I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 94 Destroy the dead, the doomsday escape!

Chapter 94 Destroy the dead, the doomsday escape!

This is the holy mountain of foot pot chicken, but it is also the most dangerous mountain in chicken country!

Because it is an active volcano, it has erupted 18 times in recorded history, and each eruption caused a huge disaster.

"call out--"

At ten o'clock in the night, the fiery red light surged, and many nearby families saw thick smoke billowing, and the observation station also picked up the red phone that represented the highest emergency level.

"What the hell! That volcano is about to erupt?!"

At ten o'clock in the evening, Boss Tian, ​​who was tired all day, was shocked when he received a call from the observation station!
Didn't it mean that it is still relatively stable in the short term? This is the situation just reported a few days ago!

It turned out that due to the increasingly active geological activities on the mountain and its surroundings, Boss Tian instructed experts from the three nearby counties of Shanli, Jingbang, and Kanagawa to form a volcanic disaster prevention and response team to monitor the mountain.

Just two days ago, it was reported that it was temporarily stable, so why is there such a thick smoke tonight! !

【evening News】

"Good evening, viewers and friends, here is the evening news, and an important news is now delayed for 10 minutes."

Ten p.m.

Many people in the foot pot chicken just fell into a carnival, because ten o'clock was the time when Zhang Lingtian left the foot pot chicken.

News came out this evening, saying that the other party bought a return ticket, and the plane was at ten o'clock in the evening.

At that time, everyone forcibly suppressed the excitement in their hearts, worried that the other party would change the ticket or refund the ticket.

And when there was no news of the refund at [-] o'clock in the evening, and the person on the same flight said that the other party had already boarded the plane, everyone was excited! !
On the streets of Foot Pot Chicken, almost all the shops are lighting up.

Without him.

Because the customers keep coming.

A small shop, a glass of sake, and a serving of sushi.

Food court, some BBQ, some beer.

In short, tonight is a fun word.

After all, the plague god is gone, is happiness still far away from them?
Too many things happened when he was there, and even their belief in the politicians represented by Boss Tian collapsed.

After all, they deceived the public over and over again. Of course, they also knew that the other party was trying to avoid causing panic among the public, but wouldn't such deceiving the public represent dishonesty?

It is justifiable once or twice, but the repeated deception, the credibility does not drop to the freezing point.

Suddenly, while everyone was carnival, the surrounding TVs were directly broadcast to the evening news.

"Urgent news?"

"The kid is gone, what urgent news can there be?"

Everyone is not serious about drinking.

"Indeed, what is more urgent than Zhang Lingtian leaving our country, it is impossible for Fushishan to spray it, hahaha~"

There were also people pouring beer with sneers on their faces.

"Do you think it is possible that the plane exploded by itself, and the news reminded us to watch the big fireworks?"

"Ono-kun, you can tell me whether your idea is good or bad, but I also want to watch the big fireworks, hahaha~"

"Come on, gentlemen, let's have a toast for the fireworks!!"

Various shops such as small bars, barbecue stalls, and custom shops are re-enacting the same scene at the moment.

Everyone was joking, but they really wanted to watch the fireworks in their hearts. It would be great if there were warriors on the plane who blew themselves up. They must have poured a glass of wine on the ground to respect each other.

"According to the latest detection news today, Mount Ukiyo reacted violently at 21:48 this evening. The most authoritative geological expert Ogawa Daji pointed out that it will usher in the first eruption moment in 300 years."

The host on TV looked dignified!


"Code-washing card——"

"Bagaya Road—"

Stunned for a second.

In the next second, everyone exploded! !

It's really Mount Ukiyo! !
So it's not the fireworks in the sky, but they want to become the fireworks in the sky!

Could it be the wrath of Hades? !

At this moment, many people have a terrifying thought in their hearts.

After all, it's too coincidental. It's exactly ten o'clock in the evening when it's time to take off, and the volcano is smoking. You say it's nothing to do with the other party. You have to believe in science, Sister Keni! !
So how do you explain this?

Oh accident? ?
Put everyone's IQ on the ground and rub it!
How many accidents have happened during the four or five days that the other party came here.

The most admired place on the first day exploded.

The murderer has not been found so far.

