Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 105 Dinosaur wants to bury people

Chapter 105 Dinosaur wants to bury people

Did not see the two sides fighting.

Gan Shao was so disappointed - there was no excitement to watch.

Next, some guests came in one after another.

Among them, there are not only people from the Jianghu that Chen Yaoqing knows, but also business partners such as building materials dealers and accessories dealers that Chang Man has contacted these days.

If you come first, you have to sit, but if you come late, you can only stand.

The boss B just didn't mean to ask the younger brother to give up his seat.

In the spirit of passing through the door as a guest, today is another great day for the opening ceremony.

Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi naturally couldn't ask the pheasants to get up and give up their seats.

Otherwise, if this kind of thing gets out, Brilliant's reputation will be ruined before it even opens!

When you buy a house or find someone to renovate, would you consider finding a company that hates the poor and loves the rich?

Chang Man had been busy outside for half a day, and when he entered the door, he found that all the partners he had negotiated with were all standing, and he saw that the atmosphere seemed to be harmonious, but in fact, there was a hidden edge.

"Little brother Chang Man, the brilliant general manager..." Chang Man summoned up his courage and went up to make an opening speech.

Chang Man spoke very well in these scenes, except for the lack of preparation for the brilliant and poor hospitality, please forgive me.

Among them, he also specifically pointed out a certain boss, Mr. certain, to express his gratitude and apology individually, which made these partners who did not have a seat look a little relieved.

At this time, after Chen Yaoqing finished his work outside, he came in and saw that the pheasants were sitting still, and the bosses in suits and leather shoes didn't even have a seat. furious.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Chang Man with satisfaction, and winked at Chen Yaoqing and the others: "Everyone, excuse me, I'll pick up my girlfriend. See you at Fulinmen later, Han Bin, please drive me off."

Han Bin glanced indifferently at the boss B and the fidgeting beautiful sister, pulled the angry dinosaur, and the two followed Ding Yunfeng out.

Seeing Zhan Mi take over Ding Yunfeng's tea table, Han Chen rolled his eyes, walked up to Gan Lianghong and said with a smile, "Young Master, I just saw you coming down from the second floor with Brother Feng. It's my honor to take a few minutes of your time, please take me up for a visit.

I'm also very interested in starting a company, and I'm planning to go up and steal a lesson while Brother Feng is away. "

Gan Lianghong took a deep look at the smiling dwarf in front of him: "I happen to be tired from sitting, so it's good to walk together."

Ding Yunfeng, Han Binlong Dinosaur, Gan Lianghong and Han Chen got up one after another, and there were immediately five more seats on the scene, which happened to arrange a few friends for Chen Yaoqing and Chang Man.

These few businessmen were willing to cooperate with Huihuang, so they knew something about Chen Yaoqing's background.

Seeing that even the master gave way now, they were full of shame and shame.

Comparing the two, the actions of Big Boss B and his gang naturally aroused everyone's contempt.

Even Wu Zhiwei, Chui Ji and Le Shao felt that they were sitting with the gang of Big Brother B today - it was a shame!
Happy opening!

Hong Xing brought a bunch of bad guys to force him to give up his seat at the host's house?
If this kind of thing gets out, not only will it make jokes in the world, but even ordinary people will look down on them.

Of course, this kind of afterthought, a few people just think about it in their hearts.

There are four or nine youngsters like pheasants. If these hall masters take the initiative to give up their seats and spread the word, they will lose face and the society behind them will also lose face.

Not everyone can be like Han Chen, who has extraordinary eyesight and knows how to cooperate with Gan Lianghong.

In this way, the Ni family will not lose face, and by the way, they will also sell favors to Chen Yaoqing, and at the same time, in front of Gan Lianghong, Brother Chen looks familiar!


These days, relying on the Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant, Han Bin replaced the old and worn-out Ford with a smuggled Mercedes.

"Brother Feng! What happened today, the dinosaur and I didn't get wind of it beforehand." Han Bin said while driving.

Ding Yunfeng sat in the back seat, looking out of the window with a flat face: "There is no need to explain these things between you and me. You two go back and help me check. Why did Jiang Tiansheng send Big Boss B to do this?"

"Okay! I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Han Bin patted the steering wheel vigorously, and no one on the road knew that the two brothers ate with Ding Yunfeng.

Big brother B did something like this today, maybe it will spread around - the two of them have already broken up with Ding Yunfeng!

With the arrival of summer, the business of Dashuangkou is getting more and more popular.

Han Bin's dinosaurs can cover this source of income, except that both of them are Hong Xing's hall masters, and their men are bad enough, and they also have special care from the police force.

Of course, there is no need to explain what the Hong Kong Island Police Force is looking for.

"Ah Feng! I was in Brilliance just now, I really wanted to kill those bastards of Xi B!

Big Brother B, Big Brother B, is it Big Brother B?With the thousands of eggs under his command, he wants to come out and set up a battle on the day of the brilliant opening?
Our two brothers each bring five hundred swordsmen, and we can wipe out his Causeway Bay overnight!Convex! "

He once had a life-and-death friendship with Ding Yunfeng in the ring. Although Dinosaur seldom helped Ding Yunfeng with work, the relationship between the two was actually very close. He was not joking when he said that he would wipe out Causeway Bay.

Seeing the dinosaur thumping hard on the passenger window, Han Bin's eyes twitched, "Hey! Take it easy, the Mercedes I just bought costs 15..."

"I'm not feeling well now! 50 will be pounded!" The dinosaur was obviously confused.

Ding Yunfeng stood up with a smile, and slapped the dinosaur's head: "Chu Chui Chui, slap you on the head! Little B came from the same family as you two brothers, even if I want to touch him, I won't allow you to do it."

"Afraid! I'll find a place that no one knows, dig a hole for him, and then push it down to fill in the soil, only the devil will know!" the dinosaur yelled, covering his head.

Han Bin was very worried when he saw this, his brother had a narrow mind.

This kind of thing, maybe he can really do it.

Last time when he was going to help the two of them transfer to Hongxing, Dinosaur kept it from him and secretly went to be a boxer for Liu Yaozu. Who knows that stupid people have stupid blessings, but it was a blessing in disguise to meet Ding Yunfeng.

"I won't allow you to mess around!
That old fox Jiang Zhen is still there!

He is a special figure left by Wa Dao in Hong Kong Island. I suspect that he has some special talents who are proficient in espionage.

You think no one will know who buried the spy, but I believe that Jiang Zhen will find out soon! Ding Yunfeng warned the dinosaur sharply.

Seeing the dinosaur muttering in a low voice and no longer shouting, Han Bin finally let go of the boulder in his heart: "Listen to Brother Feng, don't be impulsive!"

"Made! When the old guy above dies, I will definitely bury Xiao B!

This bastard, he will step on it when he opens the business?

Don't you know that blocking someone's money is like killing your parents?Lack of morality is not like this lack of law! "The dinosaur rubbed its face and said viciously.

Ding Yunfeng tossed two cigarettes to their brothers, and smiled playfully: "Okay, when the time is right, I will bury him. When digging a hole, Brother Dinosaur must come!"

"Ah Feng, if you speak, I will definitely be there. I also bring my own shovel, so I can bury him!"

(End of this chapter)

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