Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 92 Robinson’s Ambition (first update on shelves)

Chapter 92 Robinson’s Ambition (first update on shelves)
"Wendi, are you still leaving?
Are you going to take over Robinson's mouse barn? "

Ding Yunfeng led Robinson out for a few steps, suddenly turned around and looked at Qian Wendi and said with a smile.

Qian Wendi regained consciousness after hearing the words, and ran up happily: "I...I can't help..."

"Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of straw ropes!
Wendi, you and I met in Stanley, and we have gone through adversity together.

After you go out, why don't you stay with me and help me? "Robinson jokingly patted Qian Wendi on the shoulder.

Qian Wendi was a little moved when he heard the words, relying on his and Liao Zhi's half-hearted tricks.

If there is a big plumber who is willing to support them, it will definitely be much more comfortable than wandering in the rivers and lakes.

The problem is that……

Qian Wendi couldn't figure out whether Robinson was acting on a whim or sincerely.

Apart from spending a thousand dollars, they can't help Boss Sun, who is about to make a comeback, at all in terms of business.

"Liu Yaozu swallowed Robinson's property, these years, he changed many properties into casinos or small clubs.

You follow Robinson, and you will definitely have something to play in the future. "Ding Yunfeng glanced at Qian Wendi and pushed her.

Lu Binsun gave Ding Yunfeng a thumbs up. The last time he heard that Ding Yunfeng, Zhong Chuxiong and Qian Wendi were not acquainted at Liu Yaozu's casino, he deliberately recruited Qian Wendi.

Even Robinson didn't hesitate to pretend to be stupid, and asked Qian Wendi to help him plan Liu Yaozu, indirectly trying the ability of this grandson of the God of Gamblers.

After being imprisoned for several years, this time out, even with the help of many old friends in the Chamber of Commerce, Robinson had no one, and it was still difficult for him to develop.

Both Qian Wendi and Liao Zhi are members of a thousand families, and they are also the disciples of Hua Guo's gambling god Dragon Four.

Robinson felt that if he polished this sign and added his connections in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, he could swallow up Liu Yaozu's several ready-made casinos and clubs and occupy a place in the gambling world of Hong Kong Island.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face!
Carrying the scapegoat of [-] million bearer bonds, he squatted in Stanley for several years, and was broken by a foreigner's dog during the period. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce must compensate Robinson.

As long as a few Chinese business tycoons come forward, Hong Kong gambling king Hong Guang has to give way. The right time, place and people are in harmony. With Qian Wendi and the three of them joining, it can be regarded as taking over!

Qian Wendi didn't think about it for long, and he quickly accepted Robinson's solicitation.

Ding Yunfeng took out a stack of family visit approval slips signed by Zhong Chuxiong in advance on the spot, took out one at random, and filled in Qian Wendi's name.

Compared with Robinson, who has more serious crimes and needs to ask Smith for approval when going out to visit relatives, Zhong Chuxiong's level can be settled with Qian Wendi's nonsense.

Ding Yunfeng led the two of them out of Stanley and got into the car driven by Zhan Mi.

"This is Boss Sun, the senior of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce! Zhan Mi, you can ask him a lot about your business in the future." Ding Yunfeng introduced several people.

Robinson and Qian Wendi are both smart people, and they can immediately tell that Zhan Mizai is Ding Yunfeng's confidant in business.

"Haha, Sir Ding won the award, he is old and old, and my style is outdated." Robinson took Jimmy's business card and waved his hands with a smile.

Zhan Mizi doesn't dare to neglect him. Anyone who can join the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in this era is a crocodile-level existence.

In comparison, his small achievements in the A-cargo bag and barbecue restaurant are simply a small black fish that is considered too little meat for this group of big bosses.

"I arranged for you to go to Tsuen Wan, Jimmy's top horse Big D is doing well there.

Hehe, the clan forces in the New Territories have always been very xenophobic. Even if Liu Yaozu knows your whereabouts, he will have nothing to do with you in a short time. "

Ding Yunfeng explained, and Robinson and Qian Wendi smiled at each other.