The next day, Yamashita Ronin, who had the eyes-opening Yamata no Orochi tattooed on his back, ordered the tough and powerful Ronin Yamashita to challenge the so-called ordinary citizen Boss Zhang.

As a result, he was directly crushed to death by the collapsed balcony at a distance of 100 meters from the opponent!
The brain has to be reshaped.

As for the open-eyed Yamata no Orochi, the beautician who handled the body said that the entire skin on the other side's back was torn apart.

Like a rag.

The eight heads of Yamata no Orochi were cut open.

Of course, this is a rumor and there is no truth or falsehood.

But what if it was true?

The official explanation is that the balcony of the old building collapsed due to a slight earthquake and too many heavy objects on the balcony, which accidentally hit Mr. Ronin Yamashita.

There is nothing wrong with a single event in this way.

At that time, everyone believed in it.

But now looking back at the whole thing, if you still think it was an accident, then you are really out of your mind.

After all, who can create so many accidents in a few days! !
Especially the onmyoji is very familiar!
The rehearsal has been performed very well before, but this time after the opponent came, various problems appeared.

The first was the sinking of one ship.

Finally, the king exploded and leaked.

Regardless of whether it was the day or not, it had something to do with Zhang Lingtian anyway! !

Especially now that Fushishan is about to be sprayed again, how scientific is this?

Believe the rabbit's nonsense, massive accidents?That's even more unreliable than Boss Tian! !

"The latest news is that Ukiyo-san's geological activities are extremely frequent and there is a possibility of eruption at any time. Mr. Ogawa Daji speculates that at least [-] people will need to evacuate due to the impact of the lava flow. It is best to evacuate on foot to avoid confusion, because driving is prone to traffic jams."

The news broadcast host's remarks continued.

Fushishan is located in the south, very close to the east exit of the capital.

Once it erupts, it is bound to affect the entire Dongkou metropolitan area.

At least 3700 million people live in this area, accounting for 1/3 of the entire country's population.

Its GDP is as high as more than 2 trillion yuan.

The GDP of Bear Country, Maple Leaf Country, Kangaroo and other countries is much higher, and it has long been considered the most economically developed region in the world.

And if there is a large-scale eruption of Mount Ukiyo, this area will be greatly affected, ranging from the rapid halving of the population and GDP, to the severe case of being covered by volcanic ash.

Throughout history.

330 years ago, Mount Ukiyo spewed out about 8 million cubic meters of volcanic ash and lava flows.

Its surroundings were covered by volcanic ash, and the sun was not seen for 16 days.

The volcanic ash in Dongkou City was tens of centimeters thick, and tens of thousands of people died.


No more alcohol, the boss is packing up!

A group of people rushed home frantically! !

Experts advise not to drive, to walk?Let your sister go! !

Why don't you experts walk!
So everyone is now in a state of contempt for the advice of experts.

Who doesn't know that there will be traffic jams later.

But what about the early stage! !

Drive first, run first, be safe! !
One past ten.

A car speeds down the road.

It's like a doomsday escape!

After all, volcanic magma is devastating.

Wherever you go, let alone people on land, even reasonable water will be boiled for you!

"Gentlemen and ladies, you are welcome to take flight A288 of Jiaopenji Airlines. This flight is bound for Rabbit Country Shenzhou International Airport. Now the plane will take off soon. Please sit down, fasten your seat belt, and put it away." Seat backs and tray tables, make sure your carry-on items are properly stowed in the overhead luggage rack or under the seat."

The plane is about to take off.

The huge engine has started humming.

"call out--"

The piercing sound pierced the sky.

The plane went straight to the sky above the foot pot chicken!
However a few minutes later.

The plane is boiling! !

"It's smoking!!!"

"God! What's going on!!"

"Has the end come?"

The four of them were still sitting in first class.

A sudden exclamation caught their attention!
Zhang Lingtian and the others looked outside.

The most beautiful Mount Ukiyo in the mouth of Jiaopenji is now billowing with thick smoke.

Because it just took off.

You can even see a car stuck on the highway.

Although there is no sound.

But they guessed that there must be an explosion of trumpets at the scene! !
"Boss, so this time it's not that some of the customers who made a previous reservation for Baishipu left unexpectedly? It's that you want to enjoy the big fireworks at high altitude??"

