I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 93 His heart can be punished, and he is responsible for peace!

Chapter 93 His heart can be punished, and he is responsible for peace!

Yes, if he has not entered the country, he can be refused for some reasons.

For example, the leader of the cult! !

After all, they now have an organization called Zhanyou Bureau, so it's okay to directly arrange him as the leader of Zhanyou Bureau!

Then ask the rabbit to come up with evidence!
Anyway, if you don't produce evidence, you won't be allowed to enter the country!
Give them the pot directly, and then various card materials.

But now that this person has entered the country, the most important thing is that they can't find the other party's illegal materials in China.

For example, sabotage and the like, so it is basically impossible to send him back directly.

If you really do this, you will first offend the rabbit, and secondly, now it is a scientific world, and their officials have always advocated that the scientific worldview is unshakable.

Then what is the purpose of sending Zhang Lingtian back?
There is no reason!
Is it because of massive accidents?Open your mouth for zero days?

But isn't this equivalent to admitting superstition in disguise?

In this way, not only will the citizens of their country fall into fear, public opinion will reach a new high point, and it will even become an international laughing stock! !

Moreover, this kind of rude behavior will be unreasonable in the international community and will be ridiculed by others, which will ruin the high-quality Korn Ferry International image that I have built over the years.

In a word, the summary is that it makes the bad things worse.

But winning the lottery is different.

This belonged to him who was lucky enough to win a lottery and chose to travel to other countries, and it had nothing to do with them! !
"Hurry up and contact the other party! No matter what, you must complete this task for me!!"

Boss Tian gave the order to die!
There are more and more bad things to be faced next, and this major trouble must be cleaned up first! !
"Understood the boss, let's get in touch right away!"

The secretary nodded and left immediately.

Instead, she remembered that Zhang Lingtian had a shopping experience of buying a thermos in Ginza yesterday, which would definitely allow him to win a big prize in the name of shopping!

Then send the other party out!
As for which country he wants to go to, it's fine, even if it's Eagle Sauce! !
Who told the other party to cheat them.

Get a hot potato over here.

At this time, the public opinion of the foot pot chicken is on the rise.

"Come on, in fact, there is nothing wrong with joining the rabbit. Aren't we a vassal state of the other party hundreds of years ago? To put it bluntly, we are also vassals of Boss Jiang Jiang now, just with a different father."

"It's the dignitaries who control the country from the beginning to the end, so that's it for the poor people, it doesn't matter who you join, anyway, I think it's good for me to live, but if this chrysanthemum caters to the current culture of the rabbit, it's really not very good Nice to hear."

The originally high-profile pep talk turned into a farce, and the scene was cut off by itself.

Everyone felt as uncomfortable as if they had been slapped in the face!
At this moment, the foot pot chicken singing funeral has completely awakened.

At this time, there was no need for Zhan You's comrades to enter the stage, they took the initiative to sing the funeral.

And it also attracted a large number of people.

These people also said that chrysanthemums are really bad.

Of course, it sounds good in their country, it is the national flower after all.

But don’t you want to join other people’s rabbits? Chrysanthemums are no longer holy in some cultures of rabbits.

If someone asks you where you are from, and you introduce yourself from Chrysanthemum with a serious face, you may hold back a smile on the other side!
"You traitors!!!"

"Exactly! We managed to stand up, and you actually said to go back to be someone else's Chrysanthemum Province! Can you have some backbone!!"

"That's right, our great National Soul Society was indeed bombed, the [-]th-dan karate Ronin Yamashita was indeed headshot by a balcony, and Mr. Seimei Tsuchimi, the onmyoji, was indeed burnt to half-cooked, but you guys Are you discouraged just like that? What about the warrior spirit of our national soul!"

I don't know if it's because they hate iron but not steel, or if the comrades from Zhanyou Bureau are playing tricks.

It was obviously a word of encouragement, but I felt like laughing inexplicably.

Rare! !

Co-authored to treat others as steaks.

"I don't know if there are any foreign forces upstairs, but there is one thing I want to say is that we are not professional experts in the drill, and the results of the analysis must have errors. Did the other party really develop this kind of super ammunition? As for sinking a ship, there is no proof now! Why do people prefer to believe outsiders rather than our country?"

"That's right! Boss Tian hasn't spoken yet! This thing suspended the live broadcast for other reasons! Can you let the bullets fly for a while so you don't jump to conclusions so early, it's easy to hit yourself in the face!"

