Chapter 95 Robinson's Energy
After twists and turns, they finally found the [-] million bearer bonds.

Although he was very sure that the teapot would not do anything wrong, Ding Yunfeng took everyone with him, drove a few cars, and rushed to Tsuen Wan to find Robinson, the person involved, to verify for himself.

"That's right, it's these things!" Robinson checked carefully one by one, and finally let everyone breathe a sigh of relief when he made a decision.

Zhan Mi suggested: "Brother Feng, why don't you invite Sister Zhu Di out tomorrow and give these things to her, so as not to have long nights and dreams?"

"No! I'll call her now. Liu Yaozu is a shrewd person. He can't tell. At this moment, he has already discovered that the teapot has moved his lizard tank." Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, then shook his head decisively.

Robinson glanced at Ding Yunfeng approvingly: "Ding Sir is right, there are too many people paying attention to this huge sum of money, it is more appropriate for my old friends to collect it in person."

After speaking, Robinson stopped Ding Yunfeng. He picked up the receiver and dialed a number that he hadn't contacted for several years.

"Hey, King Stingy, I'm Robinson Crusoe..."

"That's right! You, Wang Yifei, are not dead, of course I'm still alive."

"The bond is in my hands, but I can't pay it back to you, or to Old Gan.

The money was entrusted to me by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce at that time.If you want to take it away, you and Lao Gan have to call three directors of the chamber of commerce to come to Tsuen Wan to have an interview with me. "

After saying a few sonorous words, Robinson hung up the phone with a bang: "Don't worry, everyone, this huge sum of money has been held down for so many years.

At the beginning, it was raised in the names of Wang Yifei and Gan Shupei.

These two people have to pay back a lot of interest to those old friends who raised funds every year!

I'm sure they'll be here in half an hour. "

Hearing this old man's words, everyone present except Ding Yunfeng showed surprise.

Ding Yunfeng asked Big D to prepare a group of men and horses, and the distance from the end of the several thousand meter long-distance race was just short of the last trembling. At this critical juncture, there must be no mistakes...

the other side.

Wang Yifei received a call from Robinson, even in the middle of the night, he still called quickly.

A Chinese business tycoon who pays attention to health preservation and goes to bed early was woken up by Wang Yifei one after another.

"Hey, I finally found my whereabouts. Okay, I'll get dressed and set off now..." Gan Shupei put on his suit and went downstairs while yawning.

His son Gan Lianghong heard the movement and hurried out the door: "Father, it's so late, you still want to go out?"

"The [-] million bearer bonds have disappeared, since you are up, why not go with me.

Tonight, there will definitely be many old friends from the Chamber of Commerce present, so you might as well become familiar with them. "Gan Shupei smiled and waved to his 'son'.

Gan Lianghong, who had just returned from abroad, quickly changed into formal clothes, helped his old man out of the villa, drove a Mercedes himself, and rushed directly to Tsuen Wan.

A scene similar to the above is happening in many places in the Chinese business district.

Before 97, 3 million was not a small sum in any industry.

Lei Luo ran away, and publicly disclosed 5 million black gold. This has allowed Lei Detective to grow out of the circle for decades, and he was pulled out to make movies and movies until he died.

Since the next meeting will be all Chinese businessmen and predators, except for Ding Yunfeng who stays with Robinson, everyone else will retreat out of interest.

Wang Yifei came the fastest. He brought his son Wang Wanwan and his daughter-in-law Tang Zhudi. First, he exchanged greetings with Robinson, introduced each other's juniors, and then sat in the first seat on the left side of the living room.

Tang Zhudi glanced at Ding Yunfeng who was sitting next to Robinson. She looked very ugly. At first, she thought he wanted to sleep with her, but who knew, he wanted to sleep with her next to her.

"This kind of rural place has a lot of deciduous caterpillars.

Hey, my wife, there are a lot of green leaves on your gauze hat, I'll help you clean it off. "

"Shut up! No more talking." Tang Zhudi glared at Wang Wanwan, took off his gauze hat and threw it aside.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng smiled and said, "Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang are so affectionate, and Ding is so envious."

