Chapter 115 Getting rich
A total of two 2000 yuan grand prize.

The Taibao took one away, and the remaining one, not only Shanyiqun, but also Liansheng, two major associations, were eyeing each other.

There are many young and Dangerous boys who are well-known at the scene, and they also hope that they can be drawn, so that they can make a splash in this kind of big scene.


As fewer and fewer people lined up for the lottery, Chang Man sent out several red envelopes of 500 yuan and 1000 yuan one after another, but no one got the last 2000 yuan.

Han Bin and the dinosaur went up at the same time, but they got nothing;

Liang Kun got 500 yuan, Han Chen got 100 yuan, and then came the big brothers from small clubs like Seventh Brother...

"Ale, you go!" Chuiji pushed Lin Huaile, who nodded and came back soon without winning the prize.

Seeing that Yiqun's big bottom was about to stand up, he couldn't help but walk up quickly, and took out a note from the lottery box that Chang Man was holding.

"Number 8!" Zhan Mi held up the note and pointed it at everyone.

In fact, at a distance of more than ten or twenty meters, ghosts can clearly see what number is written on it.

Chang Man finally waited until this moment, he took out the red envelope with a bright smile, and handed the thickest one to him under the excited eyes of Chuiji: "Uncle Chuiji, congratulations!"

While blowing the chicken and tearing down the red envelopes, Zhan Mi's mouth slightly curved, and he handed the microphone to Chen Yaoqing who came up from the trot.

"Congratulations to Uncle Blowing Chicken for winning the grand prize!

Dear friends, previously in glory.

Uncle Blowing Chicken said, he is going to come today to take advantage of my wealth, Chen Yaoqing, who started the company!
did not expect!
Sure enough, it was blown to Uncle Chicken's words!

All of a sudden, it was 2000 yuan!
Come!Let's applaud together, we congratulate Uncle Chuanji for getting rich and making a lot of money! "

Blowing Chicken's smile froze,
Le Shao was also stunned.

What we said before about getting rich is not because we want to get 2000 yuan from you, Chen Yaoqing!

We want to say that the association wants to get a share in your two brilliant companies!

"Thank you very much for your support, and I would like to thank Shao Gan for your strong support for our lottery show!
I suggest, all the guests who have won prizes, to offer a toast together! "Zhan Mi took the microphone and shouted at the top of his voice without waiting for Chuck to respond.

"Well said! Let's pay respects to Young Master Gan!" Wu Shihao had already learned from Ding Yunfeng the origin of this lottery draw, and he took the opportunity to cheer and watch.

"Young Master Gan! Please!"

"Young Master Gan, Brother Qing, I did it, you can do whatever you want!"


One by one, the young and Dangerous boys who won the bonus raised their glasses to pay respects to Gan Lianghong.

Gan Lianghong gave out a little pocket money, which not only helped Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi break the game, but also made a splash by the way. He stood up with a smile and waved to everyone.

Chuiji clings tightly to the 2000 yuan bonus, and suddenly feels that the money is very hot.

Chen Yaoqing came over with two glasses of wine: "Uncle Chuji, the grand prize has been taken away by you, and my wealth has also been taken away by you.

At this time, you won't even refuse to offer a cup of sweets, will you?
He is the young owner of the Yihai Group, and the water comes from a big water pipe. You should take a sip and give the younger brother a step down, otherwise, I really can't afford to offend him. "

Chuiji took the wine glass from Chen Yaoqing with a wry smile, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp: "Aqing, Zhanmi, you are really there, Uncle Chuiji is convinced. It's getting late, let's go first."

"Blowing Uncle Chicken for the prize, I'll give it to you."

"No, just stay."

Blowing Chicken stopped Lin Huaile who was approaching aggressively: "Let's go! Don't be seen as a joke. Today Lai Hao and Boxing King Peak are here, we can't beat them."

"Uncle Blowing Chicken, are we just being treated like monkeys by them?