"There are traitors inside!!!"

Early in the morning, the foot pot chicken online forum is indeed very exciting.

Many surrendered.

But more of them are condemners and believers in the country!

After all, Boss Tian hasn't spoken yet, so why are they all shouting.

Don't you guys know better than Boss Tian?

"Oh, it's useless, since our country has been supported by some people with this sissy culture, now people have come to Zhang Lingtian from Ping'an Baishipu. You have to raise the white flag and surrender. After that, other people's cavalry will step into us. Are you going to kneel down to greet me? A bunch of trash!!”

"If I were still young, I would have taken a knife to the streets and stabbed Zhang Lingtian to death, and it would be his turn to be arrogant here. This is a chance to become a national hero and be passed down through the ages!!"

In the various group chats.

This topic has naturally become a hot topic of discussion.

Many people also have an angry attitude, especially the older ones.

After all, the rabbits let Zhang Lingtian come over without a single soldier, and they all sang bad words and died.

Isn't this a joke for people to see!

In the final analysis, it was the sissy who was supported back then that made the young people of today have no backbone!

If they were young, they would really go up and kill each other with a knife!
This is not a joke, but it can really be done!
"We young people really can't do it. Now this Mr. Zhang is on the 52nd floor of the Ginza Universal Hotel. The senior can now squat him downstairs and stab him with a knife. I think your location is only 10 minutes away from Ginza. drive."

This is a large local group, and naturally there are many young people in it.

Although they live in the house.

But I won't teach you old men a lesson in vain!

Contemporary society is full of malice towards young people like them!

You can't get married, you can't buy a house, why are you saying that you are soft-boned when you are a fat house with a dimensional girlfriend at home?Not for the country?

This is a social problem!
If the house is released and the car is released, life is happy and happy, and if someone dares to destroy their life like this, they will rush straight away with a knife! !

Is it your turn to criticize here?
"Oh, am I wrong! You young people have no backbone!!"

The old man didn't expect that someone would dare to insult him, so he became angry immediately.

In this dignified place, he is the elder, so it's your turn to speak for the junior?

"Senior, you have so much backbone and are so close, then go directly!"

The young man replied not to be outdone.

"I'm not old!!!"

"But you're only 50 years old!"

"50 years old is too old, if I want to be younger, I will definitely go!!"

"You can go now! Even if you can't be killed, you can prove that you still have courage!"

"I...you! Pfft!!"


some debate.

The old man on the opposite side didn't hear anything after the last voice, and only heard the faint sound of blood spurting.

And in Jiaopenji, many group chats have similar things going on.

Of course, many people are waiting for the official reply, because that is the most reliable.

eight o'clock.

"Hello everyone, our exercise with Jiangjiang Country this time went very smoothly, but because the next part of the military exercise involved some classified weapons, our live broadcast was cut off, I hope you will not be deceived by foreign forces and spread rumors Utai, you just need to remember that our drills did not go wrong!"

Boss Tian released a televised speech at this time, and said categorically!

After all, the public opinion is soaring, if you don't take the time to explain, the social order will really be collapsed by the rabbit alone!
In that case, it really makes people laugh out loud.

"Have you heard that, you soft-legged shrimps? There is nothing wrong! Everyone has fallen into the conspiracy of the opposite rabbit! We must unite to condemn it!!"

Boss Tian's explanation has been supported by the critics!

And said to unite to condemn the rabbits!

"I just said it's impossible. Jiangjiang country's military strength is very strong, no matter how bad it is, it won't blow up our ammunition depot!"

"Who reported before that our ammunition depot exploded and the ship sank. Could it be foreign forces!!"

At this moment, many people regained their confidence.

Fanran woke up.

Those things before must have been done by foreign forces, which probably led them into a black hole of public opinion!
"As for the shipwreck incident that everyone said did not happen, and we think this kind of rhetoric is ridiculous, what kind of drill will cause the sinking of one's own ship? How poor is this military strength!
Here, I want to tell everyone that we have always maintained a close ally relationship with the Jiangjiang country, but if anyone or any organization wants to destroy or divide the land, then the Bacon surrounding our country will give it a heavy blow! "

Boss Tian explained some of the people's greatest concerns, and at the same time mocked who said they had sunk the ship.

Isn't this a joke!

"Yeah, how could a warship collide and sink, what kind of brain would believe such a thing."

"After all, there are more than [-] million people. It's normal to have a few idiots, isn't it?"

