I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 89 God's Punishment?How outrageous!

Chapter 89 God's Punishment?How outrageous!

It is estimated that at that time, it is possible to be beaten by the crowd of foot pot chickens.

After all, that thing is a very sacred existence in the eyes of some brainwashed people!
It's fried now.

This is equivalent to severely crushing their beliefs.

Can those people let them go?

Certainly not possible!
Although the toilet was struck by lightning.

It should have nothing to do with their boss. After all, how can the King of Hades be in charge of Lei Fa? Isn't that what Lei Shen did?Right!
It's not even possible that it was an accident.

But according to the peeing nature of foot pot chickens, they always like to throw the pot on others, don't they!

Ellipses flew across Zhang Lingtian's forehead one by one.

The toilet exploded? ?
Lightning struck!
The hat is on his head again!
Good guy!
Zhang Lingtian suddenly had a feeling that the system was going to kill him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many coincidences to be concentrated here.

Especially when I was struck by lightning and exploded next door as soon as I got on the plane.

Of course there was an element of surprise, but it was just a coincidence that made people suspicious.

"Boss, it won't be a tsunami next time, will it?"

Jiang Xiaohan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Zhang Lingtian.

"Okay, and then a volcanic eruption??"

The corner of Su Wei's mouth was twitching.

So exciting! !
"How is it possible... don't you think it's outrageous?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the petrified expressions of the two on the spot and said angrily.

His own system does not have the ability of divine punishment, and the other party is a simple funeral system.

That's all there is to see a risk value.

"Yeah! How outrageous! I'm going to the bathroom first!!"

Li Tiantian got up with her mobile phone.


Just after Li Tiantian left, the mobile phones of Su Wei and Jiang Xiaohan placed on the small table suddenly vibrated.

[Must live a long life]

"Invincible and cute little sweet: Sister Xiaohan, Ah Wei, I think we should buy a return ticket on the excuse that we can't let go of the white market and work hard. It's so exciting!!"


Li Tiantian washed her face and covered her chest.

The toilets are blown up!
What about travel?
She was afraid that a radical would come to the hotel where they were staying and burn down the hotel where they were staying.

Although she is looking forward to the team building of the foot pot chicken, her own life is more important, isn't it!


Su Wei and Jiang Xiaohan looked at the message that suddenly appeared on the phone!

"call out--"

speed of light! !

The two immediately took the phone away from Zhang Lingtian's gaze!

Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm going to the bathroom too!"

Su Wei got up and took his mobile phone, wishing he could fly to the bathroom immediately and strangle Li Tiantian to death.

What kind of brain is this, directly exposing their secret base!


Only Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian were left at the scene.

Jiang Xiaohan is messy.

all run away?
Is she alone?

Zhang Lingtian sighed, is he that scary?

But after thinking about it, the content of working in Baishipu is already very lifeless, and it is actually quite fun to have a treasure employee.

"Boss, don't sigh, luck and misfortune depend on each other and now there is good news!"

After all, they are the right-hand man of the boss, and she believes that as long as they don't make mistakes, the boss will not do anything to them.

Especially now that the other party has accepted Li Tiantian's suggestion and intends to whitewash his image.

So after some analysis, Jiang Xiaohan was confident.

It's just that the foot pot chicken is really a bit troublesome. After all, I am worried that I will always meet some radicals, and it will be embarrassing if I throw tomatoes and eggs at them.

"I really didn't say that!!"

The toilet is quite big.

Li Tiantian's expression collapsed!
She didn't have the courage to enter the boss's office that day!

Worrying about the price to be paid in case of doing this kind of thing, and it would be cool to be that price.

"Damn it, Brother Tian's account is also blown up!!"

After some explanations, Su Wei also believed in Li Tiantian, maybe the boss's idea just coincided with Li Tiantian's brain hole.

After all, there are always some coincidences in this world.

However, when he opened the boss's account.

When I was about to see what netizens left messages, I was stunned! !


Li Tiantian was full of question marks!
"Could it be that this Douyin just made trouble, and blocked the boss's Douyin account while the boss left the country? It's unreasonable! If this is the case, I suggest that the boss register a small account and give Douyin's boss a follow-up!"

