Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 96 2 Business Cards (5th update on the shelves)

Chapter 96 Two Business Cards
Gan Lianghong has just returned to Hong Kong from abroad, and the Gan family and he have not yet known his true identity.

Therefore, Gan Lianghong is still being cultivated by Gan Shupei as his heir. Being able to make friends with Ding Yunfeng, whom Robinson valued, makes Gan Shao talkative.

He talked about the manpower management of ground staff for a while, the elements of airport location selection for a while, and the various options for civil aviation aircraft...

Compared to Wang Wanwan who took out a Playboy book next to him and laughed strangely from time to time.

With a dignified appearance, impeccable tutoring and knowledge, and a gentle personality, Gan Lianghong is simply the standard template for a rich and wealthy family.

"Young Master Gan, another elder is here." Interrupting Gan Lianghong, Ding Yunfeng put his shoulders on his shoulders and walked behind several big bosses.

"Brother Feng, I've already said it, don't call me that, we are one year apart, you can just call me Ahong." Gan Lianghong looked at Ding Yunfeng speechlessly.

Ding Yunfeng patted him on the shoulder, Gan Lianghong felt a little strange, he enjoyed the life of a wealthy family since he was born, naturally no one dared to get close to him like Ding Yunfeng.

However, Gan Lianghong has a very paranoid personality.

People like him are very sensitive to things.

He could feel the kindness Ding Yunfeng expressed towards him.

Otherwise, would you really think that the young master who came back from overseas is so silly, chatting non-stop from one topic to another?
"I guess these are the uncles who raised money back then to help my father and Uncle Wang." In return, Gan Lianghong helped Ding Yunfeng introduce the people in a low voice.

He is the crown prince of Yihai Group, even if these Chinese business tycoons have never seen him.

However, he often listened to Gan Shupei's chanting on weekdays, and he could know who the other party was by a little correspondence with the titles of Robinson and the visitor.

"This one is in ocean shipping..."

"This one runs a gold shop..."

"Wow, this old man is sharp, he is a bank account holder..."

From Gan Lianghong's mouth, I kept hearing names that would be heard in later generations.

Ding Yunfeng was more and more emotional, no wonder Liu Yaozu was treated as a bum by Lu Binsun.

The old grandson's network of contacts was slightly inherited by Liu Yaozu. When the special period passes, why can't it take off?
[-] million bearer bonds, which sounds pretty bluffing now.

But in the long run, if you are qualified to come to see Robinson tonight to 'tell the numbers', there will be no one whose net worth is less than 100 billion in the future.

This is still being put on the bright side, how much money these people have in the dark, you can get a rough estimate by thinking about Luo Ge.

"Old Sun, you have been wronged these past few years.

I declare that the public case of [-] million bearer bonds will be closed from today!

Within a month, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce worked together to help Lao Sun.Take back your family property! "A skinny middle-aged man whom Ding Yunfeng had seen in countless short videos with patriotic themes before he traveled through time said sonorously and forcefully.





Wang Yifei, Gan Shupei and others, with serious faces, raised their hands to vote.

Robinson smiled until the corners of his eyes were slightly moist. He declined because he wanted to help Chinese businessmen fight against the British consortium.

In this special period when the Chinese are brutally suppressed in all walks of life, if the Chinese Chamber of Commerce does not support him today, the hearts of the people will be scattered tomorrow.

Accompanied by Robinson, Ding Yunfeng was very excited to send away many big businessmen one by one.

After all, there are two of them whose achievements in the future cannot be measured by money at all-they are all covered with flags.

Needless to say, whoever made the guarantee to Robinson on behalf of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce-knows everything.

In addition, the old man who opened the bank account, the first red flag on Hong Kong Island was hoisted at his bank account when the Eastern Dragon awakened!

He lived a simple life, did not buy a garage, did not leave his family property to his descendants, and donated his entire net worth of 2000 billion to the country. The eldest son forced him to drive a taxi to make a living.

