Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 100 Qiu Jinjiang's Part-Time Job

Chapter 100 Qiu Jinjiang's Part-Time Job
Qiu Jinjiang scratched his bald head, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Feng, I can get by.

Although I can't compare with Jia Kui, Ma Jun and Brother Shun, I found a part-time job after work..."

"Wait a minute. You won't say that you are a researcher at the Abnormal Human Research Center, right?" Ding Yunfeng felt familiar as he listened, and asked quickly.

Qiu Jinjiang shook his head again and again: "I can't even write all the words, how can I be a researcher? Some people say that I have a good appearance and want to make me a star."

"You still look good?" Ding Yunfeng laughed at Qiu Jinjiang's words.

Qiu Jinjiang nodded again and again: "Really, the last time Director Wang came to Saigon Beach to shoot a movie, I brought a few military uniforms to patrol. He immediately took a fancy to me, and asked me to be the leading actor in the film!"

The more Zhang Yaoxiong listened to it, the more he felt that it was outrageous. With Lao Qiu's face, someone was blind enough to ask him to be the protagonist of a movie?

Fearing that Ding Yunfeng and Zhang Yaoxiong would not believe it, Qiu Jinjiang took out more than a dozen movie tickets: "I didn't cover them randomly! The movie is all cut, and it will premiere next week. You all come to see it and praise my show."

""Ximen Daguan Sweeps the Pansi Cave with a Stick"

Actor: Qiu Jinjiang

Actresses: Hu Jing, Di Na, Chen Ping, Yu Shali, Liu Huiru, Shao Yingying, Lin Yiwa. "Ding Yunfeng looked at the movie ticket, and he didn't know where to start.

Zhang Yaoxiong looked at Qiu Jinjiang strangely: "Ah Qiu, this title, no matter how I look at it, I don't think it's serious..."

"Oh, according to what Director Wang said, it's the same in any age.

Art is serious, he can't sell it!It doesn't matter whether it's a movie or a novel, it's just a meal, it's not shabby. "Qiu Jinjiang said his unserious lines in a serious tone.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhang Yaoxiong looked at each other and silently put away the movie tickets.

Ah Qiu's first film is very commemorative, so I must take the time to watch it.

"Then what are your plans in the future? Do you really want to make a living?" Ding Yunfeng looked at Qiu Jinjiang and asked.

Qiu Jinjiang shook his head again and again: "That's definitely not possible! I work as a plainclothes worker in this dilapidated place in Saigon. If I don't find some extra money, I really can't make it through!
If you have a good connection, brother Feng, of course I'll hang out with you. "

"Okay! For filming, it's enough once. You go back and make a report, and take the initiative to apply for transfer to the correctional system.

Let me tell the people above that I will transfer you to Stanley, and within a year, I will give you a correctional officer.

One was cuckolded, and the other was mixed up to make a movie. How could I, Ding Yunfeng, accept you two top-quality pieces as horses? Ding Yunfeng stood up while shaking his head.

Qiu Jinjiang and Zhang Yaoxiong competed to send him off, but Ding Yunfeng refused.

Seeing these two rushing to the street, Ding Yunfeng was so tired, he had to find a considerate and gentle elder sister to comfort him.

After driving to an exquisite small apartment, Ding Yunfeng took out the key and opened the door.

After half an hour, Zhao Su pushed the door in under the escort of the bodyguards, and after a while, someone inside suddenly shouted: "Hey, where are you going to escape, you spider spirit, give me a stick..."


On the other side, Jimmy drove a BMW car and personally sent Chen Jiaju back.

On the way, Zhan Mi kept Ding Yunfeng's instructions in mind, and let Chen Jiaju ensure that he could go home alone.

Zhan Mi still insisted on the principle, locked the car door, so as not to let this man encounter a case halfway, and then went down as the furniture city war god of demolition experts.

Chen Jiaju was helpless, he asked Zhan Mi for a cigarette and lit it: "By the way, Zhan Mi, do you have the bag you gave me last time, do you have it in stock? If so, I'm going to find you Buy two."

"Brother Jiaju, what are you buying? If you want it, I'll take you to the store to pick some. There's no stock in the car. I prepared those in advance last time."

"No no no no. There is no need to make a special trip.

In this way, there is an old Fengxiang gold shop in front, wait for me for a while, I will go down and buy a bracelet for A Mei. "Chen Jiaju shook his head hastily, at this moment he turned around and went to the Hongxin handbag shop, there would definitely be a traffic jam when he came back.

Zhan Mi thought for a while: "Then I'll go shopping with you."

"Okay! Jimmy, your taste must be much higher than mine. You will help me choose a better one later. It's Ami's birthday today."

"Wow, sister-in-law's birthday, don't be ambiguous! Brother Jiaju, don't worry, I will take care of the latest models and outdated products."


Zhan Mi parked the car and followed Chen Jiaju into the gold shop.

As a result, the two found several beautiful women in cheongsams in the shop, and completely ignored them. Instead, they carried trays one by one and surrounded a fat man with a cigar in his mouth and who spoke very arrogantly.

"I want a big chain, this one is too thin, my neck is so thick, it doesn't look good on it."

"It's not heavy enough, I want a solid one! Pretty girls, don't save money for my brother, my brother needs to order noodles, find the heaviest and thickest one in your store..."

"It's only 3 yuan? It's too cheap. In this way, give me an eighty-two gold medal and add it..."

The teapot held a cigar in one hand, and kept measuring the size of the beautiful woman's cheongsam with the other. On the glass counter next to him, there was a money bag with stacks of banknotes stuffed inside.

Chen Jiaju's face darkened when he saw this, he lifted up his clothes to reveal the sprayer stuck in his belt, and strode over.

"Partridge, I haven't seen you for a few years, I didn't expect that you are really developed!
Eight taels of gold medals are even heavier than my handcuffs! "Chen Jiaju said with a warning, and slammed the handcuffs on the counter.

He once used a teapot nicknamed Partridge to wave away these beautiful girls who were so scared by Chen Jiaju, he looked at Chen Jiaju expressionlessly: "You Dali Wan can be taken home by your biological father to live a good life.

Can't I get rich and buy some gold jewelry for appearance?

I haven't seen you for several years, and you still manage so well!

Also, I warn you, now that I am called Teapot and Partridge, I will no longer use the nickname of Partridge after I come out of the orphanage! "


I didn't know at the time that I would be the illegitimate son of Chen Zhichao!
Partridge..." Seeing the indifferent eyes of his childhood friend, Chen Jiaju changed his words and sighed: "Teapot, we have known each other for more than ten years, I don't want you to make the same mistakes again and again, and one day I will personally arrest you and put you in prison..."

"Catch me?" The teapot stood up abruptly, like an enraged lion: "Sir, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! As a police officer, you should understand that Hong Kong Island is not talking about it." Legal!"

Chen Jiaju also had a serious face: "Put body powder on the floor to prevent sweat stains on the back, do you want me to continue talking?"

"Hmph! I don't know what you're talking about!" The teapot picked up the purse and pushed Chen Jiaju away. When he saw Zhan Mi standing beside him, he frowned and walked out without saying a word.

Chen Jiaju silently watched the teapot leave, and then bought a bracelet without saying a word.

Zhan Mi didn't dare to speak, he sent Chen Jiaju home, and then drove back to Tuodi, intending to tell Ding Yunfeng about it.

Unexpectedly, Coolie Qiang and others said that Brother Feng never came back.

(End of this chapter)

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