Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 102 Brilliant Establishment

Chapter 102 Brilliant Establishment
Ding Yunfeng opened the doors and windows to let in more of the barbecue smell outside.

Zhan Mi walked over: "Brother Feng, it turns out that Teapot and Brother Jiaju knew each other.

I heard them call each other, what partridge, what nicknames Daliwan;
Moreover, Brother Jia Kui seems to know the modus operandi of the teapot very well, he even knows what brand of talcum powder he uses as an auxiliary tool! "

"Besides these, have you heard any other news?"

"Yes! Brother Jia Kui was very excited at the time, saying that he didn't know that he was the illegitimate son of Chen Zhichao, the leader of the Three Banners." Zhan Mi had a good memory and immediately added.

Ding Yunfeng smoked quickly, and lit another: "It's good for the few of us to know about this matter, and don't spread it.


Ah Qiang, send someone to pay attention.Jia Kui has too much sense of justice, I'm afraid he will stare at the teapot during this period of time.

Before the Chinese Chamber of Commerce has dealt with those bonds, the teapot must not let him get caught. "

"Okay! Brother Feng, I will personally watch this matter!" Coolie Qiang quickly agreed.

Ding Yunfeng then asked about Chen Yaoqing, and learned that he took 50 from Zhan Mi, and now he is taking A Cong and A Hong to recruit troops outside.

It is said that in one morning, Chen Yaoqing had recruited a small construction team of about twenty people.

"Brother Feng, Ah Qing is asking, what names are you planning to name these two new companies?"

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was about to leave, Zhan Mi hurriedly stopped him: "Tomorrow, Ah Qing and Tang Zhudi will go to register the license plate, and then I will find someone to customize the signboard. You can come up with an idea by the way."

"Brilliant! Brilliant architecture and brilliant decor.

Although these two names are a bit vulgar, the manager Ah Qing was originally from the rivers and lakes.

I think these two names for the new company are very appropriate. If you talk about those who are polite, you will be laughed at. "

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while and made a decision on the spot.

Hongxin Handbag Store, Dashuangkou BBQ Restaurant, and the soon-to-be-established Brilliant Building and Brilliant Decoration, Ding Yunfeng holds the majority of shares in these industries.

However, except for the Hongxin handbag shop, which is managed by Shi Shi, Ding Yunfeng gave some ideas to the other stalls, and then left them alone.

Ding Yunfeng does not intend to group all industries under one name.

Otherwise, the red heart handbag shop, the red heart barbecue restaurant, the red heart building, and the red heart decoration, isn't this painting a gun target on the heart, calling the ghost to come and shoot it?

time flies……

Half a month later, several stocks under the name of the Charlie family behind Liu Yaozu were suddenly attacked...

In the past two weeks, the stock market on Hong Kong Island has fluctuated wildly.

Ding Yunfeng was not directly involved. Before time travel, he was just a self-media person lying in a hospital bed doing video editing.

In the Hong Kong Island stock market in this era, there is no such thing as a daily limit or a daily limit.

Even if he can get some internal information from Robinson, but when he actually controls it, he still has a great risk of being thrown into the street.

Therefore, Ding Yunfeng thought of a way. He raised a sum of money and handed it over to Gan Lianghong to operate.

Gan Shao is eager to prove his ability in front of Gan Shupei. He has been trained as a business elite since he was a child, and of course he has been exposed to stocks very early!

Gan Lianghong was very moved by Ding Yunfeng's trust, and he decided to spend all his wealth to enter the game.

Based on the news he heard from Gan Shupei every day, Gan Lianghong naturally lost more than he won in the first few days.

But a week later, Gan Lianghong could barely keep up with the tail of many Chinese business tycoons, and one after another took a bite out of British stocks...

“In half a month, 300 million becomes 500 million.

Tsk tsk, no wonder nine out of ten Hong Kong residents are bad gamblers!
In the face of such terrible profits, few normal people can keep calm..." Ding Yunfeng took the check from Gan Lianghong and let out a sigh of emotion.

Gan Lianghong took a sip of tea: "Brother Feng, this kind of opportunity doesn't come every time. More than a dozen Chinese business tycoons attack together, and it's rare to meet once in ten years!"

"Haha, Ah Hong, you are right! This kind of opportunity is rare.

However, you have to pay attention to your health. I guess you haven’t slept well for a few days in half a month, right? "Ding Yunfeng looked at Gan Lianghong's dark circles and said with some worry.

"Small, I used to study at my ancestor's house, and I often had to get up in the middle of the night to study!
You know, we Chinese, when we go abroad, we will be targeted by those ghosts everywhere.

On Hong Kong Island, I am the son of Gan Shupei from the Yihai Group, but abroad, I am the inferior person from the colonies. "Gan Lianghong said it very easily.

Ding Yunfeng thinks of the scenes of his hometown being targeted by foreigners everywhere as the national power becomes stronger in later generations.

"Ah Hong, we will take back Hong Kong Island soon, and by that time, if you go to any country, you will be an upright Chinese!
Under et al?Flutter collar mother!
When we Chinese people wear clothes and use chopsticks, these so-called upper-class people grind their teeth like animals, suck blood and eat raw meat! "

Ding Yunfeng patted Gan Lianghong's shoulder hard and said.

Gan Lianghong's eyes moved, and immediately turned into a wry smile: "Brother Feng, I have lived in my ancestral home for almost ten years, so I can see that the national power of my ancestral home is declining, but on the other side...

Alas, I wonder if I, Gan Lianghong, are lucky enough to live to the day you mentioned. "

"Haha, how old are you? Just say such frustrating words? Don't worry, you can see it, trust me!"

Facing the confident Ding Yunfeng, Gan Lianghong smiled and said nothing, but Ding Yunfeng clearly saw a hint of longing in his eyes.

At the same time, the two of them drank tea downstairs.

Chen Yaoqing, A Cong, A Hong, and the eldest brother who pushed forward and sat in a wheelchair.

Except for the latter, the other three were all wearing brand-new suits, each of them combed their hair with pomade, and stood outside the shop with smiles on their faces, greeting many guests who came to congratulate the brilliant opening.

"Brother Qing, Uncle Chui Ji and Shao Le are here to send flower baskets." A Hong ran over and said to Chen Yaoqing.

Chen Yaoqing handed the building materials merchant he was greeting to Chang Man who was wearing glasses next to him: "Aman, you say hello to Boss Liu, I'll go over there for a while."

"Brother Qing, don't worry, just leave it to me." Chang Man also smiled brightly.

Two weeks ago, when Chang Man was returning home from get off work, he was blocked by people led by Chen Yaoqing.

Originally, Chang Man thought that he had met a kidnapper, and the best result would be a loss of money to eliminate disasters.

In case, these strongmen have too much appetite, maybe his wife Shuxian will remarry.

Who knows!

Chen Yaoqing, this group is very particular, they took him to a backbone restaurant and greeted him with good food and wine, and then Chen Yaoqing said that his company would seek money from the real estate tycoon Wang Yifei in the future.

As long as Chang Man is willing to come over, he will directly add a general manager to 10% of the dry stocks.

Eating with Wang Yifei?It's still coming from the mouth of a big man in the world, how can you believe it?
But after the meal, he was 'invited' by Chen Yaoqing to spend the night in the rich man.

The next day, Chang Man saw Tang Zhudi, the butcher of the major gossip magazines, and he immediately said——Where is the contract?
(End of this chapter)

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