Chapter 12
Tonight, the Walled City Arena was a blast!
Fu Yixing is the fourth and ninth child, and a coolie who is proficient in the twelve-way Tan legs, unexpectedly let a gentle boy kick him off the ring with three or two moves.

"Made, waste! Jin Yalei also said that you have the strength of a red stick? Bah! I think you will be called a lame when you are a coolie!" A Bing was so angry that he overturned the tea table, and several followers and followers panicked and hid aside. .

In order to protect A Bing, a troublesome brother-in-law, Yan Tong personally finds Fu Yixing to sit in Jin Yalei, and asks him for a master to act as a bodyguard.

Knowing that he is going to work with the waste Chai Bing, Jin Yalei originally wanted to refuse.

Reluctantly, more than 1 people in Fu Yixing had to eat with Yan Tong. Fu Yixing had to send a coolie, a candidate, to deal with it.

Most of the societies on Hong Kong Island originated from the Hongmen of the former dynasty.

Blue Lantern is a non-staff member of the guild; Sijiu is an official member whose name is written into the seabed (guild list).

There are three positions above [-]: straw sandals, white paper fans, and red sticks; and further up are the second-line marshal, the master of palm counting, and the leader (sitting in the hall).

Forty-nine upgraded straw sandals/white paper fans/red sticks, commonly known as Zhazhi, and those who have not tied up for three years are called old Sijiu.

Starting from the level of straw sandals, the bottom is the big bottom, which can be said to be a recognized big brother figure in the world.

Earlier, Ah Bing promised a generous reward, as long as Coolie Qiang helped him win all of Chen Xijiu today, afterward he lobbied his brother-in-law Yan Tong to let Fu Yixing open another cigarette stall.

Coolie Qiang, who has long been impatient to serve this scum, is naturally going to fight for his life.

If this is done, he will be considered as a source of income for the society. Jin Yalei must not only send someone to replace him, but also help him get a job as soon as possible. Otherwise, how can he convince the public by sitting in the hall?
It's a pity that the coolie was too unlucky. When he met Ding Yunfeng, a badass, A Bing lost 20 yuan in a street attack. No one paid attention to him until Ding Yunfeng stepped off the ring...

A few waiters from the Chengzhai Boxing Brokerage Company came in silently, tidied things up quickly, and quietly retreated.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Compared with the many rich women who chattered about "beautiful peak bravely fights lame and strong", Ah Bing poured two bowls of herbal tea, but still couldn't quench his anger.

He had won three consecutive matches against Chen Xijiu, earning a total of 13 yuan in profit.

But this time, not only did he lose all of it, but he also had to continue to withdraw 7 yuan from the Chengzhai Boxing Brokerage Company to pay Chen Xijiu.

Although with Yan Tong as a backer, Chengzhai will not force him to withdraw money overnight, but thinking of asking his brother-in-law to come forward to settle the account afterwards...

A Bing was so angry that he picked up his teacup, strode to the edge of the stage, and slammed Ding Yunfeng who was walking down the ring.

Ding Yunfeng was accepting the mission reward when he suddenly noticed a foreign object coming through the air. He took the teacup reflexively and threw it back.

"Ah!" Ah Bing screamed, covering his nose with his right hand, blood oozing from his fingers.

Most of the people present were afraid of Yan Tong, and it was very hard for them to laugh if they wanted to laugh, but they couldn't laugh. Those rich women didn't hate Yan Tong, and they all covered their mouths and pointed at A Bing.

"If you can't afford to lose, don't gamble. You really don't have a chance to gamble if you vent your anger on a boxer." Chen Xijiu, with natural curly hair that can't be suppressed by a balm, showed a sarcasm, and took the opportunity to spray.

A Bing angrily pushed away several attendants who were supporting him: "I, A Bing, can't afford to lose? If I have a chance, I will come to another shop, and this shop will bet 50..."

Chen Xijiu's eyes lit up when he saw that the idiot on the other side was really fooled.

But before he could speak, a sneer came from the stands on the fourth floor of the East Building: "Are you two finished? Do you want us to watch you play house all night?"