"Wow quack, pretty boy, you have pretty good eyesight.

My wife, Wang Wanwanxi, has always kept a low profile. I didn't expect you to see it all.

Your Excellency is also a fellow..." Wang Wanwan shook his head with a smile, and lip marks of different colors were constantly showing under the collar of his shirt.

Ding Yunfeng agreed with a smile, and Tang Zhudi could naturally see that her husband was being played like a monkey again.

Glancing at Ding Yunfeng, Tang Zhudi warned: "Ding Sir, you are not in Stanley to guard those prisoners, why are you here when you have time?"

"Prison guard?" Wang Wanwan's laughter stopped when he heard this.

Sitting with his eyes closed, Wang Yifei asked Robinson pointingly, "Old Sun, this Sir, is he the one who helped you get back these bonds?"

"Stingy King, what you said is correct.

If there is no Ah Feng, don't talk about retrieving these bonds.

I am Robinson Robinson in Stanley, I am afraid I have been beaten to death by some people long ago.

If there is anything you can take care of in the future, for my sake, you have to remember to pull Afeng. "

Robinson stared at Wang Yifei closely. What he said was very simple, but with that gloomy expression on his face, Wang Yifei took out a towel and wiped his forehead unnaturally.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, but Old Sun, you know me. In my life, I only know how to speculate on land and build buildings to sell..."

"You help Ah Feng set up a construction company, an interior decoration company, and give him the business of the two small real estates in Wan Chai!
Taking advantage of no one is present, you nod now, you and I will still be good friends in the future, otherwise..."

"Go, go, go!

You can do whatever you want!
Why is this so urgent?

I didn't say no..."

Wang Yifei was afraid that Robinson would say something that shouldn't be said, so he quickly agreed with heartache.

Even though Wang Wanwan only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, he can still tell.

Robinson, this is helping Ding Yunfeng grab food from the Wang family's cooking pot.

Rolling up his sleeves and taking a step forward, Wang Wanwan was about to lose his temper, but found that his wife Tang Zhudi was grabbing the hem of his suit.

"Million, don't mess around, a few years ago, the master sent someone to work in Stanley.

Robinson is willing to use this method for private affairs, and it is better than waiting for the director of the chamber of commerce to be present, and it is much better to be held accountable by him in public. "

It turns out that my own mistakes came first...

Wang Wanwan touched the mole on his chin, and walked back behind Wang Yifei speechlessly.

Ding Yunfeng also did not expect that Robinson would erase the karma between him and Wang Yifei for himself.

"Leave it all to me, don't talk." Robinson nodded to Ding Yunfeng in a low voice, then looked up towards the door.

Gan Shupei and Gan Lianghong, the father and son, came. Seeing Wang Yifei's complexion was a bit wrong, Gan Shupei felt a little bit in his heart.

However, Gan Shupei is the representative of villains in Hong Kong dramas. He laughed and walked in front of Robinson. The latter stood up with a smile, and the two had a bear hug.

"It's good to come out, it's good to come out."

"Brother Lao Gan misses you, please sit down."

The two old foxes looked at each other and smiled, Gan Shupei walked across to Wang Yifei, and took the first seat on the right.

"Old Sun, this is my son Gan Lianghong. Ah Hong, hurry up and call someone, this is Uncle Sun who was closest to you when you were young."

"Hello, Uncle Sun."

Robinson took a look at Gan Lianghong: "The bigger Ah Hong is, the more handsome he is, good! You and Ah Feng are young people, and you should spend more time with each other on weekdays."

"Brother Feng, I am Gan Lianghong, please give me your advice."

One thought becomes Buddha, one thought becomes demon; one thought of heaven, one thought of hell.

Looking at this prince of the Gan family who was forced to blacken when he learned his true identity in the future.

Ding Yunfeng sighed a little, and smiled lightly: "Young Master Gan, you are welcome, my name is Ding Yunfeng."

(End of this chapter)

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