I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 86 A Cold Sweat, Disaster!

Chapter 86 Cold sweat, disaster!

Is this a real world scan card bug?
Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan and the others who were waiting for the plane beside him and frowned.


Jiang Xiaohan was next to Zhang Lingtian, and she just unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and drank it.

Suddenly, he saw the boss looking back at her, with a kind of Karma-like light in his eyes, full of question marks in an instant.


Zhang Lingtian smiled slightly. He was thinking, what would happen if he told the other party that the three scanned by the system just now were in the precise category?
It is 99% to 100% of the people who want Karma.

"Boss, do you want some tea? I'll make it for you!!"

Jiang Xiaohan wiped the water stains from the corner of her mouth and quickly put on her own mineral water. She remembered that the boss loves to drink tea! !

"It's okay."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

There is hot water at the airport. He brought a thermos cup and tea, and it would be nice to make some tea.

"Miss Xiaohan!!"

Jiang Xiaohan skillfully held the thermos and put the tea in it, then got up to fetch water for the boss to make tea.

Suddenly Li Tiantian got up and took Jiang Xiaohan's hand.


There was a puzzled look in Jiang Xiaohan's eyes.

"Sister Xiaohan, I will accompany you for a walk!"

Li Tiantian pulled Jiang Xiaohan to fetch water with him.


Jiang Xiaohan guessed that Tiantian must be looking for her for something.

"Miss Xiaohan! Have you noticed that the boss's eyes just now are very strange!!"

Li Tiantian glanced at the boss behind and didn't notice them, then lowered her voice and asked, her intuition told her that the boss's eyes were very strange.


The moment Jiang Xiaohan met the boss's eyes, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. Otherwise, she could make tea for the boss before she finished drinking the water?

"That's right! Sister Xiaohan, our air ticket is a connecting ticket to Shenzhou and there is no other transfer, right?"

Li Tiantian knew that sister Xiaohan must have noticed it too.

I saw him asking at this moment.

"What's wrong? Where else do you want to transfer to?"

Jiang Xiaohan was a little confused by Li Tiantian's jumping thinking.

Although Chunjiang is the provincial capital, it belongs to a second-tier city and there is no direct flight to Jiaopenji, so the four of them bought joint tickets.

In short, it is to transfer to a large domestic international airport.

"Is it possible that the boss asked us to transfer to Southeast Asia and then to the foot pot chicken?"

Li Tiantian asked.

"How is this possible? Our current air ticket is a connecting ticket from Chunjiang to Shenzhou City and then to Jiaopenji. What's wrong, you are still worried that the boss will sell the three of us."

Jiang Xiaohan knew what the other party was talking about, but it was too outrageous.

"Isn't it just when I saw the boss's dead eyes and suddenly thought of this, and some time ago, there was news that the boss took the company's employees to Southeast Asia for a transit and then sold the employees directly."

Li Tiantian spread her hands, mainly because this matter just made the news some time ago.

"But we are the only three bosses who can sell something."

Let's not talk about whether there is a connecting flight there, even if they do transfer there, there are only three bosses who can sell something, and it is estimated that the money they earn is not as much as he can get in a live broadcast.

Besides, the boss is not the King of Hades from the underworld, so selling his employees for money is too shabby and unreasonable.

"I know that it is impossible for the boss to sell the employees as the leader of the underworld, but what if a certain assessment of the other party is a monetary assessment? For example, how much money is earned within the specified time is considered as completing the task. Me and Su Wei The two are definitely not very good, but Miss Xiaohan, you are a top-notch beauty with makeup, okay, if I were a rich man, I would definitely spend a lot of money to buy you, and millions of dollars will be sprinkled~"

Li Tiantian took a different look at Jiang Xiaohan.

Usually Xiaohan wears ordinary clothes and hides them well, but this makeup is a profound interpretation of what is amazing! !
"Come on, when people see my little Meng Po, they would like to take a detour."

Jiang Xiaohan glanced angrily.

She paid a lot of money to buy it, and now the Internet calls her Xiao Meng Po, who is so anxious to reincarnate and take Meng Po back home?

Now she suspects that she may not be able to get married in the future.

To be honest, she didn't expect that her good-looking assistant's style of painting would change like this in the end, it's a bit dumbfounding.

Take water and make tea.

the other side.

[Jiang Xiaohan's information has been expanded, please check it out. 】

Zhang Lingtian is looking at the information of the people selected by the real-world scan card.

