Chapter 103

Ah Qing, Grandpa asked us to bring two flower baskets. I wish you success and prosperity! ! ! "

Chuiji was wearing a shirt and trousers, and Lin Huale next to him was also wearing a jacket and black trousers. If Chuiji didn't speak, no one would be able to tell that they were members of the club.

Chen Yaoqing hurriedly offered a cigarette: "Thank you, Grandpa, for your concern!

Uncle Blowing Chicken, Brother Le, please come in and drink tea!

At noon, I reserved more than a dozen tables at Fulinmen, and the two of you went over to drink a glass of beer, helping my younger brother save face. "

"Hahaha, Ah Qing, even if you don't invite us today, we have to go there by ourselves to take advantage of your wealth!
Don't worry, everyone is in the same club, if we don't support you, who will support you?
Today, there are club brothers who come to congratulate you with a lion dance in person! "Chuiji smiled sincerely, but Chen Yaoqing could hear the deep meaning in his words.

Get rich?

Fat Deng was expressing that he and Liansheng wanted a share of the glory!
"It's easy to talk! Ah Cong, what are you still doing here?
Didn't you hear the club brothers come to congratulate you with a lion dance?Hurry up to Brother Zhanmi and Brother Qiang, let them know about such a happy event as soon as possible. "Chen Yaoqing glanced at A Cong, who nodded with a smile, turned and left.

Because Chen Yaoqing was responsible for Ding Yunfeng's name-calling, so today's opening, Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi did not steal Chen Yaoqing's limelight outside.

The two of them sat inside and helped Han Bin, Dinosaur, Liang Jie and other friends from the rivers and lakes, so that they could not only help Ah Qing to suppress the battle, but also show that they would not interfere in this business.

Ah Cong entered the door and called a circle of people, then walked to Jamie.

Seeing this, Jimmy knew something was going on, he got up and walked into the inner office.

A Cong followed silently, turned around and closed the door, and told Jimmy what happened outside.

"Made! He's as fat as a pig and wants to earn money? Isn't his fat Deng afraid of dying of fat?" Jamie's face darkened after hearing this.

A Cong was also very angry, because Ding Yunfeng didn't appreciate him, and coolie Qiang accepted Chen Yaoqing, and they were still parking outside Liu Yaozu's casino.

Now that they are showing signs of making a fortune, as Fat Deng who sits in the restaurant, he made two flower baskets, and a team of rotten ghosts and lion dancers wanted to come over and have a bite. Do you really think their brothers are made of mud?

"Brother Zhanmi, if today is not a good day for Brilliant Opening, I would definitely have shot those two trash outside!"

"Don't be impulsive! So what if you kill Chuanji and Leshao? They only talk about making money, but they don't say that we must divide it into our company? Yes, you do it like this..." Jimmy thought for a while, Said a few words in A Cong's ear.

The more A Cong listened, the brighter his eyes became, he held back his smile and ran out.

Zhan Mi lit a cigarette, took a puff, walked up to the second floor, and knocked on the door: "Young Master Gan! Brother Feng, Fat Deng wants to make trouble again."

Gan Lianghong asked curiously, "Who is Fat Deng?"

"Ah Qiang's big brother, the boss of Zhan Mi, Ji Ji, and A Qing, he is currently sitting with Lian Sheng." Ding Yunfeng explained briefly, and found that Gan Lianghong was very familiar with these Jianghu things. interest.

Ding Yunfeng simply took how he led this group of men, and several confrontations with Fei Deng as a story, and told Gan Lianghong in detail.

"Hey, this person is boring, he only plays tricks that are not on the table.

You say it's vicious, but he doesn't have the guts to kill someone to make a name for himself;
You talk about benefits, but he only knows how to balance all day long, and doesn't know how to create financial resources for his subordinates;
He Liansheng is like a plate with rice, no matter how high your technique is, spread it around, the rice in the plate will not increase.

Jianghu knew that He Liansheng had a plate of rice, and more and more people must have come to eat with him.

There are too many people, of course there is not enough to eat, and if there is not enough to eat, there will be internal fighting, so he started spreading rice again...

