I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 95 One person destroys one country?Be firm in your faith!

Chapter 95 Breaking down a country by one person?Be firm in your faith!
"Let's evaluate this matter first."

Now the time in the chicken country is early in the morning, and the time on the Xi Zongzhu's side is just after two o'clock in the noon.

Boss Tian called Sovereign Xi before, but the other party was taking a lunch break.

The people over there are a little bit wrong, they don't answer the phone during lunch break, even if it's their big boss!
So I had no choice but to wait until this point in time.

But fortunately, the boss is finally taking his lunch break.

So Boss Tian immediately called to express his thoughts.

They must unite.

Let people all over the world take a good look! !
At the same time, punish some people who break the rules, otherwise there will be no peace if this continues!
"Evaluation? Boss, does this matter still need to be evaluated? This is not a clear matter! And the lips are dead and the teeth are cold! Are we far away from others when we have an accident?"

Boss Tian was a little dazed when he heard this, and co-authored himself to wait until two or three o'clock in the morning just to wait for an evaluation.

The key is that there is no need to evaluate this matter at all now, because Fang Tu has already made it clear that he is doing something.

A general meeting must be held to put pressure on the other party!
"Well, we know, but we also have our programs, right George."

Sect Master Xi nodded and glanced at George next to him.

"Ah? Huh!!"

George was stunned by the question from Sovereign Xi. The other party was on the phone with the big boss of Jifang. Ask him? ?

But after all, it was the assistant who quickly reacted and nodded frantically.

"Okay, when will the boss have a result? Now some people in our country are shaken, believing in Zhang Lingtian is like believing in a god!"

In the middle of the night, he only heard a sentence of evaluation, and Boss Tian's expression was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

But life has to go on.

After all, the opposite is the boss and he can't fight back for the time being, so he can only bear it.

Wait until you grow up and stab a few times with your backhand!

"Don't worry, we'll get back to you after we've done an assessment. You can also send some experts over to solve the matter of our ship. Our people will also be there in the next two days. Take precautions."

Sect Master Xi looked at Boss Tian with a smile, and then waved goodbye.

"Okay! Let's wait for news from you, boss! We have already organized the most authoritative nuclear experts to go over the ship."

Boss Tian stood up and bowed at ninety degrees, and then hung up the phone.

the other side.

【Northern Tribal Alliance Video Conference】

The northern tribes are holding an alliance meeting.

Big bosses appeared in the video interface one by one.

"I suggest that we better not be in the same boat as Jiying, and it would be better to show our favor directly."

The first to speak was the big boss of Baiqi State, and his speaking style was very in line with the traditions of their country.

Although this person has been banned from entering the country, but the other party is the god of death after all, isn't it courting death to fight against the other party!

"Hexagon, what the hell can you do besides raising the white flag?"

The boss of the Daying Empire next door rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"You are so stubborn to let the god of death travel to your country!"

The boss of Baiqi State countered.

After all, the two usually don't like each other very much.


Da Ying got a little angry.

"Okay, okay, what are you two arguing about, I suggest staying neutral."

"Yes, stay neutral!"

"I agree, but you must not get involved with Eagle Chicken and the others. This kind of non-physical damage weapon is too terrifying!!"

The emergency meeting of the Northern Tribal Alliance finally discussed a countermeasure.

That is to stay neutral without participating in the dispute, and at the same time prohibit this Zhang Lingtian from entering the country.

Anyway, the other party's main target is that the Eagles and Chickens have nothing to do with them.

Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight is not happy?What are you doing in this muddy water!
Sauce country.

"George, what do you think of this living Hades?"

On the eve of the evaluation meeting, Sovereign Xi asked the assistant next to him.

Naturally, they also know what the chalk shop owner has done in the next country these days.

"It's a coincidence, but he shouldn't be an alien who can manipulate nature."

George replied now.

"Inhumans who manipulate nature? George, remove the 'should', yes! We must believe in science, and you must also remember that if there are aliens in this world, it must be in our sauce country Not in other countries."