"If you don't listen to the official information, listen to the gossip. I'm convinced."

Boss Tian's words were catered to by many people.

"Finally, this is an era of science. The Onmyo School in our country is just one of the more outstanding traditional schools. Mr. Tsuchimi Seimei also died in an accident when he was old. The account was canceled because they wanted to practice hard.

So it's not because of Zhang Lingtian. Besides, hot weapons are the most fundamental guarantee of a country now. He is just an ordinary person with flesh and blood! ! "

After half an hour of his televised speech.

The restless emotions of many people finally settled down.

They finally believed in Boss Tian and the country again.

But they didn't think of it.

The self-confidence I had just picked up lasted only an hour, and it collapsed again with the hot search.

Of course, this is something.



Zhang Lingtian's cell phone rang.

"Hey, this is the Ping An funeral shop, if you need to mourn..."

"Mr. Zhang! No need! No need!!!"

He had just woken up when he received a call.

Just as he habitually uttered the slogan of Baishipu, he suddenly said with some excitement on the other end of the phone.

This is Boss Tian's secretary.

Full name is Suzuki Kyoko.

She is also a non-superstitious person.

But there is a saying, you don't have to believe it, but you can't really rush to test it.

Give an immature example.

It's like a gun.

You don't have to believe that there are bullets in other people's guns.

But you will not be so stupid as to hold this gun on your forehead and pull the trigger to prove that there is no bullet!

Just in case!
Wouldn't the brain be cracked with one shot?

So for such a gun!

We can shout that there are no bullets, but we must not try it on our own foreheads.

To try is also on others.

"Er... Miss, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing the other party's words, Zhang Lingtian smelled like chicken feet, and immediately asked.

The world he is in now.

Because of the frequent communication, there is basically no big obstacle in the language area.

But because of regional reasons.

When speaking the language of a certain place, there is always a special taste of the region.

It's like the third brother always smells like curry when he speaks the language.

When I said three times that something would happen to me, so did Xiaojing-kun, who protected the lord.

As soon as he heard it, he recognized that he was from the Rabbit Country.

After all, how could a person with a foot pot be so standard, if he could really be so standard, then he would have a high opinion of him.

"It's like this, Mr. Zhang, you bought a thermos from us yesterday, right? We have some good news for you."

Suzuki Kyoko on the phone pretended to be Ginza's customer service, speaking in a gentle voice at the moment.

"What good news?"

Zhang Lingtian asked with some doubts when he heard this.

"It's like this, the invoice you printed for the vacuum flask you bought in our store yesterday happened to win the first prize in the anniversary event of Ginza Plaza, and you will be rewarded with 17 sauce yuan and global travel! The deadline for claiming the prize is this afternoon Before 00:[-], please hurry up!!"

Suzuki Kyoko specially set a time to receive the award in order to send away the god of plague early.

At the same time, there are [-] sauce yuan.

Note, this is sauce yuan not chicken yuan!
One sauce yuan is worth their seven rabbit yuan. Of course, if it is converted into their chicken yuan, the amount will be even greater.

One sauce yuan is equal to seven rabbit yuan and equals 130 to 130 chicken yuan, which is equivalent to [-] million in settlement with their money.

In short, with so much money, the other party has no reason not to come.

"Win the lottery again??"

Zhang Lingtian frowned when he heard this.

Are you so lucky?

But why does this feel so familiar?
"Yes sir, this is not a scam call. For details, you can directly come to the store where you bought the thermos in Ginza yesterday for consultation. We are all there before 17:00 and can receive the prize. Of course, it is best if you come in the morning. "

Hearing that she won the lottery again, Suzuki Kyoko thought she had been misunderstood as a scam call, so she hurriedly said.

"That's it, okay, come here right away."

Just woke up.

Then go and get some money.

"Welcome sir!!"

Suzuki Kyoko came with a smile on her face, what else can she not handle?Simply search vaguely! !

"Sir! Opportunity to travel around the world! Don't you want it!!!"

Xingzi, who was wearing a black suit and a black silk hip skirt, was holding Zhang Lingtian's hand.

His eyes were full of bewilderment and incredulity.

The other party actually took away [-] yuan without intending to ask for tickets to travel around the world!
Isn't this crooked!

Traveling is the key!
What if she just left her mission! !

"Thank you Miss Kyoko, we are not interested in traveling around the world for the time being, so this option will not be filled in."

