Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 94 Obtaining Bonds (3rd update on the shelves)

Chapter 94 Obtaining Bonds (3rd update on the shelves)
Chen Yaoqing didn't finish the matter, his eyes were red and he raced back to Tuodi.

Approaching Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant, the Wanchai car master slammed the steering wheel, and a flick of the tail kicked up countless sand and dirt.

The young and Dangerous boys at the tables around were fed for no reason, and they all patted the table and got up and cursed.

However, when they saw Chen Yaoqing getting out of the car with a gloomy expression, Ah Cong, who was in the passenger seat with a revolver pinned to his jeans, closed their mouths and sat back.

"A few tables here, tonight's consumption is free, and each table will add an extra case of blue ribbon beer." Chen Yaoqing squeezed out a smile, raised his hands and announced loudly.

"Brother Qing is rich!"

"Thank you Brother Qing!"

"Brother Qing, I'm Temple Street Niubiqiang, I want to be with you..."


Waving to this group of young and Dangerous boys who were drunk, meaty and father-in-law, Chen Yaoqing turned around, put away his smile, and led A Cong up the stairs quickly.

On the second floor of Tuodi, Ding Yunfeng sat in the main seat, and Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mizai sat on the sofa from left to right.

Big D was in charge of protecting Robinson and Qian Wendi in Tsuen Wan. The only junior present was the plane.

Hearing the cheers from downstairs, Coolie grinned and said, "Brother Feng, it seems that Ah Qing brought back those bonds."

Ding Yunfeng frowned and did not speak, silently took out a cigarette and lit it.

Seeing the puzzled faces of Coolie Qiang and Ji Ji, Zhan Mi explained in a deep voice: "Those bonds cannot be seen, and with Ah Qing's temperament, if things are done, he will definitely be more cautious and low-key.

Now downstairs is free order and refills, I guess, things may go wrong..."

Before Zhan Mi finished speaking, Chen Yaoqing had brought A Cong through the door and walked in.

The two knelt in front of Ding Yunfeng and the others with embarrassing expressions: "Brother Feng, Brother Qiang. We are useless, let that teapot run away."

With a cigarette between his fingers, Ding Yunfeng stared intently at Chen Yaoqing: "Where's the bond? Have you brought out the teapot?"

"He said he brought it out..."

Chen Yaoqing didn't dare to hide it, and told how he and A Cong found the landing point of the teapot zipline, and then drove to meet him after the other party succeeded.

Unexpectedly, this move aroused Teapot's dissatisfaction, and he abandoned the car and went into the woods to get rid of them, and he was wary of bonds, not allowing A Cong to shoot after him, which caused Teapot to escape...

It took about seven or eight minutes, and A Cong added some details, Chen Yaoqing told Ding Yunfeng and the others the whole story in detail.

"Brother Feng! Let me collect this fat man's skin!" Ji Ji's eyes lit up, he walked up to Chen Yaoqing and A Cong, and looked at Ding Yunfeng with his fists clasped.

Collect the skin of the teapot?
Letting you bring a strong 18 dragon-slaying sword is not enough for that fat man to fight with one hand...

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, the combat power of the plane is about the same as that of Shou Le Shao's skin, it's fine to hit the teapot, there is no chance of winning.

Coolie punched the tea table with his fist, causing the cups to jump: "Brother Feng, I'm going to ask people to go to the road to stop the wind. If this fat guy comes out, he dares to hack our goods? I don't want to live anymore."

"Brother Qiang, don't be impulsive, although Teapot has a bad temper, but in my opinion, he is not the kind of black-and-white person.

We and Liansheng have [-] brothers. A lone ranger like him, with a little brain, will not offend us to death.

In my opinion, he is angry at us for sending someone to support him and intervene in his affairs. "Zhan Mi hurriedly stopped Coolie Qiang.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Coolie Qiang: "Sit down, close the wind?
Lianshe is the dog raised by Liu Yaozu, and Liu Yaozu is also the dog raised by the ghost, you send people to the road to catch the wind, and the ghost will find out soon!
As Jimmy said, the teapot should be dissatisfied with our meddling in his work.

