

[The host has paid attention in advance, please check the details. 】

The scanning was completed soon, and three head portraits appeared in front of his eyes.

However, when he examined it carefully, he was stunned.

[Picture [-]: Jiang Xiaohan]

[Picture [-]: Li Tiantian]

[Picture [-]: Su Wei]

How could this be the three of them? ? ?


 00:43 The typos have been corrected, and the climax will start next, please vote everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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