Then Li Tiantian clenched her fists tightly, if the other party really closed their funeral shop, then pay close attention! !
At the same time, give him a set of spells!
After all, according to the explanation of the Nine Posts of Yama.

If he was only paid attention by Hades and did not say the curse, there might be hope of surviving, but if the curse was spoken, he would definitely open his mouth to zero.

Yan Wangtie is no joke.

"No! See for yourself!!"

Su Wei turned the phone over to Li Tiantian.

"Fuck! Damn! This! This! This!!!"

Li Tiantian took Su Wei's phone.

Hands are shaking, lips are trembling!
Gulu, swallowed a mouthful of saliva! !

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Eight digits! Ten million!!!"

Su Wei pointed to the phone screen and said.


They lost contact for three or four hours, and the number of followers of the boss reached more than 100 million! !

What is the level of adding 1000 million fans in four hours?
Bro Douyin recorded it!
"Must! Definitely!! Ah Wei, I feel like we are going to go down to work for the boss ahead of time!!!"

Li Tiantian lost his mind, as if his soul had withdrawn from his body.

"What the hell? Why did you go down to work earlier? Isn't it because we are about to develop and we can buy a house in Chunjiang!!"

Li Tiantian's brain circuit Su Wei always feels that he can't keep up.

Now the boss is preparing for a funeral supplies factory.

And they already have a yellow paper production workshop, with tens of millions of fans, even if they bring their own goods, the boss is completely enough.

Especially now that the boss still has a wave of patriotic blessings, the business will be even better.

The most important thing is that the boss is not the kind of stingy person at all.

When the bonus is paid out, it is not impossible for them to buy a house in Chunjiang.

After all, Chunjiang is only a second-tier city right now.

The house price is as high as [-] to [-].

The average price is [-].

In the more remote suburbs, it is 9000 yuan to 1 yuan per level.

Do a good job and buy a house just around the corner! !

It may not be possible for the boss to give them some longevity when they are happy.

"You idiot! It is indeed developed, but do you have a life for this money? Think about how much the order will be issued by then. The previous sales of more than 40 have exhausted the two of us, and it was only one day. What if it’s 400 million in the future? The kind you have every day! We’re going to be exhausted right now!!”

Li Tiantian said to Su Wei angrily.


Su Wei was full of question marks when he heard this.

"What's your expression like?"

Seeing Su Wei's face full of question marks, Li Tiantian had a puzzled look in his eyes.

"It's nothing, your angle is very strange, how about I write you a resignation letter later?"

Su Wei really felt that the angle was very strange.

The most frightening thing is that there seems to be some truth to it!
At that time, the sales volume of more than 40 turned yellow paper, which exhausted the two of them.

If it is not 40 and the boss does not recruit people in the future, it will be very exciting.

The main reason is that there are probably not many people willing to come to Baishipu.

At first he came here because he couldn't find a job.

Few ordinary people really have the mental capacity to do things for nothing.

"roll roll roll--"

Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei angrily.

Also resignation letter.

The key to hell.

After being squeezed by the boss and turning back to become an excellent employee, there is still hope of negotiating conditions. If you resign and turn back, you will directly pay the employee's price.

First class.

"good news?"

Zhang Lingtian had a puzzled expression.

What better news than a toilet being struck by lightning?

Is an active volcano about to erupt?

"Our company's account is completely popular! Now the number of followers has reached more than 100 million, and it has also received nearly 200 million rewards!!"

After Jiang Xiaohan accepted the first-class enjoyment, the first thing she entered when she turned on the computer was the company account interface.

When she saw so many fans suddenly on the boss account, she thought the computer was stuck.

Went out and looked again.

It is found that fans are growing at a rate of tens of thousands per refresh.

The key is what made the boss increase so many followers, is it because he caught the hijacker and found something wrong with the plane?
Although this is indeed equivalent to indirectly saving a lot of people, it can't get so much attention!
So Jiang Xiaohan went to find the reason.

When I opened the comment area, I understood it instantly, and of course I was shocked! !
Because that's exactly the scene where the foot pot chicken toilet exploded!
"Ten million fans, 200 million rewards??"

