Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 88 Qian Wendi Stanley One Day Tour

Chapter 88 Qian Wendi A Day Trip to Stanley
Ding Yunfeng smiled and lit a cigarette, and threw the rest along with the cigarette case to Wendi Qian.

Qian Wendi took it with his right hand and shook it lightly, a cigarette jumped into his mouth, then swung Ding Yunfeng's lighter on the table with his left hand, lit the cigarette, and exhaled a column of smoke.

"You are very skilled! Why did you only learn the half-movement of Fourth Master Long?" Ding Yunfeng asked curiously.

Qian Wendi paused when he heard the words, and replied with a wry smile: "Because, when we were apprentices, my master Xiang Zhabei was already terminally ill. With his physical strength at that time, he could only teach us this trick of borrowing flowers to offer Buddha."

It really is Xiangzhabei...

Ding Yunfeng suddenly nodded.

In the last episode of "The King of Thousand Kings Comes Back", Long Si and Cen Xiaojin fell into the trap, according to the subtitle analysis given by the screenwriter Wang Sanri.

The fate of Huaguo's bet on Shenlong Si is to disappear.

If it is inferred from the year when Dragon Four debuted in 1928, even if he is alive, he will probably be 70 years old by this time.

Good thing...

On Hong Kong Island, the timeline is chaotic.

Ding Yunfeng had a premonition that he might be able to see Fourth Master Long in the future.

Everyone has the same enemy Liu Yaozu, Ding Yunfeng easily turned Qian Wendi against him, and agreed to work together to deal with Liu Yaozu.

Before Qian Wendi left, he suddenly remembered something: "Ding Sir, I almost forgot to remind you.

Before I came, Liu Yaozu told me that there is a prison tyrant named Da Mi in the United Society here in Stanley.

If I need help, I can always ask Da Mi for help.

I think, Sir Ding, you have to be on guard against this guy. I'm worried that these bastards from the United Association will play tricks on Robinson. "

"Wendi, don't worry, the third prison is already my Ding Yunfeng's territory, Daddy, he can't get out of the waves." Ding Yunfeng waved his hand with a smile.

Although Qian Wendi felt that Ding Yunfeng was a little too confident;
However, the two parties had just established a cooperative relationship, so he didn't dare to mention too much, so as not to arouse Ding Yunfeng's dissatisfaction.

The shit-eating dog brought Qian Wendi back to the prison. The current shit-eating dog is a key figure in the entire gray industrial chain of Stanley.

When Dasha, Shabiao and the others saw the shit-eating dog personally sending Qian Wendi back, they instantly knew that this kid was under the cover of Ding Yunfeng.

Several people hurried forward, first chatted with Shigou about the market related to gray materials, and then said that everyone understands what Brother Feng means, and they will not make things difficult for Wendi Qian in the days to come.

"You guys are so eye-catching!

Dasha, brother Feng said, this kid, let you cover him first, and when he goes out one day, it will definitely benefit you. "The shit-eating dog ordered Dasha through the iron gate.

Qian Wendi quickly took out a cigarette and handed it out to the big bosses present: "Big brother, please take care of me in the future."

"You were ordered by Brother Feng, whoever dares to touch you here will just make things difficult for me!"

Dasha slapped Qian Wendi on the shoulder, and almost slapped him on the ground: "These people who are on the street are also following Brother Feng now!

If I can't take care of it, you can also ask them for help, but afterwards, according to the rules, you must use cigarettes to pay the bill. "

Seeing Shabiao, Fat Sheji and Han Kun nodding in response, Qian Wendi was secretly surprised. Shouldn't these group of club bosses all have a hostile relationship?

Why Ding Sir can make them agree to do things with one word.

"Big brother, you big brothers, this one pays the bill with cigarettes..." Qian Wendi asked without understanding.

Relying on her good eloquence and her old instinct of observing words and expressions, Qian Wendi quickly got the words out of Dasha and the others.

Currently in Stanley:
2000 yuan once to help out at the station;
Help fights, regardless of winning or losing, the starting point is 3000, and the winning is doubled, and the disability is not counted;

Here cigarettes = money, and the exchange rate between the two will be announced by the shit-eating dog who just left in the early morning of the 1st of each month...

No wonder, Ding Sir didn't pay attention to Da Mi and his group.

It turns out that through this set of 'special rules', they have already controlled the entire prison.

Qian Wendi once suffered a loss at the hands of Liu Yaozu, and now he is more careful, he pulled Dasha and asked: "Brother Dasha, before I came in, I heard that the big girl of the United Association is also considered to have a reputation here... ..."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, Sha Biao patted the bed board hard: "Di Zai! Big brother offended Brother Feng, and now a group of brothers are locked on the criminal investigation bed to play shit and fart."

"Have a head and a face? Don't say that the United Association offended Brother Feng. Even in the past, I would beat him whenever I wanted to.

If you don't believe me, ask the people here, is that bastard afraid to say a word in front of me? "Dasha blew water loudly, Fat Sheji and the others booed one after another.

The more Qian Wendi listened, the more at ease he became. When it was time for dinner, he even experienced Ding Yunfeng's power in Stanley.

chicken wings, orange,
Two flavors of vegetables, two flavors of meat dishes,
Three taels of rice, a bowl of clear soup;
Following Dasha to receive the plate, Qian Wendi secretly sighed that the standard of living here is far higher than the countless ordinary people outside who are struggling with food and clothing.

"Wendi, eat quickly, we have a time limit for eating." Dasha pushed Wendi Qian, and buried himself in eating and drinking.

Qian Wendi glanced to the left and right, and found that there was one more meat dish and one more vegetable on the iron plate of himself and Dasha than most of the people present.

"You are Qian Wendi?" Liu Lahua walked over with two assistants.

Dasha reminded in a low voice: "Sir Liu is in charge of our cafeteria, call someone quickly."

"Hello, Sir Liu, I am Wendi Qian." Wendi Qian got up quickly.

"Don't be nervous, you are ordered by Brother Feng, then everyone is your own. Come, give Wendi a chicken leg and a bottle of yogurt." Liu Lahua snapped his fingers, and someone brought the food quickly.

Holding the chicken leg in one hand and pinching the chicken wing in the other.

Qian Wendi is very confused, is this still going to jail?

Dasha had a normal expression: "Don't be dumbfounded! Liu Sir is also a member of Brother Feng, he will give you extra meals, you can eat, you don't need to be polite to him."

Qian Wendi was in a daze and had a hearty lunch.

Then, he followed Dasha and spent an afternoon without working hard, and by the way, he met Guo Aucheng, who was in charge of the prisoner's work.

"Brother Cheng, this handsome boy is Qian Wendi."

"Got it, brother Feng has already ordered, Dasha, you take him to stay under the shade of a tree."


Doing nothing until night.

Qian Wendi saw Ding Yunfeng again, and he gave a thumbs up: "As expected of Stanley Overlord, Ding Sir, I, Qian Wendi, really admire you."

"Let's go, so much talk." Ding Yunfeng asked someone to open the warehouse door, and Qian Wendi put away his smile and hurriedly followed.

Seeing this scene, Dasha and the others turned a blind eye.

If it was the past, once Qian Wendi came back without an explanation, he would definitely be beaten to death by these prison bullies.

After all, in the middle of the night, you, a prisoner, actually followed the prison guards out of the cell, who knows if you have betrayed everyone?

(End of this chapter)

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