Zhang Lingtian said to Miss Xingzi at this moment.

There are two steps to claiming an award.

One is to receive money.

The second is to fill in the places where you plan to travel.

Ginza helped book air tickets.

But Zhang Lingtian just came here to collect the money at the moment, forget about traveling and the like, he was not interested from the beginning to the end.

"Sir!! This is a trip around the world, you can go to any country in the world! And the expenses are all included, and you will stay in star-rated hotels! And our Ginza will give you a quota of 100 million sauce yuan, you are in that country You can shop anywhere!!!”

Xingzi pulled Zhang Lingtian.

Can't go! !

Boss Tian's serious expression is in her mind now!

This matter must be done! ! !
"But I'm not really interested."

Zhang Lingtian took the money and took two steps outside.

"Sir! I see, you are not used to living alone, right! It's okay, we now provide escort services for Jiaopenji, and we can also provide you with an escort! If you get along well, you can even break through the barriers further La!!!"

Kyoko knows! !

He must be single!
So it may be that I am lonely and do not want to go!
She also checked, and the other party lived alone in their country for such a long time!
Then provide escorts! !
Let each other's heart be warmer in this autumn than in summer! !
"Escort? Forget it. If there's nothing else, Miss Kyoko, I'll leave first."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect it.

There is actually an escort service here, is it so obvious? !

"Mr. Zhang!!!"

Xingzi is in a hurry! !
He rushed up and hugged Zhang Lingtian's hand.


Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

"Mr. Zhang! I, I also like to travel around the world. I really envy you. Please accept it and take me with you!!!"

Suzuki Kyoko is also a beauty in her own right.

At this time, he pulled Zhang Lingtian's hand with a winking look. A 28-year-old single man must not be able to stand up to a big beautiful woman acting like a baby.

Women, it is not shameful to be good at using your own capital! !

Anyway, let's just follow along, trick the other party to other countries and she will sneak back! !

And at that time, the other party refused to enter their country if they wanted to enter their country again!

"Then I'll give this opportunity to you, Miss Kyoko."

"But I can't go without you!!"

"That's embarrassing."


That man, let's go!
He left early in the morning with one hundred thousand yuan in sauce!

Xingzi was stuck in place in a daze!
She stomped her feet in anger, she didn't play like this! !

hotel restaurant.

"Boss! Have you received the message! We won the lottery again!!!"

Li Tiantian is showing the information on the phone at the moment.

"You also received the message?"

There was a puzzled look in Zhang Lingtian's eyes.

"Yeah, it says congratulations to Ping An Shishipu, we have won 10 yuan in sauce dollars and a chance to travel around the world with full reimbursement."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Boss, our luck is really against the sky! Who said you are a bad luck god! You are simply a lucky star!!!"

Li Tiantian was gearing up.

Travel the world for free.

Not to specify a certain place.

"Boss, are you really going?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked.

She hadn't thought of it before.

But now she felt inexplicably familiar.

It was almost exactly the same as the scene they encountered when they were in Wanda, and there was publicity information on the Internet as early as possible.

"Of course I went, I got all the money back."

Zhang Lingtian took out one hundred thousand sauce coins from his bag.




The three looked at him in unison.

"Someone gives us money for nothing, we can't refuse it."

In the same routine, if you do it once, you don't know it. If you do it twice, you are either pretending to be stupid or being really stupid.

So Zhang Lingtian decided to collect the money first! !
Anyway, they have printed out the advertisements, so it is impossible to get the money back.

"So boss we are now forced to embark on a global tour?"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up.

This happiness came too suddenly.

There was really no preparation at all, so it started like this.

"Boss, shouldn't you just take the money?"

Suddenly, a bold idea popped up in Jiang Xiaohan's mind!

"Of course, what kind of travel is it? Isn't the money good?"

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

Since the little assistant can see it, why can't he see it? There is a lot of currency in the country of [-] Jiangjiang. It is really comfortable to go out to play and get money. It's a pity that the gang of foot pot chickens are too cautious and make a big deal out of a molehill.

"I knew it."

Jiang Xiaohan showed a sweet expression in his smile.

She has been with the boss for so many years, and found that the other party's personality is the kind that it is okay to come out to play.

But it's impossible to stay outside all the time.

So the foot pot chicken can't reproduce Wan Da's routine.

The other party is purely losing his wife and losing his army.

But foot pot chicken!

