Chapter 99

At the beginning, everyone graduated from the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy.

Ding Yunfeng himself asked to go to Stanley, and he has now become the director of Stanley Correctional Services, equivalent to a police inspector. At the same time, Ding Sir holds the real power and is in charge of the third prison area in Stanley;
Chen Jiaju's family has a background. When he walks out of the school, he is in a oily area like Mong Kok. He is currently working as a plainclothes leader and promoted to inspector. Sooner or later;
Ma Jun was lucky enough to hit the street, and he was famous for being able to fight in the police academy. Originally, he was sent to the Wanchai Police Station by Yan Tong, but was later intervened by Ding Yunfeng and transferred to Shau Kei Wan to follow Chen Xijiu;

Lei Luo saved Zhu Tao, and in order to compensate Ding Yunfeng, he promised to promote Ma Jun to inspector next month;

Before Ding Yunfeng came to Wong Chuk Hang, Miao Zhishun had good grades in liberal arts and good marksmanship. After graduation, he was arranged in Kowloon. He is currently working in plain clothes, following an old plainclothes leader who is about to retire.It is estimated that Miao Zhishun will soon be able to climb to Chen Jiaju's current position.

Only Qiu Jinjiang and Zhang Yaoxiong were the worst, with no background, no banknotes, and no ability. One was thrown to Sai Kung to enjoy the sea breeze, and the other was thrown to the New Territories to feed mosquitoes.

"Brother Feng, that's the way it is, that boss, Ah Xiong, is a bastard.

He not only snatched Ah Xiong's horse, but also gave him small shoes on weekdays, and either ordered him to stop smuggling oil trucks in the New Territories, or asked him to collect fees from local vegetable vendors.

Made!Who doesn't know that there are associations behind these smuggled oil trucks?

Ah Xiong didn't get caught, and he was reprimanded by him when he came back. Once caught, he would be retaliated by various associations.

He was in a military uniform with a hat, and he was a big fisherman outside. Who would treat him as a green onion? He was beaten four times in three days...

As for charging fees from local vegetable vendors, that would be even more outrageous. Within 5 minutes of opening his mouth, Ah Xiong was knocked out and thrown outside the New Territories police station...

Now the New Territories has given Axiong a nickname, called Unlucky Xiong.

Aside from laughing that Axiong was wearing a cuckold by Huo Qilin and being punished by him every day, he was also embarrassing that A Xiongsheng was always stuck by Huo Qilin in plain clothes. "

While everyone else was gone and Zhang Yaoxiong was drunk again, Qiu Jinjiang started chatting. He and Zhang Yaoxiong followed Ding Yunfeng in the police academy.

These two scumbags were able to graduate at the beginning because Ding Yunfeng paid 2 yuan to pay the examiner.

About Zhang Yaoxiong, Qiu Jinjiang didn't think it was necessary to keep Ding Yunfeng a secret.

After all, since Ding Yunfeng asked today, even if he didn't say anything himself, with Brother Feng's energy, he could also find out.

"Bullying people like that? What's the name of that bastard?" Ding Yunfeng asked in a cold voice, knocking on the table with his fingers.

Qiu Jinjiang opened a beer and poured it for Ding Yunfeng: "My surname is Deng, and I have a nickname, Huo Qilin."

"It turned out to be him." Ding Yunfeng raised his wine glass, and suddenly poured it on Zhang Yaoxiong's face lying on the sofa: "Get up! Being bullied like this, you can only drink and drink, why don't you drink to death, waste! "

Zhang Yaoxiong was woken up by the frozen wine, he turned over with a jerk, Ding Yunfeng looked at him with hatred, and Qiu Jinjiang who was sitting next to him was also very angry.

"Brother Feng, I..." Wiping off the drink on his face, Zhang Yaoxiong opened his mouth silently, and buried his head in sobs.

Ding Yunfeng asked Qiu Jinjiang to get a basin of hot water, took out a pack of cigarettes and threw it at Zhang Yaoxiong: "It's been two years, why didn't you come to me?