[Scan object: ID Xiaohan. 】

[Occupation: Employee of Ping An Baishi Shop, assistant to the boss. 】

[Danger signal: 99% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: It is estimated that during the departure process, the hijacking and its own reasons will cause an air crash, and there is a high probability that none of the people on board will survive. 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention in advance. 】

Li Tiantian and the others have already read their information, and Jiang Xiaohan is the last one.

The three people were in the same danger position. In an air crash, there is a high probability that none of the people on board will survive.


Zhang Lingtian took a deep breath and the corners of his mouth twitched.

That is to say, they will die on this trip?
At the same time, he also figured out the real world scanning card, and the other party would give priority to displaying the person closest to him under the same risk.

For example, this time, the three employees of Baishipu are displayed first, because they are the closest to me.

Otherwise, there would be at least a hundred people involved, why would the three places on the scanned card only show them.

"Boss tea is ready but it's a bit hot, would you like some mineral water?"

The two came back, and it turned out that there seemed to be something wrong with their boss's expression.

"No, no, you should be busy first."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head, he was thinking about what to do now.

Although he knew in advance that there would be an air crash, how should he tell the manager?

Said directly at the scene that there was going to be an air crash?Will the plane be hijacked?

In that case, if there is no evidence, it is estimated that they will go in directly. After all, this is a disturbance of public order.

Cancel the trip?

This is a way to save lives.

But what about others?
Just watch them die?
He still wants to save some people if he can.

But if you say it directly, no one will believe it, even if he is a special talent of the police and is known as the king of hell on the Internet.

Officials don't care about you.

All they want is evidence.

But how to find evidence? Zhang Lingtian looked around with melancholy in his eyes.

"Boss, what's on your mind? You can say it and let sister Xiaohan share your worries!"

Li Tiantian approached and asked.


Jiang Xiaohan froze for a moment.

"Miss Xiaohan, you are an assistant, isn't it normal to share your worries?"

Li Tiantian's eyes seemed to be saying, I didn't say anything wrong, it was just a normal sharing of worries!

"Um... Boss, you can talk to me if you have anything."

Although this is a bit strange, it seems to be okay.

If the boss needs her help with anything, she will do her best.

"Brother Tian, ​​Zhuge Liang is the best of the three cobblers."

Su Wei, who was happily playing with mobile hair rings, also spoke.

"Then you have to make good plans that you won't be able to reach the foot pot chicken today."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.


Su Wei's body trembled!
"Boss, you, what do you mean? I, are we going to work in the underworld?"

Li Tiantian shuddered when she heard this.

Especially combined with the inexplicable feeling in the eyes of the boss just now, it can't be that this trip is the end of their lives, right?

"Boss, I want a chance to confess my last words!!"

At first, he thought the boss was joking, but the serious expression on the boss's face scared him into a daze!

Su Wei was extremely flustered!

At the same time, I also remembered Li Tiantian's expression when he asked the boss Yangshou before. The other party's expression seemed to say that I will tell you when you are going to die.

Like now? ?
The more I think about it, the messier he gets!

"Uh...I mean you have to make a plan that you won't be able to reach the foot pot chicken today, not that you will go to the hell to work in the hell..."

This inexplicable blow made him speechless.

I can only sigh, Su Wei has been led badly.

Only Li Tiantian had this kind of brain circuit before.

In fact, to put it bluntly, even if he couldn't save the people on the plane, it was more than enough to save his own employees.

"Could it be that the boss has an accident with a customer who made an appointment earlier?"

Jiang Xiaohan was also thinking about calling her dad first.

Tell me about your last words or something.

That's right, basically all the people who have been paid attention to before are gone.She should have figured out a long time ago that being the three people who got the attention of the boss would not be much better.

The so-called employee immunity is just a few more days of life.

But she was much relieved to hear what the boss said.

I guess it's about Baishipu.

If a customer who made an appointment earlier had an accident at this time, it would be really difficult to leave today.

"I'll make a call first."

Zhang Lingtian didn't answer, but got up to make a phone call.

It's eleven o'clock, one hour before boarding.

He planned to make a phone call to Qin Yan to see what the other party thought.

"Phew, boss, you almost scared me to death."

Zhang Lingtian left Li Tiantian and stroked her chest with her hands, breathing heavily, she was almost scared to death just now.

"Li Tiantian, I will be scared by you sooner or later."

