Chapter 91 Boss Sun
Seeing Chen Yaoqing get out of the way, the teapot waved his arm, pushed him aside, snorted while carrying the money bag, and swaggered away.

Coolie patted Chen Yaoqing on the shoulder, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked, "Brother Feng, is this fat man reliable? If there is a mistake, it will be difficult for us to find another chance to attack."

"Although Teapot's temper is a little bit bad, his business level is still good.

I gave you three people, but I found the most difficult one to deal with. If it was replaced by King Kong or Xianshi, then the two of you would be able to talk much more easily. "Ding Yunfeng glanced at Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi.

Coolie Qiang and Zhan Miqiqi smiled wryly, but they didn't know that Ding Yunfeng's words were all to comfort them.

King Kong is unreliable, and the world is too shrewd.

If you find these two and use them, they are not as good as teapots.

"Ah Qing, tomorrow night, go get a license plate car and stay outside Liu Yaozu's villa.

The things this fat man stole from Liu Yaozu's house are very important, nothing can happen to them, remember to bring a gun. Ding Yunfeng buried his head and lit a cigarette.

Chen Yaoqing nodded solemnly: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I know the seriousness, I will ask Ah Cong to go there together."

"Okay! You two are doing business, I am very relieved." Ding Yunfeng smiled with satisfaction, then he chatted with coolie Qiang Zhanmi for a few words, and then drove home alone.

She has been busy these days, Shi Shi complained, she has not been Shi Shi by Ding Yunfeng for many days.

The next day, Ding Yunfeng woke up early, avoided morning exercises, and ran to the office to make wolfberry water.

Before the water boiled, Zhong Chuxiong smiled cheaply, opened the door and walked in.

Skillfully in Ding Yunfeng's bookcase, he took out a large can of wolfberries, and Zhong Chuxiong started to blow water while chewing.

"A Feng, Brother Xiong, I lived up to my mission last night, fighting from Kowloon Tong to Victoria Harbor, and finally dealt with that Meng Na.

She told me that Liu Yaozu was not at home tonight, and she invited me to fight for another [-] rounds. "

Ding Yunfeng was full of black lines, and stepped forward to snatch back the goji berry jar: "Brother Xiong, a catty of goji berry is only a few dollars. You are a senior correctional officer in Stanley, and you don't have money to buy it? Come here every day to eat, are you embarrassed?"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~, for everyone's happiness, I even sacrificed my appearance. How can I eat a few goji berries from you for nourishment?"

"Sacrifice? I think you are enjoying it..." Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhong Chuxiong with contempt.

Zhong Chuxiong blushed, and took out a folded A4 paper from his pocket: "I don't want to eat your goji berries for free, two brothers in the whole world, share the blessings and share the difficulties.

This is the secret technique that I obtained from the Indian yoga master with a lot of money, and it is cheaper for you today. "

Throwing the "Turning Cheats" that had just been printed out in the computer room to Ding Yunfeng, Zhong Chuxiong got up and took out a comb, and while smoothing his temples, he turned and left.

"Fuck the street! Can this thing be thrown away?" Ding Yunfeng angrily picked up the cheat book and put it in his pocket: "If some lsp pick it up, I don't know how many innocent and good families will be harmed. Do you think everyone is as upright as Ding Yunfeng?"

Of course Zhong Chuxiong didn't know that he had been tricked by Liu Yaozu.

He also thought that with his cornering skills, he took control of Meng Na's 8300-horsepower bus supercar.

"Robinson, where are you hiding those things?

Don't worry, tonight I'm going full fire, get Mona as soon as possible, and then help you get your things back, under normal circumstances, we can still catch up for supper.

Hehehe..." Zhong Chuxiong leaned against the cell door, looking at Robinson with a playful smile.

Robinson shook his head. From the very beginning, he never expected Zhong Chuxiong to succeed.

Seeing Zhong Chuxiong's villainous appearance today, Robinson became more and more sure that this guy would soon be embarrassed.

There is no other reason, Liu Yaozu was able to deceive even a veteran in the business world like him back then, how could he show such obvious flaws?

