Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 116 Liu Yaozu is almost embarrassed

Chapter 116 Liu Yaozu is almost embarrassed
On Fulinmen's side, Chen Yaoqing and Chang Man sent off guests from all walks of life at the hotel entrance.

A Cong sneakily held the lottery box, took out a paper cutter, quickly cut it into pieces, and destroyed the tools used to 'commit the crime'.

Today, Tai Bao was beaten several times by Da Tian Er, and it happened that he was lucky enough to draw a big prize;

Blowing Chicken represents Fat Deng, who has been trying to get a little fortune from Brilliance by making insinuations, but he also won the grand prize! ! !
This lottery box that Chang Man has been holding has not been tampered with inside, how can it be such a coincidence?
Just like Gan Lianghong mentioned Zhan Mi in Brilliance, his method is a sideways trick. It works fine the first time, but it won't work in the future.

After all, anyone who thinks about it will be able to see that there are too many places that can be artificially manipulated in this loopy lottery model.

Fortunately, Gan Lianghong is willing to use the signboard of Yihai Group's prince to Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi, and Wu Shihao is present with a large group of righteous groups.

Even if there are a few smart people on the scene who see the tricks, they all know how to see through without telling the truth.

And one of them is Huadi, whose driving skills are not inferior to Chen Yaoqing's.

The elevator descended to the 1st floor, and the Tai Bao smiled wretchedly, and walked out holding a stack of banknotes: "Seventh Brother, Hua Brother, Portland Street tonight, I invite you."

"Portland Street, Portland Street, you know Portland Street.

Hurry back and wash your bad luck with grapefruit water!I don't know what you two are thinking, how dare you argue with Hong Xingzai on such an occasion today?

Fortunately, Boxing King Feng and Lai Hao are fairly fair.

Otherwise, your 2000 yuan is not enough for the three of us to buy a coffin! Seventh Brother glared at the Taibao, and turned sideways to avoid A Cong who was walking past in a hurry.

The Taibao was full of grievances: "Seventh brother, how can we blame us? Hong Xing's gang of bastards are too much..."

Seeing Brother Qi's complexion darken instantly, Brother Hua pushed the Taibao: "Hurry up and put away the money, do you think you are really lucky, and you will win the big prize with just one stroke?
Silly hey, this money is the decoction fee that people secretly supplement you with!
Da Tian Er punched your back several times, before it was dark, I will take you to see a doctor. "

"Oh, oh, oh." The Taibao suddenly realized, and hurriedly followed.

Seventh brother stopped the two of them, and handed over a business card: "Take him to the city walled city to find Blind Gongchun, and when he arrives, tell him that Shuai Qi introduced him, so that he won't be slaughtered like a fat sheep."

"Okay, thank you Seventh Brother."

"Tell me these things? If it weren't for me being a boss who couldn't get along, how could you two be bullied today? Go quickly..."

Watching Huadi Taibao drive away, Seventh Brother was standing at the intersection. He had just lit a cigarette when someone grabbed his shoulder.

Seventh Brother suddenly turned around, and found that the person coming was from the same club, and he was usually not very good at Trump: "Brother Trumpet? What can you do with me?"

"What's the matter? Don't you care about the matter of the boss? Are you still in the mood to come to Fulinmen for a banquet?" Trump's face was full of flesh, and his tone was very aggressive.

Seventh Brother shook his collar: "I have always cared about the matter of the boss, but Brother Tiger Qing of Wanchai posted a post, so why don't I come?"

"Yes, of course! Who doesn't know that Brother Seven has a lot of friends, and now even Brother Qing can talk to each other..."

Hearing the words, Lou Ba could only suppress his anger. These small clubs come from young and Dangerous people, and they are most concerned about who will make a fortune recently. Chen Yaoqing has become so popular recently, he can't afford to offend him.

"Don't talk nonsense, I want to borrow that handsome boy Hua of yours who drives very well." Speaker said in a slow tone, putting his arm around Seventh Brother's shoulder.