Chen Xijiu and A Bing suddenly changed their colors, but when they found out that it was Liu Yaozu who spoke, they both chose to hold back their anger.

Although Liu's method of making a fortune is a bit dirty, the property under the other party's name involves docks, real estate and some gray areas.

Neither of them could afford to offend unless Lei Luo or Yan Tong were present.

Liu Yaozu toasted and walked to the edge of the stand: "Doll Qiang, it's been almost an hour, how long do you have to wait for the exciting program you talked about on the phone?"

The doll walked out with a strong smile: "Boss Liu, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal..."

"Hey, what time is it? If you don't serve dinner anymore, I'm going home to put on a mask." Tang Judy, who hadn't spoken all night, came out with a twisted waist, A tight red and black dress is extremely eye-catching.

"Sister Judy!"

The rich women who had been tormented so many times on the second floor ran up to the fourth floor obediently one by one. They first said hello to Tang Zhudi, and then stood behind this woman.

"It's worthless, one or two can't walk when they see a pretty boy..." Tang Zhudi didn't look back, and while winking at Ding Yunfeng downstairs, he kept admonishing him.

From the young woman Zhao in her 20s to Miss Zhou in her 60s, everyone buried their heads and dared not speak.

In terms of financial resources, their husband's family and mother-in-law's family combined cannot match a royal family;
In terms of ability, they also marry into wealthy families, they are just men's vassals;

However, Tang Zhudi not only started a company by himself as the boss, but also controlled part of the shares of Wangjia Real Estate Group.

Don't say that her husband Wang Wanwan can't hold her down, even Wang Yifei, the family man, wants to give her daughter-in-law three points!

"Mr. Liu, Sister Zhu Di, you two must not get angry." The doll smiled apologetically, and looked at Fat Boy Chao who rushed over. The latter announced loudly that the next bloody battle will start.

Ding Yunfeng avoided Tang Zhudi's constant winks. Readers all know that Ding Yunfeng is not a casual person!
"Mother-in-law, are Fat Zaichao and Doll Qiang crazy? They actually started a bloody battle?" Dawei turned pale, and quickly handed the sharpened M1 rifle bayonet to Ding Yunfeng.

Seeing the doubts on Ding Yunfeng's face, Serena quickly explained: "Brother Feng, a bloody fight means that ten fighters will fight together, and then everyone will fight until the last one is left!
In addition to not being allowed to bring guns, this kind of arena is not limited to other weapons! "

"Brother Feng, you can't go up, you will die..." A Ping was so scared that his face turned pale.

Dawei pushed A Ping away, and scratched his head irritably: "The bloody battle is also a kind of promotion, and the boxers registered tonight, once they are selected, you can't refuse.

Ah Feng performed so brilliantly before, there must be a patron who paid him to compete. "

Sure enough, as soon as Dawei finished speaking, there was a stern shout from outside: "Mr. Liu bet 100 million yuan to call the handsome boy on the peak."

Ding Yunfeng looked up at the east tower and found a gloomy-looking man in a suit with gold-rimmed glasses on the fourth floor of the stands. He was pointing at himself and talking to Judy Tang from a distance.

At the same time, the fourth floor of the North Building.

Tang Zhudi looked stern, looking at the doll Qiang: "Wait a minute, I'll offer 110 million, I won't be on stage if I buy Liangzifeng!"

Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao looked at each other and smiled, and the latter pretended to be helpless and replied: "Sister Zhu Di, there are people who spend money to get into the ring. There has never been a precedent like you spending money to prevent people from getting into the ring."

"The rules of the walled city arena are set by my uncle's generation!" The doll worked hard all night just to get a hand in this bloody battle, how could he agree to Tang Zhudi's request at this time?

"Sister Judy, unless you can convince my uncle, we cannot accept your request."

Naturally, Tang Zhudi would not go to see Lord Ding just because of a pretty boy. She scanned Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao with her wonderful eyes, and finally landed on Liu Yaozu in the East Building.

"200 million, I will order my pretty boy to compete!
Last week, my husband was paid 200 million by someone betting on stud. Today I will take over your round and let the boxer you prepared come out. Don’t think I don’t know. "

(End of this chapter)

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