"Hey hey, are you going to say it?

If you don't say anything else, when I find those things, don't blame me for swallowing them all alone, okay? Seeing Robinson turn around and lie down, Zhong Chuxiong became anxious.

After a few reminders, Zhong Chuxiong left angrily when he found that Robinson was snoring.

But as soon as he left, Robinson turned over and sat up.

Taking out a lucky spot from the pillowcase, Robinson sneered and said, "Silly! Even an old man like me can lie to you, and want to steal Liu Yaozu's chicken?"

After silently smoking a cigarette, Robinson knocked on the cell door to attract the prison guard: "Sir, I want to see Brother Feng."

"No problem, Brother Feng, he has ordered you to wait for a while."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble."


Knowing that Robinson wants to see him, Ding Yunfeng quickly rushed over with Qian Wendi.

"Brother Feng, tonight Mengna asked Brother Xiong to come over to discuss artillery skills.

But I feel that this should be Liu Yaozu's trap.

After all, last time you said that Warden Smith took money from my son-in-law, then he must know that you and Brother Xiong have been covering me in Stanley recently.

In this way, it is very likely that Brother Xiong will learn from me where I keep [-] million bearer bonds.

If he appeared when Brother Xiong and Meng Na were doing business, he would be sure to pry Brother Xiong's mouth open. "

Facing Ding Yunfeng and Qian Wendi, Robinson cut to the chase and expressed his guess.

Qian Wendi hurriedly asked: "Robinsun, you didn't tell Brother Xiong where the bonds are?"

"Wendi, do you think I'm so stupid?" Robinson laughed and turned to Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, do you have any plans?
If there is, please tell us for details. Liu Yaozu plots against us, and we can also follow suit. "

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Robinson, pointedly smiled and said: "Didn't you always want Liu Yaozu to die?
With the current situation, it is easy to wait for an opportunity to take away the bonds, but it is not easy to want Liu Yaozu to die. "

"Haha, Ding Sir, I was framed by that little bastard back then, and I couldn't send the money to Lao Gan and Lao Wang, which caused me to lose credibility in the circle, and that's why I became a prisoner.

Now that you have joined Wang Yifei's line, as long as you get these bonds back and send them to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, I, Robinson, will immediately be cleared of the suspicion of self-stealing and restore my reputation.

With the contacts I have cultivated in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for many years, it is easy to make a comeback.

As for Liu Yaozu...

Without the support of the Charlie family, this bastard is just a little bastard.

When the chamber of commerce handles the money, I'll find a few old friends to let it out...

Do you think that the huge sum of [-] million yuan that has been waiting for so long is taken away by the opponent, will the Charlie family continue to support Liu Yaozu? "

Robinson talked eloquently, his turbid eyes twinkled with energy.

Ding Yunfeng secretly sighed, even though he was wearing prison clothes, the confidence exuded by Robinson's words at this time was many times stronger than that of Liu Yaozu!
"It's very reasonable, how can it be easier to take revenge with your own hands than to give someone a false hand?
Boss Sun, I, Ding Yunfeng, congratulate you in advance for slaying your enemy with your own hands. Ding Yunfeng applauded softly.

Robinson smiled and said: "Ding Sir, you are welcome. I, Robinson, will remember your kindness all my life. I still have some energy in the Chinese business world. I can help you in the future. Sir Ding just ask."

"Help each other, everyone wins. This is Smith's approval for visiting relatives. The car is ready outside. Before Liu Yaozu falls, I will arrange people to protect you."

"Kindness without saying thanks."

"Boss Sun is polite."

Seeing Robinson walking out of the rat barn, Qian Wendi was smoking a cigarette speechlessly. He suddenly felt that he, who was supposed to be the protagonist, had become a supporting role without knowing it.

 Pass today's chapter first to avoid interruption.

I owe one of the two chapters to be released today, and tomorrow’s article is still being written, and two chapters will be released after 12 o’clock, so tomorrow I will post 2+1 and then 3 chapters, in the code words of vomiting blood, I hope it will not be on the shelves the day before Just default!
(End of this chapter)

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