Chapter 87
next morning...

The Mong Kok Police Station received a report that a bad case of forced insult to women occurred in a certain place.

Chen Jiaju, who has been promoted to the head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Mong Kok Police Station, immediately rushed to the scene with his men.

But when he looked at the pretty boy named Qian Wendi who was slightly better looking than himself.

Chen Jiaju felt that this case was very strange. With the appearance of the defendant, he could go anywhere without worrying about not having a rich wife. This kind of condition needs to be forced?
The things that can make Chen Sir refresh his three views are yet to come.

Chen Jiaju has just recorded the statements of the plaintiff and the defendant.

The court actually sent someone to announce the opening of the court, and Qian Wendi was sentenced to one year in prison for a charge of contempt of court that day.

Chen Jiaju walked out of the court with his subordinates, all of them looked confused.

"I'll make a call to remind Ah Feng, this case is too strange..." Chen Jiaju muttered, he showed his ID and borrowed the court phone number.

Ding Yunfeng soaked wolfberries every day, but today's portion, Brother Feng doubled it.

Because, on the sofa next to him, lay a half-dead killer who had been killed by a pretty girl in Portland Street.

"Hello, Jiaju? Yes, it's me..." Ding Yunfeng felt a little surprised when he received Chen Jiaju's call.

Knowing the whole story of Qian Wendi's case from Chen Jiaju's mouth, Ding Yunfeng expressed his gratitude. By the way, he missed a little bit, implying that he knew why Qian Wendi came here, and he was already prepared to deal with it.

Since Ding Yunfeng knew it well, Chen Jiaju didn't say any more, he made an appointment with Ding Yunfeng to call people out for a party when he had time, then hung up the phone and took some of his men to other crime scenes.



A prison van carrying new prisoners slowly drove to Stanley.

Qian Wendi sat in the window seat, beside a thin man with tattooed arms.

On the way, they encountered a Beetle that had broken down and parked on the side of the road.

The owner of the car is a woman with glasses, who is obviously pretty, but wants to dress up like a dick.

The driver and the Stanley prison guards escorting the car all knew this woman, and they all greeted her warmly when they invited her up.

"Hey, this girl's name is Zhu Turkey, everyone in Stanley calls her Miss Zhu.

In the entire prison, she is the most troublesome. "The flower-armed man pushed Qian Wendi and reminded in a low voice.

Qian Wendi asked curiously: "Is she a social worker?"

"Oh, the kind who loves to preach..." the man with the flower arm smiled bitterly and sighed.

Qian Wendi's eyes moved. He looked at Ms. Zhu who was chatting and laughing with several prison guards. He accidentally noticed that at least two of the three sentences of these prison guards were flattering to this woman.

It seems that this Miss Zhu has a lot of energy in Stanley...

Qian Wendi is a cheater with half a bucket of water. Although his eyesight is not high in the industry, his observation ability is still far beyond ordinary people.

After secretly pondering along the way, Qian Wendi has come up with several schemes to cheat Ms. Zhu's favor.

The prison van was parked in Stanley, and it happened to be pouring rain.

Prison guards and prisoners hid under the eaves, but Qian Wendi stood in the rain, letting the rain wash his handsome face with his head up.

Ms. Zhu, who believes that beauty is justice, looked at the handsome guy in the rain and couldn't help running over to express her concern.

Qian Wendi opened his mouth to talk nonsense, and quickly fabricated the identity of a church member, successfully gaining Miss Zhu's favor.

At the same time, Zhong Chuxiong, who found Qian Wendi's name in the prison list, suddenly felt no longer sleepy, his waist was no longer sore, and his whole body felt energetic.

Brother Xiong gulped down Ding Yunfeng's soaked wolfberry water in one gulp, then found a tool with a very evil shape from nowhere, and aggressively killed the prisoner at the place where the prisoner was inspected.

"Brother Wendi~" Zhong Chuxiong walked in front of Qian Wendi with a smile, holding the bottle opener.

Ding Yunfeng was walking behind Zhong Chuxiong, and met Miss Zhu who rushed over, accompanied by a middle-aged man with extraordinary momentum.

This person's name is Zhu Jiang, who was recently transferred to Stanley to act as Smith's deputy and also Zhu Turkey's uncle.

"Sir Zhu, Sister Zhu." Ding Yunfeng stopped the two of them and greeted them deftly.

Zhu Jiang grabbed Zhong Chuxiong who was about to open Qian Wendi's can, looked at Ding Yunfeng and said with a smile: "Ding Sir, you have time to persuade Axiong not to go too far!
A first-time offender who uses a can opener?

If this kind of thing is known by outsiders, we in Stanley will definitely be attacked by public opinion. "

Miss Zhu nodded again and again, she was disgusted to see the hideous can opener in Zhong Chuxiong's hand.

Zhong Chuxiong wanted to distinguish, but facing Qian Wendi who pretended to be pitiful, Brother Xiong was completely defeated, so he had to put away the guy embarrassingly.

Seeing the hint of complacency on Qian Wendi's face, Ding Yunfeng pulled Miss Zhu aside, and quickly kicked Qian Wendi's old base out.

"Oh! It turns out that you are an old trickster!
Hmph, I'm Zhu Turkey, I hate people lying to me the most! "Miss Zhu must have believed in Ding Yunfeng, and angrily hit Qian Wendi on the head with the file bag in her hand, then turned and left quickly.

Zhu Jiang listened carefully, facing Qian Wendi's attack on the street that angered his little princess.

Old Zhu Yi glanced at Zhong Chuxiong pointingly: "Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, some people can't see it by looking at the surface. It's good for Zhong Sir to check carefully..."

Qian Wendi was shocked when he saw this, and two prison guards beside him held him down together.

Zhong Chuxiong held up the can opener in his hand with a sinister grin, and it clicked.

Since Ding Yunfeng still needed Qian Wendi in the future, he stepped forward to persuade Zhong Chuxiong to leave, and brought Qian Wendi, who was still in shock, to the third prison under his jurisdiction.

"Hey, brother Feng personally sent someone here, so rare!
Hey, everyone, do you recognize this noodle sausage? "Fat Snake Ji looked at Sha Biao and the others and asked.

Dasha scratched his hair: "Not from our East Star."

"It's not us and Liansheng..."

"Not to mention our big circle gang."

Several people shook their heads one after another, because Dasha and Ding Yunfeng usually get very close, he was quickly pushed up by the crowd.

With a silly smile on his face, he ran to Ding Yunfeng's side, Dasha scratched his head: "Brother Feng, this is..."

"Qian Wendi, there is no club, help me greet him well." Ding Yunfeng put down his words indifferently, turned around and left, leaving Qian Wendi with a terrified face.

Dasha let out a cry, and Fat Sheji and Shabiao ran up.

How can Qian Wendi handle these top quality products?In less than 15 minutes, he lay on the iron gate and shouted that he wanted to see Ding Yunfeng.

"Can't hold on so soon? All right, bring him here." Ding Yunfeng waved back the guy who came to report, shaking his head and laughing.

Qian Wendi was quickly brought over, and Ding Yunfeng didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he directly threw Liao Zhi's letter to him.

Seeing Goldfinger's entrustment in the letter and a few codes that only the two of them knew, Qian Wendi said in a deep voice, "Thank you, Sir Ding. Without you, Ah Zhi would definitely be finished tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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