Chapter 114
Boss B is gone,

Ms. Liang is gone too.
However, Liang Kun stayed behind.

Today he invited a golden God of Wealth weighing 6 catties and 6 taels, which is very expensive.

Now that I know that there is another Crown Prince of the Gan family at the same table, Li Qiankun is not shameless and familiar with his face, so if he gets a wave of goodwill, wouldn't it be a big loss?
"Bingge, you sit down, you sit down. Just let me, Akun, do such trivial things as pouring tea and wine..." Han Bin was pushed away with his ass, and Liangkun picked up the wine bottle with an extremely attentive attitude.

Although Liangkun was a little shameless, but he pretended to be an ostrich just now, which is a disguised form to show his position.

Ding Yunfeng tossed him a cigarette: "Akun, sit down quickly, now that the irrelevant people are gone, there will be a show later."

"Program? Brother Feng, why don't you let me call back and ask some little stars to come and dance?"

"Hey, you dance, is she serious?" Wu Shihao asked intentionally.

Liang Kun smiled cheaply and raised her eyebrows: "Brother Hao, if you think they are serious, you can be serious, and if you think they are not, then you can't be serious!"

"Ahem! You're on the street..." Wu Shihao was startled by Liang Kun's shamelessness, and he choked on his cigar: "This is Fulinmen! And Young Master Gan is still here, you are just as salty as you ah?"

Seeing that Gan Lianghong was smiling and not speaking, Liang Kun knew that he was being flattered on the horse's hoof, so he quickly punished himself with three cups, and then he didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.

Compared to the constant laughter at the main table, how could the other guests calm down so quickly when they saw Chen Haonan cut himself off?
In particular, the partners that Chang Man talked about saw the bloodshed happening one after another, and they were all on pins and needles.

Staying here is afraid that something will happen again in a while, and leaving the meeting is also afraid of retaliation for offending Chen Yaoqing.

"Ah Qing! Everyone is with Liansheng. If we don't support you, who will support you?"

"Uncle Blowing Chicken is right, we are all in the same family, if necessary, you can speak up at any time."

Chui Ji and Le Shao relied on bringing people out to set up a battle just now, and then pulled Chen Yaoqing to continue to show their merits, and even started to hint about the brilliant company again.

Although Chen Yaoqing was very impatient in his heart, at this moment, he still had a smile on his face, and followed these two guys with ulterior motives.

Seeing this, Zhan Mi winked at Chen Yaoqing from afar.

Chen Yaoqing hastily grasped the palm of the blowing chicken, interrupting the chattering bragging of the other party: "Uncle blowing the chicken, Young Master Le, next, we have arranged a program, please take a seat quickly."


Is there a program at the opening banquet?

Chuiji and Lin Huaile were confused and pushed back to their seats by Chen Yaoqing.

At this time, Zhan Mi called the hotel staff to turn off most of the lights. He held a microphone, walked to the center of the hall with a smile on his face, and followed the lights.

"Thank you, all guests..."

After a non-nutritive prologue.

Zhan Mi said that in order to thank everyone for coming to support, Brilliant Company arranged a lottery, and everyone present has a chance to win the prize, ranging from 100 yuan to 2000 yuan.

Hong Kong people like to gamble, not to mention that this kind of lottery sounds like a lottery that just takes advantage and never loses...

For a moment, countless cheers came and went, almost overturning the hall of Fulinmen.

These awards, let alone most of the low-level young and Dangerous people present, are very eager, it is the twelve volunteers who Wu Shihao brought to the lion dance. At this time, everyone is sighing with emotion in a low voice.

Chen Yaoqing's brilliance is indeed top-notch!

Six of them were in charge of playing the lion's tail. Today they lost face and worked hard, and each of them only earned 5000 yuan.

"Interesting, interesting! Ah Feng, you little brother, how could you think of such an interesting program?
Gan Shao!You will be the first to draw, and I, Ahao, will be the second. Let's draw the two 2000 yuan prizes together!Make this group of people jealous, hahaha! "Wu Shihao bit his cigar and patted the table hard.

Gan Lianghong took a sip of his wine with a smile: "I won't go, because all the prize money in this lottery is sponsored by me."

"Wow! It's really Mr. Gan! Come on, let's have a toast to Mrs. Gan!" Wu Shihao smiled more and more happily, Gan's generosity, Yiqun followed this benefactor, and in the future, besides getting fans, he probably also has a lot of income in terms of business .

After drinking a full cup, Wu Shihao got up with his crutches. He pointed at Han Bin and the others and said with a smile, "I'll be the first to smoke. You guys, don't compete with me!"

Han Bin, Liang Kun and the others smiled and shook their heads. In fact, the grand prize of 2000 yuan is really nothing to these gangsters.

It's just that Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi created this lottery show today, and it was the first time everyone saw it at the opening banquet, so it was very novel for a while.

"Wow! Brother Hao came up first!
Hurry up and applaud everyone, I wish Brother Hao a big prize! "

Seeing Lie Hao approaching, Jimmy shouted in a very exaggerated tone.

Wu Shihao likes to show off the most. He clasped his fists at the booing crowd, then reached into the lottery box that Chang Man held in his arms, and after a long time, he took out a note.

"No. 2!" Zhan Mi held up the note and lit it up.

Chang Man took out a stack of red envelopes on his body, turned to the one with the number 2 written on the back, and handed it to Wu Shihao with a smile: "Congratulations, Brother Hao, you have won the prize!"

Wu Shihao opened the red envelope on the spot, counted the banknotes, snatched Jimmy's microphone and laughed and cursed: "Mother, I won 500 yuan, I'm giving you guys a lot of money!"

"Ha ha!"

"Brother Hao, don't worry, I'll help you get it back later!"


Everyone in Yiqun booed one after another, and Wu Shihao came back on crutches.

Passing by a table of volunteers, he casually threw 500 yuan on the table.

"Thank you, leader!"

"Leader, my name is Dabilin, I'll draw a prize for you later!"

"That's right! There are a lot of people in our charity group, so we will definitely be able to win the lottery!"


At this time, because everyone drank a lot of wine, the people of Yiqun began to clamor.

He Liansheng was not to be outdone, they slapped the table and swore that they would draw back the big prize for Uncle Chuan Ji and Le Shao.

Wu Shihao opened the first lottery, and the people behind lined up one after another.

Dawei, Serena, Chuiji, Le Shao, Han Bin and Dinosaur all hold their own identities, and of course they won't go and make trouble with the younger brothers at this time.

After all, there are many quacks from other clubs present here today.

Although they all want the big prize, they can't let outsiders think that they are greedy for money and be treated as a joke.

"Number 17!" Zhan Mi took the note from the Taibao and shouted hoarsely.

Chang Man took out the few remaining red envelopes, took out the thickest one and handed it to the Taibao.

The Taibao took it with trembling hands, and he carefully opened it and took a look: "2...2000 yuan? I won! Brother Hua, Brother Seven, I won the big prize!"

"Depend on!"

"Are you mistaken, you are among the fat guys who have written bad words on their face?"

"Choose! It's really good luck for bad people. I cut all three opponents in the mahjong parlor last night. Why didn't I even win 100 yuan today?"

(End of this chapter)

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