Chapter 89 The Arrogant Teapot

Ding Yunfeng took Qian Wendi with him, and the two came to the mouse barn together, where Robinson was eating supper - pickled vegetables and tofu.

"Brother Feng, is this handsome guy the little old man sent by Liu Yaozu to deceive me?" Robinson glanced at Qian Wendi and grinned.

"Hello, Boss Sun."

"What's your name, Boss Sun? You can just call me Robinson. Since Brother Feng brought you to see me, it seems that he recognizes your ability.

Liangzi, what plan do you have, let me hear it, just help me solve Liu Yaozu, money, easy to talk about. "Robinson ate while writing a bad check.

Before Qian Wendi came, he knew that the old man had hidden [-] million unregistered bonds. Now that he heard the other party's rich promise, he immediately became interested.

"My plan is to start with Liu Yaozu's mistress, Mengna..." Qian Wendi said, and the other two probably knew what he meant, and they were about to use their beauty trick.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head: "With Liu Yaozu's energy, at this time, I think he has already found out my identity."

"This is the method I can think of at present, and it is easy to see the effect.

However, since Ding Sir can't make a move, let's think about whether there are other ways. "Qian Wendi knew Ding Yunfeng's energy, so naturally he didn't dare to force it.

Robinson's revenge was imminent, and he repeatedly urged Qian Wendi to find a solution.

Qian Wendi was in Qianmen, and his strength was half a bucket of water. Now that he was urged by the patron, the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't think of a solution.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Ding Yunfeng suggested that it is better to let Zhong Chuxiong carry out this difficult task of hooking up Mengna.

"He, how can he succeed?" Qian Wendi shook his head again and again, Mengna is a master in the field of love, Zhong Chuxiong can't handle it, and Ding Yunfeng is about the same.

Ding Yunfeng laughed jokingly and said: "Why not? Brother Xiong is nicknamed the Little Lord of Hundred Poisons. Now fighting poison with poison, it is most suitable for him to deal with Mengna."

Unable to resist Ding Yunfeng, the next day, Zhong Chuxiong was invited to the mouse warehouse where Robinson lived.

After hearing that the magistrate was able to share 3000 million yuan in profit, Brother Xiong stood up: "Although I, Zhong Chuxiong, am not a good person, I still have the loyalty of the world!

Seeing how miserable you are talking about, if I don’t help, am I still a human being?
As for the 3000 million after this incident, I suggest that I use it to relieve the poor. "

With Ding Yunfeng as a guarantor, plus Zhong Chuxiong, who put on a white suit and combed his hair back, he barely has three points of Liangzifeng's handsomeness.

Qian Wendi and Robinson could only agree to let Zhong Chuxiong go to try it, but Ding Yunfeng must follow up the whole process, and if something happens, he can help Zhong Chuxiong to check for omissions...

The next day, after finding out that Meng Na was in a high-end gym, Zhong Chuxiong bought a bouquet of flowers and killed her.

As a result, the beautiful girl didn't get married, but Zhong Chuxiong was ridiculed by Mengna because of her length and thickness.

Ding Yunfeng knew the plot in advance, so of course he didn't lose face by following Zhong Chuxiong.

He appeared when Brother Xiong was frustrated, and told Zhong Chuxiong that he had a kung fu of up, down, left, right, and back, which could conquer a slut like Meng Na who fought 8000 times.

"Afeng, is it true?" Zhong Chuxiong was skeptical when he took the 10KG dumbbell from Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng held back his smile, and put his arms around Brother Xiong's shoulders and replied: "Isn't there a computer in the computer room that can check everything? If Brother Xiong doesn't believe it, why don't you find time to check it?"

"That's not necessary, you can't lie to me..." Zhong Chuxiong quickly put away the dumbbells, but Ding Yunfeng found that this guy slipped into the computer room as soon as he got off work.

After a few days, Zhong Chuxiong changed into a white suit and combed his hair back. He pulled Ding Yunfeng and rushed to Liu Yaozu's casino again.

Seeing that this guy finally hooked up with Mengna by relying on his unique skills, Ding Yunfeng smiled, got up and walked out of the casino, and Zhan Mi, who was waiting outside in advance, opened the car door quickly.

"Brother Feng, we only found this one from the list you gave." While driving, Zhan Mi handed a cowhide bag to Ding Yunfeng who was sitting in the back seat.

Ding Yunfeng opened it and looked: "The teapot, it's alright! This fat man's skills are very good, even if he fails, he can break through the encirclement."

"He's in Brother Qiang's Tuodi. This fat man asked for 20 yuan. Brother Qiang agreed to him, but he also asked to act independently, without our support." Zhan Mi continued.

"Having said that, the time Brother Xiong can buy is limited. You ask Ah Qing to drive a car and stop 50 meters outside Liu Yaozu's villa to meet him."

"Okay! Ah Qing often races cars in Wanchai, and the street has given him the nickname of Wanchai Racing God."


Ding Yunfeng knew that according to the plot in the movie, Zhong Chuxiong's hooking up with Mengna this time was actually a trap set by Liu Yaozu. His purpose was to try to fish out the [-] million bearer bonds hidden by Robinson.

It's a pity that Zhong Chuxiong and Qian Wendi didn't know the real place where Robinson hid the bonds from Robinson's mouth at all.

This time, with Ding Yunfeng's involvement, he thought it was a good time to take the bonds.

Because there was a gap of about 2 minutes while Meng Na welcomed Zhong Chuxiong into the house and drove away many servants to the bedroom.

If a thief could be recruited, he would be able to take away the bond Robinson hid in the lizard tank before Liu Yaozu appeared.

Since Robinson asked Ding Yunfeng for help, Ding Yunfeng asked Coolie Qiang, Han Bin, Dinosaur and others to help him find some thieves who impressed him deeply.

King Kong "Best Partner"

Teapot "Five Lucky Stars"

Xianshi "Desperate To Find A Lot"

The two before and after did not find it, and finally coolie Qiang found the teapot that had not yet been imprisoned.

At the Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant in Mong Kok, Zhan Mi parked his car and followed Ding Yunfeng up to the second floor. Seeing the two, many coolies greeted them one after another.

Recently, Chen Yaoqing, who was very famous in Wanchai, was arranged by coolie to be the manager of the barbecue restaurant. When he heard that Ding Yunfeng was looking for him, he immediately ran out from the back kitchen.

"These bosses can rest assured that if I do something with the teapot, even if I miss it, it will not implicate you.

Since I have received the 20 yuan, I will definitely help you bring back what you want.

As for the support, I accepted it kindly, but I really don't need it. "

A fat man in tight black clothes in broad daylight walked out of the coolie's office nonchalantly while lifting a bag full of banknotes.

Chen Yaoqing was just about to come in. Seeing the teapot's aggressive tone and the money in his hand, he simply put his hips on his hips and blocked the door: "Fatty, are you talking arrogantly?"

"I'm not being arrogant, I'm telling the truth!

If you don't believe in my ability, then don't look for me;
If you find me to do something, you have to believe in my strength. "

The teapot has not been smoothed by society, just as he explained to his little sister in the movie, he has a bad temper and is very good at hitting, and he wants to fight with others when he disagrees with him.

Chen Yaoqing bit his cheek, if Ding Yunfeng hadn't been present and didn't express his opinion, he would definitely have taken action to teach this fat man a lesson.

"Aqing, come in, I have something to tell you to do." Hearing Ding Yunfeng's words, Chen Yaoqing stared at the teapot tightly, and finally let go of his fist and let out of the way.

(End of this chapter)

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