Li Tiantian came back to her senses.

That pair of eyes looked at Zhang Lingtian incredulously, with some inexplicable excitement in the shock.

In the afternoon, the boss said that he had received a domestic call. An old customer who had booked before died suddenly and unexpectedly asked them to go back to hold the funeral.

So I let Miss Xiaohan directly buy a plane ticket at night and take the ten o'clock plane back home.

There are often such lists for Baishipu.

For example, if a family member is critically ill, come to book a funeral shop in advance and ask to prepare for the funeral at that time, so as not to be too hasty.

Or hope to make the funeral of the family members more grand.

After all, as I said first, Baishipu is prepared, and it will be arranged when the time comes.

If you don't say it in advance, you can only follow the routine.

Even some things can't be done.

Of course, apart from the ones where the family members are critically ill, there are also those that are reserved for themselves.

For example, the order that the boss said now is the order that I ordered for myself.

The old man was alone, suffering from advanced cancer, and felt that he would not survive for long. He was worried that no one would take care of the affairs behind him, or even a straw mat, so he came to Baishipu to make an appointment in advance.

This time they received a call from the hospital using the old man's mobile phone.

He said that he was already in critical condition, and he was only holding his last breath.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that the Baishi shop is being built outside the group, and this kind of matter can be handled by other stores.

After all, there are several funeral shops on their street.

Although there is competition among Baishipu, most of them are doing their own business diligently, waiting for customers to come to their door.

If the boss transfers the business, I believe the bosses of other funeral shops will also readily accept it.

However, I didn't expect the boss to choose to go back directly.

There is really no sloppy.

Before, she thought, why the boss is such a workaholic and doesn't have a girlfriend.

This is a phone call in the foot pot chicken tour, and you have to go back first.

Now she realizes that her status is low, the boss wants to go to the sky to enjoy the magnificent fireworks! !

"Li Tiantian, what admiration! The boss doesn't know about this kind of thing at all, okay!!!"

Su Wei winked at Li Tiantian frantically, and almost covered his mouth! !
in the cabin.


"He's fucking posting—"



It turned out that the cabin was full of wailing.

Some shouted for help, and some called for parents!
They stomped their feet like ants on a hot pan! !
If you are just gloating and wanting to provoke public outrage, just wait for the big fireworks in your heart! !

"Understand, understand!!"

As a young man who understands in seconds, Li Tiantian nodded frantically.

hold back!

Can't take the initiative to admit it!

This matter has nothing to do with the boss!
Believe in science!
Let Brother Zhao not drink walnut juice at tomorrow's press conference!
After all, countries like Foot Pot Chicken and Eagle Sauce always want to trouble their countries at the press conference.

She, Li Tiantian, is not a person with a dull mind, and she can figure it out without a little bit of it!

"That's right! Boss! You don't even know that he erupted this volcano himself!"

Su Wei continued to add.

"As we all know, this volcano was originally an active volcano. It has erupted 18 times in history, and the average interval between each eruption is about 100 years. However, more than 300 years have passed since the last major eruption of this mountain. From its eruption cycle It looks like it should have erupted a long time ago, so it's really normal to have an accidental eruption now, right, boss!"

Jiang Xiaohan gave a more perfect logic.

"Ah Wei! Applause!!!"

Li Tiantian applauded like a little girl, Miss Xiaohan deserves to be Miss Xiaohan.

What this said is really too level.

Indeed, it was originally an active volcano.

What does this have to do with their boss?

"call out--"

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of tea.

Silently peeled an orange.

What a coincidence! !
How can there be thick smoke billowing from Fushishan just after he boarded the plane, and now he feels that the system locked him in the car of Hades, and welded the door to prevent him from getting out of the car!
However, this time there won't really be a big wave brewing, right?

Zhang Lingtian frowned.

It's a pity that my ability can't be used in reality.

And as far as he knows, this is only valid in Douyin, for example, the character system on TV cannot be scanned, and he cannot scan some foreign video software.

But as long as it appears on Douyin, the system can automatically scan it.

It's amazing!

It's a pity that the plane is currently in the ascending stage, so let's open the international version of Douyin after the ascent is over and the flight is smooth.