If someone else said this, he would definitely laugh.

The joke was too immature.

After all, he had more than 190 million fans before he got on the plane.

When you are about to land, you tell him that the number of fans has reached more than 1000 million, which is hard to believe.

Especially there are 200 million rewards.

Isn't this nonsense.

But he still knew the little assistant's character.

The other party has basically never fooled him, and she is also the type who acts rigorously and seriously, so there is a high probability that she will not make such jokes.


The little assistant turned the computer over.

Looking at the data above, Zhang Lingtian was really shocked to be honest.

"Boss, I think if this goes on, our funeral shop will definitely blossom, because now your image is getting more and more positive, and some companies that have not committed crimes will definitely dare to come to you, and they will even take advantage of the problems you had with the boss before. It may not be necessary to use the cool attribute to start your own brand!"

At this time, the little assistant analyzed seriously.

This level of attention is basically equivalent to what she expected before.

It is equivalent to the complete reversal of the image of the boss after the toilet explosion, which has become a positive image in the hearts of netizens, and those who were previously unchecked have also fully recovered their attention.

Some merchants who want to promote their own brands may really contact the boss to advertise and the like.

"Xiaohan, turn off tipping first, let's record a video."

Zhang Lingtian's focus is not so long-term.

He is now refreshing his Douyin with his mobile phone.

Basically, the number of rewards has been soaring, reaching more than [-] people.

Some people tipped him one thousand, ten thousand, some one or two yuan, and in this posture, they all regarded him as a crowdfunding campaign for warriors.

It's really outrageous.

He is indeed a little special than ordinary people.

Because with a system.

Also because they did not consider the follow-up impact before, they focused on some people with relatively high risks, resulting in a large number of accidents.

Everyone thought he was the King of Hades.

In fact, he can be regarded as a technology king at best, who can only see the probability of danger for others.

Does not have the ability to draw thunder at all.

This wave of toilet bombing really has nothing to do with him.

Although it is possible to get a lot of benefits by using this pretense, but as a person with a system, doing so is really inferior.

So he wanted to record a video to make everyone stop tipping, and hoped that everyone would treat it rationally, otherwise it would be embarrassing if there were not so many accidents in the later stage.

"Record a video? On a plane?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked suspiciously.

"Go back to the hotel, we'll land in four or ten minutes."

This hotel is also Wanda's property outside, and it has been booked in advance.

As long as they get off the plane, someone will come to pick them up. It's better to get them at the hotel.

Although they are in the first two rows of the first class, there are still quite a few people here.

"Well, listen to your boss."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

The boss can record any time, she cooperates!

[Reminder: System upgrade, please host to test new functions! 】

Douyin was turned on, and at this moment Zhang Lingtian had an extra reminder in front of him.

Speaking of which, he just ignored the system upgrade.

There are exactly four and ten minutes left, so let's see what the opponent has upgraded.

Zhang Lingtian clicked to confirm.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining bad information. 】

Soon ten large characters appeared in front of my eyes.

"Bad information???"

Looking at these ten big characters, his face was full of confusion, and he thought he was doing something if he didn't know!
[Hint: This bad information is the bad information of the scanner, including bad habits, etc. This option can lock potential customers of the funeral shop in advance for the host. 】

All I saw was an extra line of prompts in front of Zhang Lingtian at this moment.

It turned out to be the case.

Sure enough, the real hammer funeral system, the ability to awaken is related to funerals, and do everything possible to attract customers for themselves.

It seems that the other party's desire to make the funeral shop bigger and stronger is stronger than his own.

[Scan object: ID Xiaohan. 】

[Occupation: Employee of Ping An Baishi Shop, assistant to the boss. 】

[Bad information: Has the habit of staying up late. 】

[Danger signal: 0.01% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Hazard location: No danger information for now. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

In the real world, the world scan card can retain personal information for three days. Zhang Lingtian clicked on the first Jiang Xiaohan's personal information.

It was found that a new piece of bad information was indeed added.

The models scanned by the sensory system for funeral objects are now more three-dimensional.