Zhan Mi was driving very fast. He had just driven into Tsuen Wan, and from a distance, he saw Big D waiting in a mess by the side of the road with several hundred New Territories bad boys.

"Brother Feng, Brother Zhanmi!" Mawei trotted forward and opened the car door for Ding Yunfeng.

Big D, with a cigarette in his mouth, slapped the rotten boy next to him on the head: "Idiot, what are you doing standing there? Seeing my boss Zhan Mi and Brother Stanley Feng, who don't know how to call people and have no tutor?"

"Hello Brother Zhanmi! Hello Brother Feng!" The group of New Territories rotten boys who have been raised by Big D all year round shouted in a hurry.

Not to mention, although this gang of mobs doesn't look very reliable, they all have fierce eyes, lean bodies, and the muscle lines of the arms holding the guys are very obvious.

Compared with the real young and Dangerous boys who lined up neatly when drying horses in the urban area, but once the fight started, they would have to pant twice after running for three steps.

Robinson and Qian Wendi felt that the combat power of the Tsuen Wan rogues under Big D's command might be extraordinary.

Robinson Qian Wendi feels more relieved that his life safety is guaranteed.

At this moment, Liu Lili was pushing a wheelchair, on which sat Goldfinger Liao Zhi with a plaster cast on his right foot.



Qian Wendi was very excited to see her friend was safe.

He and Liu Lili pushed Liao Zhi, walked slowly aside, agreed to Robinson's solicitation, and naturally had to explain to these two closest people.

On the other side, Ding Yunfeng and Robinson, surrounded by Zhan Mi, Big D and Mawei, walked into a three-story small house that Big D had prepared in advance.

"Ding Sir, since you have arranged for people to do things, then I will tell Dong XZ where..." Robinson whispered a few words in Ding Yunfeng's ear.

Although Ding Yunfeng knew in advance that Robinson would hide the bonds in the bottom interlayer of the glass tank where Liu Yaozu raised lizards through the plot of the movie;

But at this time, Ding Yunfeng had to put on a shocked expression: "Jiang is still old and hot, tall, really tall!"

"Haha, that bastard, he never imagined that what he misses day and night is where he sees every day." Robinson showed a smug smile.

Ding Yunfeng gave Zhan Mi a wink, and the latter pushed the big D: "Hey! What are the arrangements for lunch? It's rare that Brother Feng is coming to the New Territories, you have to come up with something special."

"Boss, don't worry, if you can serve the table today, it's all fresh game..."

Facing a table full of wild game, Ding Yunfeng discovered that Ou Zhaofeng from Manhanlou was in charge of the kitchen today, and Zhao Gangsheng was also in charge of serving Lao Ou.

"I said it's no wonder it's so delicious. It turns out that you, Big D, have invited Master Ou." Ding Yunfeng strongly invited Ou Zhaofeng to the table, but the latter refused, so he could only smile and sit up with a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

"The last time someone was causing trouble in Man Han Lou, Big Brother D happened to be there, so he came forward to help us solve it.

Although I, Ou Zhaofeng, am just a cook, I must be kind and righteous in life.

I heard that Brother D is going to entertain VIPs, and there are some rare ingredients, so I brought Hong Kong students here. "Ou Zhaofeng drank a few cups and started talking.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was interested, Big D glanced at Zhao Gangsheng and explained in a low voice.

This incident was done by Zhao Gangsheng's horse boys, these idiots were stupid, they borrowed the old man's money and lent it to another group of young and Dangerous boys who put money outside.

It just so happened that the other party's Ma Zi had been with Zhao Gangsheng before, and this man deliberately withheld the money to force Zhao Gangsheng to give Ma Zi a head.

Borrow Guili and give it to Guili colleagues who lend Guili?

This kind of weird method, if there is no cerebral thrombosis for ten years, it is really impossible to think of it!

With a group of idiots on the table, this person was able to live long enough to turn his back on evil, and his luck was against the sky!

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with caring and mentally retarded eyes, Zhao Gangsheng covered his handsome face with his hands—he was ashamed to see others.

(End of this chapter)

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