Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 98 Huang Dawen, Queen's Counsel

Chapter 98 Huang Dawen, Queen's Counsel
"That's how it is.

Robinson has already won the trust and support of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and Liu Yaozu will not be able to dance for a few days. "

With the effort of a cigarette, Ding Yunfeng briefly told Chen Jiaju what happened yesterday.

Among them, Ding Yunfeng did not elaborate on which tycoon appeared on the stage and who spoke on behalf of the chamber of commerce.

"Jia Kui, brother Xiong is the youngest senior correctional officer among us Chinese, he can't fade away, what can you do?" Ding Yunfeng asked after throwing a cigarette.

Chen Jiaju used the lighter to help Ding Yunfeng light it, and then lit the cigarette himself: "The most difficult thing to deal with now is the few lawyers invited by Liu Yaozu.

Unless you can help Killer Xiong hire a more powerful lawyer, and then find a district councilor to talk to the judge.Otherwise, Killer Xiong will be embarrassed this time. "

"It's so simple? Didn't you say it earlier? Come on, borrow a phone, and I'll find someone to settle this matter right away." Ding Yunfeng laughed after hearing this.

Chen Jiaju choked on the smoke when he heard the words, he held down Ding Yunfeng and asked, "Hey, hey, you can hear me clearly.

Now that Liu Yaozu is still in decline, if you want to compete with the lawyers raised by him, you must hire at least one of the senior level. "


A common name for Hong Kong Island barristers.

Compared with solicitors, pleadings can be heard in the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal, but solicitors cannot speak in the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal.

of course.

In the big picture, the strength varies from high to low. If you want to win against Liu Yaozu's gang of litigants, you must have the big picture.

Ding Yunfeng patted Chen Jiaju's arm away: "Don't worry, the person I'm looking for will definitely be able to cover me."

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng took out a stack of business cards from his wallet and flipped them over.

Chen Jiaju poked his head to look suspiciously, and after a while, he sat back with a strange expression.

real or fake?

Many of these people are not even qualified to know my father, the leader of the Three Banners.

Ah Feng has always been a bully in Stanley, where did he get the chance to get the personal business card of this boss?

"For such a small scene, I think I can just find him!" Ding Yunfeng chose the lightest one, and waved it at Chen Jiaju.

Small scene?
Chen Jiaju's eyes twitched when he heard that, the police force at this time can be said to be black and white.

But even so, in the face of Liu Yaozu, who is backed by the Guilao consortium, he, the prince of the police force, is still almost unable to cover him?
Picking up the handset, Ding Yunfeng dialed a series of numbers: "Hello, Young Master Gan, I'm Ding Yunfeng, and I need your help with something."

Gan Lianghong was originally inspecting the work of the Yihai Group. He received a call from Ding Yunfeng and quickly made arrangements to bring a middle-aged man with four eyes who was full of gold and jade to kill him at the Mong Kok Police Station.

"Brother Feng, this is the Emperor's Queen's Counsel, Mr. Huang Dawen!
I was in the car and had already told him about the matter.

Huang Dazhuang said that for such a small matter, just give some bail and leave, and there is no need to ask the district councilor to speak. "Gan Lianghong sent Huang Dawen, said a few words with Ding Yunfeng, and left in a hurry.

"Ding Sir, my lord Huang Dawen, He Hetu's white paper fan.

Speaking of which, Fei Deng and I are still of the same generation.

I was also invited to attend the ceremony last time when the coolies forced their posts. "Huang Dawen is treacherous if he doesn't smile, and even more treacherous now that he smiles.

Ding Yunfeng was relieved when he heard that, it was his own people who came!

Huang Dawen, the rogue barrister who appeared in "The True Colors of a New Hero", can be said to be alive even if he is dead.

With him acting in person, Killer Xiong will definitely have no problem getting off the hook this time.

A business card stamped in English was handed over, Superintendent Ghost came down in person, Huang Dawen chatted with him, and found out that the two were also alumni of the University of London.

Now it was easier, Ding Yunfeng paid a little bail, and Zhong Chuxiong finally put on his clothes and walked out of the prison.