Wait until dawn!

If it's dawn and this fat man doesn't show up, I'll try to find a way to get him out. "

Ding Yunfeng ordered Coolie Qiang, and waved Chen Yaoqing and A Cong to get up.

Ding Yunfeng knew he couldn't blame them all for what happened tonight.

Especially Chen Yaoqing, when he was angry, he could still keep calm and stop Ah Cong who was about to shoot.

This point, Ding Yunfeng felt very rare.

The bullet doesn't have eyes, if it hits the bond on the teapot, it will really be Barbie Q.

Good thing...

An hour later, when the coolies were strong and the plane was restless, it was about to be unbearable.

The teapot hummed a little tune and pushed the door open.

"Damn fat boy, you finally appeared, look at your feet!" Coolie shouted forcefully, stepped forward and kicked the teapot's lower leg.

The teapot had a stern face, he clenched his fist and sideways avoided, and a broken platoon shot hit Coolie Qiang's right rib.

Coolie turned around and changed his moves, swung his legs like a steel whip, and lashed towards the teapot's neck, the teapot spread his Hong fists, and evaded without talking about Wude.

Seeing that one fat and the other skinny were holding their ground and wanted to start a fight, Ding Yunfeng silently took out a handful of gold-plated desert eagles that Lei Luo had given him, and slapped them on the floor between them.

"Come on! Let me see if your fists are faster or my bullets are faster.

Fight, why don't you fight?
Do you think I am dead?
Fatty, you offer 20.

Did I, Ding Yunfeng, pay you back a dime?

Is it against the rules of the road to send someone to respond after the matter is completed?
You are so ungrateful, you dare to play disappear for me?
Flutter collar mother!
Do you know that just because you haven't responded for an hour, anyone can suspect that you secretly swapped the goods!
Now that I shoot you dead, the world will only call you the teapot, and no one will blame me for breaking the rules. "

"Brother Feng! Let me beat him to death. You can save 20." Coolie Qiang nodded viciously, his legs ready to move.

Hearing Coolie Qiang's words, Zhan Mi turned around while clutching his forehead.

Sure enough, Ding Yunfeng had an ugly face and lashed out at the coolie: "Fight, beat, know how to fight all day long!
If you can't run out of strength, immediately go back to the pier and do coolie work.

Mad, your brain is rusted, even if you want to beat him, can't you wait for him to hand over the things before you beat him?

If this fat man is cunning and doesn't bring his things with him, you will beat him to death when you come up, where the hell am I going to find the goods? "

"My profession is to fight..." Coolie Qiang was sprayed by Brother Feng again, and he lowered his head and muttered aggrievedly.

Seeing the boss making an embarrassment in front of others, Chen Yaoqing pursed his lips, and his temples throbbed slightly.

A Cong covered his mouth and turned around. He knew that his smile was low, and he was afraid he couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this time, the plane took out his dagger and walked up. He looked at the teapot expressionlessly: "Fatty man, hand over the things, wait a minute, I will hit it lighter."


The teapot is full of question marks, looking at the plane, this is true, should I hand it in or not?
Ding Yunfeng was so angry that his liver ached. He went up and slapped the plane, which was about to be dazzled by his thoughts, and then stretched out his hand to the teapot: "Keep your things and get the hell out, before I change my mind."

The teapot knew that this time, he really messed up the money owner.

Facing Ding Yunfeng's muzzle, Teapot carefully unzipped his night clothes and took out a stack of receipts in a file bag: "Brother Feng, you have to keep your word, don't let your brothers embarrass me... ..."

"Get out! If you don't leave, I'll kill you right now." Ding Yunfeng snatched the bond, and slightly raised the muzzle of his gun.

The teapot screamed in fright, and crawled out amidst the laughter of the crowd.

 Thank you so much for your rewards, I still owe you three more, and try to get it done before dinner!The hand speed is too sloppy to make everyone laugh!
(End of this chapter)

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