Master Xi sneered, this is a scientific society from the beginning to the end.

"Well, my faith has never wavered! In my opinion, this person must be a puppet supported by Rabbit Fang, who assists in prediction to achieve the purpose of creating gods!"

George nodded.

The modern research results are a summary of several confused eras, and finally got a comprehensive explanation today.

Anything with magic or spells is just some fantasy.

Moreover, their Jiangjiang country is now the most developed country in the entire world. If there really is such an existence that can control nature, it must be in our country!

"No, no, it's too absolute. There are still some capable people in this world."

Sect Master Xi shook his head.

The world's great wonders.

For example, some people's intuition is very accurate.

Of course, there is also the well-known sixth sense of women.

There is no evidence, but perceptions are sometimes reality.

"Boss, are you saying that Zhang Lingtian is a person with superior sensory ability? Or a genius with a super memory?"

George didn't understand what his boss meant.

In fact, how should I put it, the karate anchor and the yin and yang sect Seimei Tumi can actually achieve the same effect. He thinks it is very possible that the rabbit creates a god.

The other party's remarks on the plane were also made after networking, and it is very likely that the information provided by Tu Fang's think tank.

Of course, predictions can also be made if a person feels superior or when they are at the height of certain knowledge.

For example, if you are fully proficient in meteorology knowledge, you can observe the sky and colors.

Keep it simple.

It is also like an earthquake. Cows, horses, donkeys, and mules panic, do not enter the stables, do not eat, bark, fight in groups, break their reins and flee, kick the ground, dig the ground, and suddenly run away in a panic while walking.

Dogs barking, crying, sniffing and scratching the ground, biting people, running around, moving with puppies in their mouths, rabbits do not eat grass, barking in the nest, escaping out of the nest in a panic, etc.

You can probably predict that an earthquake may be coming.

There are also the simplest such as human cubs.

When you see the other party holding back, it may be peeing, and when the baby boy sees the other party trembling, it may be peeing and so on.

If you don't have this knowledge, then you won't understand these phenomena when you see them.

And if you have mastered these things, then you may be able to speculate that they are almost inseparable.

But this is mainly too exaggerated, how much professional knowledge is required to accurately predict lightning strikes, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

"It's not absolute, but so when the logic doesn't make sense, why don't we think of something that doesn't make sense?"

For example, Zhang Lingtian knows fortune-telling, has a strong sixth sense intuition, and is secretly supported by the rabbit.


George is smart.

Hearing this, he immediately understood what the boss meant.

Although it is a stacking buff, it seems that it may really exist!

"It was never a single option."

Sovereign Rare said meaningfully.

Although he is old, his mind is still active!
And he understands too well, to be a puppet must be capable!
In particular, the god-making puppet of the rabbit must have a certain degree of public confidence.

"Boss, we are going to..."

George made a neck-slitting motion.

"NONONO! Our Jiangjiang country is a country that advocates peace and is also the top force in maintaining peace and development in the world. How could we do such a thing!"

Sovereign Xi made a negative gesture.

"Could it be a heart attack?"

George continued.

In fact, the action of cutting his neck represented an assassination.

Of course, this assassination has a brutal assassination and an invisible heart disease.

But considering that his boss occasionally suffers from dementia, he said it again.

"It has been said that we are a peace-loving country. Our Jiangjiang country is committed to bringing together the world's top talents. If he is really so good, of course we choose to poach the wall."

Sect Master Xi said with a smile.

"But I'm afraid the foot pot chicken will not be convinced!"

George never expected that his boss would actually plan to recruit.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with recruiting talents, but if you recruit, I am afraid that there may be a strong reaction from the foot pot chicken.

"No hurry, no hurry, whether he has the qualifications or not, let's wait until the meeting is over."

Sect Master Xi smiled faintly.

These things cannot be done immediately.

It is necessary to investigate in depth whether this person really has the qualifications of their Jiangjiang national flower to poach the wall at a high price.