To be honest, if it is sprayed, it is indeed the fate of the foot pot chicken, after all, that thing is alive, but he hopes that the other party will not spray it for the time being.

Because spraying it will not do any good to their country.

They also need to be on guard.

And just as they were rising, the international forum had exploded.

"Fushishan is about to spray, you tell me that the other party is an ordinary person?"

"You people from the Rabbit Country should do nothing. People who have mastered supernatural abilities are still pretending to be ordinary citizens here!!"

"Our volcano is about to erupt, please be happy! You are the executioners, the destroyers of this peaceful world! Although I am not in the country now, I believe that our compatriots in the country will not let you go if they are ghosts! Hurry up and call alive Hades stabilized the volcano!!"

The IDs of netizens in the crazy Aite Rabbit country.

"Hey, everyone in the chicken country is wrong. We are sorry for your volcanic eruption and express our condolences, but why do you blame Boss Zhang for your volcanic eruption?"

"That's right. There are no people with supernatural abilities in this world. They are all fake. You must believe in science."

"No, Boss Zhang is not, don't frame him!!"

However, in international forums, everyone frantically denied it.



"Yan Wang is awesome!!!"

"I never thought there would be such a day."

ten o'clock.

The barbecue stalls are in full swing.

The big screen that was originally playing the ball game switched back to the scene of black smoke rising from Mount Ukiyo.

【1. Mount Ukiyo may erupt】

Soon this matter also boarded the hot search.

"I've been waiting for several years, and I've always wondered why I didn't set off the record-breaking fireworks! No, Lord Yama is here, and so is he!!"

"I'm very glad that the people of Jiguo can watch the biggest fireworks show in the world for the last time. I hope that Mr. Yan Wang can take a picture on the plane to record this wonderful moment!"

"I can't restrain the joy in my heart! I decided that today our dumpling restaurant will be free!!"

"It's a good thing for the chickens, it can raise their altitude!"

"Wow~, this Yanyan is so beautiful, so romantic... huh? From Mount Ukiyo? Oh, my God, it's even more romantic, I love it, please make sure to watch it more!!"

"It's cool in early autumn, um~ people want to see big fireworks erupting from the land of chickens in the foot pot, how about it~"

"Ukishi-san: What we are focusing on here is a blockbuster if you don't sing, let's all stare at it, a big scene that happens once in 300 years."

More than ten o'clock.

This matter of national concern directly rushed to the top of the hot search list.

And the comments below are all like eating melons.

Although it is a neighbor across the sea.

But both sides can have festivals.

In addition, in the past, the chicken in the foot pot always looked down on them and belittled them in various ways.

Many netizens are still quite willing to watch the opponent raise the altitude.

"Asshole! Look at how happy your domestic forums are!!"

"Don't think we don't know, in your country of rabbits, he has been called the Living Hades!!"

International Forum.

People don't believe this ordinary citizen bullshit.

They questioned the netizens in Rabbit Country one after another! !
"Actually, how can I say this? How can there be such superpowers in this world? It is obvious that my own active volcano has erupted today, so how can I pour dirty water on others, right? Rabbit. —— IP Bear Country"

"Believe in science and actively respond to natural disasters, you are a chicken with your feet. - IP Baiqiguo"

"Although you are our little brothers from a hundred years ago, as the former big brother, I would like to tell you that Fushishan was sprayed by yourself, but it has nothing to do with Mr. Zhang. We must adhere to the scientific outlook! —— IP Daying Empire"

"The chicken side is strong, believe in science, you will be able to overcome difficulties, don't panic! —— IP Bang Bang Guo"

When the two sides were arguing fiercely, netizens from various countries spoke one after another, persuading the chickens to believe in science.

"Spray it yourself? Why didn't you spray it before and now you spray it! And how many accidents have happened to us in the past few days since he came here! Are you blind! If you believe in science, why don't you invite Death to visit you!!"

Did not expect other countries not only did not help them.

He was still standing next to him, looking like he was watching a play and mocking.

The netizens of the foot pot chicken were suddenly angry.

Since you say you believe in science, if you have the ability, invite each other to travel to your own country.

[Zhang Lingtian has been added to the blacklist! 】

One seal!
The information is blacked out!

Relevant departments in other countries quickly put Boss Zhang on the blacklist after this happened.