Now it can be clearly analyzed that the other party has the habit of staying up late.

But it's just a habit of staying up late.

My little assistant is very reliable.

Because according to the system's interpretation of bad information, it's all-encompassing.


The sliding door of the toilet opened.

The two came out from inside.

Of course, there was no toilet.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Tiantian to let Su Wei in.


Suddenly, a person in the first class who was about to go to the toilet saw a man and a woman coming out, and was taken aback for a moment.

That look seemed to say.

On the plane, also...

But Li Tiantian ignored the other party directly.

Relationships are pure!

Be fearless!

As for Su Wei, he was indeed a little embarrassed to feel such a look from others.

Mainly I didn't think so much at the time.

I went to Li Tiantian for a theory.

But after thinking about it, Li Tiantian, a girl, doesn't care about his embarrassment as a man.

It's over!

"Ladies and gentlemen, our plane is ready to descend. Please fasten your seat belts, adjust the seat backs, put away the tray table, and keep the shades open. Please turn off your mobile phones and all electronic devices. , we will dim the cabin lights later, thank you."

Suddenly at this moment.

The flight attendant's announcement came from the plane.

It turned out that the plane was already preparing to land.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei came to their seats.

"Boss, in fact, I really think it's good for us to play in Jiaopenji for a few more days."

Sitting in the seat, Li Tiantian felt a little restrained.

"Why, don't you plan to buy a ticket and run away early?"

Zhang Lingtian spoke differently.

"Wow, boss, you really saw the message!"

Li Tiantian's expression was so loveless that it was distorted.

She still had a little bit of luck in her heart.

It turned out that the boss actually saw it.

"You must live a long life, not bad, not bad, the names of this group are very interesting."

Zhang Lingtian joked with a look of deep meaning on his face.


Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei covered their faces at the same time.

They know the boss saw it.

It's just that I didn't expect the boss to see it clearly with such a fast hand speed.

"Boss, I suddenly thought of a question. Since our group name is very good, do you think the three of us can live a long life?"

Suddenly, Li Tiantian didn't know which tendon was wrong, and asked curiously and expectantly.


Su Wei and Jiang Xiaohan, who were covering their faces, suddenly lit up a small light bulb next to their heads.

This way is not bad!

If the boss says maybe, then they are equivalent to living a long life!
This is an indirect question about Yangshou, yes, yes!


Zhang Lingtian was stunned for a moment.

He was restless just now, but now he asked Yangshou excitedly and expectantly.

"Boss, it's not just me, sister Xiaohan and Awei are very interested, you just say in a very vague way whether we can live a long life~, we swear we will work hard! For Baishipu The global chain is working hard!!"

Li Tiantian expressed her determination! !
"do not know."

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of tea and replied lightly.

The rumors made it so that now he has been hammered into the king of Hades. In fact, he really doesn't know!

You can't just talk nonsense, so I answered three words sincerely.

"It seems that I can't live to be a hundred years old, so the boss can always live to be 90 years old?"

However, Zhang Lingtian's sincerity was wrongly paid in the end, which made Li Tiantian misunderstand the meaning, thinking that he would not live to be a hundred years old.

I saw her leaning closer to inquire at this moment, and her voice was also very low.

After all, things like asking fate should not be too ostentatious. There is a saying that secrets must not be revealed.

"Actually, I really don't know."

Zhang Lingtian helplessly spread his hands.

"Wow! Boss, it's okay to be 80!!"

Li Tiantian immediately collapsed upon hearing this.

Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei also broke down a bit.


Zhang Lingtian sighed, why couldn't he understand what he said, he really didn't know and couldn't answer.

"Seventy! Boss! Isn't it okay to be 70 years old!!!"

Li Tiantian grabbed her hair! !
People have reached the brink of collapse.

"Tiantian, this topic is not suitable, why don't you change it?"

Unexpectedly, the word 'ah' was received by the other party, and the wrong message was received again.

Zhang Lingtian wanted to put this topic aside!

As for white lies?Say, ummmm, you can live a long life.

He really couldn't say such a thing.

After all, wasn't there a movie before?

People can see how long they have been alive, and some people will die like crazy when they see that they have decades to live.