Su Wei looked at Li Tiantian angrily. At that moment, he was thinking about how he should explain his funeral.

The result was a loneliness.

"Beep beep..."

Police station.

Qin Yan's cell phone was vibrating.

The bureau is in a meeting at this time.

I wanted to hang up the phone at first, but it seemed that the caller was Zhang Lingtian. He thought that this Mr. Zhang was a special talent of their police, and he also provided them with some important clues. It's not good to miss something, so he picked it up.

"Hey, Captain Qin, let me tell you about the situation, do you think you can call the police?"

Zhang Lingtian spoke.

"Oh? What clue did Mr. Zhang find again? Just say, as soon as there is a trace of doubt, we will immediately call the police. It is definitely not like the last time that we missed the time!"

Qin Yan assured Zhang Lingtian, his eyes were filled with determination.

He doesn't want to repeat the tragedy of last time, this time he must dispatch the police at the speed of light! !

"Today's trip, I thought the plane might be hijacked and crashed."

Zhang Lingtian said to him.

"What! Hijacking!!!"

Qin Yan exclaimed! !

Hijack!This is a big case! !

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, are you sure? I remember that your plane in Chunjiang seems to take off at twelve o'clock, and the plane of Feijiaopenji is at 02:30 in the afternoon. Can you provide us with some evidence? I will report it to the leader now and try to deal with it quickly!"

Qin Yan knew Zhang Lingtian's itinerary well.

But the airport is a sensitive place, where there are dedicated airport police.

So this matter has to be reported to the leader for joint action.

After all, the time is relatively short, only one hour left.

"As far as evidence is concerned, there is no..."

Zhang Lingtian has no evidence at all now, and he doesn't know which plane was hijacked.

"There is no evidence? Mr. Zhang, did you find any clues? For example, someone told you on the Internet that they were going to hijack this plane?"

Qin Yan, who was still covered in flames just now, seemed to be poured down by a basin of cold water. There is no evidence for this, so he can't just mess around.

But it's all right if there's a clue.


Zhang Lingtian replied.

"Ah? There may be nothing we can do about Mr. Zhang's matter. The airport is a complicated place. If there is no evidence, it is almost impossible to call the police based on trust."

Qin Yan turned off the fire.

Although Zhang Lingtian is now a special talent of their police, even a special talent police cannot investigate the flight he took at the airport just because of his words.

It's okay to find out.

But what if it wasn't found?

Without any clues now, it is undoubtedly tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

There is a high possibility that the search will not reveal it.

At that time, the police will definitely face pressure from all sides.

Including but not limited to public opinion.

And someone has to take responsibility for it.

After all, delaying the plane and delaying the itinerary of passengers is not necessarily punishable by abuse of power.

"That's true."

Zhang Lingtian knew about this in advance.

Still the same sentence, although they can go, it's just that there are so many passengers...

"Mr. Zhang, you can collect more evidence. If we can determine who is the hijacking member, we can verify it immediately and call the police."

Qin Yan thought that Zhang Lingtian would definitely not understand, then the other party must have a reason for calling, and it is very likely that they hope to get the condition that their police must go to the police.

"Okay, let's get in touch then."

hang up the phone.

Zhang Lingtian found a seat and sat down.

He turned on the system again.

The death positions of Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, and Su Wei are basically the same sentence.

[Danger positioning: There is a high probability that the air crash will be caused by hijacking or its own reasons during the departure process, and there is a high probability that none of the people on board will survive. 】

Zhang Lingtian carefully looked at every word of this sentence, and found that there was no clue at all.

It just described being hijacked and having an air crash.

But it is unknown who hijacked and which plane crashed!

Because they are connecting tickets, they have to transfer halfway, so there are two planes in total.

With so many people, you can't check them one by one, they will be turned into pieces by the time you find out!
After all, there is not even a complete body in the air crash, and the family members can only hold the fallen soil and put it in the urn.

If there is an air crash at sea and there is no soil in the urn, the family members can put a little seawater in it.

"Dear passengers, flight 7812 to Shenzhou has started boarding, please get ready."

In a blink of an eye, it was eleven twenty.

There are four and ten minutes before the plane takes off, and at this time boarding has begun.

"Why did the boss not come back for so long?"

Li Tiantian waited a little anxiously, after all, boarding had already started.

Although there are still 10 minutes, but generally this kind of boarding channel will be closed 15 minutes in advance, so they only have 25 minutes.