"Huadi? What do you want him to do?"

"What are you doing? Get in the car and talk about it! How can you talk about this kind of Jianghu thing on the street? It's funny!"


A Cong took care of the mess and quickly returned to the hall. Seeing Coolie Qiang, Han Bin, Dinosaur, Liang Kun and others coming out surrounded by Ding Yunfeng, Gan Lianghong and Wu Shihao, he quickly stepped aside.

"Young Master Gan, thank you so much today! If you weren't present, Ah Qing's opening banquet would definitely not have ended perfectly." Coolie Qiang was reckless, but he had been a boss for a year or two, and he could still speak on the spot.

Gan Lianghong patted his arm: "Brother Feng and I are good friends, don't be so polite, if there is such a big scene in the future, remember to let me know."

"Haha, as long as Young Master Gan doesn't dislike it, I will invite you every time."

"Okay! Everyone heard it. If you don't invite me next time, I will find you as a coolie."

"No problem, let's hang out, spit and nail..."

Ding Yunfeng was speechless when he saw the coolie talking more and more vigorously. Just when he was about to interrupt the other party, suddenly a dwarf jumped out beside him.

"Young Master Gan, why don't you take me back? It just happened to be on the way..." Han Chen smiled brightly, but before he finished speaking, Dawei had already put on a tiger's face, clasped his shoulders with five fingers, and I pinched those words back.

Gan Lianghong glanced at Han Chen lightly: "No, I have a private driver."

After finishing speaking, Gan Lianghong exchanged pleasantries with Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao, and walked slowly into the elevator under the protection of two burly Yiqun red sticks.

Han Chen's smile froze, but before he managed to break free from Dawei's grasp.

Wu Shihao had already raised his crutches, and yanked his head towards him: "Put the collar mother, hit the collar mother, hit the collar mother!"

Han Chen hurriedly squatted down with his head in his arms. He didn't dare to cry out the pain, nor dared to beg for mercy, and let the shadow of the stick fall on him.

"Are you thinking I'm blind?
Who on the road today doesn't know that Mr. Gan is the benefactor of our righteous group.

Once, twice, poaching in front of me, Wu Shihao?Even Ni Kun didn't dare, you're so good at running errands for him! "

Wu Shihao's eyes were bloodshot, he stared at Han Chen who was covered in blood and cursed.

"Brother Hao, let me throw this dwarf into the sea, otherwise, everyone on the road who regards us as a righteous group will be nothing but paper."

"Brother Hao, let me chop off his head and take it to Tsim Sha Tsui for Ni Kun."


Numerous righteous groups rushed to express their opinions, and Lai Hao listened silently, pulling his tie: "Today is a special day, let him have his life.

Da Wei and Xiao Wei, you put this street into a sack, throw it at the door of Ni Kun in Tsim Sha Tsui, and tell him by the way.

If members of the Ni family dare to continue to contact Gan Shao, Yiqun will fight against them! "

Han Chen retrieved his life and mumbled, "Thank you Brother Hao for your life..."

Seeing Wu Shihao finished disposing of Han Chen, Ding Yunfeng came over and handed him a cigarette: "Do you want me to go to Wharf with you tomorrow?"

"No need! For a person of Gan Shao's level, since he agrees, he will definitely arrange it properly. At that time, I will bring a few people and bring some gifts over there." Wu Shihao took the cigarette and lit it, and walked to the elevator side by side with Ding Yunfeng .

Ding Yunfeng walked to the door: "Okay, please contact me if you have anything, there are 1 positions, I guess we can't all arrange them at once..."

"Okay, long-winded, I can handle it." Wu Shihao got into the car, rolled down the window before leaving, and said to Ding Yunfeng: "Ah Feng, I heard the wind on the road, I heard... Liu Yaozu's The guy is going to be embarrassed?"

(End of this chapter)

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