For example, jumping from a tall building without dying.

Don't die from crashing!

and many more!

If these three small employees of his own believed it, especially if Li Tiantian, who was more active in thinking, tried it and it became cold, then he would not be equal to indirect murder.

So he really can't talk nonsense about such things he doesn't know.

No matter how big the rumor is without your own admission, it is still a rumor.

But if you admit it or say it out of your mouth on a certain occasion, then the nature of this matter will change.

"I don't have seventy, boss, then sixty is okay, I want to receive a retirement pension for a few years."

Li Tiantian lost her soul.

She still wanted to live to be a hundred years old.

Now it seems that there are not even seventy.

Then sixty will do.

Now that the medical conditions are so good, it is impossible for her to live to 60 years old!

She still wants to receive a retirement pension for a few years.

Zhang Lingtian stopped talking.

He took a sip of water from his thermos.

The main reason is that the plane is ready to descend, and everyone who went to the bathroom has returned.

Otherwise he'd have to find an excuse to go to the bathroom.

Otherwise, look at what Li Tiantian has misinterpreted.

"It's over, it's over, I'm not even sixty, boss, it's okay to be 50 years old! I'm in my early twenties now!"

Li Tiantian looked at Zhang Lingtian.


Zhang Lingtian glanced at the other party, and continued to drink water, because he felt that no matter what he answered, the other party would misinterpret it.

Then he just didn't get involved.

"Forty! Can't you survive even forty! Boss, don't scare me!!!!"

Li Tiantian has become a round version of Wutian, with messy hair.

Crashingly stretch out four fingers!



Suddenly, at the moment when Li Tiantian yelled three words, Su Wei covered the opponent's mouth.

"Tiantian, don't ask, don't ask."

Jiang Xiaohan couldn't bear it anymore.

Suddenly found that knowing Yangshou is not very good.

【Just live】

Three minutes later, the WeChat group of the three of them.

Looking out of the window, Li Tiantian silently changed "I must live a long life" to "It's good to live".

"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane has landed at Dongkou Airport. The temperature outside is 26 degrees Celsius. The plane is taxiing. For the safety of you and others, please do not stand up or open the luggage rack. Please wait until the plane comes to a complete stop. Then unfasten the security, organize your belongings and get ready to get off the plane."

After half an hour.


The flight attendant's announcement sounded again.

"Passengers who need to transfer to other places at this station, please go to the transfer counter in the waiting room. Thank you for choosing the flight of Shenzhou International Airlines! See you next time!"

The plane stopped.

Lights on.

They got off the plane.

Originally, Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian thought they would be stared at by all kinds of malicious eyes after they came down.

After all, almost everyone on the Internet condemns them.

Even on the plane they heard that someone in the economy class was going to beat them up.

As a result, after getting off the plane, he didn't notice any strange eyes.

It was even found that some people deliberately avoided dodging them.

"Hey, Miss Xiaohan, I now know why the boss came to us."

to the hotel.

Li Tiantian collapsed on the bed like a deflated ball.


Jiang Xiaohan asked suspiciously.

"Because our yang life is short, the boss doesn't need to seduce the soul, so he has to follow him to the underworld."

Li Tiantian replied.

She thought that she could live to be 70 or [-] no matter what.

As a result, no one would have thought that 30 years old would be enough.


Sure enough, Tiantian was still immersed in what happened on the plane just now and didn't come out.

"It's too uncomfortable. Why did I ask this thing? No wonder when I asked the boss Yangshou before, the other party didn't want to talk about it. It turned out to be the reason."

Li Tiantian covered her face, in such pain that she couldn't love her.

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of sight is in mind.

Even if you don’t know, then your mood is still very peaceful.

For example, go to a restaurant to eat.

Hot pot all over the world.

Even if the owner of this hot pot restaurant uses saliva oil, the food is still delicious because they don't know it.

As a result, when they knew that the oil they had eaten was extracted by others in the bucket of boiling water over and over again, they hadn't eaten hot pot for a month now.

Thinking about it makes me feel sick.

The same is true now.

Because they don't know their own life span, they can be happy.