Jiang Xiaohan saw Zhang Lingtian approaching from a distance! !

"Come here, come, Ah Wei, carry your stuff!"

Li Tiantian directly carried the bag on her back, and so did Su Wei.

At the same time, the other party also helped carry Zhang Lingtian's bag. After all, as an employee, you have to be diligent.

"Boss, it's time to check in and board the plane."

The faces of the whole group were filled with excitement that they were about to start the foot pot chicken group building.

"Let's not get on the plane today."

Zhang Lingtian spoke slowly, he could only save his own people if he couldn't save others.

"Ah? Brother Tian, ​​are we not going??"

Su Wei looked incredible! !


Zhang Lingtian has a point.

It's not suitable today, go again the next day.

"Actually, it's fine not to go. After all, there is work in Baishipu, so we can go after finishing the work."

Li Tiantian made a statement! !

Although she really wanted to go, but the boss said she wouldn't go today, could it be that her arm can twist her thigh?
It's better to directly say that you have to work hard.

[Mall reminder: The host can exchange for a detail card, do you want to go? 】

However, just after Zhang Lingtian's voice fell, he suddenly heard a reminder sound in his mind.


Details card?
Hearing the prompt from the system, Zhang Lingtian froze for a moment.

He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have activated the system item store earlier.

It's just that there was no entrance to this mall at the time, and he ignored the reminder that it would be displayed in due course.

Could this be the right time? ?
It's too timely!

Any slower and he would have returned to the Baishipu.

But what is the detail card?
Zhang Lingtian clicked to go.

At this moment, he suddenly came to another interface, which displayed the system mall.

Then there is only a seat like an abstract version of a lotus below, and a card is suspended there.

The system also has a special effect of purple light, which is the same as the game card anyway.

[Detailed details card: You can view the detailed contents of the dangerous details, and the host can exchange them. 】

After Zhang Lingtian entered this space, there was an extra prompt in front of him, which was the introduction of this item card.


He didn't choose to redeem the card because he didn't want to see the headlines of an air crash tomorrow.

Besides, there are rewards for being able to save people, right?

[Reminder: The redemption of the details card will consume 30 chances of selection, the host confirms the redemption? 】

A prompt appeared after the sound fell.

[Number of selections: 31]

Soon, two reminders appeared at the same time.

The bottom one is his number of selections.

"Number of selections?"

Unexpectedly, such a card would require 30 days of selection times, Zhang Lingtian was a little heartbroken.

But thinking that as long as I am alive, I still have the number of times of selection, so I am relieved.

【Ding!The host successfully redeemed the detail card! 】

A system beep appears.

[Number of selections: 1]

[Props: Detailed Details Card]

There is an extra detail card in Zhang Lingtian's props, and the number of times of selection has also become one.

But Zhang Lingtian was a little confused. As a system, there was only one card in the other party's mall? ?

This is too shabby! !

[Reminder: The system mall has only one display space at a time, and only one item can be randomly displayed. New display spaces can be added later with system upgrades and task completion. 】

This system seems to know what Zhang Lingtian is thinking.

quickly answered him.

"So it is."

Zhang Lingtian now understands that the system doesn't pull over.

It's just that his own display space is limited, so he can only show one kind of product to him.

【Ding!The detail card is used successfully. 】

There is not much time left, so Zhang Lingtian first uses the detail card to see if he can find some clues.

[Danger location: view detailed details]

After using it, Jiang Xiaohan and the others' danger positioning is still the same, but the other party has an extra check for details.

【Hijacking Air Crash】

[Key characters: Niu Wan, Shi Zhao, Rong Song, Zhao Guoxiang. 】

[Key props: crutches, paper knives, paper rolls, display screens, small strings...]

[Key information: Flight 8044 headed for Jiaopenji. 】

After Zhang Lingtian clicked to check, there was an extra card in front of him.

At the top are the words hijacking and air crash.

And then the second one is the key person.

A total of four people.

There are still avatars below them for identification, but this avatar can only be zoomed in and out and cannot focus on these four people.

Of course, it is also possible that these four people are all planning to hijack the plane, so it is not certain that the personal account will be canceled.

Then the bottom of the card is the key props and key information.

The props include crutches, paper knives and paper rolls, and small thin lines on the display screen. The information is more clear. Now he knows which plane the other party is planning to make trouble on.

It turned out to be a plane going to the foot pot chicken.

"Boss? Are we going back now?"

The three asked weakly.