Can cheat a little bit!
never mind.

[10. Boss Zhang won the lottery again, starting a trip around the world again? 】


Because of the previous promotion of the foot pot chicken, Zhang Lingtian and the others were on the news again at this time.

"Hahaha, that's great, Boss Zhang, go outside and win glory for the country!"

"It's too exciting, so which place will Boss Zhang and the others choose to travel this time?"

"Win the lottery? Travel around the world??"

"Hey, why does this scene feel so familiar? Did you use it at home before!! @色葱"

"Brother, it seems that it is true!!"

"Comrade Xiao Wang, I suddenly realized that you are quite prescient!"


Everyone suddenly found out.

This seems to be leftover from Comrade Xiao Wang's house!

After all, this routine is too familiar.

Hit the lottery, get hyped, travel the world.

[Tearing Onion: This is a normal event of our Wanda, and there is no plan to let Lord Yan go out to harm others. Please don't spread rumors, thank you. 】

However, Brother Onion quickly came out to refute the rumors.

Indicates that this is normal activity.

There is no other meaning in it.

Do not misunderstand! !
[Little Wang: Heh, it's all left over from playing!No new tricks?No wonder others can accept such an old-fashioned way! 】

After half an hour.

Little Wang released a scarf.

"Hahaha, finally squatting on you!!"

"Xiao Wang! How dare you say that you are not tearing onions!!"

"It's indeed the rest of you Wanda's play, you boy is really big!!"

"You are the national hero, Brother Onion! You have successfully turned the King of Hades from evil to righteousness!"

Xiao Xiaowang only has a few thousand fans, mainly because he has set up not to follow.

In fact, many people are squatting on him!
Sure enough, I squatted!

"Little Wang: No, what are you talking about, what are you talking about? I've been complaining about a certain novel and haven't come up with new tricks, so how can others accept it!!"

Speaking of which, this little Wang even posted a novel to prove his innocence! !

"Pfft——, you already have the means to kill yourself!"

"Good guy, you've worked hard to get rid of the relationship!"

"Speaking of which, the press conference this morning was postponed for an hour. I don't know if it has started yet."

It is ten o'clock in the morning.

The press conference originally planned to be held at [-] o'clock was postponed for an hour due to certain events.

At this time, reporters from various countries were sitting in the venue.

"The behavior of the rabbit has seriously violated the conventions of promoting world peace and development!"

"That's right, the foot pot chickens have become like this. We don't believe that there is nothing wrong with Zhang Lingtian! Rabbit, as a member of the council, signed the peace and development treaty at the beginning, and must abide by it now!!"

"That's why I suggest making a big fuss in a short while. It's best to convene an international joint conference, and then broadcast it live, gather the power of the whole world to make the rabbit submit, and honestly lock Zhang Lingtian up!!"

"I said rabbits are shameless, but when did you chickens become so shameless? Is this award serious! Global travel! You are a disaster to the world!!"

Everyone reached a united front.

In a while, I will label the rabbit as a threat to world peace.

But the foot pot chicken should be scolded or scolded! !
After all, this is a typical behavior of the opponent to harm his teammates!
"I'm lucky, what can I do?"

The reporter with the foot pot chicken spread his hands.


Bai Qiguo is angry!

After all, he is called the capital of romance.

What if someone else came to him?
The Big Bang Empire was also very annoyed.

Although this little brother was ignored a hundred years ago.

But now it's getting bouncy!


As for the eagle sauce, it is as stable as an old dog.

After all, it is impossible for the younger brother to cheat the elder brother.

They also arranged a quick drill to show their muscles in order to frighten the rabbit.

"Ahem, I heard about chickens, what happened to your rehearsal?"

At this time, only the reporter from Xiong Xiongguo approached with a smile on his face.

"What happened, don't talk nonsense!"

The reporter of the foot pot chicken took a peevish look after hearing this.

Because the reporters who came this time belonged to the official news agency.

Not your average reporter.

"I knew it by looking at your expression. Something must have happened, right? The ship sank, right? And the explosion was in the direction of the ammunition depot. I heard that there was a small problem on the mothership."

Reporters from Xiong Xiong Kingdom came over.

With a wicked smirk.

"Hi everyone, the press conference can be postponed but will never be absent. I am Li Zhao."

At this time, Brother Zhao took the stage.

"Heh, it was delayed for an hour, thinking about how to make it up!!"

