Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 104 Big Boss B’s ‘support’

Chapter 104 Big Boss B’s ‘support’

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I, Li Jiayuan, also lived a hard life since I was a child, I won't do such a bad thing like having a son without an ass hole, and I think Ah Qing has a bottom line!
Today I swear in front of Master Guan that one day I, Li Jiayuan, will be fascinated by the silver paper, Brother Feng will directly send someone to send me into the sea to feed the sharks. "

Jamie raised his finger and swore in front of Master Guan's shrine.

Ding Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction, and waved him to go out to do something.

Gan Lianghong played with his teacup and laughed, "Brother Feng, you are too exaggerated!
A house of more than ten square meters?
The owners of the houses you buy are all idiots, aren't they?That little space can be filled with a bed and a TV set, so it can’t be sold. "

"It's hard to say. What if someone develops a house with a size of less than ten square meters and sells it?"

"Brother Feng, don't think so evil of people! Come on, take me down quickly to see these two new companies."


Seeing Gan Lianghong's disbelief, Ding Yunfeng smiled and did not continue to explain. He led Gan Shao downstairs.

Since Brilliance is still in its infancy, Chen Yaoqing and Chang Man decided to buy two two-story buildings after discussion.

The construction team and the decoration team were all ready-made, and they spent a week dividing the downstairs shop into two rooms.

On the left hang the signboard of the splendid building,
On the right hangs a splendidly decorated plaque.

Looking up from the street, there are exactly two companies.

But no matter if you walk in from any room, you will find that the inside is actually connected. There are consultation desks, building models, decoration drawings shopkeepers, and even a reception area...

Going up the stairs, the second floor is where the clerical staff of the two companies work, which is divided into two areas by partitions.

Finance, personnel, administration, these managers are basically one person holding two positions, a standard grass-roots team template.

Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong walked down the first floor side by side and received invitations in advance. Han Bin, Dinosaur, Liangjie and others who came to join us today stood up and said hello.

"On behalf of Ah Qing, I would like to thank all my friends for coming to support us in spite of their busy schedules.

At noon today, Huihuang hosted a banquet at Fulinmen, please save face and have a glass of beer together. "Ding Yunfeng smiled and bowed his hands to everyone.

Han Bin and the others even said they didn't dare, they were polite for a while, because some guests came to congratulate them, Ding Yunfeng invited everyone to sit down and made Gongfu tea himself.

Han Chen is the best at flattery, and today he came to congratulate on behalf of the Ni family, with him and Zhan Mizai in an active atmosphere, plus a smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei who came on behalf of Dongxing.

Everyone was blowing water while drinking tea, chatting about some anecdotes from time to time, which Gan Lianghong listened to with gusto.

Seeing that Gan Lianghong was very interested in these anecdotes, Zhan Mi sat beside him and introduced the nicknames and backgrounds of everyone present in a low voice.

At this time, a loud voice came in suddenly: "Ah Feng! Today, my boss B came uninvited, you won't be offended?"

The footsteps were noisy, and everyone followed the sound, and found that besides the big brother B himself, he also walked in with Chen Hao and his gang of Nanshan chickens.

Although Chen Yaoqing bought a lot of space for these two shops, the big guy B brought a lot of younger brothers, which still made the space inside a bit crowded.

Especially the pheasant, who is not big or small, rushes to the street. He waited until the boss B was seated, and found that there was still an empty seat next to him, so he sat down carelessly.

Chen Haonan felt that something was wrong, and before he could pull up the pheasant, he saw Nest Pi Bao Pi and Da Tian Er who hadn't spoken, and also chose a seat to sit down.

"Hey, Brother Nan, do it! Let's come to Brother Feng, don't you need to be so polite?" Pheasant patted the empty seat beside him and shouted to Chen Haonan.

Ding Yunfeng smiled without saying a word, but Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi's faces turned down. Strictly speaking, the sentence that Big Boss B came in and shouted was already rude.

After all, Ding Yunfeng held a meeting at Lei Luo's house, and he was seated side by side with Wu Shihao. In a sense, the phrase "Ah Feng" was similar to that of Hong Xing's leader Jiang Zhenlai.

Boss B is actually not qualified as a hall master, let alone a pheasant, a forty or nine boy, he is not qualified to speak on this occasion!
Seeing that everyone present looked at him strangely, Chen Haonan saw that Big Brother B didn't make a sound, and the brothers kept urging him, so he could only hold back his uneasiness and sat down.

"Hehe..." The smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei shook his head and drank his tea, while Chuanji and Le Shao beside him also had sarcasm in their eyes.

In Chen Yaoqing's two shops, after removing the information desk, building models and some display cabinets that are often full of prestige, there are more than 20 chairs in the remaining space.

Now Big Boss B's team occupies a full 1/3. He said he was coming to support him, but judging from this posture, it looks more like he is here to smash the scene!

No, Han Bin and Dinosaur, their relationship with Ding Yunfeng is a well-recognized iron on the road. Today, the two of them just brought the South China tiger and the plesiosaur.

Moreover, the South China tiger and plesiosaur didn't drink a glass of water, and they were immediately captured by the coolies. At this time, they were still outside helping Chen Yaoqing greet the people from the rivers and lakes who came and went.

The other guests also left the little brother outside, and came in to drink tea and blow water by themselves, and they didn't want to negotiate with others, who the hell brought so many people!

Chui Ji, Le Shao, Wu Zhiwei, Han Chen, all looked at Hong Xing playfully.

Gan Lianghong sat next to Ding Yunfeng to eat melons. The circle he was in prevented him from getting in touch with these Jianghu people.

Looking at the current situation, Gan Shao feels that there will be a good show soon.

"Ah Feng. My boss B really admires you!

Dashuangkou BBQ has been opened one after another, and the money is hard to earn. Now you are going to step into the real estate industry again.

It's true that Chow Yun-fat doesn't have your Ding Yunfeng hair!
Hey, there is money to be made, remember to support old friends.

I have to raise thousands of horses in Causeway Bay, and the pressure is very high every month. "Big Brother B ignored the gazes around him, and laughed loudly to start the conversation.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing, he glanced at Gan Lianghong, and Gan Shao returned a gloating smile to Brother Feng.

He Liansheng hasn't stopped yet, Hong Xing also wants to intervene here?

Big Brother B is more direct than Fat Deng, and his few words are full of threats.

If it is said that Brother B has no support behind him, I am afraid that only a straight person like an airplane will believe it.

"Brother B misunderstood, the two companies of Ah Qing were due to his own luck, and he got the permission of the Wang family, allowing him to pick up some soup after the Wang family.

What's more, Causeway Bay, where you are, is itself a prosperous land, and you can make a lot of money by doing business casually...

Come, let's have some tea. "Ding Yunfeng prevaricated with a few words, and he had an intuition that if he sent the boss B over, it must be Jiang Tiansheng.

However, with Jiang Zhen's personality, there is no reason to let Jiang Tiansheng do this...

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng neither let go nor turned his face, Big Brother B grinned, but he was secretly relieved.

This morning he suddenly received a task to test Ding Yunfeng.

To be honest, he really didn't want to come here.

There is no other reason, this approach is too offensive.

Helpless, Jiang Tiansheng, who asked him to do things this time, is the benefactor of his boss B, and he has no way to refuse.

Before setting off, Big Boss B was ready to be upset by Ding Yunfeng. He brought the cannon fodder like pheasants, just planning to throw something out to appease Brother Feng's anger.

(End of this chapter)

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