"Just wait, maybe we can still catch this flight."

Since Zhang Lingtian already knew the list of suspects and where they were going to make trouble, then the next step would be to see how fast Qin Yan and the others were.

In order to avoid alarming others, Zhang Lingtian sent the information to Qin Yan directly through WeChat.

Police station.

Qin Yan, who was in a meeting, saw Zhang Lingtian's message, and the other party listed a list, and his eyes lit up immediately!
Performance is here! !
He immediately reported to the leader and contacted the airport police.

Because boarding has started now.

The airport police attach great importance to it.

The information of these four people was quickly called up.

After comparison and investigation by the public security, it was found that two of the four people actually used fake documents.

And it was true that suspicious objects were found in the luggage of the four of them.

"There are 5 minutes left, let's board the plane first."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Lingtian picked up his bag.

"it is good!"

Today Jiang Xiaohan and the three of them can be said to be in a daze.

But after thinking about it, why didn't the boss let them look confused?

So I let go.

After all, the brain circuit of the boss of the underworld must not be understood by normal people like them.

Because Wanda was reimbursed, all of them sat in first class.

"Welcome aboard, sir, do you need help?"

Suddenly, a disabled person walked up, holding a cane.

"I do not need it, thank you."

Men are strong.

Zhang Lingtian looked at this person and remembered the previous reminder from the system. If he guessed correctly, this person is one of the four hijackers.

But the lame guy actually hijacked the plane?

Isn't this afraid of being hammered?

"The special operations team listened to the order and brought people down to cooperate with the investigation. Don't affect the passengers, you know!"

The joint action team of the airport and Chunjiang Public Security is being inspected.


A total of ten people.

At this time, after everyone took their seats, the plane did not close the cabin door as usual, but a dozen policemen rushed in directly!

Everyone is dumbfounded!Why are so many policemen here? ?
"Hey! What are you doing!!"

The four of them sat apart, and the man with the crutch was closest to the toilet.

"You guys come with us."

It happened suddenly.The four were taken away directly, including the crutches supporting the ground!

"Officer, I'm rushing to the Shenzhou Airport. What's the matter with you taking me away, and you also took away my crutches? How can I get away? You are bullying the disabled. Who doesn't want to have two legs?" walk!!"

Niu Wan cursed!

Others also watched.

But because so many policemen came all at once, even a fool would know that this matter must not be simple, so everyone dared not interrupt.

Just quietly watching everything that happened in front of you.

"Do you want me to rip off my pants or do it yourself?"

However, the police officer stared straight at Niu Wan as if he knew something.

Everyone on the plane was dumbfounded.

what's going on?
"Is this arresting fugitives?"

Su Wei was also curious.

The plane wasn't that big.

It was really shocking that so many policemen came all at once.

"How did the fugitive get on the plane? Shouldn't he be caught before he got on the plane?"

Li Tiantian asked back.

"You can use a fake identity. There are still loopholes, but most people don't dare to use this thing for fear of being arrested."

Normal people who have ID cards use this.

But not necessarily for those who take the risk.

They will use some ID cards that apply other people's information.

And basically the kind that is almost inseparable.

"That's true. I remember that Mr. Zhao also had several identities when he watched that famous movie."

Li Tiantian nodded when she heard this.

As long as you have the courage and the money, there will be unexpected things.

And now Jiang Xiaohan was inexplicably thinking of his boss.

The boss just acted strangely.

Is it because of these four people?

"Fake disabled!"

"Fuck me? This person is actually a fake? Is there a discount for buying air tickets with a disability certificate?"

The crutches were taken away, and the police officer stared straight at Niu Wan.

In the end, Niu Wan's original amputated leg miraculously grew back.

The trick is also very simple, that is, he tied up his legs.

In this way, the four people were taken off the plane in everyone's astonishment.

"Hi passengers, I am the chief purser of this plane. There has just been a small accident and our plane needs to be overhauled for half an hour. The crew has prepared a rich lunch for everyone. Please finish your lunch before we set off. "

Soon they were handing out lunches.

Today's lunch is extraordinarily rich, there are box lunches and three meat and two vegetarian ones.

At the same time, there are also drinks, and even each has fruit.

It can be said that the crew is full of sincerity.

Three 10 minutes is nothing.

As long as it doesn't fly it's fine.

At this time, Zhang Lingtian also got his lunch.

As the first-class passengers sponsored by Wanda, they are even richer.