Is it because Zhang Yaoxiong's wings will harden when you walk out of Huangzhukeng, and you will no longer regard me as a big boss? "

"Don't you dare! Brother Feng!" Zhang Yaoxiong picked up the cigarettes and just put one in his mouth. When he heard this, he turned pale with fright and waved his hands: "Without you protecting me, I wouldn't have been able to graduate. You will always be my boss."

"You think I'm your big brother, and Huo Qilin bullies you, why didn't you report my name? You think I can't cover you when I go to Stanley?"

"This kind of thing..."

"This kind of thing? Your bastard's shit, it's spread all over the New Territories, do you think you can cover it up?

Made, stop oil trucks, block vegetable vendors,

You have the courage to do these two stupid things, why don't you dare to copy the guy and pick the fire unicorn?
Anyway, you will be played to death sooner or later, you might as well change your life for another, at least everyone has to respect you Zhang Yaoxiong as a man instead of being called a bad luck man all day long! "Ding Yunfeng directly sprayed, scolding Zhang Yaoxiong to keep wiping away his tears.

Qiu Jinjiang came over with a washbasin towel, twisted a hot towel and handed it over, Zhang Yaoxiong took it and wiped it carelessly, raised his head and shouted with red eyes: "Brother Feng! Help me get a guy, I want to pick a fire unicorn!"

"Choose your head! I don't know about it, let's not say it. Now that I know, I will let you die with that bastard?
Is your mind full of poop? "Ding Yunfeng overturned the basin, and poured Zhang Yaoxiong into a dreary.

tick tock...

Countless drops of water flowed down Zhang Yaoxiong's hair and face, and the smell of alcohol was finally washed away by Ding Yunfeng's pot of hot water.

Qiu Jinjiang stopped the owner of the hot pot restaurant who came over Xunsheng, he took out the banknotes, and asked the boss to buy a set of clean clothes for him.

"I'm sorry! Brother Feng, I was impulsive just now, and I'm awake now." Zhang Yaoxiong rubbed his face with both hands, bit his cheek and said.

Ding Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction: "It's not too bad, come and sit down, it's not a problem to upgrade to plain clothes, I'll just ask someone to say hello tomorrow.

Huo Qilin is one of Brother Zai's subordinates who specializes in doing dirty things, if he wants to kill him, I can just say a word! "

"Brother Feng! You can help me get promoted to plainclothes, and then you can transfer me to other detectives. I will settle the matters between me and him with him." Zhang Yaoxiong took the cigarette from Qiu Jinjiang and lit it. Said.

Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly: "Okay! If you can think this way, your grievances in the past two years have not been in vain!

It's easy for me to help you get rid of the fire unicorn, but from now on, you, Zhang Yaoxiong, will always be unlucky.

Next month, Ma Jun will be promoted to inspector. How about it? Can you let go of your face?Would you like to go and follow him? "

"Axiong, I can see it!

Everyone in the dormitory has known how Ma Jun is. Although he has a bad temper, he is loyal.If you help him in the past, he will definitely not treat you badly! "Qiu Jinjiang hastily agreed.

Zhang Yaoxiong said with a smile: "Brother Jun may know about me, I heard that once he went out with Brother Nine, he met Huo Qilin on the road, if Brother Nine hadn't held him down, he almost got into a fight with Huo Qilin.

Brother Feng, I would like to go to Shau Kei Wan to meet Brother Jun. "

Hearing Zhang Yaoxiong's change in addressing Ma Jun, Ding Yunfeng was very satisfied - as expected, he didn't have such a crow face in vain.

After Ma Jun was promoted to inspector, he would soon lead the team alone, but Ding Yunfeng felt that no one would help him with his temper and temperament, and he would easily cause trouble and carry the blame.

Zhang Yaoxiong was trampled by Huo Qilin for two years, and today he was scolded awake by himself. He was three points less useless and seven points more venomous. Putting him next to Ma Jun, he just complemented each other.

Having arranged one younger brother, Ding Yunfeng looked at the other one: "Old Qiu, what about you, don't hold back.

I see that you just took out the money, and there are no big ones, but all small ones. Tell me about yourself, or should you let Ah Xiong help you?
The mother-in-law, all of them are so messed up that they are still hiding it from me! "

(End of this chapter)

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