It's true that he said it happily, but he didn't care about what happened inside.

Anyway, I will find various reasons not to pass the next visa.

As for what you want to ask him, shouldn’t you believe in science?
Whether it is Baiqi, Daying, Bangbang, or Xiongxiongguo, they will answer you unanimously. We always believe in science.

And the scientific concept of development is also firmly in our hearts.

As for why Zhang Lingtian was blacklisted, it seems that believing in science has nothing to do with blackmailing Zhang Lingtian, right?
【Core group of comrades in arms】

"Hahaha, this wave of foot pot chicken is really pissed off."

"Boss Zhang really did a great job this time. When I heard the news of his return today, I thought I was just letting go of the chicken. Who would have thought that this was going to be a fireworks display!"

core group.

They are involved in matters in international forums.

So at this moment, you can basically feel the fear of the chicken in the foot pot through the screen!
After all, if this thing had an eruption above level five, it would be much more powerful than any little boy.

But they didn't expect that netizens from other countries would also follow suit.


A villa!
Brother Onion is currently swiping his phone.

This evening, he received a call from the event party, saying that Boss Zhang and the others were going back.

At that time, he also asked the person in charge of brand activities to persuade him, why did he come back after only playing for a few days, and play for a few more days.

He also wanted to see what the foot pot chicken would look like.

The result was not persuaded.

The other party insisted on coming back.

Said that something happened at the Baishipu.

He's still a little haggard this afternoon.

So I came to the villa in Wumian, planning to chat with friends and have some tea by the way.

After glancing at the news, he was completely shocked!
"Brother Onion, how do you know that I found three stunning younger sisters? No need to exaggerate! Tonight is definitely a surprise and a joy!!!"

There was a wicked smile on Wu's face.

"Praise the hammer! I mean the volcano in the foot basin chicken is about to erupt! Now they are fleeing! And the plane of Huo Yanwang happened to be able to watch the big fireworks!"

Brother Onion said angrily at the moment.

"What the hell? Fushishan is going to spray!!!"

Wu Mian, who had a happy face just now, was shocked now!
"So you know now! This tribute is really worth it! And you kid, I'm not talking about you, don't waste time or something will happen sooner or later. I just came here today to drink tea and chat. What three sisters? Forget it!"

Tear Onion said to him angrily.

Now he pays more attention to the foot pot chicken.

I don't know what Hades plans to do next.

Is it true that the eruption turned the foot pot chicken into a purgatory on earth?

If so, it's kind of exciting.

In fact, he didn't really want to see such a disaster.

But the decision-making power is in the hands of Hades after all, if the other party lacks performance and plans to make a big deal, he can't say no.

It's good enough to keep yourself safe.

"Brother Onion, don't go, you have left three!!"

Wu Mian saw Tie Cong ready to leave.

At this time, he hurriedly shouted at him.

"I am not interested."

Tear Onion pressed the car key to unlock it.

"No sex interest, I have sea dog pills! Brother Onion!!"

Wu Mian continued to shout.

"Get out of here—"

Pull the door.

The engine roared.

Brother Onion left directly.

He just said he came to drink tea, not that tea! !


Wu Mian froze in place.

He's going to have a late night party tonight.

Brother Onion is gone, so what should he do?
How can this be dealt with! !
"Remember my words, Shaolang! Otherwise, something will happen sooner or later!!"

Tear Onion left such a sentence at the end.

Life isn't all about those things.

There are other things.

For example, watching the live broadcast of Ukiyoyama is not much more enjoyable than playing those wines and carnal desires?

"My Nima!!"

Tear onion and wait for the traffic lights while driving and playing with the mobile phone without following the rules.

Suddenly, a short video in the small group directly made him exclaim, and the next second he parked the car on the side of the road!

"Dung: It's so terrifying, is Hades trying to block the road!"

"Dung: Video.mp4"

That's a video of shit hair.

"No way, Lord Yan is really going to make a big wave this time?"

The group said in disbelief.

Foot pot chicken.

Twenty past ten.

With a large number of people fleeing for their lives, the highway was blocked.

It's not a traffic jam, but a high-voltage electric leakage across sixteen lanes in front of the expressway, which looks like a waterfall.

blocking the path of all forward vehicles.