But since I found out, I can't be happy anymore.

And now she understood why the boss hesitated before.

It turned out to be this reason.

"Tiantian, actually, I think this may be due to chance or not. Think about it, if the boss is the underworld, it's okay to have a good life, right? Maybe the boss is here to save us, as long as we do a good job, maybe we won't die? "

Li Tiantian was paralyzed.

Su Wei was moving tables to clear the venue.

Jiang Xiaohan was helping her boss arrange the shooting scene, and she said to him at this moment.

As for Zhang Lingtian, of course he took a nice bath in his room. Originally, he said he was going to decorate the venue, but the little assistant said no.

Just wait until they're done and he'll come right over.

So just take a shower.

After all, recording video should at least be refreshing.


Li Tiantian, who was paralyzed on the bed, straightened up like a carp.

"Sister Xiaohan's words are reasonable, and I think maybe we misunderstood the meaning of the boss, what if he really doesn't know?"

Su Wei, who was moving the table, said at this time.

"Su Wei, is your mind caught by the door! How dare you doubt the boss, you must know that the people who doubted the boss before are all cold!!"

Li Tiantian scolded Su Wei angrily.

How could I really not know!

You think the boss' Hades is a fake, but sister Xiaohan's little Meng Po is calling it for nothing!

Just ask you what is more real than what is in front of you! !

"Don't, don't, I'm a man who keeps the ten posts of Hades in mind every day, so I don't dare to doubt the boss. I just wonder if it's possible that the boss's ability in this area has been banned."

Su Wei hastily vetoed it.

The current Nine Posts of Hades has been updated to the tenth post.

[[-]. Doubting is equivalent to hanging yourself. When Lord Yan pays attention to you, you should pay more attention to what he said. If you don’t believe me, you can try it. I believe there will be no more bad reviews. 】

And after the tenth post came out, it got tens of millions of likes.

Never question Hades.

Otherwise it would be tantamount to hanging himself.

Of course, this self-hanging does not mean hanging, but an analogy to suicide.

For example, the takeaway guy before, and then the rich second-generation Chen Zhi who was cheated by his father and died.

They just questioned the words of Hades, which eventually led to danger.

But everyone also found this prophet to be quite humorous.

I believe that there will not be one more bad review later, which is a stalk from the merchant of Taobao Wingsuit Flying.

Because the products sold by the other party are all well received.

Because those who want to make a bad review are already cold.

As a man who put the Ten Posts of Hades on his bedside, of course it was impossible for him to question the boss.

He just said in case he misunderstood the meaning of the boss.

The other party may come to the world, and it may not necessarily be that some abilities are banned.

"Banned? Don't say it, it's possible. The plots in some TV dramas are like this before, that is, various abilities are banned and you need to complete certain tasks to unlock the skills."

Suddenly Li Tiantian felt that Su Wei's idea seemed to be feasible.

As far as you say it's too outrageous.

Actually not.

She is also a fiction lover.

When I read novels before, there were examples of washing feet for three years, pretending to be stupid for five years, and returning to the Dragon King once.

What if the boss does too?
"Right! I think so too!"

Su Wei seemed to have found a bosom friend.

"But what if it's not?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian asked back.

It makes sense, but what if it isn't.


Su Wei froze in place.

What is silent is silence.

After all, everyone is on the same front, who would have thought that the other party would think elsewhere.

"Awei, I figured it out, as long as we do our job well and become the right-hand man like Sister Xiaohan, we can have nothing to fear!"

After a mess.

Li Tiantian found her way.

"Hey, don't bring me up, I've been careful and diligent!"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't dare to say that he was confident.

10 minutes later.

"Boss, it's done."

Zhang Lingtian entered the room.

Jiang Xiaohan and the others have already arranged the recording scene.

"Well, let's start then."

Zhang Lingtian nodded, and he seemed to have three more energetic young employees.

"Come on, the boss is ready, 3, 2, 1, start!!"

Li Tiantian, who was born in art and can edit, took on the heavy responsibility of camera, lighting, stage, and editor.

As for Su Wei, he was doing heavy work.