When we go back to Tuodi next time, how will you and I explain to the sitting hall?With the 2000 yuan you drew? " Lin Huaile asked angrily.

"Just tell the truth!
The sitting hall originally sent us over to try it out.

Those are two real estate companies, and they are big deals worth millions.

Do you really think that by sending two flower baskets and two lions, the club can take advantage of it? Blowing Chicken sighed as he walked.

"Chen Yaoqing, white-eyed wolf!
Fortunately, we brought our brothers out to support him in Fulinmen!
Today I, Lin Huaile, put my words here. If Chen Yaoqing is cut down on the road one day, don't expect me to bring someone to rescue him. "Lin Huaile was very unconvinced on the surface, but smiled in his heart.

Even if He Liansheng can intervene in Brilliance, so what, he is less happy and can't get any money, isn't it still cheap to sit in the house and fat Deng?

The more Chen Yaoqing confronted the society, the more Fat Deng wanted to support Lin Huaile to come out to fight in the ring.

The coolie has not been pressed down before, and now there is an extra Wanchai tiger. If you don't promote someone in the hall, sooner or later you will be emptied by the Ding family.

The Ding Department refers to He Liansheng's internal team, headed by Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, and Chen Yaoqing. Big D, Aircraft, etc. are supported by Ding Yunfeng.

Unknowingly, the energy of the Ding family has been great.

This group has money, people, and connections to the police force.

Fei Deng was very afraid. He ignored Ding Yunfeng's warning and reached out to Huihui again. This move seemed to be a desperate attempt, but in fact, it was his helpless counterattack.


the other side.

Boss B and the others carried Chen Haonan and Da Tianer out of Fulinmen, immediately drove and rushed to the black clinic in Kowloon Walled City.

"Ghost Hand Liu, Ghost Hand Liu! Hurry up, I'm Hongxing Big Brother B, hurry up and save people!"

Big Brother B got off the car with Chen Haonan in his arms, kicked open the half-closed door of the clinic, and put him on a dilapidated operating bed that was stained with blood and could barely see the original color of the upholstery.

A skinny old man wearing a cap and a homemade surgical apron came out slowly.

He glanced at Chen Haonan's broken bone where the muscle was pierced, and then looked at Da Tianer, whose head was full of blood and glass shards.

Guishou Liu remained expressionless, moved his mouth and said, "The five thousand for the broken hand, and the other five hundred, pay the money first, and save the person later."

How could boss B carry so much money? He took off his watch and necklace and handed it to Guishou Liu: "Hold on to these two items. You save people first, and I'll ask someone to bring money to redeem them."

"A broken watch with gold-plated lens, and a false chain with gold-coated copper core!
Forget it, for Jiang Zhen's sake, I can barely accept you..." Guishou Liu put away the gold watch and chain, and finally agreed to arrange the operation.

Hearing the screams coming from inside.

Baopi's face was pale, and Chaopi clasped his hands together, as if he was praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Big Brother B went to the grocery store and called someone to bring money to redeem his property. Pheasant rubbed his swollen forehead. He walked to the door of Ghost Hand Liu, trying to peek inside.

"Go away!"

A strong force suddenly pushed the pheasant away, and he slammed into the wall, looking up at the nest skin in amazement: "Hey, are you crazy?"

"It's better if my nest skin is nervous than your pheasant is spineless!"

"Damn! Chaopi, what do you mean by that?" Pheasant blushed upon hearing this.

Chao Pi coldly poked his chest: "Da Tian Er would rather have his head shot than be wronged by Brother Nan, and Brother Nan would rather cut off his hand than bow to Chen Yaoqing;
Among our group, you are the least grown pheasant, and you kneel in front of so many people!

Brother B's face, Brother Nan's face, Da Tianer's face, our faces, all of them were lost by you bastard today!

roll!Get out of here immediately!

I'm afraid Brother Nan will wake up, he will feel sick when he sees you! "

 Today, a big guy tipped 10000 points, his ID is called Jiageng, I will try to add one tomorrow, today is too late!
(End of this chapter)

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