Foot pot chicken.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Xingzi looked at the deflated Boss Tian and hesitated to speak.

"Record a video for me, and I can handle these domestic matters by myself. Continue to let them monitor the volcano in real time, promote scientific views, appease the public, and at the same time arrest those stubborn troublemakers!"

Although Boss Tian said that he was beaten by his boss, he is the father in this family. Anyone who dares not listen has to taste his iron palm!
"Mmm Good."

Xingzi nodded and went to prepare soon.

[Believe in science, put an end to superstition, and protect a beautiful homeland! 】

"Dear citizens, according to the results predicted by our authoritative geological experts, there is no possibility of Mount Ukishi erupting in a short period of time. Please don't panic. The TV station has already fired the host who caused panic due to the wrong broadcast. I also hope that everyone will not be inspired by foreign forces to have some feudal and superstitious ideas."

"Years of education tell us that this is a scientific world, and we need science to have our own beliefs, because there is nothing in this world that cannot be revealed by scientific methods. If there is social order, they will be held accountable by law.”

Boss Tian posted a post on his social account at this time.

[Asahi Shimbun: Forward @田博士, believe in science! 】

[Dongkou News: Please don't be led astray by people with a heart, there is no god in this world, only complicated people's hearts! @Forward】

【Current affairs in the foot basin: One person breaks a country?It's a joke to say it!Those before were just accidents! 】

[Mayor: Believe in the country!We have a wealth of disaster response capabilities. 】

[Congress: Only firm faith can resist all foreign enemies, please believe in science!Believe in the country!Believe in our elected Boss Tian! 】


After Boss Tian's news was sent out.

All the official media came to the stage to repost, and the Congress and the mayor also encouraged the people.


Host of the evening news.

Three in the morning.

The whole person was stunned.

Because the leader called and told her that she was fired.

She didn't even have time to ask why.

Later she saw the movement.

Error broadcast! !
She was dumbfounded when she saw these four words.

What is error reporting.

She broadcasted it completely according to the information you gave, okay, you can't take the blame like this!

"It's three o'clock, Mr. Zhang and the others should have arrived, I like my wit today."

After finishing everything, Suzuki Kyoko glanced at the time and could finally rest.

Now she looked out at the stars.

Muttered in the mouth.

I really racked my brains to complete the task assigned by the boss today, but the final result was good. They finally sent the owner of the Ping An Baishi Shop away, but what happened at night really shocked her .

Fortunately, it was a false alarm.

She almost thought that she had deceived Mr. Zhang and caused God's punishment to come...

Shenzhou International Airport.

Zhang Lingtian and the others had indeed arrived, and they were about to leave for the hotel.

I'm staying next to the airport tonight, and the accommodation was arranged directly by the airport after they knew they came back.


Just as they were walking towards the airport exit with their things, Zhang Lingtian's phone rang suddenly.

It turned out to be the call from the employer who they wanted to hold a funeral for each other.

"Is there anything wrong with the hospital? It's crazy to call at two or three o'clock!"

When Jiang Xiaohan saw the incoming call reminder on the boss's mobile phone, he immediately looked annoyed.

"It is estimated that there is something wrong, and it may not be necessary to tidy up the disguise."

Zhang Lingtian speculated at this moment.

"Boss Zhang, why didn't you stay here for a few more days before you came back."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded from the other end of the phone, and the other party was still quite happy.


Zhang Lingtian stopped in his tracks, and Jiang Xiaohan, who had been beside him, was also stunned.

This is Dingu, and they're going to give it to the funeral.

By the way, isn't the other party already dead?
Is this a dead body scam in the middle of the night?

Li Tiantian pinched Su Wei tightly.

The hairs stand on end.

This is a call from hell! !
"Boss Zhang, why don't you talk? Old Ding, I can't sleep at night. I called you on the spur of the moment after listening to the radio saying that you are back. I really didn't intend to disturb you."

Old man Ding explained on the phone that he thought he had offended by calling late at night and apologized.

