Chapter 97

No matter what, Chen Yaoqing never expected that Ding Yunfeng would hand over this new source of income to himself.

"Brother Feng, don't...don't be joking!" After the initial ecstasy, Chen Yaoqing quickly calmed down.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt uncertain: "I came out to play at the age of 13. I only know how to drive and fight, and run a company? Brother Feng, how can I, Chen Yaoqing, have this ability?"

Ding Yunfeng smiled and didn't answer, looked at Zhan Mi and asked, "Zhan Mi, what do you think of Ah Qing?"

"I think it's okay, who can start a business as soon as they are born?

I also started by setting up a street stall, not to mention, A Qing also had the help of Tang Zhudi.It would be better for him to carry this burden than for my boss to shoulder it. "Zhan Mi looked at Chen Yaoqing and nodded in affirmation.

Coolie Qiang cursed at Zhan Mi, and handed Chen Yaoqing a cigarette: "Brother Feng is optimistic about you, so you can do it boldly.

Even if it messes up, it's a big deal, you will come back and continue to be a big and refreshing store manager. "

"Brother Qiang, it's easy for you to say, but my brother is under a lot of pressure..." Chen Yaoqing couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

Now, he is not asked to fight and kill, but to manage the two companies. If he is not careful, the loss can be in units of tens of thousands.

You know, a few days ago.

He, Chen Yaoqing, also took a few brothers to valet parking outside the casino, earning tips of tens to one hundred yuan a day to make ends meet.

"Haha, Ah Qing, from the point of view of caution, I think you can handle it.

Come!I have two suggestions for you.

You go to some badly run construction companies or interior decorating companies.

Then, spend a little money to acquire these small companies, select honest employees from them, and drive away those lazy and cunning eggs.

If you are messing around in the Tao, it is easier to check the background of these ordinary people than the bad guys.

In this way, you quickly have a group of junior staff, and as for the management staff..."

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, took a pen and paper, and wrote down a few names.

"This four-eyed man is called Chang Man, and he has two brothers, one is Chang Shu and the other is Chang Huan.

Changman runs a business by himself and supports a large family. He should be very good at it. If you give courtesy first and then soldier, carrots and sticks, there is a great chance to recruit him to help you. "

Chen Yaoqing was overjoyed when he heard the words. In the movie, he didn't stick to the stables, didn't do calligraphy, and didn't mix with fans.

Chen Yaoqing had no idea before, so Chen Yaoqing naturally had no confidence.

Now with Ding Yunfeng's suggestion, Brother Qing is confident!
Chen Yaoqing decided to let A Cong and A Hong take the banknotes tomorrow to recruit some construction workers as soon as possible, and then went to attack Chang Man by himself. He must not disappoint Brother Feng's trust.

"Brother Feng! You flatter me, Chen Yaoqing, so I will work hard." Patting his chest, Chen Yaoqing had a very serious expression.

"Relax, if you don't understand something, you can talk to Jimmy.

You two really couldn't make up your mind, so you took a few cages of shrimp dumplings and chicken feet to Tsuen Wan to ask Robinson for advice. This old fox missed a few tricks, enough for you to learn for a long time. "

Ding Yunfeng ordered Chen Yaoqing a few more words, and drove home alone.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Ding Yunfeng opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

While looking at the washing machine, Shi Shi complained: "Brother Feng, what did you put in your pocket, why are there so many scraps of paper..."


Where did the confetti come from?
Ding Yunfeng was startled when he heard the words, and then his attention was attracted by Shi Shi's cool clothes.

Hey oh oh, Ding Yunfeng rushed over, hehe until midnight.

The next day, Ding Yunfeng overslept. After he washed his face and brushed his teeth, when he saw Shi Shi's neatly folded police uniform, he finally remembered that he forgot about Zhong Chuxiong who was taken away! ! !
"It's broken, it's broken! How did I forget Brother Xiong! I said where did the paper scraps come from? It turned out that he gave it to me yesterday..."

"What did Brother Xiong give you yesterday?"

"Well, it's nothing, just a few exercises for body stretching.

Brother Xiong said that practicing every day can strengthen the waist and kidneys. Ding Yunfeng looked serious, his eyes fixed on Shi Shi who was wearing stockings.

Shi Shi put down his skirt and gave him a blank look: "It's not serious at first! Forget it, I'll go first. Zhan Mi entrusted me to take care of the Hongxin handbag shop, and I'm so busy every day now."

"Wait a minute, I'll see you off."

"Hey, my lord, then you should hurry up."

Ding Yunfeng took Shi Shi to the handbag shop, and then drove to the Mong Kok Police Station, just in time to meet Dazui, Chen Jiaju's attendant.

"Ding Sir, do you want breakfast?" Through Chen Jiaju's relationship, Dazui was no stranger to Ding Yunfeng, he smiled and handed him a sandwich and a cup of iced coffee.

Ding Yunfeng thanked him and took it, and found Chen Jiaju while eating.

"Why are you here now? I can't bear it any longer. Liu Yaozu has hired a few lawyers. Let the words come out. This time, the killer must be crucified."

When Chen Jiaju saw Ding Yunfeng, he immediately complained.

Brother Feng knew he was wrong, so he could only keep apologizing.

Chen Jiaju took him to the detention room of the Mong Kok Police Station, and saw Zhong Chuxiong wrapped in a quilt, squatting in the corner with his hands covering his face.

"Hey, what kind of plane are you flying? Just find a suit of clothes to cover Brother Xiong, it looks so ugly." Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Jiaju speechlessly.

Chen Jiaju was so innocent, he spread his hands and replied, "I think so too, but the gangsters said that if they wear the clothes of Killer Xiong, they will sue the Mong Kok Police Station to cover up the criminal and destroy the evidence."

"Damn! So arrogant?"

"He has a lot of money! If it were someone else, I would be able to let the killer go on the way. Do I need to detain him at the police station?"

Chen Jiaju was also very aggrieved, Ding Yunfeng asked him for help, so he let him know a little bit.

When he heard about the confrontation involving Chinese businessmen and British capital, Chen Jiaju, who had a strong sense of justice, naturally wanted to help.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yaozu was too difficult to deal with, not only hired a few rogue lawyers, but also dredged up the ghost superintendent of the Mong Kok Police Station.

If it wasn't for Chen Zhichao who was afraid of Chen Jiaju's old bean, Superintendent Guilao gave him three points of face for the police prince, Killer Xiong would definitely be 'taken care of' by many people this night.

"Brother Xiong! Brother Xiong!!" Ding Yunfeng knocked on the cell door.

Zhong Chuxiong turned his head according to the sound, holding his mouth shut, his eyes filled with tears: "Ah Feng, I'm so embarrassing this time!

Liu Yaozu, that inhuman guy, he even let a lizard bite me..."

"Passing by Queen Mary Hospital, I went in and rubbed the red medicine, and the bleeding stopped last night." Chen Jiaju suppressed a smile and explained in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng pursed his lips and nodded: "Brother Xiong, don't worry, the surname Liu is going to decline soon, I'll find someone to get you out first."

"It's useless! Ah Feng, you don't need to comfort me anymore.

The evidence is solid, I was photographed by them, and I will definitely be locked up in Stanley this time.

Just remember to cover me when the time comes, and don't let my old man know about this, he has a bad heart, I'm afraid he won't be able to take it..." Killer Xiong bit the quilt and began to cry.

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jiaju felt that their eyes were so hot, and seeing that the killer Xiong couldn't listen to persuasion, they could only return to Chen Jiaju's office and discuss countermeasures in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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