The reporter of the foot pot chicken ignored the reporter of Xiong Xiong Guo next to him, and suddenly muttered a few words angrily.

"Hi Mr. Spokesperson, what do you think of the recent joint chicken and eagle drill?"

After brother Zhao made an opening remark, before he had prepared thousands of words and wanted to speak against brother's slamming chicken, Xiong Xiongguo spoke first in the next second.


The reporter of the foot pot chicken is dumbfounded! !
The other reporters were also very confused!
Doesn't this bear always keep its mouth shut?
Is the sun coming out in the west today?

"I believe everyone has seen the news. Yingjiang and Jiaopanji openly violated the "Peace" convention and conducted drills in nearby waters. We are shocked by this! Angry! Strong condemnation! And unbelievable!!"

Brother Zhao suddenly became very serious!

The reporters of Foot Pot Chicken and Eagle Sauce were stunned.

You must know that their reporters didn't get any benefits before, but now they are all reporters in disguise as the vice-chairman of the press spokesperson!
To make things difficult for the rabbit.

Occupy the high ground of public opinion! !
After all, in today's society, public opinion is a very important battlefield.

It turned out that the other party actually condemned it! !
"Nowadays is an era of peace when the world structure is stable. The two countries actually have ulterior motives, and it is even rumored that they have developed a super killer that can produce mushroom clouds with ordinary missiles! It's really heartbreaking! We hope that both sides will destroy these missiles as soon as possible and be responsible for world peace! !"

Brother Zhao continued.


The two were shouting in their hearts! !

Others don't know, you don't know that is the location of their ammunition depot?

The spokesperson of the foot pot chicken was angry.

Co-authored to disgust them here!
"I hope that the foot pot chicken and eagle sauce must explain and apologize for this drill that endangers the safety of marine life and the lives of the people!!"

Brother Zhao looked at the reporter with Foot Pot Chicken and Eagle Sauce.

"Mr. Spokesman, how can we endanger the lives of your people when we practice on our territory? And you also want to say about the fish bombing drill? It's too wide! Then you just draw the sea line 120 kilometers and count it. Already!!"

The reporter of the foot pot chicken stood up and replied directly.

She made adequate preparations today.

It is bound to snipe down the rabbit's tower of public opinion, so as to reverse the situation!
"How can a mother ship full of radiation sources not harm marine life? 120 nautical miles is not impossible. It is said that many netizens who have seen legged chickens recently discussed the name change. Here we are in the rabbit country We say that we are a country that respects the wishes of the people, and we will never do things that endanger the lives of the people, such as stopping a ship full of radiation sources at the port, or even organizing people to visit it."


When these words came out, it completely exploded! !

"You are framing!!"

As for the reporter, although he didn't vomit blood, his endocrine disorder was already excited because of hearing this!

"Don't get excited about the reporter. If there is any false accusation, just ask the people on the ship and you will know?"

Looking at the excited female reporter, Brother Zhao answered unhurriedly at this moment.

"Hahaha, this drill is awesome!!"

"Yan Wang did an excellent job!!"

"I didn't expect today's explosive news to be known from Brother Zhao."

The press conference will of course be broadcast live.

Looking at the foot pot chicken that almost ran away in place, remember, everyone is in such a good mood.

At the same time, I also think that the foot pot chicken and the eagle sauce are completely funny.

This kind of thing can still happen with a practice.

International Forum.

"What does the spokesperson on the rabbit side mean? What is the radiation source that the other party is talking about?"

"I don't know, did something happen to the mothership?"

"I only know that the captain was changed last time. It seems that the previous captain discovered some secrets that cannot be spread."

"Let me just say, there must be a problem! Otherwise, the drill wouldn't end so soon!"

"Impossible, is the rabbit deliberately disturbing us!"

on the forum.

Netizens from all over the world chatted.

【4. Rabbit press conference】

The matter quickly spread to the foot pot chicken.

What Brother Zhao said was also cut.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

[Boss Tian: Please don’t be fooled by the rabbits, they are disturbing the hearts of the people, and there is no leakage of the mothership. Our drill will be broadcast on the military channel later. 】

Boss Tian, ​​who only saw this time, quickly came out to refute the rumors.

"Sure enough, this rabbit is the real one to kill!!"

"Damn rabbit! Bewitching people!!"

"I think they are just jealous that we have such a good brother, with such a strong relationship, how could the other party harm us!!!"

The boss has personally come out to refute the rumors, so how could everyone not believe it.

