Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 93 Traces (2nd update on the shelves)

Chapter 93 Traces (2nd update on the shelves)
"Big D, that Gui Liquan, go and say hello, Zhao Gangsheng wants to follow the right path, and tell him not to disturb his life anymore."

Ding Yunfeng has a little impression of Gui Liquan, he looks like a big mi, and he belongs to the kind of villain who doesn't need makeup.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I will lead someone to handle this matter later.

He Hexing has been lonely for decades. I say hello to this kind of shit straw sandals from the Sunset Society, which is regarded as a compliment. "Big D patted his chest in response.

Helping Zhao Gangsheng erase his worries, Ding Yunfeng, amidst his thanks, got into Zhanmi's car, left Tsuen Wan, and came to Tuodi, where coolies are strong.

"Brother Feng, there is indeed something in that teapot.

The person I sent was thrown away by him before he even got out of the street corner.

Ah Qing had just come to ask, but now he didn't know which direction he would evacuate after the teapot was obtained. It would be difficult for them to drive over in time to pick him up. "Kui Liqiang stood up immediately when he saw Ding Yunfeng and said.

Ding Yunfeng frowned and thought about it, he recalled the beginning of "The Five Lucky Stars".

Also sneaked into a rich man's villa to steal. After being discovered, the teapot used a zipline to escape, but accidentally slipped into a police car and was arrested...

"That fat guy from Teapot is very good at using zip lines to dodge people! Ask someone to contact A Qing and ask him to look around Liu Yaozu's villa to see if there are any trees or terrain that can be used to arrange zip lines." Ding Yunfeng said while sitting in the coolie's seat.

A He Liansheng horse boy was immediately sent out by the coolie, and Chen Yaoqing, who was guarding around Liu Yaozu's villa in advance, soon received a tip from Ding Yunfeng.

"Zipline?" Chen Yaoqing and A Cong stepped out of the car, looked around, and soon made a new discovery...

into the night!

Zhong Chuxiong, dressed like a dog, came outside Liu Yaozu's villa with a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

Meng Na deliberately left him alone for a long time, causing Teapot, Chen Yaoqing and A Cong who were waiting outside to be bitten by mosquitoes.

Good thing!

Just when Zhong Chuxiong waited until he was about to lose confidence.

Mengna finally appeared, and then Zhong Chuxiong and her had a mutual evaluation about the number of times, time, experience, and combat power.

In order not to water the number of words.

"Made, this couple of dogs and men finally went in."

Seeing Liu's servants yelling at the adulterers come out of the villa, Teapot hastily pulled off the black hood, exposing the eyes, nostrils and mouth.

With one move, the fat dragon is in the sky, and the teapot jumped into the villa from the big tree that had been squatting for almost two hours.

Stepping lightly into the door, the teapot ignored the muffled sound from the master bedroom. According to the clues given by Ding Yunfeng in advance, he quickly found the glass tank where Liu Yaozu raised lizards.

"The 20 yuan is too easy to earn." Looking at the lizard tank, the teapot rubbed its palms and smiled.

He took off his backpack, took out two sticks, and then got under the lizard tank. With a pair of fat hands, he removed the bottom plate in less than 50 seconds and took away the bearer bonds hidden by Robinson.

The guy who put away the meal, the teapot originally wanted to clean up the traces of the crime.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a lot of footsteps coming in from the corridor outside.

This is the host is back!

Sure enough, it only lasted a minute or two, and the patron's prediction was accurate enough!
The teapot complained secretly, but the movement was not slow at all. He jumped out of the window, quickly climbed up the big tree that he was guarding before, took out a crossbow-mounted shooting hook, and aimed at a downhill section with a large drop outside the villa. Look at the streetlight over there and pull the trigger.


The strong crossbow was fired, and the shooting hook flew out with the rope. The teapot quickly tied the end of the rope to the tree trunk, then took out a pulley buckle to fasten it, bent down and clung to the zipline like a fat bat and flew out of Liu Yaozu's villa.