"No, I was a little busy just after getting off the plane. Mr. Ding is in good health."

Zhang Lingtian immediately realized that he might have been tricked back by the foot pot chicken.

It is really not complicated to investigate some information at the national level and then call from a fake number pretending to be a hospital.

"It's okay, I guess I can live a little longer, but I don't know if I can see the volcanic eruption. I plan to buy a color TV tomorrow. The picture is good."

Ding Gu is a veteran, he really doesn't like the foot pot chicken at all.

After all, his comrades-in-arms, friends, wife and children all died at the hands of the other party.

Now I am alone and lonely largely because of this foot pot chicken!
If they acknowledged history, he could still try to forgive them.

But not only did this group of people fail to acknowledge the history, they even covered up the facts of the crime, which made him extremely disgusted.

Destroy it!
Let those executioners who couldn't run wait to die under the magma!

the other side.

The flight attendant who completed the flight task pulled the box.

"What if Ukiyo-san is really sprayed after three days! Haruka, how can you not ask such a crucial question!!"

The other flight attendants are now panicking because they didn't ask clearly.

"It shouldn't be... Boss Tian said it's all right?"

Haruka Kojima was inexplicably sweating when she heard this.

"I think it's good to listen to Boss Tian's words. I've already told my family to go to the safe zone. I won't spray within three days. Maybe it's because Hades is merciful and doesn't want to hurt so many innocent people."

Someone has already contacted the family members in advance and told them to evacuate quickly.

"When a person has only one dollar, if you call him a poor man with only one dollar, he will be anxious with you, but if a person has [-] million and you call him a poor man with only one dollar, he won't even bother to refute To refute you, look at what Boss Tian posted tonight? Who dares to talk nonsense and take it away!"

Another flight attendant expressed his opinion.

Anyway, they have been in the rabbit country for the past few days, so let their family members escape first.

As for saving other people, they don't have that great ability to persuade others, they just want their own home to be safe.

"Then I'll tell my family too..."

Kojima Haruka also called her family.

the other side.

"My good fellow, this foot pot chicken is too hateful, how dare you lie to us!!"

Li Tiantian and the others roughly understood that they were cheated back.

Over there, a fake base station was used to simulate Ding Gu's phone call, pretending to be a hospital employee to call them.

The boss didn't guard against this trick at all and won the bid directly.

"Forget it, come back when you come back, the time is just right."

In fact, Zhang Lingtian felt that the team building outside for so many days was basically enough, and there was no fun in staying any longer, so it was just right to come back.

"Indeed, otherwise the volcano will erupt three days later and we will be in trouble if we want to come back."

Li Tiantian agrees!
"Who said the volcano would erupt in three days? I didn't say it. Don't create anxiety."

Zhang Lingtian spoke angrily.

"Yes, yes, you can't create anxiety!!"

Li Tiantian clapped her mouth lightly.

And Jiang Xiaohan was thinking about a very CPU-burning problem.

That is, is the boss the King of Hades?
If he was because, how could he not know that Ding Gu was not dead?

And if he is not the King of Hades, why does he look like the King of Hades everywhere!

The more Jiang Xiaohan thought about it, the more she was in an infinite loop.

"Welcome Boss Zhang home!!"

Airport late at night.

Suddenly there was a piercing sound.

[Welcome Boss Zhang and the staff of Ping An Shishi Shop to return to China——]

[The death tour group returned in triumph, and the patriotic people sent a congratulatory message! ! 】

[A three-day appointment, you must see the big fireworks! ! 】


They were all taken aback.

However this is not over.

Just as they walked out, someone was pulling a banner in front of them! !

Everyone in the Ping An Shishi Shop was stunned.

It was two or three o'clock in the morning, and they somehow enjoyed the feeling of being a star?
"Thank you everyone, it's getting late, everyone go back and rest quickly."

Zhang Lingtian thanked him for pulling the banner.

Kind of flattered.

"Boss Zhang, we've got the car ready."