So they blamed the rabbits.

Said that they are jealous that they have a good brother.

【Core Group of Zhanyou Bureau】

"Brothers, send out the finished materials! Today we will hold the high ground of public opinion!"

The comrades of Zhanyou Bureau started to do it now, and the first thing they sent was a dynamic picture taken from the screenshot of the switching screen today.

"Boss, can you explain this?"

However, it didn't take long to refute the rumor, and it exploded again.

For the foot pot chicken, I don’t know who found the picture of the accident during the drill this morning.

Although blurry, you can basically see that a ship has sunk.


Boss Tian looked at the hot search that went directly to the top with black lines all over his head, mainly because this incident happened too unexpectedly today.

So the speed is a little slower when switching.

In the end, I didn't expect that someone actually found this picture and made it into a dynamic picture.

Isn't this slapping him in the face! !
[Boss Tian: Don’t worry, everyone. There will definitely be a little accident during the drill. We also have indicators and everything is under control. The rabbit's conspiracy, our country will never allow a leaked mothership to stay in our port, so everyone must rest assured! 】

no way.

Boss Tian can only bite the bullet and refute the rumors again.

However, Boss Tian didn't expect it.

He just refuted the rumor.

A picture of the soldiers on the ship was posted again, and it became a trending search.

"I can't remember how many days I was up there. I only know that they disregarded life, and told us to stay here if they leaked it, and told us to do some drills! I have a headache, vomiting, nausea, back pain, no one cares. !!"

This dynamic picture once again caused an unprecedented explosion.

The people are completely crazy! !
"Who the hell is this! Can you put all the news at once! You're messing with me on purpose!!"

Boss Tian in the office is very angry, how can this be explained! !

They have no fear of what the rabbit said because they can completely say that the other party is false, and the people of this country naturally do not believe in the rabbit.

But now it's the soldiers on the mothership talking about this kind of thing, how do you think this public opinion will be eliminated?

【1. Zhang Lingtian】

【2. Is the leak accident real? 】

[3. Dabing's dynamics are exposed]

【4. Boss Tian refuted the rumors】

【5. There will always be some surprises in the drill】


Soon these series of events rushed to the hot search list of foot pot chicken.

Zhang Lingtian once again staged history and once again took the top spot with one person.

At the same time, his name even appeared at the top of the hot search list.

Of course, it was zero days! !
After all, I have been here for a few days, and there has never been an accident for more than 24 hours! !

"Yan Wang, this is the real Yama!!"

"Think about it, even a country as strict as Jiangjiang has such an accident, how can you tell me to believe in science!!"

"I've already run away, and I feel that we will never be able to be at peace here!"

"Hurry up and run, I'm ready to run too."

"Shangxiang, give me a bow."

"I don't have any incense, so I took three cigarettes. I hope that Mr. Huo Yan Wang will show mercy, and we will definitely not resist!!"

"Brother Hades, hurry up and start a reward, we will pay you a tribute! Please restrain yourself!!"

The netizens of the foot pot chicken were completely frightened.

Those who run away run away, those who burn incense burn incense.

However, on this night, Zhang Lingtian and the others boarded the plane back home.

Ten o'clock at night.

After learning that Zhang Lingtian and the others had gone back.

The foot pot chicken is boiling! !

This great god has finally left, the past few days when the other party came to their side is simply purgatory on earth! !

"Thanks to Baqi Daxian for his blessing, I finally sent Zhang Lingtian away."

"I think Mr. Tsuchimi Seimei must have gone down there, and then asked the Yin Yang ancestors to seek justice for us!"

"Ah——, this death tour group has finally left. I don't know why, but now I suddenly feel that the air I breathe is sweet!!!"

"Finally I can be myself again! Fuck Hades Zhang Lingtian! Get out of our land forever!!"

"Look at you all being scared! Isn't that just a brat with no hair yet?!"

Zhang Lingtian has left, and the people of the foot pot chicken are celebrating!

Some excited people even cursed directly.

However, they didn't notice that the volcano that they admired in the past was smoking...

 The number of charged words in this chapter is 8800, but the actual number of words is 9900. The extra 1100 words are free for me to add later. No need to thank the author. It is the author’s luck to get everyone’s love and keep reading and voting. If you can’t send it, just send some words.

I hope everyone will give the author more monthly votes for recommendation, hahaha~, it would be even better if there are big bosses to reward~~
(End of this chapter)

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