Close to the ground, the teapot let go of the pulley, and it jumped steadily to the ground.

But before he picked up the small motorcycle that had been hidden in advance, two dazzling headlights had already shone.

"Hey, fat man, did you get the things? Get in the car!!!" Chen Yaoqing rolled down the window and looked playfully at the teapot that covered the headlights with his palm.

A Cong sat in the passenger seat, holding a revolver in his hand, staring coolly at this obscene fat man in a tight-fitting night suit.

"Hmph! No need, I have my own car." Teapot narrowed his eyes and spoke in a very blunt tone.

Chen Yaoqing looked at the teapot and dragged out a small motorcycle from the grass, and sat on it, the frame of which was barely visible: "Hey, fat man, don't be ridiculous, brother Feng is still waiting for our reply, hurry up and get on the car."

"Huh! You don't need to worry about it, go back and tell Boxing King Peak that I have already got what he wants..." Before he could finish speaking, the teapot suddenly turned the accelerator, and the little motorcycle went out.

Seeing this, Ah Cong was furious, raised his gun and opened the door to get out of the car.

Chen Yaoqing shouted loudly: "A Cong, don't be impulsive, it's okay for you to kill him, I'm afraid that the bullet will have no eyes and hurt the things Brother Feng wants."

"Made! This fat man, don't fall into my hands!" A Cong slammed into the car, Chen Yaoqing started the car ahead of time, and chased after him with a roar.

Unexpectedly, the teapot is very cunning, knowing that the scooter can't outrun Chen Yaoqing's car.

He quickly abandoned the car and got into the dense forest. This area is full of villas in the middle of the mountain, and there are many trees around.

Chen Yaoqing and A Cong chased him for a while, but was quickly thrown off by the professional thief, the teapot.

Although they both carried guns before setting off, they were used to break out of the siege when Liu Yaozu found out.

At this moment, he is afraid of throwing a mouse, and he is afraid that the gunshots will attract the bodyguards of other rich people.

Looking at the shadowy forest in the night, Chen Yaoqing and A Cong were very depressed.

"Cong (艹盘哉), Brother Qing, what should we do now?" A Cong hit the tree trunk next to him with the butt of his gun, and countless fallen leaves floated down.

Chen Yaoqing rubbed his forehead: "Go back right away, brother Feng is still waiting for news! This fat man, don't be caught by me..."

The two hurried into the car, Chen Yaoqing almost stepped on the accelerator, and a semi-old Ford kept drifting in the mid-level villa area.

Many rich men who were woken up turned on the lamps and cursed who was born a bastard?In the middle of the night, they are actually showing off their driving skills around here! ! !

Liu Yaozu hadn't found out that the bond he was thinking of had been stolen. He led someone to block Zhong Chuxiong on the bed. After some coercion, he found that this guy really didn't know the whereabouts of the bond.

Just when he took the initiative to call the police, planning to send Zhong Chuxiong to the mission station.

Chen Jiaju, who was greeted by Ding Yunfeng in advance, led a few of his men to stop the man who was going to call the police.

Hearing that it was midnight, Chen Jiaju was willing to take the trip instead of himself, and the detectives who were about to leave were overjoyed.

Chen Jiaju pulled on the siren and brought people to Liu Yaozu's villa. When he saw Zhong Chuxiong surrounded by a quilt, he was wronged and held in the living room. He held back his smile and made a routine questioning with a stern face.

"Mr. Liu, we will take this suspect away first. Tomorrow, please come to the police station to make up a record..." Chen Jiaju said routine words to Liu Yaozu.

Unintentionally, out of the corner of Chen Jiaju's eye, he glanced at the lizard tank in the living room. On the floor, he saw some traces hidden deep in his memory.

The smile on his face froze slowly, Chen Jiaju screamed in his heart, the fat man has disappeared for many years, how could he appear here?

(End of this chapter)

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