Chapter 13 Soup Judy Benefits
Hearing Tang Zhudi's words, Fat Zaichao and Doll forced a smile and did not answer.

Both of them are high-level executives of the Walled City boxing management company, and Dong Ziqiang is also the speaker of the Walled City.

This kind of collaborating with gamblers to set up a trap to harm other gamblers is a big taboo in the Walled City Arena. If the doll-strong uncle Ding Ye knows, the two of them will inevitably be punished afterwards.

Although the Kowloon Walled City is chaotic, there is order in the chaos here.

The Walled City provides all illegal entertainment outside, and at the same time guarantees the personal and property safety of the benefactors from all walks of life.

Otherwise, if one comes in, it will be slaughtered as a fat sheep. After a few times, many big water hoses will not come to play!

Earlier, Liu Yaozu pitted his father-in-law Robinson into Stanley, and afterwards he wanted to inherit the latter's business relationship with the Wang family in real estate development.

Of course, the million-dollar Wang family didn't like this kind of bum, and when they ran into a wall in front of Wang Yifei several times, Liu Yaozu became furious and quickly set his sights on Wang Wanwan.

Wang Wanwan is recognized as an idiot, and Liu Yaozu became more courageous when he was able to steal a thousand dollars.

Seeing Tang Judy appearing tonight, he decisively spent a lot of money to get Fat Boy Chao and Doll to cooperate with him to cheat Tang Judy into the game!

Otherwise, Mr. Liu, who has a stud of millions, how could he be patient and let A Bing and Chen Xijiu get the limelight most of the night?
With a sinister smile, Liu Yaozu patted his palm lightly: "Dinosaur, you didn't hear Sister Zhu Di? Why don't you hurry up and call for someone?"

As soon as the voice fell, a man squatting in the corner stood up in response.

He walked to Liu Yaozu's side at a fast pace, and raised his head to reveal an evil face full of flesh: "Sister Zhu Di, hello, I am the dinosaur of Hehetu."

Dawei, who was standing beside Ding Yunfeng, let out a low cry: "Dinosaur? He is Hehetu's Red Stick! Pounce on the collar mother and ask a Red Stick to come out as a boxer. This Liu Yaozu must have spent a lot of money."

Ding Yunfeng looked at the short and sturdy body of the dinosaur and said nothing. What is going to the walled city ring?
In the movie "Supreme 36 Strategies: Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun".

The dinosaur was sent to Stanley Prison by Liu Yaozu, and he led people to repair Robinson every day, trying to dig out the 3 million bearer bonds from the latter's mouth! '

Wu Shihao walked over with a cigarette in his mouth: "Dinosaurs are nothing, but his big brother Binnie Tiger Han Bin is amazing!

In the past few days, there have been rumors on the road that Hong Xing is secretly contacting them, and may intend to poach their brothers to get ahead! "

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~" Serena shook her hands in disdain: "They already have the identity of the big bottom in Hehetu, how can they go to Hongxing later?"

Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly: "What if Jiang Zhen has the courage to directly promise territory to Han Bin and the others?"

"This..." Wu Shihao and the others froze upon hearing this.

At this time, Fatty Chao sent someone to call Wu Shihao away.

Naturally, Ding Yunfeng's horrific speculation has nothing to say.

Seeing that all the gold masters from all walks of life were picking fighters, Ding Yunfeng took out the bayonet and seized the time to sharpen his hand.

At this time, a graceful and delicate body slowly walked over.

The fragrance was blowing, and Tang Zhudi held a slender lady's cigarette in one hand, and stroked Ding Yunfeng's pectoralis major, which was holding up his shirt with the other: "Liangzifeng, my sister bet 200 million on you tonight, don't let me down." .”

this goblin...

Looking up at the flaming red lips in front of him, Ding Yunfeng playfully cast his eyes aggressively at the sensitive parts of the other party: "Sister Zhu Di, if I beat the other nine to the ground, what are you going to say tonight?"

Is this an opponent?
Tang Zhudi narrowed her eyes slightly.