"Ono! You fucking apologize quickly!!!"

High speed!

A man came over angrily and pulled the car door!

Everyone else got out of the car too.

Oh my goodness.

They couldn't tell whether it was a leak in the wire or a miracle.

Live scene.

The high-voltage line across the high-speed line was like a waterfall of fireworks, and a whole row of sparks fell, blocking the incoming lanes and blocking the going lanes.

The ground where the wires were vertical was scorched black, and above the wires was a cloud of black smoke.

If it is normal, some people will definitely think this is really dreamy, and take a photo with a mobile phone and record a video by the way.

But now they are leaving a last word.


"Mr. Zhang Lingtian, I was wrong, I shouldn't have called you a bastard with half-haired hair!!"

The man who rushed to pull the door of Ono's car was suddenly stunned by a man kneeling in front of the fireworks waterfall.

Good guy, this person also called Hades a little boy? ?
"I was wrong! Mr. Zhang, I will give you a reward of 100 million!!!"

Another one who confessed to the high-tension line blocking the road!
"Lord Yama, I was wrong! I shouldn't have scolded you!!"

"Help, Lord Yama, we admitted our mistake, I'll slap myself!!"

"Pay tribute for peace, reward +100000 Douyin coins"

"Pray for peace, reward +299999 Douyin coins"

"Reward, +9999999 Douyin coins"

"+10000000 Douyin coins"


At the same time, Zhang Lingtian's Douyin also completely exploded.

Crazy rewards for him one by one!

It turned out that he had closed the domestic tipping channel before, but he had not closed the tipping channel of Douyin's international version.

Those who were blocked paid tribute frantically.

At this time, the aircraft also entered a state of stable flight.

The volcano outside the window of the plane is now emitting a red light, which is particularly obvious at night.

Many people have collapsed on the plane.

After all, they are all glowing red, is it still far from eruption?
Some people are already scolding these politicians and those who want to trouble the King of Hades. After all, they come here to build a tour group, so what are you doing to trouble the other party!
Now everyone is in trouble!
Su Wei, Jiang Xiaohan and the others also looked at the glowing red volcano, and Li Tiantian threw the phone aside.

After all, what kind of mobile phone is still playing at this time.

Wouldn't it be nice to watch the biggest fireworks on this most beautiful night!
As for Zhang Lingtian, he opened the international version of Douyin.

As soon as I went in, it got stuck.

Private message 999+.

And there are countless big rewards jumping out.

It took him a while to find a video of him being stuck on a highway.

"Boss, are the roads blocked?"

Jiang Xiaohan glanced over.

Seeing the leaking high-voltage line, and the extremely desperate people in front of the camera, the eyes of the people were suddenly surprised.


Li Tiantian also came over curiously.


Su Wei was also stunned after taking a glance.

Boss, are you going to make dumplings?
Have a reunion year?
"Zhang Sang! Ya Butterfly!!"

At this moment, a flight attendant came over and squatted beside Zhang Lingtian, his pitiful little eyes were full of pleading.

【Ding!Scanning begins! 】

[Scan objects: ID Xiaochunri and Tayui. 】

[Occupation: Otaku, game designer. 】

[Bad information: I like to collect learning materials. 】

[Danger signal: 0.02% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Although a senior otaku has 5T learning materials, it is not enough to be fatal and there is no danger information. The probability is slightly higher than normal people because of the smoke from Fushishan and the emotional despair of being stuck on the highway. There is a certain possibility Can cause excessive wear and tear on the body. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

The female flight attendant just squatted next to Zhang Lingtian.

Zhang Lingtian's system began to scan.

And this scan result made him breathe a sigh of relief, a false alarm.

"Zhang Sang~, I don't believe you are a politician's business. If you really want to merge into Chrysanthemum Province, we agree. I will pour you tea, and our crew will peel the fruit for you!"

Seeing that Zhang Lingtian continued to watch Douyin and ignored her, the flight attendant continued to plead.

And now there is only half of the water in Zhang Lingtian's vacuum flask.

The fruit is almost eaten.

As for the Baishipu members, they didn't stop the flight attendant who was pleading here, even though the fireworks were beautiful, they wanted to see them too.

But if too many people die, they actually feel inexplicably guilty. After all, as people with good intentions, they can't be as cold-blooded as some people.