At this time, Xiao Yang came to greet him personally, and escorted everyone from Ping'an Baishipu to the car.

"Boss, it feels like you are as popular as a celebrity now! I vaguely remember that you only had 180 million fans when you first went out!"

Li Tiantian and the others were sitting in the nanny's car, and said with a half-joking look at the moment.

They really never expected to be greeted or even held up banners when they got off the plane.

But after thinking about it, the boss has done so many earth-shattering events, isn't it normal to become the opponent's little fan?
She is now the boss's little fan girl.

"It's better to be clean if you're messing around."

Zhang Lingtian sighed.

"Boss Zhang heard that you like to drink tea. I made you a cup of tea here. What you have done in Jiaopenji Tour these days has caused an explosion of domestic public opinion, so it is normal to have a fan group."

Xiao Yang, the vice president of the airport, said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Xiao, it's not certain that the foot pot chicken will jump again."

The banner just now was indeed a bit blatant, and he was afraid that he would turn around and make things difficult.

"What is the relationship between the spontaneous behavior of the people and the government? When the time comes to make things difficult, just reply that the chicken side should reflect more on itself, why the people have such behaviors."

Xiao Yang spread his hands.


Li Tiantian and the three of them were taken aback for a moment. Is this brother Zhao possessing him?


Xiao Yang laughed out loud, and he would naturally get used to it after watching too much.

Besides, maybe there is no need for them to explain, and the Foreign Affairs Bureau will directly enter the field.

The vehicle drove towards the hotel.

"Boss Zhang, good night."

Xiao Yang said goodbye to him.

late at night.

In a blink of an eye came the second day.

They flew to Chunjiang Airport early in the morning.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome back, have a good time."

The general manager of the airport came to greet him in person.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, for your hospitality."

Arrived at Chunjiang.

They were directly picked up in the celebrity nanny car.

And the general manager of Chunjiang Airport was the host.

So the employees of Baishipu had another meal.

"Mr. Zhang."

to the restaurant.

Zhang Lingtian saw Qin Yan.

"Captain Qin? What a coincidence!"

Looking at Qin Yan who was smiling and holding his hand as if he was seeing an old friend, Zhang Lingtian was somewhat surprised.

Why is Captain Qin here?

"I'm on vacation today, so I'm just coming here for a meal."

Qin Yan said with a smile.

The case they solved at the airport last time was directly praised by their superiors, and now Mr. Zhang is a key talent in their bureau.

"It's not full in the morning and evening, and I feel relieved that Captain Qin can come over to eat this meal in person."

The general manager is Gao Shuang.

Said with a smile at this moment.

It's eleven o'clock in the morning.

just sit down.

The waiter starts serving the food.

"Sister Xiaohan, are you also watching the new book release?"

The order of the seats is.

Gao Shuang, Qin Yan, Zhang Lingtian, Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, Su Wei, two empty chairs towards the door.

Because Manager Gao was chatting with Qin Yan and Zhang Lingtian.

The three employees couldn't speak, so they naturally swiped their phones.

Suddenly Li Tiantian's eyes fell on Jiang Xiaohan's mobile phone interface.

"Yeah, the novels he wrote are pretty good."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"I think so too! It's super beautiful! And it's thrilling!!"

Li Tiantian also expressed his excitement.

"Who is it? Miss Xiaohan, let us two old fellows take a look too?"

The excited faces of the two naturally attracted the attention of Qin Yan and Gao Shuang.

Immediately there was an attitude of interest.

"This is it."

Jiang Xiaohan turned the phone over.

"Hey, I didn't expect that you two girls would like to read this kind of novel. I'm a loyal fan of the old boy."

The high doubles are over 40 this year.

At this time, he looked cheerful.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

Suddenly Qin Yan found that just when everyone was in harmony, Zhang Lingtian frowned slightly.

Because it is the Douyin interface at this time.

The system scans automatically.

As a result, I didn't expect an unbelievable scan result.


 The number of words today is a little less, only 6600 words~, I will work hard today.

(End of this chapter)

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