The male version of the Ruthless Emperor! !

The red heart is so red that even gods and ghosts are shocked!

Some people have mixed reputations in life and need to make a conclusion in the future, but this old man is so popular that he can't even darken the sun.

Ding Yunfeng carefully put away two of the business cards. When Robinson saw it, he laughed: "Sir Ding, you have been pretending to be a junior for a long time. Don't be offended."

"Boss Sun's support today, I, Ding Yunfeng, will never forget!" Ding Yunfeng said, looking at Robinson with tea instead of wine.

Robinson nodded again and again: "My own people, don't say such things in the future. By the way, this is the 3000 million..."

"Boss Sun, you should keep this money for now..."

"Hey, one yard counts for one yard! Ah Feng, the most important thing in our business is reputation. You don't want me to lose my money when I get old, do you?"


"Haha, take it, I will have money soon."

Ding Yunfeng couldn't beat Robinson, but he still kept 2000 million and asked Robinson to help him invest.

This time, Robinson did not refuse. He drafted a contract on the spot, stipulating that Ding Yunfeng would own 2000% of the shares in the casino and entertainment city he was about to establish with the 10 million.

After ordering Big D to continue to protect Robinson, Qian Wendi and others, Ding Yunfeng left Tsuen Wan with his men.

Returning to Tuodi where Coolie was strong, after reading the contract signed by Ding Yunfeng and Robinson, Coolie exclaimed: "2000 million is only 10% of the shares. Boss Sun's company is worth 2 million?"

"Brother Qiang, this account can't be settled like this!

Robinson is out of the field, out of staff, and also in charge of management and operation, so he naturally takes up a lot.

Brother Feng only pays money and waits for dividends, and 10% is already very good. "Jimmy quickly explained.

Except for Ding Yunfeng, who has a little research on business, the others are either reckless people who fight and kill, or planes that can't even be shortlisted in the circle of reckless people.

"Zhanmi, Robinson helped me grab food from Wang Yifei's bowl, and the Wang family promised to bring us to collect money.

In a few days, Tom Judy will help us set up a construction company and an interior decoration company.

After the two companies have set up their shelves, the Wang family will give us two small properties in Wan Chai to try. Ding Yunfeng announced another piece of good news.

Everyone cheered when they heard the words. Although the real estate market on Hong Kong Island is ups and downs, compared with barbecue restaurants and A-grade handbags, the grade of construction business is several notches higher.

If one day he becomes bigger and stronger, Brother Feng becomes a Chinese business tycoon who enters and exits the upper class, how can the group of younger brothers who follow behind and wave flags become big water pipes, right?

"Brother Feng, who do you plan to let take care of this matter." Jimmy was a little moved, but now he is in charge of a chain of handbags and barbecue restaurants, so he really has no skills at his disposal.

Ding Yunfeng's eyes slowly swept across the crowd. It was rare for him to have a brain when rushing to the front of the plane in the past. He slumped his shoulders and hid behind Coolie Qiang: "Brother Feng, it's okay to ask me to kill people. I can't do business with my plane!"

"Choose! I'll choose you as a coolie, and I won't even choose you as a fool!" Ding Yunfeng was so angry that he laughed out loud.

Coolie scratched his head, shaking his serious face non-stop: "Brother Feng, I'm not this material."

"Go away, I never counted on you." Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette tactically, facing this pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks every day, he would be stimulated to vomit blood sooner or later.

After drawing a lucky lottery, Ding Yunfeng pointed at the non-existent Chen Yaoqing: "Ah Qing, I decided to let you do this business!"

 Dear readers, it has been 5 chapters so far, and I still owe 1 chapter.

First order will be tested on the first day of release. If I finish writing this chapter and post it, it will be around 1 o'clock, and it will only be 8 hours before 12 o'clock in the morning. The last chapter will definitely not have many subscriptions, and the first order will be lowered.

So, I will save this chapter and post it together with the guaranteed 3 chapters tomorrow! !

(End of this chapter)

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