But Zhang Lingtian glanced out the window.

He guessed that this wasn't some kind of maintenance, maybe it was to take out their luggage.

"Director Qin, all of them have been arrested successfully."

The four people were successfully taken off the plane, and the action team reported.

"Okay! Immediate trial!!"

Qin Yan showed a satisfied smile.

After Mr. Zhang gave them a reminder, they immediately investigated in depth.

It was found that these four people did have a big problem.

Two of the identities were forged.

And that Niu Wan's disability certificate is fake!

Although the remaining one looked normal, there were some strange things in his bag, which were identified by professional personnel as paper knives.

The head of the police at the airport and the general manager of the airport were all present.

Seeing this makes their brows sweat! !
You can even imagine what will happen next.

Paper knives can kill!
Crutches are also very aggressive.

Especially with some iron on it.

If it is disassembled in the toilet while the plane is traveling, it can completely form a lethal weapon!
The display screen, hard roll paper, etc. are slightly processed.

It could be a bomb! !
Of course it's a fake bomb!
But it was in the sky at that time. According to the countermeasures for hijacking, as long as they declared that there was a bomb, they would basically obey the gangsters' arrangements.

After all, no one would joke about the lives of so many people.

But normally, hijacking should be hijacking that kind of transnational long-distance plane.

It only takes one hour for them to go to Shenzhou City.

It would be too outrageous to hijack their plane!

This is also the question that Qin Yan is most interested in.

So this time he will interrogate himself! !
Soon the interrogation began.

They were stubborn at first, but after a while, members of the technical team broke their mobile phones, and the truth came out.

The four also confessed to everything.

"I want to know how on earth you found us!!!"

Everything is so perfect!

They all boarded the plane!

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen! !


Could it be that a traitor appeared in their organization?

"You don't need to know that."

After knowing everything, Qin Yan showed a smile.


Niu Wan clenched his fists tightly!

Sure enough, there must be a mole in their organization!

Otherwise, it would not have been discovered so early.

Because their identities are obtained through special channels, airports in such small places cannot find them at all.

on the plane.

"Is this the first-class lunch? It's so rich!!"

Li Tiantian patted her stomach in satisfaction after eating.

First class is for two people.

At this point they sit in a line.

The first one by the window from the left is Zhang Lingtian, the second is Jiang Xiaohan, the third is Zhang Wei, and the fourth is Li Tiantian.

This meal Li Tiantian really felt the luxury of first-class cabin.

There are all kinds of chicken legs, beef, chicken wings, hot dogs, and fruit snacks and drinks, can you believe it?

Anyway, she was really fed up.


But she didn't know.

This was specially transferred from the airport.

After all, passengers have to wait an extra half an hour.

The cost of compensating others is too great.

It's better to just make the meal better or even send some fruit over.

This will not only cost less but also please passengers.

"Hello miss, do you need extra food?"

The flight attendant lady came over and asked.

This flight also provides free extra meals.

Some people have already eaten two bentos.

For example, Su Wei...

"No thanks."

Li Tiantian shook her head.

She is full.

"Okay, then I'll pack it up for you."

I only saw the flight attendant at the moment helping to clean up the leftovers.

"I've eaten too."

Jiang Xiaohan put away his tableware for their convenience.

"mine too."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the flight attendant.

"Sir, let me collect it for you."

It feels like this plane has become a sea mile.

The flight attendants are very positive!

Of course, it's not like this usually. After all, something happened today, so don't be more positive.

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome for passengers to make a fuss.

"Boss, do you still want big green dates?"

Jiang Xiaohan saw that the boss had finished eating the green jujube, and she still had one here, so she immediately asked.


Zhang Lingtian still likes to eat green dates.

"Miss, we still have more here, do you still need it? First-class passengers can supply up to two times."

The waiter came over specially.

Although green jujubes are relatively expensive fruits that have just been released this month, they also have a lot of them in stock.

After all, it is not to show sincerity.

The cost price they purchased was four yuan a catty, and even if a catty was eaten by one person, it was only four yuan. What's more, the ordinary cabin can only take the first-class cabin twice, two at a time, and only four jujubes at two times.

"The hardworking young lady, bring some more."

Jiang Xiaohan smiled and said very politely, even if he doesn't eat it, he can give it to the boss, right?

"Hold on."

The flight attendant went to get it.


Suddenly, at this moment, Zhang Lingtian's cell phone rang.