The little assistant Jiang Xiaohan took care of the overall situation.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Lingtian from Baishipu. Thank you very much for your support, but I also hope that everyone can be more rational."

Zhang Lingtian made an opening speech in front of the camera.

"This time we are just here to build a group of foot pot chickens, to experience the exotic scenery, and before the toilet was struck by lightning, it is a natural phenomenon and has nothing to do with me, so please be rational and don't follow blindly or be led by caring people. As for I will ask my little assistant to donate for everyone's rewards."


"In short, thank you for your love, but please treat it rationally, thank you very much."

Zhang Lingtian recorded a short video of three to four minutes.

Then sent it out.

The content summary is probably.

[-]. The bombing of the toilet has nothing to do with me, please don't spread rumors.

[-]. We are only here for tourism this time, and we have nothing else to do.

[-]. Please don’t crowdfund donations like going on a campaign, because what you think will not happen, but we will not embezzle these rewards, and will donate them together.

[-]. This is a scientific world, please believe in science.

"It's done."

Recording complete.

“Great boss!!”

The three applauded collectively.

It felt like a bragging group.

"Okay, okay, let's go to bed early, tomorrow we will go to see Gong Torii, and then try the food here."

I only saw Zhang Lingtian talking to him at this time.

"Yeah, boss, I'll edit it and send it to the work group!"

Lee sweet dessert.

She was really panicked before.

But now think about what to panic about.

As long as you hug the boss's thigh, basically nothing will happen.

After all, who would dare to provoke the king of Hades?

Even those who were sealed, few dared to come over and make trouble.


Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Boss, here are the car keys and temporary driver's license for tomorrow."

Jiang Xiaohan took out a bunch of keys from the bag.

This is what she just received at the front desk.

At this time, the four of them were all arranged in the most luxurious room, and the boss's room was even a luxurious suite!
The kind with all kinds of facilities.

The hotel provides vehicles for customers like them.

In the context of frequent global exchanges, although each country has its own driver's license, they are all interchangeable.

A copy of Zhang Lingtian's driver's license has been photographed.

And give it to Wanda Hotel to help apply for a temporary driver's license.

Now that the temporary driver's license has been applied for, you can drive to where you want to go tomorrow. They plan to spend five days here for group building, anyway, let's go shopping around.

Almost every city has Wanda's industry, and they can play in any city at will.

"Let's put it where you are first, anyway, we will be together tomorrow."

Keys, temporary driver's licenses and the like are only needed when driving tomorrow.

There is no difference between what he holds and what the little assistant holds.


Since the boss has said so, she naturally has nothing to say, so just take it.

Zhang Lingtian returned to the room.

The hotel sent some fruit and supper.

【work group】

"Li Tiantian: The boss is done, take a look!!"

Half an hour later, Li Tiantian sent the video very quickly.

"Zhang Lingtian: Not bad, not bad."

After Zhang Lingtian clicked on it, he found that the editing was good, and the color adjustment was also very suitable for the theme.

[The Douyin speaker reminds you: Ping An Baishipu has updated the video~]

Right at this moment.

Water friends who follow Zhang Lingtian and douyin online received a notification.

"Punch in the front row!!"

"Oh, what? Where did this wave explode again?"

"When will the volcanic eruption and the tsunami come together, hurry!!!"

The latest version of Douyin can send barrage in real time.

After the video was released, it immediately attracted a large army of barrage.

They all wanted to know what new job the Lord Yan had done after he landed.




At the beginning, everyone was full of expectations, but after watching the video, everyone silently raised a question mark.

The hijacker was found on the plane bound for Shenzhou.

As soon as they flew to Jiaopenji, their toilet was struck by lightning and exploded.

You said it has nothing to do with you?
You tell everyone to believe in science?

Isn't this nonsense! !

"Boss Zhang, we all always believe in science, right, everyone!!"

"Yeah, why are the netizens so ignorant this year? It's hard for me, Boss Zhang, to make it so grand, especially now that international relations are delicate!!"

"Borrowing brother Zhao's words, let me declare here once again that our boss Zhang is not a living king of hell. Please don't fabricate right and wrong about ordinary citizens, and please believe in science!"