If he is like this, he will play off sooner or later!And Liansheng has no talent!
Otherwise, it won't be the turn of people like Fei Deng to take over. "

After hearing this, Gan Lianghong made a direct conclusion.

Zhan Mi showed shock on his face, he looked at Ding Yunfeng who was smiling without saying a word, and finally understood why he was always a boss, and there were more and more people around Brother Feng,
Fat Deng can only spread the rice on the plate from one side to the other;

Brother Feng kept pouring rice on the plate. Everyone had something to eat and was full, so naturally they would not fight among themselves, but spontaneously defended the person who poured rice on the plate.

"Now the other party has made a move, how do you want to deal with it?" Ding Yunfeng smiled and poured tea.

After Zhan Mi said his thoughts, Gan Lianghong pondered for a while after hearing this: "It's okay! It's a side trick, it's enough to beat him once, but if he speaks directly next time, what will you do?"

"This... really won't work, I can only use Brother Feng's name.

Fei Deng was frightened by Brother Feng once last time. If he knew that Brother Feng still holds the majority stake in Brilliance, he would definitely not dare to make another decision. "Jimmy thought for a while and replied with a wry smile.

Gan Lianghong smiled: "If brother Feng wants to put himself in the light, why bother to put you all in front of the stage?

What's more, do you really think that Brother Feng is standing behind Fat Deng Ignorant Brilliance?

Chen Yaoqing is a parking boy, even if his ancestral grave emits green smoke eighteen times, he can't even try to catch up with the Wang family. After a little thought, he knows who is standing behind these two companies. "

"Then..." Jamie was anxious.

Ding Yunfeng made a cup of Gongfu tea for Gan Lianghong: "You think everyone is like you, and there is an old fox at home to teach you? Zhan Mi was born in a wild way, and today's level is already very good."

Gan Lianghong was shocked when he heard the words, and he raised his glass apologetically: "I'm sorry, I said something a bit harsh today. Zhan Mi, please be considerate."

"Shao Gan is serious! You are talking about me, and it is too late for me to thank you, Zhan Mizai. How can I dare to be considerate!" Zhanmi said quickly, raising his tea.

Ding Yunfeng watched the two replace wine with tea, and he admired Gan Lianghong more and more in his heart. Looking at Hong Kong movies and dramas, there are countless wealthy families, and it is difficult to find a man with a broader mind than Gan Lianghong before his blackening.

"Young Master Gan! I want to ask you how to stop Fat Deng once and for all." Zhan Mi looked at Gan Lianghong solemnly and asked.

Gan Lianghong glanced at Ding Yunfeng: "Taking advantage of this situation, Brother Feng's network, you can find someone who can stand up to Fat Deng!

Bai Dao, Inspector Lei can,

Underworld, I remember Wu Shihao, the leader of the righteous group, is also brother Feng's foster brother;

If not, am I, the young owner of Yihai Group, qualified enough to make Fat Deng shut up?
You don't have to tell him that Brilliant has these people to participate in the shares, and let him think that someone stronger than him has a large share, so it's fine. "

Zhan Mi opened his mouth: "This... isn't this a lie?"

Gan Lianghong laughed, bowed his head and drank his tea and stopped talking.

Ding Yunfeng got up and patted Zhan Mi's shoulder: "Cheat? Look at the buildings outside, I dare say that nine out of ten buildings are cheated back, it depends on whether you are the one who cheated or the one who was cheated!

Today Fat Deng used two flower baskets, and a pair of lion dancers wanted to reach out to Brilliant. Do you dare to say that he is not lying?
Jimmy, remember, we can deceive bad people and foreigners, but we must not deceive the poor!

Everyone wants money, and I really want a lot of money!
Brilliant establishment, destined to engage in real estate development, if one day, let me find out that you and Ah Qing use a coffin room of more than ten square meters to suck the blood and marrow of your compatriots!

I, Ding Yunfeng, will personally send you on your way! "

 Three chapters delivered!

It is said that this chapter is under maintenance these days, no wonder I found that there are not many comments!

I am going to eat!Hurry up to now, sorry, I didn't release it in time at 6 o'clock! !

(End of this chapter)

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