Before walking close to Ding Yunfeng, she let out a puff of smoke towards the handsome face in front of her eyes: "Don't talk about beating up nine, as long as you get rid of that dinosaur, my sister will be inseparable from your benefits..."

Leaving an ambiguous look in her eyes, Tang Zhudi turned and left.

Xiaowei and his party were stunned, and when Tang Zhudi walked away, they stepped up and joked around Ding Yun one by one.

Especially Serena, who has the weakest resistance to female sex, actually took out an umbrella and prepared to force it to Ding Yunfeng.

"Sorry, I never use this kind of thing." Ding Yunfeng looked at Serena with a serious face, and the latter was greatly admired.

Ding Yunfeng quickly suppressed his smile after chasing away these few who were afraid of chaos in the world.

He had watched "Play Back To School 3 Year of the Rooster" in bed many times in his previous life, but he still didn't know what kind of person this Tang Judy was?

It's just coaxing the fool to work his life!

Thinking that something can happen with the other party afterwards is simply insulting the IQ of the reader.

At the same time, the third floor of the South Building.

Wu Shihao looked ugly, and shook his head at A Bing: "I'm sorry Brother Bing, I have been greatly favored by Inspector Lei, so I can't help you in the challenge."

"Damn! Lei Luo is not here, why are you showing your loyalty to the ghost?
What's more, I just asked you to hit Chen Xijiu's street fighter..." Ah Bing was so angry that his nostrils were filled with smoke.

Fat Zaichao also turned black: "Ahao! Is there something wrong with your brain? Am I your boss or Lei Luo is your boss?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Chao, but I've received a gift from someone for a thousand years!
Inspector Lei saved my life, and I, Wu Shihao, will definitely pay it back!
What's more, in my opinion, dealing with Chen Xijiu is actually the same as dealing with Inspector Lei. Wu Shihao resolutely shook his head, turned and walked down the stairs.

Fat Zaichao was contradicted by his younger brother, and he couldn't get off the stage for a moment. With A Bing on the side, he was so angry that he overturned two tables in a row.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the doll Qiang came to the rescue.

He brings a boxer to A Bing, and by the way, Fat Zai Chao.

Fat Zaichao lost face in front of A Bing, and hurriedly took the opportunity to leave, but just as he went downstairs, Chen Xijiu sent someone to call him.

Cursing secretly, Fei Zaichao held back his anger and put on a smile, and rushed to the North Tower with a few of his subordinates.

"Inspector Chen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the hospitality is not good, the hospitality is not good!

I was called by Boss Liu just now. After all, this involves millions of bets, please understand, haha. "

With the effort of lighting a cigar, Chen Xijiu suppressed the sarcasm in his eyes.

Looking up and pointing at Wei Wen standing behind Fat Zai Chao, Chen Xijiu deliberately said in an angry tone, "Liang Zaifeng was bought by Sister Zhu Di, and I want to borrow your winner Ma Weiwen.

I don't wrong him, I bought him 50 yuan to win, I only have one request, after taking the stage, help me destroy that boxer, A Bing, who threw himself into the street. "

Wei Wen's face turned pale, if it was before, he wouldn't dare to continue.

But in the daytime, Ding Yunfeng's punch was uncomfortable, and now he has at most [-]% of his fighting power left. Once he is in the ring, there is no other ending except death.

"Brother Nine, Wei Wen is not very convenient..."

"Damn! Are you kidding me? Could it be that he came to be a big aunt?"

"No, Brother Nine, the thing is like this..."

Fatty tried his best to explain the whole story, but Chen Xijiu didn't listen at all.

In addition, at this time, Ah Bing had already borrowed a boxer from Doll Qiang, and when he saw that Chen Xijiu was not ready to fight, he immediately started to get angry.

How could Inspector Abalone, who had finally gotten himself up, be able to bear it?

Just when Fei Zaichao was entangled by him, the young woman Zhao who was the first to spend money to support Ding Yunfeng came down from the fourth floor: "Inspector Chen, Sister Zhu Di said, if you trust Liang Zaifeng, you By the way, she will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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