"That's right, that's right, we live the King of Hades, bah, Boss Zhang is just a proponent of our country's traditional funeral culture, how can Boss Zhang be blamed for the lightning strike in the toilet, it's just unbelievable!"

After all, there are tens of millions of followers.

After a row of question marks, some water friends who seemed to understand the deep meaning inside began to comment wildly.

【Zhanyou core group】

"Everyone must resolutely give full play to the fooling effect of the war game, and cover for our Lord Yama!!"

The management inside called out.


"The action has already begun!"

"After this video came out, I think Lord Yan is implying that we should not be too obvious. After all, there is still an official identity. You are trying to destroy the friendly relationship between the two countries."

"That's right, the main reason is that some self-media publicize it so much that it's hard for Lord Yan to do anything in his feet."

"Didn't you guys watch it? There was a complete explosion at the international forum. Everyone said they would use ninjas and onmyojis to attack Hades. There was even an Internet celebrity with a [-]-dan karate plan to challenge Hades."

In the battle group.

The group members have already dispersed to the bottom of the major posts and started to fool around.

There is also a dedicated Zhanyou International Department.

Responsible for international forums.

"Suddenly found that everyone's consciousness is very high."

The three of them ate supper together.

At this time, he was swiping his phone.

"That is, after all, this year's netizens are not easy to fool."


This video also rushed into the top ten of the hot search list soon after it was released.

[1. Mr. Zhang works four jobs a day, all of which have contracts and guarantees, and his face becomes a flower with a smile]

[2. Foot pot chicken toilet explosion]

[3. Mr. Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen, refuted the rumors]

[4. A college sends students into the factory forcibly screwing]

[5. Ping An Baishipu fan value exceeded 1000 million in one afternoon]


【45. Foot pot chicken Internet celebrity wants to send a letter of war to Boss Zhang】

Refuting rumors reached the No.3 position.





Under the post of dispelling rumors.

A row is understandable words.

And Zhang Lingtian turned on his Douyin at this time.

Get used to swiping your phone before going to bed.


However, after opening the video, he frowned.

It's all a row of words.

"Xiao Xiao'an: Boss Zhang, don't worry, we will protect you!"

"Zhanyou, Meng: Lord Yan, leave the battlefield of public opinion to us, and you just make trouble!!"

Click on the private message.

Inevitable 99+.

Looking at the first few lines, he sighed deeply.

Come on.

I can't take off my Hades hat even if the coffin is covered.

But I have stated in advance that I will not meet their expectations, let alone the outrageous things they think will not happen.

So it can be regarded as clearing the responsibility in advance.

They can believe it if they want.

But the attention of these tens of millions of fans is really outrageous.

Just one afternoon.

It's eleven o'clock at night.

Zhang Lingtian fell asleep.

And the forum for foot pot chicken is still lively.

Especially the karate nine-dan anchor, Ronin Yamashita.

"Everyone! Wait for me to destroy their belief tomorrow! Press Zhang Lingtian on the ground and rub it!!!"

Ronin Yamashita is broadcasting live.

At this moment, he was clenching a fist the size of a sandbag.

The whole body is full of evil spirits!

"Okay!! I, a bloody man from the Sakura Kingdom, will fuck this Zhang Lingtian hard tomorrow and destroy the rabbit's faith!"

"It is necessary to destroy their beliefs. The other party is obviously here to make trouble this time. We will take care of you if you beat them to death!"

"That's right, as long as you kill him, this rabbit with mysterious witchcraft, you will be the hero of our Sakura Kingdom! The whole world will fear us, and the rabbits on the other side will also bow to us!!"

"The hotel where they live has been sent to Ronin Your Excellency. I hope to see the news of the other party's dog head exploding tomorrow."

Facing such a fierce karate [-]th-dan expert, Mr. Ronin, the water friends with feet in the pot have an orgasm!

Some even have imagined that the belief of the rabbit will be rubbed on the ground tomorrow.

The scene where the man's head exploded.


 The update has been delivered, the plot of the foot pot chicken will be completed as soon as possible, and then ask for some monthly tickets, recommended tickets, thank you everyone~~
(End of this chapter)

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