"You guys go back and tell your teachers that I, Huang Dawen, have taken Mr. Zhong's case!
If he's interested in touching me then we'll meet in the Supreme Court.

As for you guys, forget it, if I sue you, the legal profession will think that I, Huang Dawen, are bullying children. "

Maybe hearing that Killer Xiong was released on bail, the litigants raised by Liu Yaozu hurried over.

Unexpectedly, before they entered the police station, they encountered Huang Dawen, a killer whale in the legal profession. The latter was so angry that they dared not even reply.

"Mr. Huang, I have work today, let's go first." Ding Yunfeng came over to pass the cigarette, Huang Dawen took it with a smile: "Everyone is your own, just leave it to me, it's just a trivial matter."

Ding Yunfeng and Huang Dawen exchanged business cards, and left alone with Zhong Chuxiong.

As for Huang Dawen, Superintendent Guilao invited him, an alumnus, to play golf together, and the two of them should have a show in the evening.

Before leaving, Ding Yunfeng stuffed him with a check for 5 yuan, which was enough for him to play with the ghost all night at the current price.

He assured Zhong Chuxiong again and again that he would not tell the story of the lizard biting the bird.

Ding Yunfeng sent the physically and mentally traumatized Brother Xiong home, and then drove to the Shacha beef hot pot restaurant where Chen Jiaju had reserved a seat in advance.

"Ah Feng is here!"


"Sit down, sit down!"

Chen Jiaju, Ma Jun, Qiu Jinjiang, Zhang Yaoxiong and Miao Zhishun all stood up and greeted Ding Yunfeng enthusiastically.

Ding Yunfeng responded one by one, and sat beside Chen Jiaju with a smile: "Everyone, sit down, Jiaju, are you calling for something! I've been running around all morning, I'm almost starving."

"Don't worry! Hey, Ma Jun, everyone knows that you are about to be promoted to chief inspector, but don't just keep giggling all night!" Chen Jiaju pushed Ma Jun.

The corner of Ma Jun’s mouth was almost grinning to the back of his head. He opened a Heineken and blew it down: “Ah Feng, I am very grateful to you! Brother Nine has already told me that this time I can be promoted to Inspector. It all depends on Luo Ge selling your face."

After speaking, Ma Jun picked up two beers again.

Ding Yunfeng quickly asked Ah Qiu and Ah Xiong to stop the reckless man. The former grabbed a bottle in time, while the latter was obviously absent-minded. When he regained consciousness, Ma Jun drank another beer.

"What? Do you have something on your mind?" Ding Yunfeng took out his cigarette and walked around for a while, finally looked at Zhang Yaoxiong and asked.

Zhang Yaoxiong hesitated to speak, and finally said with a sneer: "Brother Feng, no, it's nothing, I was distracted just now."

Chen Jiaju knew that Ding Yunfeng was busy running Stanley, so they knew each other's current situation better than they did, just when he was about to help Zhang Yaoxiong clarify the point.

Miao Zhishun secretly kicked Chen Jiaju, raised his glass and said with a smile: "It's a rare gathering, come, let's have a toast!"

"Good!" Everyone raised their glasses one after another.

Fundraising is staggered, wait until the end.

Chen Jiaju, Ma Jun and Zhang Yaoxiong passed out one after another. Ding Yunfeng called Zhan Mi and A Cong and asked them to drive Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun back.

"Ah Qiu, tell me, Ah Xiong is in trouble." Ding Yunfeng handed Qiu Jinjiang a cigarette.

Qiu Jinjiang rubbed his reddish face, took it and said: "Brother Feng, Ah Xiong: I'm about to be beaten to death by his boss who rushed to the street!
A full two years have passed, and among us, he is the only one who hasn't taken off his military uniform and changed into plain clothes. "

 Report the first order status!
I boasted in my testimonials when I put it on the shelf. I estimated that the first order was 2400. The data came out today, and it was exactly 2400. There is no chance of adding more!
But that's good, at least it's up to the standard, and there's no embarrassment. If it's estimated to be one or two hundred more, the company will definitely die today.

Then I wrote and released 2 chapters now, and the remaining two chapters today, I can't finish writing until around 11 pm.Please understand, thank you for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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