It has not taken off yet, and the Internet and making and receiving calls are normal at the moment.

"Hey, what's the matter, Captain Qin?"

Zhang Lingtian answered the phone and found that it was from Qin Yan.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, you have done a great job! Did you know that these four people are actually members of a cult organization!!"

Qin Yan's voice on the phone embodies what it means to be truly happy.

To tell the truth, he is very happy now.

Because it prevented an air crash from happening.


Hearing that it was a member of the cult, Zhang Lingtian had a look of incomparable surprise in his eyes.

These people had only been seen in the news and in brochures before.

I didn't expect to meet the real version.

"That's right! But it's not this plane that they want to hijack, it's flight 8044 from Shenzhou City to Jiaopenji."

Qin Yan told Zhang Lingtian some information from the interrogation.

"So it is."

Listening to Qin Yan's words, Zhang Lingtian knew some of them and he didn't.

For example, he knows about flight 8044 to Jiaopenji.

But he doesn't know about cult members.

He also didn't know exactly how these people planned to commit crimes.

But after Qin Yan's words, he probably understood the intentions of these cult gangsters.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, spend a happy team building holiday at Jiaopenji. When you come back, Manager Xiao will invite you to dinner! Otherwise, they will be in trouble at the airport this time!!"

Qin Yan said with a smile on the phone.

"You don't need to be so polite, let's do it first."

After all, he hung up the phone.

The plane also closed the door at this time.

He basically understood the gangster's intentions, and he also knew why they boarded the plane here.

Because Chunjiang belongs to a second-tier city, the airport is a relatively small airport, and the security check is relatively lax compared to the airports in first-tier cities.

These people want to get on the plane here.

Then transfer to Shenzhou City.

According to the regulations of the airlines here, there is no need for another security check when connecting tickets.

So these things can be brought into the next flight to the foot pot chicken in its entirety.

When the time comes, the four of them will enter the toilet after the plane takes off to assemble the bomb, then kill the security guards with instruments, suppress some troublesome passengers, and seize control of the plane. As members of the cult, one can imagine what will happen.

Maybe someone will ask.

There are only four gangsters on the plane, don't bloody people dare to hate each other?
Indeed, if only paper knives and iron rods and the like would dare!
But if the other party took out a bomb, would you dare to bet with the other party?
Even if you dare to bet the crew dare to bet?Does Tower dare to gamble with the lives of so many people?
According to the response to the hijacking incident.

Basically listen to the hijackers.

And ask what conditions the other party has.

Satisfy each other to the greatest extent.

To ensure the safety of passengers.

The captain and they will also obey each other.

After all, they were on the plane at the time, and everyone didn't know that these people were cult members.

Everyone hopes to survive.

If he knew he was a cult member, it would definitely not be possible for the other party to go so smoothly.

After all, it is a death anyway.

So these cult members who took over the plane planned to kill the captain in the cockpit, and then have a suicide crash.

This is the plan that was interrogated and discovered through their related group chat.

As for why the general manager of Chunjiang Airport would be grateful.

That's not because these things flow from their side to the Shenzhou International Airport.

If you use the strict security check over there, these things can't pass at all.

This time also made him break into a cold sweat.

Said that this time we must train well!

Put an end to this situation.


Jiang Xiaohan is eating grapes.

At this time, those eyes looked at Zhang Lingtian like grapes.

Because the two were sitting very close, she heard something vaguely.

Probably the gangster on this plane was discovered by the boss! !

sky! !

"The Shenzhou plane will definitely be able to catch up."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan's beautiful eyes just looking at himself, and replied with a smile.

Soon the plane takes off.

This is a short flight.

Only an hour away.

Many people fell asleep after the smooth flight.

Just take a lunch break.

But Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

Normally, the source of the crisis has been solved, and the danger value should also drop!
Why hasn't the system prompted yet?
He was a little puzzled!
[Scan object: ID Xiaohan. 】

[Occupation: Employee of Ping An Baishi Shop, assistant to the boss. 】

[Danger signal: 99% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: The air crash is caused by its own reasons, and there is a high probability that none of the people on board will survive. 】

Zhang Lingtian turned on the system.


The next second he was dumbfounded! !
Still 99%! !
The reason itself? ? ?

Does he mean the plane itself? ?

Thinking of this, he gasped! !
Now it is flying at an altitude of [-] meters, this plane must not be a problematic plane! !

 being modified

(End of this chapter)

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