In short, everything depends on the boss. If the performance is really lacking, there is no way.

But from the bottom of their hearts, they still hope that the stewardess will succeed.

Or set off fireworks after people run away.

In fact, they think that humans are sometimes quite complicated animals.

I wanted it to happen before it happened.

But when it was about to happen, other thoughts started to come to mind.

Quite strange.

Just like this time.

Before the big fireworks were launched, they really wanted to spray them.

After all, damn chickens with feet!
But when I really wanted to spray it, I thought, it always feels very sinful to die so many people.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen within three days."

Zhang Lingtian scanned another nearby resident.

The prompts given by the system are also the same.

If the volcano is really going to erupt, the probability of danger is definitely not as low as 0.02%.

At least a little higher.

Especially what he brushed before was a 60-year-old man who was waiting to die here.

The other party said that he was alone anyway.

Death is death wherever it is, just die here.

Nor escape.

At that time, it was found that the other party was 0.02%.

It is 0.01% for normal people, and the extra point of the other party is due to old age.

So Zhang Lingtian can basically speculate that the volcano will not erupt within three days.

As for why it is within three days, because the system can only scan within three days.

Of course, some people may ask what to do if you guess wrong?

Who told this foot pot chicken that the people are dishonest.

There is only one possibility of guessing wrong.

That is, the other party also escaped.

So let it be cold.

"Zhang Sang, Arigado~"

Hear this.

The stewardess was very touched and picked up Zhang Lingtian's thermos and went to fetch him hot water.

I don't know why on the road, and I wiped my tears while walking.

"How? Disagree?"

Seeing this scene, the crew members felt a chill in their hearts.

They thought of many options before.

Some people even said that they rushed up to kill Zhang Lingtian solo.

But in the end they were rejected.

Hades! !
You kill him alone?
Does the old birthday star hang himself for a long time?
Maybe everyone on their plane will have to be buried with them.

In the end, after discussion, they still sent the most beautiful flight attendant to intercede.

It is rumored that Mr. Zhang is still single.

The possibility of a beautiful woman passing by should be a little higher.

The result was unexpected or unsuccessful.

"Mr. Zhang said that nothing will happen within three days."

The flight attendant is called Kojima Haruka.

Answer now.


The others were excited.

"Haruka, why are you still crying when the other party agrees? Could it be that the other party raised conditions? Do you want you to be his girlfriend?"

asked another flight attendant.

"Actually, it's good to be a girlfriend, and she's so good-looking, maybe the child born in the future will have mana."

I saw this other flight attendant persuading me.

"No, I just didn't think Zhang Sang would really agree."

Kojima Haruka wiped her tears at this moment.

She thought the other party would not agree.

In the end, who would have thought that the other party would actually agree.


"That's it?"

The others fell silent for a while.

But that is also a momentary thing.

Soon the crew was busy.

First, Haruka Kojima brought the thermos filled with water to Zhang Lingtian.

But knowing that the other party likes to eat green dates, he specially brought the green dates over.

At the same time, he peeled all the oranges and sent them to Boss Zhang himself.

"Passengers, please be safe and calm. Our flight attendant in the first-class cabin just consulted Mr. Zhang Lingtian, and the other party said that the volcano will not erupt."

The purser spoke to him through the radio at this time.

"It won't erupt!!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang!!"

"Wooooow, Zhang Sang!!"

Everyone in the cabin was very excited when they heard this.

Some even tipped Zhang Lingtian with tears.

You must know that some people even wanted to rush to the first-class cabin and kneel down to Zhang Lingtian just now.

All of a sudden, Zhang Lingtian's seat received a lot of things from the flight attendant.

Those ordered by passengers are also delivered by the crew members themselves.

In short, it has reached the point where it can't be eaten.

Foot pot chicken.

"Don't worry, everyone. According to our tests, the volcano will not erupt for the time being. As for the fireworks and waterfalls on the highway power lines, it is not because of a miracle, but because of a fire caused by a short circuit. Please believe that science does not spread rumors or spread rumors."

Boss Tian held a press conference in person.

The whole country is full of broadcasts about this.

The main reason is that everyone misunderstood the previous evening news.

All ran away one by one.

Just to spray it.

Didn't really spray! !
And over the years, they have encountered black smoke many times.

There's really no need to panic.

The highway is also a short circuit.

"I believe in you!!"

"If you say no, it must be!!"

However, at this time, Boss Tian has lost his prestige after what happened last time.

It has even been spread among the people that if Boss Tian says it is not, then it must be.

So the other party is now saying that the possibility of a volcanic eruption is unlikely, so everyone should not panic and wait for the government to organize everyone to leave in an orderly manner.

Who can believe this?
At that time, it may directly become a stepping stone for sea level rise!

"Boss Tian, ​​it seems that persuasion is useless. No one believes you."

The secretary came over now and said.

Public opinion monitoring shows that everyone no longer trusts Boss Tian.

Even those who had no plan to escape originally left with their belongings and their families.

[According to the latest news from civil aviation, Mr. Zhang Lingtian said that the volcano will not erupt for the time being, please know. 】

However, at this time, a piece of news came from civil aviation.

"The volcano won't erupt!!"

"Woooooooo, Mr. Zhang, I will never dare to scold you again, you are the god in my heart!"

"Scared me to death, go home and go home."


However, the next recording appeared.

For a time, everyone unloaded their burdens.

It was a false alarm.


At this time, Boss Tian was full of confusion.

He even wondered if he was the big boss!

Why didn't these low-level people listen to him!

I said that the wire caught fire was not a miracle, it was a short circuit.

As for the volcanic eruption, according to their consultation with the most authoritative experts, the other party said that although it is active, there is no sign of eruption yet.

Because of Zhang Lingtian, everyone misread the previous news.

I thought the official suggested running away!
Officially no recommendations! !
I just want everyone to take precautions.

If you really want to run away, you will be notified in advance.


Boss Tian was a little sad.

The current top and upper-middle classes in society are clearly not being misled.

But how many people are in the top and middle and upper classes of society?

That's 2%.

98% are ordinary people.

Now these people would rather believe this surname Zhang than him.

This damn rabbit! !
Boss Tian was a little annoyed.

Just such a person has directly shaken the hearts of the people of their country, and even said that they want to establish a Chrysanthemum Province, and then there will be two more in the future! !

Next time, you must not let this person in! !

Be sure to get a visa! !

It was early morning.

Finally, Zhang Lingtian and the others returned to Shenzhou International Airport.

"Zhang Sang, see you next time~"

When they got off the plane, the crew greeted them warmly.

The other passengers nodded to them too.

The imagined anger and hatred did not exist at all.

Some are only harmonious and friendly.

Of course, there are three big bags of stuff.

At this moment, Li Tiantian and the three of them were carrying a bag each.

"Boss, I suddenly discovered that your method is the best way to deal with it."

Jiang Xiaohan said with admiration at this time.

There were few casualties.

But most of the foot pot chicken conquered directly.

This is just five days away.

It's just too awesome! !

"Boss, if you say that you have not been recruited by the government, I don't believe it."

Now there is no one.

On the way to the hotel, Li Tiantian only spoke.

This is obviously to go out to stand up after recruiting security, okay?

"What kind of recruitment is pure nonsense."

Zhang Lingtian replied angrily, nothing at all.

Also, the performance of the people on the plane was too exaggerated. He just said something that the other party's geological experts could detect.

However, Zhang Lingtian didn't know that he had been frightened for several days in a row, and some people in Jiaopenji were already nervous.

Especially Boss Tian deceived them several times. If it is the public, who do you choose to believe?
"By the way, Haruka, what about three days later?"

Suddenly, a flight attendant asked Haruka Kojima who said goodbye to Zhang Lingtian and the others.


Kojima Haruka trembled when she heard this!
She didn't ask! !
"Brother! The rabbit is too deceitful! Listen, they want to merge us into the Chrysanthemum Province! I suggest holding a joint meeting immediately and drag the rabbit to criticize!!"

On the other side, Boss Tian was on the phone with Brother Yingjiang in the middle of the night.

Call for a joint conference.


 Update sent!Ask for a monthly pass!Recommended ticket! !Those who want to read the scene described in the book that the high-tension line is on fire like a fireworks waterfall can join the group, and there are some in the group, it is super spectacular and beautiful! ~~
(End of this chapter)

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